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hd ee ee © e 264 UNIT 15: Questions and Answers Do they live in London? Yes, they do. Can she play the piano? No, she can’t Does the film start at nine o'clock? Yes, it does, Did youll have an English lesson last night? Yes, V'you did. Has she got blue eyes? Yes, she has, Did werthey want to go to the beach? No, welthey didn't ‘Should he follow the doctor's advice? Yes, he should, Didn't Claire invite you to her party? Don't you enjoy watching horror films? Haven't you finished your homework yet? ‘Can't she go to town on ner own? Doesn't he know where we live? Hasn't Sue done the shopping for you? Didn't he give you any details? Where 5 When Who 6 how many How often When 8 Who Where 9 What time How long, 10 How many Whose 11 Why How often 12 How much What Which § What 8 What How 8 Which How 7 How How much does a mature male tiger weigh? What colour are tigers? Where do tigers live? Which tigersitypes of tiger are extinct? Which/What animals do tigers eat?/What do tigers eat? ‘When can tigers produce young? How many cubs do tigers have at a time? How long do tigers live? Why are tigers hunted?/What are tigers hunted for? Where does she live? How long has she lived there? ‘What is her job2/What does she do? eS @ How does she travel to work (every day)? What is her husband's name? How many dogs do they haverhave they got? 8 What does she love to do (every ‘eveninglin her tree time)? 9 When does she take the dogs for long walks? 10 What hobbies does she have?/What are her hobbies? 11. What is her favourte hobby? 12 Why does Jean think (thal) this hobby is ‘good! cooking is a good hobby? What is Rachel writing? Who is writing a letter? Who likes this car? What does Brian like?/Which car does Brian like? 7 What did Dad break? 8 Who broke the window? 9 Who will make a birthday cake? 10 What will Mother make? 11 Who is going to bake some biscuits? 42. What is Robin going to bake? 2 What is James listening to? ‘3 What is Sharon waiting for? 4 What were the boys talking about? 5 Who has she got a letter trom? 6 What is Martin thinking about? 7 Who does this jacket belong to? A Wha was Paulina married to? 2 a) wrote fourthe letters b) letters did Steven write 3. a) is going to wash the car »b) is Teresa going to wash 4a) visited John in hospital yesterday ') did Kate vist in hospital yesterday 5 a) (new) CD has David taken 'b) has takon Frank's new CD 6 a) is going to the cinema tonight ») is Alice going tonight 2 why there are no buses today? ‘3 who won the star prize? 4 itjwhether the window cleaner came today? 5 how much this vase costs? a how they know the results already? ‘what the time is? what time it is? iflwhether the shops are open tomorrow? 2 Do you know/Can/Could you tell me/Have you any idea what time it stars? 3. Do you knowiCan/Could you tell me/Have you any idea how much the tickets are/ cost? 4 Do you knowiCan/Could you tell me/Have you any idea itwhether | can collect the tickets later? 2 No, 'm afraid not, 3. Yas. balieve so 4 No, | don't think so, think not 5 Yes, | expect so. 6 Yes, | suppose so 7. No, | suppose not! don't suppose so 8 Yes, Inope so. 1 did you. didn’t! 3 will you, haven't 2 don't you, have I didn’t | you 2 willyou, won't 11 does she, she 3 isnt she, she is doesn't 4 haven't you, | 12. wasn'tit, twas have 13 hasn't she, she 5 does she, she has doesn't 14 doesn't she, she 6 didn’t they, they does did 15 isn't there, there 7 isntit, itis isnt 8 haven't they, 16 is she, she is they haven't 17 hasn't she, she © do you, !don't hae: 10 doesn't he, he 18 isn'the, heisn't doesn't 49 didn't they. they did 2 isn'tthere 7 dontyou 6 3 hasntshe SQ 8 dida't they 4 wonthe \° 9 don'tthey = 5 arent they gf 10 isntshe ~ 6 dontyou Prepositions 2 to,for 5 into 8 about 3 for 6 with 9 of 4 with 7 of @& oe Go) Phrasal Verbs turned up turn ... down turns out turned on 6 tums up 7 tumed... up 8 tum down does not/doesn't pass. will she do found, would you spend hhad novhadn't met shallwill we say, asks were notiweren't working, would you do had nothadn’t stopped worked, would want needn't must 4 Can 5 mustn't 6 Shall 7 could 8 wil Oral Activity 2 SA SB: 3 SA SB: 4 8A Which/What subject did you study? | studied Mathematics How long did yourithe course last? It lasted for three years, How many companies have you worked for? have worked for two companies. How did you hear about this job? | saw an advertisement in the newspaper. Why do you want to work here? Because | have heard good things about the company. How much do you expect to be paid? | expect to be paid about £20,000 a year. When wouidiwill you be able to start? SB: | wouldiwill be able to start next month, Activity (Suggested answers) Mrs P: Can you drive a car? Miss L: Yes, I can. ‘Mrs P: Can you speak any foreign languages? Miss L: Yes, | can speak French and German. Mrs P: Can you use a computer? Miss L: Yes, I can. Mes P: Where da you live? Miss L: | ve very near to this office. Mrs P: What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? llenjoy reading and going out with friends, Do you work well under pressure? ‘Yes, | think | work very well under pressure. SB: 5 SA SB: 6 SA SB: 7 SA SB: 8 SA Miss L: Mrs P: Miss L: 265 e © © OC 6 CO O moog, 266 UNIT 16: at 7 at 12 on 17 at at 8 in 13 atin 18 in at «9 at 4 on 19 in on 10 in. 15 at at 11 on 16 on in the library 5 atthe police at the theatre station inthe café 6 inthe park fon, between, 7 among round 8 towards up 9 behind under 10 on past 6 towards 10 onto across 7 through 11 round down 8 round 12. into in 9 outof at 5 on 8 on,at in 6 on on 7 on over 6 Opposite In front of, 7 next to on 8 in under from .. to 7 above along 8 against across 9 outside out of 10 past below in, above 7 behing on 8 on under 9 near in tront of, 10 through at 2 through 3 inside 1 to 2 next to/by/beside/at 3 on 1 onin 2 round 3 through 1 under 2 intofin 3. between 1 at 2 injinside 3 abovelover 4 on Prepositions © COCO EC © OO Linking Words off 4 through 6 in nextto 5 opposite fon my birthday 8 Inthe 60's inthe moming 9 at lunchtime At Easter 10 in tan minutes. in 1068 11 In prehistoric at the weekend times on Tuesdays ‘12 at the moment on 2S in 8 from... toftiVunti e 9 in in 10 on in at 5 across 8 on to 6 in under 7 near A 4B 6C 8A c 5A 7C over 4 past 6 outof towards 5 through 7 to A 40 6C 8A 0B B 5A 7B 9A so 8 Inconclusion However 9 but in order to 10 as long as ‘Although 41) while when 12 apart from such as He put on his coat, then (he) went outside, She started to make the dinner as soon as he got home,/As soon as he got home, he started to make the dinner. They had lunch. After that, they watched television, ‘Susie is very beautiful, What is more, she is extremely inteligent.

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