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Test 2: DTI 2023

Property of Gabrielle Margaret L. Cabalang s2023

_______________ 1. It is allowed when a consumer product is too small or the nature of which
makes it impractical to place a price tag thereon.

_______________ 2. Each establishment shall install at least one ______ or similar electronic system
strategically located in the establishment, provided that in case the establishment structure is multi –
story, at least one of this is installed per story

_______________ 3. What are the criminal penalties under the price tag law?

_______________ 4. How much is the additional fines for administrative penalties under Price Tag

_______________ 5. Which government agency is responsible for adultered, banned, mislabeled

food, and drugs, hazardous substances and cosmetics?

_______________ 6. What agency is responsible for non/incomplete disclosure of true cost of credit
extended to consumers by financing companies, other pre-need plans, etc.

_______________ 7. What Internet Privacy Right covers that consumers have a right to easily
understandable and accessible information about privacy and security practices.

_______________ 8. Internet Privacy Right that covers consumers having rights to reasonable limits
on the personal data that companies collect and retain

_______________ 9. Refers to a sales scheme where by a consumer product or a description thereof

is sent to a consumer and considered sold to him unless the consumer notifies the seller of his
intention not to buy the product or to buy another product offered as alternative thereto. Thus, it
shall not be used in the sale or lease of consumer products.

_______________ 10. Means a consumer credit transaction on whereby the buyer of a consumer
product is allowed to pay by installment or at a future day whether or not a reservation fee is
required, provided that the possession and ownership of the product remains with the seller until
full payment at the time agreed upon.

_______________ 11. Is the sale or lease of a consumer product or service whereby the only
inducement is through description of the product or service either verbally or through any form of

_______________ 12. Usual time of operation of Home Solicitation Sales?

_______________ 13. What is required in sales by vending machines.

_______________ 14. If there is any words, statement, or information required by or under authority
of these rules shall appear on the label or labeling with such ___________

_______________ 15. A consumer product packed filled less than its capacity

_______________ 16. What products are not allowed to use non-functionally slack-filled packaging?
_______________ 17. The packaging of consumer products which are made in such a way as not to
cause the purchaser to be deceived as to the contents, size, quantity, measurement or fill of the

_______________ 18. If the package of a product posses’ danger to the product or to the consumer,
what must be available?

_______________ 19. Administrative penalty for violating Fair packaging rules and regulations.

_______________ 20. Range of plastic to breakdown?

_______________ 21. How long does it take for plastic to breakdown?

_______________ 22. Process of breaking down plastic with the use of UV radiation from the sun.

_______________ 23. Meaning of PET, traditional plastic.

_______________ 24. When was RA 7394, otherwise known as the “Consumer Act of the
Philippines” took effect?

_______________ 25. What are the following departments that cover “Quality and Safety” according
to RA 7394?

_______________ 26. Which department is in charge with weights and measures in terms of

_______________ 27. Departments covering Price Tag section of the Consumer Act.

_______________ 28. Credit Facilities extended to consumers by financing companies.

_______________ 29. Means goods, service and credits; debts or obligations which are primarily for
personal, family, household or agricultural purposes, which shall include, but not limited to food,
drugs, cosmetics and devices.

_______________ 30. What is the period for filing consumer complaints?

_______________ 31. Within how many days is the decision of the arbitration officer appleable to
the secretary and also appleable of the Department Sec from the receipt of the decision to the
Intermediate Appellate Court (RA 7394)

_______________ 32. What administrative penalties can be imposed upon establishments found to
have violated any of the laws covered by the consumer act?

_______________ 33. What body coordinates the implementation of the consumer act?

_______________ 34. In the NCAC, the __________ assists the Chairman and acts as Secretary of the

_______________ 35. Secretariat of NCAC

_______________ 36. Price took effect on?

_______________ 37. Give the 6 Basic Necessities and prime commodities under the department of
Environment and Natural Resources.
_______________ 38. The issuance of temporary closure/restraining order by the implementing
agencies shouldn’t be more than?

_______________ 39. The labor section in the PCC sits as a voting member; true or false?

_______________ 40. It shall conduct independent periodic surveys and studies of the selling prices
of all basic necessities and prime commodities all over the country as well as their share or effect on
the family income of the economic groups in the country for purposes of serving as data base for
government efforts to stabilize prices, as well as evaluating the effectivity of the same.

_______________ 41. Who sits as chairman in the Local Price Coordinating Council?

_______________ 42. 2 types of price control?

_______________ 43. Prevailing price is the average price at which any basic necessity has been sold
in a given area within _________ from the occurrence of any of the conditions enumerated under
Section 6 of the Price Act

_______________ 44. This is imposed when there is impendency/threat, existence or effects of

calamity or emergency or any even that causes artificial or unreasonable increases in prices; or
whenever the prevailing prices have risen to unreasonable levels.

_______________ 45. The average price of the commodity in the last _________ months
immediately preceding proclamation of the ceiling is one of the factors that may be considered in
determining the reasonable price ceiling.

_______________ 46. Used to procure, purchase, import or stockpile and basic necessity or prime
commodity, devise ways and means of distributing them for sale at reasonable prices in areas where
there is shortage of supply or a need to effect changes in its prevailing price.

_______________ 47. This constitutes prima facie evidence of ________: where stock has no price
tag available

_______________ 48. Criminal Case for illegal acts of price manipulation penalties:

_______________ 49. Penalties for violation of price ceilings:

_______________ 50. Look for quality not quantity----what Consumer right does this fall into?

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