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Faculty of Electronics Telecommunication and EAOS

Information Technology

Department of Applied Electronics and Embedded Architectures &

Intelligent Systems Operating Systems

2. Laboratory
Data transfer to and from the Raspberry Pi

2.1. Introduction

This laboratory aims to configure the Raspberry Pi operating system’s (OS) components to
allow access to a Raspberry Pi (RPi) embedded system by a user working on a different device in
several different ways.
In what follows, your desktop machine will be referred to as the local machine or host
system, and the RPi will be referred to as the remote machine.

2.2. Requests

To be able to achieve all these goals, it is required to have the following hardware/software
1. A host machine – a system (a PC in our case), a physical device, with an installed OS
(Windows, Linux, Android, etc.);
2. A Raspberry Pi (RPi) embedded system with a power supply module;
3. A Linux OS (Raspbian) installed on the RPi – in this lab, this step was done already;
4. A USB Mouse and a USB keyboard;
5. HDMI Monitor with an HDMI cable.

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2.3. Raspbian desktop environment

The Raspbian OS uses PIXEL (which stands for ‘Pi Improved Xwindow Environment,
Lightweight’) ‐ the default desktop environment for Raspberry Pi systems. Please power up the
Raspberry Pi (RPi) embedded system and explore the user interface features. You can see that it
is easy to interact with the OS. For example, you can disable/enable/configure WiFi and
Bluetooth from the menu bar. Using the information provided, please connect the RPi system
through the WiFi connection to the Internet.

2.4. Raspberry Pi GPIO pins

Figure 2.1 presents the Raspberry Pi development board, with all its connectors,
highlighting especially the 40 pins header. The Raspberry Pi header is the key to its ability to
interface with the real world. In Figure 2.1, the upper part, the numbers inside the circles are the
pin numbers.

Figure 2.1. The Raspberry Pi development board and the 40 pins header
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The GPIO header provides the following power and interface options: +3.3V power supply
(on two pins), +5V power supply (on two pins), ground (on eight pins), general‐purpose input and
output GPIO), PWM (pulse width modulation), I2C, I2S, SPI and serial. These allow an extensive
range of sensors, motors, LEDs, and accessories to be connected to the Pi.
In this laboratory, we will be interested only in the pins: 6 (ground), 8 (TXD), and 10 (RXD).
Commonly known as “serial”, these UART pins (transmit GPIO14 – pin 8, receive GPIO15 – pin
10) provide a console/terminal login for headless setup, which means connecting to the RPi
without a keyboard or mouse.

2.5. USB to Serial UART Raspberry Pi connection

Usually, the easiest way to do a headless Raspberry Pi setup is to control the RPi over a
network. But, if there's no network connection, you can also control a headless RPi using a serial
cable or USB to serial board from a computer running a terminal console.
Also, The USB‐to‐TTL UART serial cable is one accessory that proves useful when there are
problems with the Linux installation on your board. It can provide you with a console interface to
the RPi without connecting to an external display and keyboard.
You must ensure that you have a 3.3 V level version USB‐to‐TTL UART serial cable, mainly
because the RPi GPIO pins are 3.3 V tolerant, not 5 V tolerant!

123456 (a)



Figure 2.2. (a) The USB‐to‐TTL 3.3 V serial cable and, (b) its connection to the RPi

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This cable contains a chipset and requires that you install drivers on your desktop
computer, creating a new COM port – this step was already done for you for this laboratory.
So, the cable connects to the serial UART on the RPi, which is available via the GPIO header.
In conclusion, connect the cable to the RPi in the following way (as illustrated in Figure 2.2(b)):
1. The black ground (GND) wire (from USB‐to‐TTL 3.3 V serial cable connector) to Pin 6 on
the GPIO header (which is the RPi GND pin – see the upper part of Figure 2.1);
2. The green transmits (TXD) wire to Pin 10 (GPIO15) on the GPIO header, which is the UART
receive pin (UART0_RXD);
3. The white receives (RXD) wire to Pin 8 (GPIO14) on the GPIO header, which is the UART
transmits pin (UART0_TXD).

There are other ways to communicate with the RPi system, but from the default state, all
of these are disabled – the serial console is also disabled. So, you must enable the serial console
to use it. There are at least two ways to do this. Let’s start:
I. Approach (enabling the Serial Console from GUI1):
a. Open the Home menu, followed by the Preferences menu, and here select
Raspberry Pi Configuration option;
b. In the new window, go to the Interfaces tab;
c. Select Enabled next to Serial Port;
d. Now, Enabled also the Serial Console;
e. Click the OK button;
f. For these changes to be effectively accepted, push the Yes button in the new window
– in this mode, you will reboot the Raspberry Pi.
II. Approach (enabling the Serial Console from a terminal):
Alternatively, use the raspi‐config tool:
a. Enter in a terminal window the following command:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo raspi‐config
b. Navigate to Interfacing Options using the keys up and down and select this
option through the Enter key;
c. Navigate to and select the Serial option and press the Enter key.
d. Now you can enable or not the shell to be accessible over the serial connection.
Choose Yes (or Da) and press Enter;
e. The next window will inform you that the login shell and the serial interface are
enabled. Press Enter to go back to the main menu;
f. Choose Finish.

Graphical User Interface

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To connect to the RPi over the USB‐to‐TTL serial connection, you need the following

1. Port number: To find this, open the Windows Device Manager and search under
the Ports section. Figure 2.3 captures an example of Device Manager, where the
device is listed as COM7 in this case. This port number can differ on a different

Figure 2.3. Device manager ports connections

2. Connection speed: By default, you need to use 115,200 baud rate to connect to
the Raspberry Pi.
3. Other information you may need for other terminal applications: Data bits
= 8; Stop bits = 1; Parity = none; and Flow control = XON/XOFF

Figure 2.4. Port selection

Use the Tera Term application (you have a shortcut on the desktop) to connect to the RPi.
Tera Term is an open‐source, free, software‐implemented terminal emulator program. It

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emulates different computer terminals and supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2, and serial port
connections. To download it, use the following link:
When you launch the Tera Term, you should initially see a “TeraTerm: New connection”
pop‐up within the program. Here, you can select which serial port you would like to open up.
Select the “Serial” radio button. Then choose your port from the drop‐down menu. If this window
doesn’t open when you start TeraTerm, you can get here by going to File/New connection….

If you need to adjust the serial settings, go up to Setup  Serial Port. You’ll see
a window pop up, Figure 2.5, with a lot of familiar‐looking serial port settings. Adjust what
you need accordingly with the information presented above and hit the “OK” button.

Figure 2.5. Setting the serial port

When connecting to Raspbian, you should see the following output:

Figure 2.6. Tera Term user interface

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The connection process enables you to log in with username pi and password raspberry.
Note that you will also see the full console output as the RPi boots when you reboot the board.
This feature is the ultimate fallback connection because it allows you to see what is happening
during the boot process.
If you want to clear your terminal screen in Tera Term, you can use either the Clear
buffer or Clear screen commands. Both are located under the Edit menu.

Clear screen will do just that: blank out the terminal screen, but any data received will
still be preserved in the buffer. More, you can scroll up in the window to have another look at it.
Clear buffer deletes the entire buffer of received data – no more data to scroll up. In Tera
Term are plenty of shortcuts that can help you – the most used of them are the following ones:
ALT+N Connects to a new serial port.
ALT+I Disconnects from the current port.
ALT+V Pastes text from clipboard to the serial port (not CTRL+V).
ALT+C Copy selected text into clipboard (not CTRL+C).
CTRL+TAB Switch between two Tera Term windows.

2.6. Finding the Raspberry Pi IP address

In this laboratory, a router connection (through an ethernet cable or a WiFi link) is required
to achieve all the proposed objectives. But, in order to be able to connect to the RPi system, the
IP address of this system is needed. Now, the steps required to find the IP address for the
embedded system are presented:
1. In the beginning, power on the RPi development board and, after a while, the development
board will boot into Linux OS (Raspbian).
2. Open a terminal window either by using the Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by clicking on
the terminal icon and use the ifconfig tool to find the RPi’s IP address:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ifconfig
If the RPi device is connected to the router using: (a) an ethernet cable, please find the
information associated with the ethernet connexon (eth0), (b) the WiFi link, please find the
information associated with the WiFi connexon (wlan0). The obtained IP address is the one
placed in the right part of the string “inet”.

2.7. Connect to the Raspberry Pi through an SSH connection

SSH ("Secure SHell") is a protocol for securely accessing one computer from another. So, it
is a cryptographic network protocol. Despite the name, SSH is more of that. The SSH allows you

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to run command line and graphical programs, transfer files, and even create secure virtual private
networks over the Internet.
To use SSH, you will need to install an SSH client (PuTTY in our case) on the computer you
connect from, and an SSH server (sshd under Debian) on the embedded system you connect to
– Raspberry Pi system. The SSH server is bound to port 22.
Follows the steps, presented below, to be able to connect using the SSH to the Raspberry
Pi device:
The steps required in the Raspberry Pi side:
The SSH server (on the RPi device) is disabled by default on the Raspbian OS. Enabling SSH
will allow you to remotely connect to your RPi and perform administrative tasks or transfer files.
SSH can be activated manually in several ways:
I. Approach (enabling SSH from GUI):
a. Open the Raspberry Pi Configuration window from the Home followed
by Preferences menu;
b. Go to the Interfaces tab;
c. Select Enabled next to SSH;
d. Click the OK button for the changes to be active.
II. Approach (enabling SSH from a terminal):
Alternatively, the raspi‐config tool can be used in the terminal:
a. Enter in a terminal window the following command:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo raspi‐config
b. Navigate to Interfacing Options using the keys up and down and select this
option through the Enter key;
c. Navigate to and select the SSH option and press the Enter key.
d. Now you can enable or not the SSH server. Choose Yes (or Da) and press Enter;
e. The next window will inform you that the SSH server is enabled. Press Enter to
go back to the main menu;
f. Choose Finish.
III. Alternatively, use systemctl to enable and start the service:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl enable ssh

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo systemctl start ssh

The steps required in the Windows side:

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1. Download PuTTY from the following link (download the version specific to your system –
32/64 bits ‐, the particular version that does not require to install it):
PuTTY is a free, open‐source terminal emulator, serial console, and SSH client that
you can also use to connect to the RPi over the network.
2. By launching PuTTY, a similar window like the one from Figure 2.7 will appear.
3. To log into a system with SSH, you’ll need to know the device's IP address. Please, in what
follows, use the IP address previously founded.

Figure 2.7. The PuTTY configuration panel

However, logging in via SSH with an IP address only works if you’re on the same
local network as the device – the Raspberry Pi, in our case. If you’re outside your
network, you can set up a port forward to access a server with SSH from anywhere. In
particular, you can open port 22 of the RPi to the Internet using your router's port
forwarding functionality. You can then remotely log in to your RPi from anywhere in the
world if you know the router address. Mainly, because the internet providers (ISP –
internet service provider) use a dynamic address allocation2, a dynamic DNS (that is
supported on most routers) enables your router to register its latest address with an
online service. The online service then maps a domain name of your choice (like

In "dynamic allocation", the DHCP server (a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP
addresses to the client devices) assigns an IP address to a client for a limited period of time. After this time
interval elapsed, a new address is assigned to the device.

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Information Technology to the newest IP address that your ISP has given you. The
dynamic DNS service usually has an annual cost. There are also several free providers
( or
Now, connect remotely to the Raspberry Pi system. So, set the IP and the port in
the main settings screen, see Figure 2.7.
Because you connect to the SSH server for the first time, you will likely see a PuTTY
Security Alert dialog about the server's host key not being cached in the registry, see
Figure 2.8.
Save this window in Paint or make a print screen with Snipping Tool.

Figure 2.8. PuTTY security alert window

This is normal when you connect to a server for the first time, and you should click
Yes. If you want, you can check the displayed key fingerprint and make sure it is the same
that is used by the system where you connect.
4. After the security alert, you should get a terminal window. It should first ask for your user
name and then the password. Use the following credential information:
Login: pi
Password: raspberry
After these, you should get a command line on the Raspbian OS. Now, you are connected to
the SSH server, and anything you type in the Window Terminal is sent to the SSH server and runs
in the remote system. The server's responses are also displayed in the terminal window. You can
run any text‐based applications on the server using this terminal window. The session terminates
when you exit the command‐line shell on the server (typically by typing exit) to the command

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line or pressing Control‐D. Alternatively, you can forcibly terminate the session by closing the
terminal window.
5. Now, let's get information on currently logged in users ‐ this is done by simply running the
'who' command (without any options):
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ who
pi tty7 2019‐08‐21 18:32 (:0)
pi pts/1 2019‐08‐22 16:26 (
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
The users logged through the virtual consoles or desktop interface are represented
with the ttyx (x=1,2, … 6, 7) string. The users logged through an SSH connection are
represented by the pts/y (y=0,1, …) – pts – Pseudo‐Terminal Slave.
6. Right now, you can check the SSH server key fingerprint. Usually, the keys are placed in
the /etc/ssh folder or a similarly‐named directory:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls –l /etc/ssh/*.pub
‐rw‐r‐‐r‐‐ 1 root root 606 iun 27 2018 /etc/ssh/
‐rw‐r‐‐r‐‐ 1 root root 178 iun 27 2018 /etc/ssh/
‐rw‐r‐‐r‐‐ 1 root root 98 iun 27 2018 /etc/ssh/
‐rw‐r‐‐r‐‐ 1 root root 398 iun 27 2018 /etc/ssh/
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
This server has four keys, each of which comes as a pair of a private key (no
extension) and a public key (extension .pub). Only the root can read the private keys (after
all, they are private), but everybody can read the public keys.
7. In the message above, ssh shows you the ED25519 key ("The server’s ssh‐ed25519 key
fingerprint is ..."), so you will check the fingerprint of the server's public RSA key:
$ ssh‐keygen ‐E md5 ‐lf /etc/ssh/
If the result obtained is the same as the one presented PuTTY Security Alert dialog
box (Figure 2.8), there are no problems.
Suppose you ever get this dialog box, with the same SSH server (presented in Figure
2.8), and the server fingerprint is different by key fingerprint being cached previously in
the registry. In that case, it could mean that someone is trying to attack your connection
and steal your password and data using a man‐in‐the‐middle attack.
Although PuTTY remains the most popular SSH client, there are other alternatives, such as
the Bitvise SSH client. Bitvise includes the command‐line interface for remotely managing a Linux
server via SSH and the SFTP capabilities. Thus, it is perfect for both file transfers and general

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Linux and macOS user have an SSH client installed by default, and you can SSH into the RPi
by simply typing:

$ ssh pi@RPi_IP_address
Change RPi_IP_address with the IP Address of your RPi development system. In the same
mode as with the PuTTY application, when you connect through SSH for the first time, you will
be prompted to accept the key fingerprint. Respond with “yes” to continue.

2.8. Access the Raspberry Pi Desktop with a Remote Desktop Connection

PuTTY is a great way to access the Raspberry Pi through a command line, but you can not
use it to access remotely the Raspberry Pi’s desktop. In what follows, I will show you how to
access your Raspberry Pi’s desktop from another system, in our case, from another Windows
machine. Similarly, you can access the Raspberry Pi’s desktop from anywhere in the world.
To remotely control the RPi computer, a RealVNC server is required. The Virtual Network
Computing/Computer (VNC) is a graphical desktop‐sharing standard that uses the Remote
Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to control another computer. VNC is platform‐independent – there
are clients and servers for many GUI‐based OS. A VNC server transmits the desktop information,
keyboard, and mouse events from one computer to another through a network.
So, there are two components:

 The VNC server is the program on the remote machine that shares the screen (the
remote system may not be related to a physical display – so, the embedded system
and the server, in this situation, are "headless"), and allows the client to share
control of it.
 The VNC client (or viewer) is the program that represents the screen data
originating from the server, receives updates from it, and presumably controls it
by informing the server of collected local input.
1. The RealVNC server is included in Raspbian releases after 2016. All you need to do on the RPi,
in the first step, is to enable the VNC server. This step can do it via the desktop's user interface
or using the command line. Please use one of these methods to allow the RealVNC server.
Now, to be sure, reboot the RPi.
2. Next, we need to install RealVNC Viewer on the computer when you want to access the RPi.
Download RealVNC Viewer here and install the .exe file (this step was done already):
From the above link, it easily can be seen that there are many versions of the RealVNC
Viewer that allows virtually to access the RPi from an extensive type of devices (iOS, Linux,
Windows, macOS, Android, etc.) – see Figure 2.9.

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Figure 2.9. Device types from where you can control the RPi

3. Now, launch the RealVNC Viewer application in execution. Use the IP address of your RPi,
previously determined, and enter it into the address bar at the top of the RealVNC Viewer
window ‐ Figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10. The GUI with the RealVNC Viewer

4. Press Enter, and you will be prompted for the RPi’s username and password. So, Use the
following credential information:
login: pi
Password: raspberry
5. If this is the first time connecting to the Pi with RealVNC, you’ll get a security warning. Just
press Continue to get past it an, now, The Raspbian Desktop will open up in a VNC Viewer

2.9. Transferring Files Using PuTTY/psftp over SSH

To avoid using a USB stick to transfer files from your windows machine to your Raspberry
Pi system, you can use different software packages to do this job through a network connection.
In the following, two such methods are presented.

The PuTTY package also includes the file transfer protocol (FTP) support that enables you
to transfer files to and from the RPi embedded system over your network connection – ethernet
or WIFi.

You can start up, downloading the psftp (PuTTY secure file transfer protocol) application
from the same link presented above:
to the working directory (e.g., D:\RaspberryPi).

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1. Now, execute the file psftp.

2. At the psftp> prompt, type:
psftp> open pi@
Using username "pi".
pi@'s password:
Remote working directory is /home/pi
psftp> is the IP address of the RPi development board. In this mode, you will
connect to the RPi. When you issue a command, you are typically issuing it on the remote
machine in this approach. After connecting, you are placed in the home directory of the
user account that you logged. Therefore, under the RPi Raspbian distribution, you are
placed in the /home/pi/ directory if you connect as a pi user.
To transfer a single file D:\Raspberry\test.txt (first create the file using any method you know)
from the local desktop computer to the RPi, you can use the following steps:
3. Change the default directory on the local machine to the D:\Raspberry.
psftp> lcd d:\Raspberry
New local directory is D:\Raspberry
As a rule of thumb, commands that contain the ‘l’ prefix are commands issued for the
local machine ‐ for example, lcd (local change directory) or lpwd (local print working
4. Now, make a remote folder, named test, and change the default path to it:
psftp> mkdir test
mkdir /home/pi/test: OK
psftp> cd test
Remote directory is now /home/pi/test
5. To transfer a single file from the local machine to the remote machine, issue the put
command. To transfer a file in reverse, use the get command. To “put” or “get” multiple
files, use the “mput” and “mget” commands. Use help if you forget, or you do not know
how to use a command.
psftp> put test.txt
local:psftp.exe => remote:/home/pi/test/test.txt
psftp> dir
Listing directory /home/pi/test
drwxr‐xr‐x 2 pi pi 4096 Aug 22 22:40 .
drwxr‐xr‐x 26 pi pi 4096 Aug 22 22:40 ..

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‐rw‐r‐‐r‐‐ 1 pi pi 704392 Aug 22 22:40 test.txt


2.10. Transferring files from Windows PC’s to Raspberry Pi – a GUI approach

At this point, the WinSCP will be presented. But similarly, you can use other programs like
Bitvise. So, follow the steps:
1. Get WinSCP and install it. This step was done for this laboratory. The link is:
2. Open the application and set up it following: Session (see Figure 2.11).
File Protocol: SCP or SFTP
Host name: The IP address of your Raspberry Pi
User name: pi
Password: raspberry

Figure 2.11. WinSCP connexon configuration

3. Now, push the Login button.

4. Mainly because you connect with the WinSCP to the SSH server for the first time, you see
a Security Alert dialog about the server's host key not being cached in the registry, see
Figure 2.12. Press the Yes button.

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5. That is all, now, you are connected, and you can transfer files just by drag and drop

Figure 2.12. WinSCP’s Security Alert

Other very usefully functions:

a. View Hidden Files: Options  Preferences  Panels  Show Hidden

b. Setting A File As Executable: Right‐click the file  Properties  check the ‘X’ box
for the Owner permissions.

Figure 2.13. Windows’s System Properties, Remote tab

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2.11. How to Remote Connect from Raspbian to Windows

If in time, you start to work a lot on the RPi system, perhaps (at a specific moment), you
need to check or configure an application that can only allow interacting with it from your PC –
e.g. a PowerShell commands line management. So, you will need to set a remote connection
from your Raspberry Pi to the Windows system. In this last part of the laboratory, we will learn
to do this.
So, let’s start:
1. Configure Windows OS to accept a remote connection. This step is required to ensure that
the Windows will allow an incoming remote connection using the RDP protocol. So, to ensure
this, you will need to enable the Remote Assistance setting. Open File Explorer, then find
This PC – in the left part of the window. Left‐click, then select Properties; in the System
window, find Remote settings and click on it – see Figure 2.13. Here, you’ll find the Allow
remote connections to this computer checkbox. Click to add a check, then Select Users ...
where choose the user that will be allowed to connect from the remote system. In the end,
push Apply to confirm.
2. Find the Windows device IP address. Right‐click on the Windows logo in the bottom‐left
corner of the screen, select Run and type cmd in the Open field. When the command line
window opens, enter ipconfig.
Check the list for your current connection and extract the IP address.
3. Install all the software packages on the Raspberry Pi OS. Open the terminal and update
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt update
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt upgrade
Enter these commands and follow any prompts that are displayed – respond with Yes to
all. When done, your Raspbian system will be up-to-date. Once complete, restart the RPi
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo reboot
When the RPi reboots, start a new terminal session and install xrdp with:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt install xrdp
Once again, follow the prompts until the software is installed.
4. Several remote desktop tools are available for Linux distributions. These can handle one or
many of the various protocols (RDP, VNC, SPICE, NX, XDMCP, SSH, EXEC, etc.) that can be
used to remote control of another machine. But, one of the best options is probably
Remmina. To install Remmina, return to the terminal and enter:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo apt install remmina

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Follow the prompts and wait for completion.

5. Now, you are ready to start accessing your Windows PC remotely from your Raspberry Pi.
Open Remmina from the Internet menu. In the new window that will appear, enter the
IP address in the field placed in the connecting protocol's right. Ensure also that RDP is
selected as the connecting protocol. Now, press the Connect button.
Follow all the required steps to connect to the remote system (user name, password,
security alert window, etc.).

Now you can tweak the connection (including quality) via the Edit  Preferences

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