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2 BAC / U 5 : WOM E N & EM PO WER M EN T / I N TR O & V O CA B U LA R Y Instr.

moutia hmza

A. Match each word with its corresponding definition.

1. Gender a. _______________________ : unwanted aggressive d. _______________________ : a fixed idea or opinion about a
2. Feminism verbal or physical behavior towards a person particular group or class of people
3. Polygamy b. _______________________ : having more than one e. _______________________ : a movement that believes in
4. Stereotype wife at the same time. social, economic, and political equality of males and females
5. Patriarchal c. _______________________ : social and cultural
f. _______________________ : controlled by male parents
6. Harassment differences between men and women
B. DISCUSSION : Express your stand towards each issue / topic. Be prepared to support your stands.
Example : I’m against _______ because I think / believe _______ . / Well, for me it depends _______ because ______ .

for against It depends for against It depends

1 male domination 11 patriarchal society

2 domestic violence 12 fixed gender roles

3 gender stereotypes 13 gender equality

4 working women 14 women’s freedom

5 empowering women 15 feminism / feminist movements

6 the New Family Code 16 women’s financial independence

7 gender discrimination 17 sexual harassment

8 women and leadership 18 women activists

9 polygamy 19 equal opportunity for both genders

10 education for girls 20 under-age marriage

C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list :

equal - feminist - patriarchal - working - polygamy - code - harassment - activists - male - family
1. ___________________ can’t be practiced without the first wife’s approval under the Moroccan New Family __________________.
2. Many __________________ women find it hard to strike a balance between work and _________________ obligations successfully.
3. The ___________________ movement calls for __________________ opportunities for both genders in all aspects of life.
4. In __________________________ societies, men are in authority over women . It’s about _______________________ domination.
5. Sexual ____________________ is a major social issue that is being addressed by many Moroccan women ________________________.

D. Match each item with its corresponding opposite :

1. household 8. female a. monogamy # ___________________ h. superior # ___________________
2. rights 9. educated
b. freedom # ___________________ i. strong # ___________________
3. oppression 10. oppressed
4. polygamy 11. silenced c. equality # ___________________ j. dependent # ___________________
5. social justice 12. powerless
6. discrimination 13. independent d. matriarchy # ___________________ k. male # ___________________
7. patriarchy 14. inferior
e. obligations # ___________________ l. outspoken # ___________________
1 #g f. social bias # ___________________ m. illiterate # ___________________

g. workplace # _____ household___ n. free # ___________________

E. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary from the list :

workplace - equal - outspoken - social bias - superior - female

1. Sexism is the belief that one sex is ___________________________ to the other one. That is, men are better than women, or vice versa.
2. Women activists claim that there’s still a lot of ________________________________ against women, especially in patriarchal societies.
3. “We need more courageous and ______________________________ women to join our movement to end gender discrimination in the
____________________________,” says a feminist.

F. List some other issues or challenges that women still face in modern-day Morocco :

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