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Making Mass

Customization Work

by B. Joseph Pine II, Bart Victor, and Andrew C. Boynton

No. 93509

Making Mass Customization Work

by B. Joseph Pine II, Bart Victor, and Andrew C. Boynton

Continuous improvement at Toyota Motor new-product-development time to 18 months, offer-

Company is now a business legend. For three ing customers a wide range of options for each
decades, Toyota enlisted its employees in a relentless model, and manufacturing and delivering a made-to-
drive to find faster, more efficient methods to develop order car within three days.
and make low-cost, defect-free cars. The results were In the last 18 months, however, Toyota has run
stupendous. Toyota became the benchmark in the into trouble and has had to retreat, at least tem-
automobile industry for quality and low cost. porarily, from its goal of becoming a mass cus-
The same, however, cannot be said for mass cus- tomizer. As production costs soared, top managers
tomization, Toyota’s latest pioneering effort. With widened product-development and model life cycles
U.S. companies finally catching up, Toyota’s top and asked dealers to carry more inventory. After
managers set out in the late 1980s to use their highly Toyota’s investigations revealed that 20% of the
skilled, flexible work force to make varied and often product varieties accounted for 80% of the sales, it
individually customized products at the low cost of reduced its range of offerings by one-fifth.
standardized, mass-produced goods. They saw this What happened? Was Toyota’s new goal off-base
approach as a more advanced stage of continuous in the first place, or was the mass-customization
improvement. program a victim of troublesome economic times?
As recently as early 1992, Toyota seemed to be Many analysts believe that Japan’s recession and the
well on its way to achieving its goals of lowering its devaluation of the dollar against the yen were the
culprits that forced Toyota’s pullback. These factors
had undermined the company’s competitive posi-
tion and were causing its profits to slide. But,
B. Joseph Pine II, president of Strategic Horizons, Inc., a consult-
ing firm based in Ridgefield, Connecticut, is the author of Mass
according to Toyota top managers, these weren’t the
Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition only reasons for the company’s retrenchment. They
(Harvard Business School Press, 1993). Bart Victor, a specialist acknowledged that they had learned the hard way
in organizational design and process management, is associate that mass customization is not simply continuous
professor of management at the Kenan-Flagler Business School improvement plus.
at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Andrew C.
Boynton, a specialist in information technology and strategic
All too often, executives at manufacturing as well
management, is professor at the International Institute for as service companies that have been pursuing con-
Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. tinuous improvement do not realize that mass cus-

Copyright © 1993 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.
tomization is a distinct and, generally, a very unfa- the combination of how and when they interact to
miliar way of doing business. This mistake is under- make a product or provide a service is constantly
standable. The frequent process enhancements changing in response to what each customer wants
generated by continuous improvement can increase and needs. From continually trying to meet these
the inherent flexibility of those processes. And, as a demands, the mass-customization organization
work force gets better and better, expanding its learns what new capabilities it requires. Its employ-
range of skills, it can handle an increasingly com- ees are on a quest to increase their own skills, as
plex set of tasks, such as assembling a variety of well as those of the unit and the network, in a never-
products or delivering tailored services. ending campaign to expand the number of ways the
While executives are correct in thinking that con- company can satisfy customers.
tinuous improvement is a prerequisite for mass cus- Managers in these ever-changing settings are coor-
tomization, one thing is becoming clear from the dinators whose success depends on how well they
experiences of companies such as Toyota, Amdahl, perfect the links that make up the dynamic net-
and Dow Jones. Continuous improvement and mass work. They strive to make it ever easier and less
customization require very different organizational costly for the process modules to come together to
structures, values, management roles and systems, satisfy unique customer requests. And they lead the
learning methods, and ways of relating to cus- effort to increase the range of things that the organi-
tomers. zation can do. They must create a culture that places
In continuous-improvement systems, tightly a high value on the diversity of employees’ capabili-
linked teams bridge disparate functions that typi- ties because the greater the diversity of the modules,
cally interact with each other in a predictable, the greater the range of customization the organiza-
sequential manner. A hallmark is the conviction tion can offer.
that every process must contribute to satisfying the What all this boils down to is that mass cus-
customer by constantly and incrementally achiev- tomization is a totally different world from continu-
ing higher quality. But a big difference from mass- ous improvement. It is a world in which the
customizing systems is that workers do not unpredictable nature of each customer’s demands is
question the basic design of the product that they considered an opportunity. To exploit that opportu-
are assigned to build; they assume it to be what cus- nity, the organization must perpetually generate
tomers want. new product teams. The key to success is designing
Continuous-improvement organizations school a linkage system that can bring together whatever
workers in tools and techniques to help them modules are necessary—instantly, costlessly, seam-
improve the tasks they must perform. The funda- lessly, and frictionlessly.
mental precept is to learn by doing a task and then
do it better. Managers of such organizations lead
everyone on a relentless mission to eliminate waste
and enhance quality through a vision of “being the When Mass Customization
best,” while still ensuring reliable outcomes from Cannot Work
routine tasks. These managers are eternally striving
to tighten the links between processes so that every Continuous improvement can certainly be a sub-
team and individual worker knows how its function set of mass customization. The autonomous operat-
affects others and ultimately the quality of the prod- ing units within a mass customizer can and should
uct or service. They must be coaches who con- strive to continuously improve their processes. But
stantly urge employees to interact, converse, as Toyota, for one, seems to have finally realized,
improve, and do what is right for the team. They try mass customization generally cannot be a subset of
to foster values that create a sense of community continuous improvement.
because the interests of the individual are subsumed One of the main causes of Toyota’s recent prob-
within the interests of the team, the company, and lems was that it had been pursuing mass customiza-
the customer. tion but had retained the structures and systems of
Mass customization, on the other hand, requires a continuous-improvement organizations. By doing
dynamic network of relatively autonomous operat- this, Toyota ended up not succeeding at mass cus-
ing units. Each module is typically a specific process tomization and, at the same time, undermining its
or task, like making a given component, a distinc- continuous-improvement efforts.
tive welding method, or performing a credit check. For example, Toyota assumed that its work force
The modules, which may include outside suppliers had attained the skills needed to handle production
and vendors, typically do not interact or come of its rapidly growing range of product offerings. But
together in the same sequence every time. Rather, when the frequently changing tasks butted up

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993 109

against the limit of workers’ capabilities, managers improvement, adopted a goal similar to Toyota’s:
did not realize that the problems stemmed from a deliver a custom-built mainframe in a week.
failure to transform the organization. Rather than However, Amdahl did not achieve its objective
developing the loose network necessary to make a through flexible process capabilities, a dynamic net-
mass-customization organization work, Toyota work, or anything else resembling mass customiza-
managers turned to machines. Over time, this ended tion. It stocked inventory for every possible
up weakening the skills of the workers and thus vio- combination that customers could order, an
lated an essential tenet of continuous improvement. approach that ended up saddling it with hundreds of
It also caused internal friction. millions of dollars in excess inventory.
One action Toyota took was to invest heavily in MÊDow Jones, through the Wall Street Journal and
robots. But as one Toyota manager later com- its other news-gathering resources, has a storehouse
mented, “Robots don’t make suggestions.” Toyota of information that it can customize and then
also installed monitors at some stations along the deliver in a number of ways, including newswires,
assembly line that told workers how to put together faxes, and on-line computer systems. Dow Jones,
a particular car. And the company installed com- however, has not yet found the right formula for
puter-controlled spotlights illuminating the bins packaging services at a low price that would allow it
containing the right components. These measures to increase its share of the market. We suspect that
deprived employees of opportunities to learn and two factors are responsible. Dow Jones seems to be
think about the processes and, therefore, reduced trying to push a somewhat customized product out
their ability to improve them. the door rather than first determining what cus-
Another big problem at Toyota was that product tomers truly need and how they want it delivered.
proliferation took on a life of its own. Like mindless The company also doesn’t appear to have developed
continuous improvers, engineers created technically the organizational capabilities that would enable it
elegant features regardless of whether customers to lower its costs enough to expand the still emerg-
wanted the additional choices. In mass customiza- ing market for customized information.
tion, customer demand drives model varieties.
A third problem arose when Toyota’s manage- Despite the fact so many companies are strug-
ment, in its pursuit of low-cost customization, gling, scores of others are joining the quest. The
pushed product development teams to use more appeal is understandable. Mass customization offers
common components across its models. At Toyota, a solution to a basic dilemma that has plagued gen-
project leaders have overall responsibility for the erations of executives.
development of a given model, but separate teams
develop individual components, such as brake sys-
tems or transmissions, which ideally will be used in
several models. Project leaders felt that the intensi- Breaking New Ground
fying pressure to share components was forcing
them to compromise their models, and they began Until the widespread adoption of continuous
to resist. Eventually, the company couldn’t achieve improvement began about 15 years ago, either/or
targeted levels for sharing design expertise, compo- dichotomies dictated most managerial choices. A
nents, and production processes, and overall product company could pursue a strategy of providing large
development costs rose. volumes of standardized goods or services at a low
Other companies have also been attempting to cost, or it could decide to make customized or
achieve mass customization with less than optimal highly differentiated products in smaller volumes at
results. Some of their experiences highlight the a high cost. In other words, companies had to choose
potential pitfalls companies can encounter in trying between being efficient mass producers and being
to make this leap. innovative specialty businesses. Quality and low
cost and customization and low cost were assumed
MÊ Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Mazda have run into to be trade-offs.
many of the same problems that hurt Toyota. This old competitive dictum was grounded in the
Nissan, for example, reportedly had 87 different seemingly well-substantiated notion that the two
varieties of steering wheels, most of which were strategies required very different ways of managing,
great engineering feats. But customers did not want and, therefore, two distinct organizational forms.
many of them and disliked having to choose from so The mechanistic organization, so named because
many options. of the management emphasis on automating tasks
MÊAmdahl, which built its business on a low-cost and treating workers like machines, consists of a
strategy but never made the move to continuous bureaucratic structure of functionally defined,

110 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993

highly compartmentalized jobs. Managers and customers. Also, variety in and of itself is not neces-
industrial engineers study and define tasks, and sarily customization, and it can be dangerously
workers execute them. Employees learn their jobs expensive. Some consumer electronics retailers and
by following rigid rules under tight supervision. supermarkets today are experiencing a backlash from
In contrast, the organic organization, so named customers confused by too broad a range of choices.
because of its fluid and ever-changing nature, is Continuous improvement will continue to be a
characterized by an adaptable structure of loosely very viable strategy for companies whose markets
defined jobs. These are typically held by highly are relatively stable and predictable. But those com-
skilled craftsmen. They learn through apprentice- panies whose markets are highly turbulent because
ships and experience, are governed by personal or of factors like changing customer needs, technologi-
professional standards, and are motivated by a desire cal advances, and diminishing product life cycles are
to create a unique or breakthrough product. ripe for mass customization.
The mechanistic organization, whether in a man- To have even a chance of successfully becoming a
ufacturing or a service setting, gives managers the mass customizer, though, companies must first
control and predictability required to achieve high achieve high levels of quality and skills and low
levels of efficiency. The organic organization yields cost. For this reason, it seems impossible for mass
the craftsmanship needed to pursue a differentiation producers to make the leap without first going
or niche strategy. Each of these organizational forms through continuous improvement.
has innate limitations, however, which in the past Westpac, the Australian financial services giant, is
have forced managers to choose one or the other. a case in point. It spent huge sums attempting to
Almost all change is anathema to the mechanistic become a mass customizer by automating both the
organization. And the artistry and informality at the creation and delivery of its products. It wanted to
heart of the organic organization defy efforts to reg- install software building blocks that would allow it
ulate and control. to create new financial products like mortgages and
The development of the continuous-improvement securities more quickly. Strategically, the move
and the mass-customization models show that com- made sense. Deregulation had spawned a dizzying
panies can overcome the traditional trade-offs. In array of new products and services, and intensifying
other words, companies can have it all. competition had caused significant downward pres-
Continuous improvement has enabled thousands sure on prices.
of companies to realize lower costs than traditional Westpac tried to leapfrog continuous improve-
mass producers and still achieve the distinctive ment by going from mass production directly to
quality of craft producers. But mass customization mass customization. The challenges of automating
has enabled its adherents, which are as varied as inflexible processes, building on ossified products,
Motorola, Bell Atlantic, the diversified insurer and trying to create a fluid network within a hierar-
United Services Automobile Association (USAA), chical organization—particularly at a time when the
TWA Getaway Vacations, and Hallmark, to go a step company was in poor financial condition due to
further. These companies are achieving low costs, intensifying competition in depressed markets—
high quality, and the ability to make highly varied, proved too difficult. Westpac has had to scale back
often individually customized products. significantly its ambitious dreams of becoming a tai-
lored-product factory.
As we have stressed, even a company that has
mastered continuous improvement must change
Is Your Company Ready for radically the way it is run to become a successful
Mass Customization? mass customizer. A company must break apart the
long-lasting, cross-functional teams and strong rela-
Since achieving mass customization requires noth- tionships built up for continuous improvement to
ing less than a transformation of the business, man- form dynamic networks. It must change the focus of
agers must assess whether their companies must and employee learning from incremental process
whether in fact they can make the transformation. improvement to generating ever-increasing capabili-
Not all markets are appropriate for mass cus- ties. And leaders must replace a vision of “being the
tomization. Customers of commodity products like best” in an industry with an ideology of satisfying
oil, gas, and wheat, for example, do not demand dif- whatever customers want, when they want it.
ferentiation. In other markets, like public utilities The traditional mechanistic organization, aimed
and government services, regulation often bars cus- at achieving low-cost mass production, is segmented
tomization. In some markets, the possible variations into very narrow compartments, often called func-
in services or products simply are of little value to tional or vertical silos, each of which performs an

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993 111

isolated task. Information is passed up, and deci- 2. Costless. Beyond the initial investment
sions are handed down. Compensation of employ- required to create it, the linkage system must add as
ees, who are viewed as mere cogs in the wheel, is little as possible to the cost of making the product or
generally based on standardized, narrowly defined service. Many service businesses have databases
job levels or categories. that make available all the information they know
In continuous-improvement organizations, the about their customers and their requirements to all
control system is much more, although never com- the modules, so nothing new needs to be regener-
pletely, horizontal. Increasingly, teams have not ated. USAA, for example, uses image technology
only responsibility for but also authority over a that can scan and electronically store paperwork and
problem or task area. Such organizations are mov- a companywide database, so every representative
ing to much more generalized and overlapping job who comes into contact with a customer knows
descriptions as well as to team-based compensa- everything about him or her.
tion. 3. Seamless. An IBM executive once com-
When mass customization is the objective, organi- mented, correctly, “You always ship your organiza-
zations structured around cross-functional teams tion.” What he meant was, if you have seams in your
can create horizontal silos just as isolated and ulti- organization, you are going to have seams in your
mately damaging to the long-term health of the product, such as programs that do not work well
organization as vertical silos have been. When together in a computer system. Since a dynamic net-
Toyota expanded dramatically its variety, for exam- work is essentially constructing a new, instant team
ple, it found that tightly linked teams did not share to deal with every customer interaction, the occa-
easily across their boundaries to improve the general sions for “showing the seams” are many indeed. The
capabilities of the company. As a result, the costs of recent adoption of case workers or case managers is
increasing variety rapidly outstripped any value it one way service companies like USAA and IBM
was creating for customers. Credit Corporation avoid this. These people are
To achieve successful mass customization, man- responsible for the company’s relationship with the
agers need first to turn their processes into modules. customer and for coordinating the creation of the
Second, they need to create an architecture for link- customized product or service. They ensure that no
ing them that will permit them to integrate rapidly seams appear.
in the best combination or sequence required to tai- 4. Frictionless. Companies that are still predomi-
lor products or services. The coordination of the nantly continuous improvers may have the most
overall dynamic network is often centralized, while trouble attaining this attribute. The need to create
each module retains operational authority for its instant teams for every customer in a dynamic net-
particular process. Job descriptions become increas- work leaves no time for the kind of extensive team
ingly broad and may even disappear. And compensa- building that goes on in continuous-improvement
tion for each module, whether it’s a team or an organizations. The instant teams must be frictionless
individual, is based on the uniqueness and value of from the moment of their creation, so information
the contributions it makes toward producing the and communications technologies are mandatory for
product. achieving this attribute. These technologies are nec-
essary to find the right people, to define and create
boundaries for their collective task, and to allow
them to work together immediately without the ben-
Making Mass Customization Work efit of ever having met.
Using technology. In mechanistic organizations,
The key to coordinating the process modules is a the primary use of technology is to automate tasks,
linkage system with four key attributes. replacing human labor with mechanical or digital
1. Instantaneous. Processes must be able to be machines. People are sources of variation and are
linked together as quickly as possible. First, the relatively costly, so mass producers often try to
product or service each customer wants must be automate their companies as much as possible. This
defined rapidly, preferably in collaboration with the has the natural effect of reducing the numbers and
customer. Mass customizers like Dell Computer, skills of the work force.
Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, and LSI Logic use special In continuous-improvement companies, where
software that records customer desires and trans- workers are not only allowed but also encouraged to
lates them into a design of the needed components. think about their jobs and how processes can be
Then the design is quickly translated into a set of improved, technology is primarily used to augment
processes, which are integrated rapidly to create the workers’ knowledge and skills. Measurement and
product or service. analysis programs, computerized decision-support

112 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993

Overcoming the Hurdles at Bally
In 1990, Tom Pietrocini, president of Bally He developed an organization in which people talked
Engineered Structures Inc. of Bally, Pennsylvania, to each other about production problems and enjoyed
decided that his company had to become a mass cus- solving them together. They were driven by the vision
tomizer to survive. He concluded that Bally had to of being the number one walk-in refrigerator company.
change from a company that made specific products, Bally was making considerable progress in enhanc-
like refrigerated rooms and walk-in coolers, to one that ing its quality and bringing its costs in line with the
could make a growing range of products tailored to rest of the industry when the last recession hit. That
individual customers’ needs but at the cost of standard brought the already staggering industry to its knees.
mass-produced goods. Ideally, just what those products Before joining Bally, Pietrocini had worked in the auto-
might be would be determined largely by how cus- parts business, where he had twice expanded opera-
tomers wanted Bally to use its hopefully ever-expand- tions only to have to shrink them drastically during the
ing set of capabilities to satisfy them. OPEC-induced oil crises. After those painful experi-
It is too early to claim victory. With its markets still ences, he was loath to assume that Bally’s market
severely depressed, Bally is struggling. But its product would fully rebound after the recession. He judged that
range has widened to include even cleanrooms for the continuous improvement alone would not be able to
pharmaceutical industry, and today every product is save the company and decided instead to remake it into
tailored for each customer. Much more significant are an organization that thrives on the fickleness of cus-
the sweeping changes within the company that made tomers and the turbulence of the markets.
the move to mass customization possible, such as the Unlike many CEOs who have embarked on the road
restructuring of process capabilities into modules that to mass customization only to stumble badly,
can be summoned in the numbers and combinations Pietrocini committed his company with his eyes wide
needed to create anything a particular customer seeks. open. He understood that becoming a mass customizer
When Pietrocini joined Bally in 1983, it was a staid, would entail radical changes in organizational struc-
high-cost mass producer that had been struggling to ture, systems, and culture. And during the last three
compete in a mature, cyclical industry soon to be years, he has succeeded at methodically transforming
wracked by price wars. It had positioned itself as a the $50 million company.
“quality” manufacturer, a strategy that had consigned This transformation would not have been possible
it to the unenviable position of having to persuade cus- if Bally were still a mass producer. In those days, no
tomers to pay increasingly high premiums for its mar- one in manufacturing thought much about cus-
ginally better products. tomers, let alone about their needs and wants. Aside
Realizing this was untenable, Pietrocini started turn- from quality and cost levels that were out of kilter
ing Bally into a lean, cost-efficient manufacturer that with the industry’s, innovation—in terms of both
could grow by gaining market share. He hoped to products and processes—had stagnated at Bally.
achieve this by using the continuous-improvement Although the continuous-improvement efforts gave
approach to reduce significantly the number of defects Bally a fighting chance of making the leap to mass
and the time required to fill orders. Over several years, customization, the pillars of that approach were also
he broke down barriers between functions, created obstacles that had to be removed. Even employees’
quality teams that were given wide latitude to make perceptions of what Bally’s business was got in the
changes, and instilled within employees the belief that way of transformation.
it was each person’s responsibility not just to do a job As part of the continuous-improvement drive,
but to figure out ways to do it better. Pietrocini had worked to convince employees that they

systems, videoconferencing, and even machine works, shared databases that let everyone view the
tools are aids, not people replacements. customer information simultaneously, computer-
In the dynamic networks of mass customizers, integrated manufacturing, workflow software, and
technology still automates tasks where that makes tools like groupware (such as Lotus Notes) can auto-
sense. Certainly, technology must augment people’s mate the links so that a company can summon
knowledge and skills, but the elements of mass cus- exactly the right resources to service a customer’s
tomization require that technology must also auto- unique desires and needs.
mate the links between modules and ensure that the Many managers still view the promises of
people and the tools necessary to perform them are advanced technologies through the lens of mass pro-
brought together instantly. Communication net- duction. But for mass customizers, the promise of

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993 113

were integral members of what was going to be “the structure was so rigid, it made doing so very difficult.
best walk-in refrigerator company.” That was fine Customers had to choose from a set number of standard
when a good goal was continuing to do today what was product offerings in a catalog. Then, because of the
done yesterday, only better. But this perception was an bureaucratic way that the company processed orders, it
impediment to becoming a mass customizer. Workers took weeks just to get them to the shop floor. In addi-
had questioned, for instance, whether Bally should be tion, manufacturing processes were organized in a
making under-the-counter blast chillers, which process sequential order that left no room for modifications.
food instead of just storing it. Bally has now not only broken up its tightly inte-
Now Pietrocini is trying to get employees to view grated set of processes but also has greatly expanded it.
the company in terms of its capabilities and values In the old days, when every order reached the factory
rather than as a maker of a concrete set of products. He floor, the foam panels, metal skins, corners, floors, ceil-
preaches that things like efficiency, flexibility, and ings, doors, and refrigeration units needed to cool the
quality are the end rather than the means to achieving structure were built in largely that sequence. Since
a rather limited purpose. He points out that customer then, the number of customer options has soared from
demands and Bally’s widening array of process capabil- 12 to 10,000. And to create these options, Bally has
ities will determine what it will create. greatly increased its number of process modules, so it
Pietrocini also had to find ways to ensure that Bally’s can offer such features as welded construction and a
capabilities kept expanding. He encouraged employees much wider range of finishes and air- and electrical-
to listen to and learn from every customer, and not just control systems. Different modules are now called on
to depend on customer-reported defects or periodic cus- to make each specific order, whether it is for a blast
tomer-satisfaction surveys for feedback, as had been chiller, a clean room, or a freezer that can withstand
the tradition. steam cleaning.
Bally’s experience with one customer is a case in The nervous system for Bally’s new dynamic net-
point. This customer decided to abandon Bally because work is a sophisticated information-management sys-
his walk-in-freezers’ floors kept wearing out in as little tem that Bally calls the computer-driven intelligence
as 18 months. Bally engineers discovered that the cus- network (CDIN). A sales rep can custom-design each
tomer was cleaning the freezers with hot steam, some- order in the customer’s office on a laptop computer
thing they were not designed to endure. connected to the CDIN via a modem. Once the design
Bally would never have been able to advance the is completed, manufacturing software in the CDIN
existing technology for making its products to the defines the precise combination of process modules
point where they could withstand that kind of punish- required to make the product.
ment, but the company didn’t simply write off the cus- The network electronically connects everyone in the
tomer as unreasonable as it might have done in the company, as well as independent sales reps, suppliers,
past. Instead, a project team made up of people from and customers. The CDIN’s databases contain nearly
various areas of the company worked on a solution all the information Bally uses, including such things as
part-time for two years. Ultimately, the team devel- leads, quotes, designs, purchase orders, and the skills
oped a completely new, patented technology that pre- and experiences of all Bally employees. This allows
vented moisture from entering crevices and destroying everyone to access the information they need to know
the floor. Bally not only won back this customer but without having to contend with functional boundaries.
also has used the technology for others. It also enables everyone to find quickly the people who
Bally’s structure also had to change radically to make have the skills they need for whatever issue that arises.
the leap to mass customization. Before Pietrocini “We’re a company of 400 people that behaves as if it
joined the company, Bally was producing modular pan- were a company of 4 people, who talk to each other
els that theoretically should have enabled it to cus- every day to decide how to best satisfy the customer of
tomize individual orders. But the organization’s the moment,” Pietrocini says.

technology is not the lights-out factory or the fully Beach, Florida, for example, can produce pagers—
automated back office. It is used as a tool to tap thanks to hardware and software modularity—in lot
more effectively all the diverse capabilities of sizes as small as one within hours of an order arriv-
employees to service customers. ing from a customer. The pager business is also a
While automating the links between modules is good example of how a mass customizer can auto-
crucial, often some modules themselves can be mate links between modules. At Motorola, a sales
automated by adopting, for example, a flexible man- rep and a customer design together, on a rep’s laptop
ufacturing system that can choose instantly any computer, the set of pagers (out of 29 million possi-
product component within its wide envelope of vari- ble combinations) that exactly meets that cus-
ety. Motorola’s Bravo pager factory in Boynton tomer’s needs. Then the almost fully automated

114 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993

Understanding the Differences

Mass Production nications and unceasing efforts to improve. Result:

low-cost, high-quality, standard goods and services.
The traditional mass-production company is bureau-
cratic and hierarchical. Under close supervision, work-
Mass Customization
ers repeat narrowly defined, repetitious tasks. Result:
low-cost, standard goods and services. Mass customization calls for flexibility and quick
responsiveness. In an ever-changing environment, peo-
ple, processes, units, and technology reconfigure to give
Continuous Improvement
customers exactly what they want. Managers coordi-
In continuous-improvement settings, empowered, nate independent, capable individuals, and an efficient
cross-functional teams strive constantly to improve linkage system is crucial. Result: low-cost, high-qual-
processes. Managers are coaches, cheering on commu- ity, customized goods and services.

dynamic network takes over. The rep plugs the lap- tomization companies are most visible when you
top into a phone and transmits one or more designs see how the two treat defects. Continuous-improve-
to the factory. Within minutes, a bar code is created ment organizations look at them as process failures,
with all the steps that a flexible manufacturing sys- which the Japanese consider “treasures” because
tem needs to produce the pager. they provide the knowledge to fix problems and to
As wonderful as these technological miracles ensure that failure never recurs.
sound, it is important to realize that technology is In the dynamic networks of mass-customization
also potentially harmful. Mass customizers must organizations, defects are considered capability fail-
periodically overhaul the linkages that they have ures: the inability to satisfy the needs of some spe-
adopted because as the market, the nature of their cific customer or market. They are still valuable
businesses, and the competition change, and as tech- treasures; but rather than sparking a spate of
nology advances, any linkage system inevitably will process-improvement activities, these defects call
become obsolete. on the organization to renew itself by enhancing the
Another caveat: in this age when automated sys- flexibility within its processes, joining with another
tems are handling daily millions of customer orders organization that has the needed capability, or even
and inquiries placed via phones or computer sys- creating completely new process capabilities—
tems, mass customizers must constantly be on whatever it takes to ensure that the customer is sat-
their guard against eliminating their opportunities isfied and, therefore, that capability failure doesn’t
to learn what their customers like or dislike. happen again.
Companies must always make it possible for their Capturing customer feedback on capability fail-
customers to “drop out” of the automated system ures is crucial to sustaining any advantage that mass
so they can talk to a real person who is committed customization yields. A company that does this well
to helping them. is USAA, which targets its financial services and
Learning from failure. In the mechanistic organi- consumer goods to events in a customer’s life, such
zation, learning how to do something better is the as buying a house or car, getting married, or having a
prerogative of management and its collection of baby. Its information system allows sales reps to get
industrial engineers and supervisors. Workers only customer feedback quickly on the phone and route it
need to learn to do what is assigned to them; they instantly to the appropriate department for analysis
don’t have to think about it as well. The break- and action.
through of continuous improvement was the At Computer Products, Inc., a manufacturer of
acknowledgment that workers’ experience and power supplies, marketing managers and engineers
know-how can help managers solve production cold-call customers every day not to make a sale but
problems and contribute toward tightening vari- to understand their problems and needs and to dis-
ances and reducing errors. cuss product ideas. They then enter the information
The differences between organizational learning into a database that serves as an invaluable reference
in continuous-improvement and in mass-cus- throughout the product-development cycle. Applied

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993 115

Digital Data Systems, a unit of AT&T’s NCR sub- vation and tailored products and services, doesn’t
sidiary, uses a database system to store all its pro- result in a clear, shared vision of that market. A
duction information, including workers’ comments standard product or market vision isn’t just insuffi-
and suggestions, and then regularly analyzes it to cient; it simply doesn’t make sense. In a true mass-
improve both its processes and products. customization environment, no one knows exactly
The capability to codesign and even coproduce what the next customer will want, and, therefore, no
products with customers provides mass customizers one knows exactly what product the company will
with the ability to capture valuable new knowledge. be creating next. No one knows what market-oppor-
Motorola’s and USAA’s systems are good examples tunity windows will open, and, therefore, no one can
of this, as is Bally Engineered Structures Inc.’s (see create a long-term vision of certain products to ser-
the insert, “Overcoming the Hurdles at Bally”). This vice those markets. But everyone does know that
is very different from what goes on in both mass-pro- the next customer will want something and the next
duction and continuous-improvement organiza- market opportunity is out there somewhere.
tions. Typically, in those settings, there are almost Many companies are articulating this scenario by
no individual customer interactions that generate using words like “anything,” “anywhere,” and “any-
new knowledge. time.” Peter Kann, chief executive of Dow Jones,
Creating a vision. In addition to different attitudes describes his organization’s strategic goal as provid-
about customer interactions, leaders of continuous- ing “business and financial news and information
improvement companies and mass customizers fos- however, wherever, and whenever customers want
ter very different approaches to the future. The to receive it.” Nissan’s vision for the year 2000 is the
former think they know what the organization needs “Five A’s”: any volume, anytime, anybody, any-
to do to succeed in the future, whereas the latter where, and anything. Motorola’s pager group has a
believe that it’s impossible to know and heresy to try TV ad that asks, “How do you use your Motorola
because the future should be shaped by each succes- pager?” Various people answer with phrases like,
sive customer order. “Anytime,” “For anything,” and “Anywhere I
Leaders of continuous-improvement organizations want.”
provide a vision of not just what is to be done today No matter what they are called, such ideologies
but also what needs to be realized tomorrow, and this say two things about an organization: one, we don’t
can work, provided that the market is relatively sta- know exactly what we’ll have to provide to whom,
ble. Their vision is often expressed in terms of some and two, within our growing envelope of capabili-
competitive ideal of customer satisfaction. Allstate’s ties, we do know that we have or can acquire the
“To be the best,” Federal Express’s “Never let the capabilities to give customers what they want.
best get in the way of better,” and Steelcase’s “To pro- Leaders who can articulate such an ideology and
vide the world’s best office environment products, create the dynamic network that can make it hap-
services, systems, and intelligence” are good exam- pen will succeed in moving their organizations far
ples. The common vision provides everyone in the beyond continuous improvement to the new com-
company with the motivation, direction, and control petitive arena of mass customization.
necessary to continue improving all the time.
Without a sustained vision, a company’s attempts at
process improvement can become lost in “program-
Authors’ note: IBM Consulting Group partners and consultants
of-the-month” fads or lip service to quality. contributed significantly to the development of the ideas in this
The highly turbulent marketplace of the mass article. The research was sponsored in part by the IBM
customizer, with its ever-changing demand for inno- Consulting Group and the IBM Advanced Business Institute.

116 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW September–October 1993

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