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1st Quarter
S.Y. 2023-2024
Summative Test # 5

Name: ____________________________________________________________ Score:

A. Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
What does the underlined word used in each sentence expresses?
1. He was angry with me because I broke his pen.
A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

2. She walks like a cat.

A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

Interpret what does the underlined word used in each sentence expresses.
3. A glass pane of our window was shattered by a cricket ball.
A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

4. Don’t be a tiger to your siblings. They might get afraid of you.

A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

5. The girl turned into ice when she saw result.

A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

6. Analyze what does the underlined word expresses: I saw a snake in the forest.
A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

7. Choose what does the underlined word expresses: My father is a mahogany tree. He is strong and resilient.
A. denotation B. connotation C. denotion D. connotion

Identify the denotative meaning or connotative meaning of the underlined word used in each sentence.
8. She has a big heart.
A. innocent C. strongly felt
B. generous D. spends money wisely

9. Butterflies fly gently.

A. nectar-feeding insect C. generous
B. innocent D. strongly felt

10. Compose a sentence using the given word that will express its denotative meaning. Choose the letter of the correct
A. Having a meeting the scholars are. C. Meeting are having a the scholars.
B. The scholars are having a meeting. D. The meeting are having a scholars.

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