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● The continuation of the struggle between Crown and Parliament.

In 1625 James was succeeded by his son , Charles. Charles I, believer in the Divine Right of
Kings, came into conflict with his Parliament, raising taxes without its consent and
demanding absolute religious conformity to the church of England.
● George I. 1714-1760.When Queen Anne died in 1714 the Whig politicians promptly
enacted the Act of Settlement by having the Elector of Hanover proclaimed king George
l.One very important constitutional effect of the Hanoverian succession was the creation of
the position of Prime Minister. George I, who could speak no English, chose to deal with one
minister who acted as a link between the Cabinet (the council of ministers) andnthe king.
This gave him great power and authority. The first Prime Minister in thenmodern sense was
Sir Robert Walpole (1676-1745).


The literary production of Elizabeth age can be divided into 2 main phases: the first one is
the ‘Puritan phase’, which goes from 1625 to 1660 and is characterised by the
predominance of Puritan rules ; the second one is ‘Restoration literature phase’ , which goes
from 1660 , when the monarchy was ‘restored’ , to 1714 , when George I started the reign .


The English poets of the 17th century can divided into three main groups:
● Cavalier poets, a group of intellectuals linked to the Court who continued along the
tradition of Elizabethan poetry;
● Puritan poets who believed in əul values of Puritanism and advocated the
purification of society and of the arts;
● Metaphysical poets, who devoted themselves to the exploration of universal and
philosophical concepts.

MILTON AND PURITAN POETRY. The author who best represents the poetic production of
the 17th century is John Milton (1608-1674) a fervent Puritan who used his works to express
his religious values and political views.Milton's main achievement is Paradise Lost (1667), an
epic poem written in blank verse which revolves around the fall and redemption of man. The
poem tells the story of man's disobedience to God in Heaven: this event is placed within the
frame of the rebellion of Satan, one of God's angels, who revolts against God to gain
indepèndence and power and who represents the real 'hero of Milton's poem.

Metaphysical Poets. The Metaphysical Poets described the complexities of life and
expressed their sense of dissatisfaction and confusion deriving from the loss of the values of
the Elizabethan age. Their poems are complex, full of difficult metaphors, and draw
Inspiration from a variety of different areas such as astronomy, medicine and geography to
tackle two main topics: love and religion The most famous among the English Metaphysical
poets is John Donne.

Philosophical writings. In the 17th century prose became one of the main vehicles for
developing the cultural and political debate of the age.For this reason may prose-writers of
the Restoration Age were philosophers, such as Bacon, Hobbes and Newton. Hobbes’
Leviathan is a political and philosophical treatise which revolves with idea that men are at
war against all other members of society , and society prevent men from killing one another.
Other genres. In the 17th century writers produced also religious proses , diaries , narrative
fiction and political speeches. Diaries were used both as private records and as depositories
of memories related to the context of the age. Samuel Pepys’ was an extraordinary source of
information about historical events of his age , such as the Great Plague and the Great Fire
of London.


Restoration Comedies.When Charles II returned to England and monarchy was restored, a
new chapter of peace and freedom was inaugurated. The theatres were reopened , and
became the epicentre of a new dramatic genre: the Comedy of Manners , where manners
refers to the modes and morals of upper classes. The 2 main themes of Restoration
comedies are love and marriage. A common trait among all the character of Restoration
comedies is their wit , quickness of thoughts , ability to use language in a tricky way to hide
truth. They offer a vivid portrait of the city of London and explore the universal theme of love.
The greatest authors are George Etherege , William Congreve , whose The Way of the
World is probably the highest example of Restoration comedy .

The Age of Classicism.1714-1760

The English literary production between 1714 and 1760 belongs to the so-called Age of
Classicism and is usually divided into 2 phases : the first (1714-1750) is called the Augustan
Age and the second is a phase of transition between Classicism and pre-Romanticism.
During the Augustan Age authors rejected imagination and emotions and focused on
universal characters. Even poets tended to emulate prose writers as much as they could. In
the second phase authors started to give importance and voice to their feelings. Was
characterised by the use of classical forms to express romantic themes such as human

JOHN MILTON. Milton was born in 1608. Is the most important poet of the Puritan Age. He
studied Latin,Greek and Italian culture. He visited Europe and travelled in France and Italy,
where he met Galileo. During the Civil War he supported Cromwell . Was convinced that a
republic offered ideal conditions for independent religion. After Cromwell's death in 1658 the
monarchy was restored in 1660 and Milton was forced to hide ,and then was
arrested.Thanks to the help of his influential friends ,he was released. In this period he
began to lose his sight and to write his best poetry. His works can be divided in the three
periods of his life: the period of the study, 2 he was actively engaged in the political struggles
, 3 completely blind ,he retired from public life. The first period saw the creation of some
Italian poems : l'Allegro and Il Penseroso (1631), following of Petrarch. He produced Pro
Populo Anglicano Defensio (1651) ,in which he defended the execution of Charles I and
supported Cromwell.
In the second period Milton wrote political pamphlets and prose works defending religious,
civil and domestic liberties, freedom of the press , Parliament and divorce. In Areopagitica
(1644) he defended freedom of speech against the Puritans who had reimposed censorship.
Only tyrannies,he maintained , used censorship.
The third and final period was marked by the blindness and poverty of poet. He produced his
great work Paradise Lost (1667). Died on 8 November 1674.
Is an epic poem telling the biblical story of Adam and Eve's disobedience and fall from grace.
The poem begins with Satan and his companion rebel angels, chained to a lake of fire in
Hell. The rebel angles free themselves and consider starting was against God. Beelzebub
suggests to corrupt God's beloved new creation, mankind. Satan agrees and returns to Eden
in the form of serpent. He talks to Eve and compliments her on her beauty and godliness.
She asks the serpent how he learned to speak. Satan tells her that he has eaten the fruit on
the Tree of Knowledge. Eve eats the fruit of the tree.And when Adam returns he decided to
eat the fruit too. God immediately knows of their disobedience. Then God first punishes the
serpent condemning it to crawl on the ground, while Adam and Eve are condemned to
suffer pain and death.

The poem shows two moral paths:

the path taken by Satan ,which leads to further sin ,degradation and punishment ,which
contrasts with the path taken by Adam and Eve which leads to repentance and the real hope
of redemption. God shows his grace and mercy. Possibility of salvation.


A universal and social hierarchy.
Paradise Lost divides the universe into four realms : glorious Heaven , dreadful Hell ,
confusing Chaos and a young Earth. Milton's cosmic geography is based on a religious
message, not on the findings of science and astronomy of his time.The division of universe
matches with a social hierarchy based on the proximity to God : the Son is closest to God
,followed by the archangels and cherubs ,then humans ,animals and devils( fallen angels).
Satan refuses to accept this hierarchy for defeat God. And prefer to be masters within their
own place.God will always be more powerful, Milton shows some respect for the courage
shown by Satan in his determination to be free even though the price of his freedom and
leaving in the horrors of an infernal world.
● the existence of two moral paths;
● the role of redemption in human life;
● God's grace and mercy;
● the possibility of salvation for human beings.

The figure of Satan.Is the most fascinating character in the poem. Initially he is represented
as the hero of the story. Infact refuses to accept defeat, and he is not afraid of being
dammed eternally. Milton may have made him appear heroic. But at the end Satan will be
representation of falsity and of the moral and physical degradation of a character dominated
by vanity and immorality.
● refuses to accept his position within the universe;
● he wants to defeat God;
● he is determined to be free;
● he is the main hero of the poem.

The poem is characterized by allusions, arcane o archaic vocabulary, complex grammatical

structures and extended similes. The work is clearly written for a highly-educated audience.
Milton created a style of impressive grandeur.

Milton wrote Paradise Lost in heroic verse, rhymed iambic pentameters.

Satan's speech. 1-8 Satan observes the desolate land representing his reign.He states this
land makes him free and frees him from God's tyranny. 8-14 Satan calls himself owner of
Hell and hails his kingdom. 15-22 Satan says it is better to be free in Hell than to be a
servant in Heaven. 23-29 Satan wants to ask his comrades to join him in Hell.
Satan addresses his angels afterbeing exiled from Heaven. They have just landed in Hell
and Satan looks around, bewildered at the horror of the place that they must exchange for
Heaven. However, after a moment of dismay, Satan recovers his pride and even find reason
for rejoicing:first, he is free from God; second,the mind has the power to make the best of
any situation, therefore it can make a Heaven of Hell; third, Hell is his new kingdom, which
allows him to reign and not to serve. Satan's heroic and rebellious nature makes him one of
the most fascinating characters not only in Milton's work, but also in the history of English

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