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Homework 1

IE 6700 Data Management for Analytics

1. Chapter 1: Fundamental Concepts of Database Management, Chapter 2: Architecture and
Categorization of DBMSs, Chapter 3: Conceptual Data Modeling Using (E)ER Model and
UML Class Diagram
2. Practice review questions given in each of the 3 chapters.

Problem 1. Chapter 3, 3.2E

Problem 2. Chapter 3, 3.4E

Problem 3 Suppose you are given the following requirements for a simple database for the
National Hockey League (NHL):

• the NHL has many teams,

• each team has a name, a city, a coach, a captain, and a set of players,

• each player belongs to only one team, ·

• each player has a name, a position (such as left wing or goalie), a skill level,
and a set of injury records,

• injury records need to have date, player name, and description.

• a team captain is also a player, ·

• a game is played between two teams (referred to as host team and guest team)
and has a date (such as May 11th, 1999) and a score (such as 4 to 2).

Construct a clean and concise EER diagram for the NHL database. List your assumptions and
clearly indicate the cardinality mappings in your ER diagram.
Problem 4. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Boston Public Library initiated an online
portal to efficiently manage and monitor their book inventory across warehouses. This
system is designed to track books based on customers' shopping baskets. You are tasked
with the opportunity to design the database for this library. The essential information to be
captured includes:

• A book is identified by International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Other

information to be tracked is Title of the book, Price of the book & Year of publication

• Every book has exactly one author and a publisher

• Every author has written at least 1 book, and a publisher has published at least 1 book

• An author is identified by their name. The library also wants to keep record of their
address and the URL(Social media, website, etc.) for the author

• A publisher is uniquely identified by their name. We also need to store their address,
phone, and URL.

• The library has several warehouses, each of which has a unique code, an address and
a phone number. The warehouse stocks several books. A book may be stocked at
multiple warehouses.

• The database also records the number of copies of a book stocked in a warehouse

• The library keeps a record of the name, address, unique email-id, and phone number
of its customers.

• A customer can have multiple shopping basket. A shopping basket is identified by a

BasketId and may contain several books

• Some shopping baskets may contain more than one copy of the same book. The
database records the number of copies of each book in any shopping basket

Design and draw an ER diagram that captures the above information. Use only the basic ER
model here; that is, entities, relationships, and attributes. Be sure to indicate any constraints
or limitations of the ER diagram.
Problem 5. The information system of an academic institution manages data related to
various courses within its registrar’s office. Below are the key entity types:

(a) Courses: Each course is characterized by a course number, title, credit value, and syllabus.
Some courses may have prerequisites linked to other courses.

(b) Course Offerings: This includes details such as course number, academic year, semester,
section number, assigned instructor, class timings, and assigned classroom.

(c) Students: Information about students includes a unique student ID, name, and enrolled

(d) Instructors: Instructors are identified by a unique identification number and have
associated details like name, department, and title.

Additionally, the system needs to manage the enrollment of students in courses and record
the grades awarded to each student in the courses they are enrolled in.

Your task is to create an Entity-Relationship (E-R) diagram for the registrar’s office, also
mention any constraints or limitations that should be considered.

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