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Viktoria Berezhetska, 17/01/1989, City University of Seattle (VSM), viktoria.berezhetskaya@vsm-student.



My comment on the article named Ukraine-EU momentum should not be wasted by Kostiantyn Yelisieiev Historically, Ukraine was viewed as a border between West and East. Recently, Ukraine was stuck between Russia and EU. As soon as country turned West, the time of elections came and everything changed. This year was hard and unstable for Ukraine. At first, crisis hit the country, then political instability, and now the Ukraine-EU momentum along with Tymoshenko trial. Where are we heading? Current situation is not under control. Indeed, Ukraine faced a dilemma. People are willing to head West, economy seems to be ready for moving on, and government was ready to make a serious step toward EU. If we are not going to take the step now, will we have a chance to take it later? We might get another chance. However, the possible EU membership is a two-side medal. On one hand, Ukrainians would get an opportunity to travel abroad freely. They would be able to get education and job abroad. From economical perspective, Ukraine would get a chance to increase trade. Moreover, EU considers Eastern Europeans countries less economically developed and, therefore, provides those with subsidies. Of course, the costs would be taken from the member countries but alternative ways can always be found. Another advantage is the fact that along with the increased levels of bureaucracy the magnificent amount of decisions would be made by qualified majority voting in the Council of the European Union. All these facts would make life in Ukraine better and easier for people. Moreover, the political games and corruption would cease to exist. On the other hand, it would be a problem for Ukraine to adjust to new trade patterns. With free movement of labor and capital many skilled workers might choose going to West instead of staying in Ukraine. Moreover, the agricultural reforms would take place, and might bring certain problems to the agricultural/farming sector of the country. One of the most important issues is a less of independence of the country in many areas. Nevertheless, since Tymoshenko trial is taking place, the situation is getting more and more unstable. Ukraine is risking to lose its independence and democracy on all levels and in all areas. So should the Ukraine-EU momentum be wasted? It is absolutely unacceptable for the country leader, the head of the government, and the face of the nation to make decisions which might cut out Ukraine from the reasonable part of the world. It is unacceptable to ignore the requests of the world leaders to reconsider the decision about Tymoshenko imprisonement. Finally, it is unacceptable to waste the Ukraine EU momentum. In fact, what Ukraine faces now is a withdrawal which Mr.Yelisieiev mentioned in his article.

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