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St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous)

Tiruchirappalli – 620 002
Course BBA
Sem IV Paper Code 14UBU430209 Units I–V
Title of the
Industrial Relations
Staff Name S. Clemence Jenifer

1. Industrial relations cover the following area(s)
a) Collective bargaining b) Labour legislation

c) Industrial relations training d) All of the above

Answer: d
2. Which of the following is not an approach to industrial relations?
a) Unitary approach b) Pluralistic approach

c) Marxist approach d) Employee’s approach

Answer: d
3. Under unitary approach, industrial relation is grounded in
a) Mutual co-operation b) Individual treatment

c) Team work and shared goals d) All of the above

Answer: d
4. Pluralistic approach perceives ______ as legitimate representative of employee

a) Trade unions b) Management

c) Board of Directors d) None of the above

Answer: a
5. In Marxist approach, concerns with wage related disputes are

a) Primary b) Secondary

c) Tertiary d) Not considered

Answer: b
6. For the Marxists, all strikes are
a) Political b) Social

c) Legislative d) None of the above

Answer: a
7. Which of the following is/are not acceptable to Marxists?

a) Enterprise bargaining b) Employee participation

c) Co-operative work culture d) All of the above

Answer: d

8. Which of the following department has major interest in harmonious industrial

a) HR b) Production
c) Finance d) Marketing
Answer: a
9. Which of the following is usually not an objective of industrial relations?
a) Connectedness b) Collective wisdom

c) Conflict prevention d) None of the above

Answer: d
10. Identify the major actor of industrial relations from the following.
a) Employers b) Unions

c) Government d) All of the above

Answer: d
11. The balance of power is not vested with any one group; rather, it is maintained
between the parties to the industrial relations.” This is the essence of the
a) Pluralist approach b) System approach

c) Unitary approach d) Social action approach

Answer: a
12. Which of the following approaches assumes that the understanding of industrial
relations requires an understanding of the capitalized society?
a) Marxist approach b) Gandhian approach
c) Human relations approach d) Giri approach
Answer: a
13. The utility of non-violence as the means of conflict resolution is the core principle of
a) Marxist approach b) Gandhian approach

c) Human relations approach d) Giri approach

Answer: b
14. “Organizations are made up of people and the success of management lies in its
dealings with these people.” This is the fundamental of the
a) Marxist approach b) Gandhian approach

c) Human relations approach d) Giri approach

Answer: c
15. Which of the following approaches assumes that voluntary negotiations between
employers and employees are a means of settling disputes?
a) Marxist approach b) Giri approach

c) Human relations approach d) Gandhian approach

Answer: b
16. Which of the following approaches insists on investigating the underlying trends and
patterns in the cause and effect of industrial disputes?
a) Gandhian approach b) Giri approach

c) Industrial sociology d) Pluralist approach


Answer: c
17. Productivity bargaining is considered as a classic example of the
a) Oxford school b) Giri approach
c) Human relations approach d) Gandhian approach
Answer: a

18. A proactive industrial relations program must cover the following decision(s)
a) Communication b) Competence

c) Discipline and conflict d) All the above

Answer: d
19. Which of the following statements is/are true?

a) Industrial relations exist between b) Industrial relations is a mixture of co-

individuals. operation and conflict.

c) The degree of organization of d) All the above.

industrial relations varies between
two extremes.

Answer: d
20. Which year saw the history of modern industrialism in India?
a) 1918 b) 1875
c) 1904 d) 1850
Answer: d
21. Systems approach to IR was founded by

a) John Dunlop b) Flanders

c) Hyman d) Clegg
Answer: a
22. ______ helps to boost the discipline and morale of workers

a) Work groups b) Industrial relations

c) Environmental groups d) All of these

Answer: b
23. ______ is the effect of poor industrial relations

a) Responsible labour unions b) Psychological satisfaction

c) Frustration and social cost d) Better education

Answer: c
24. Which of the following is/are the approach to IR?

a) Unitary approach b) Pluralist approach

c) Marxist approach d) All the above

Answer: d
25. The principal sufferer was the _____ during the industrial disputes happened is the
post independence period

a) Steel industries b) Cotton industries

c) Agro based industries d) Auto mobile industries

Answer: b
26. During the post independence era, Government of India passed a _____ exhorting the
management and union to maintain peace for a period of 3 years

a) Truce resolution b) Industrial resolution

c) Power resolution d) All the above

Answer: a
27. Industrial truce resolution was passed in the year
a) 1942 b) 1952

c) 1962 d) 1972

Answer: c
28. Demand for higher wages, faulty incentive schemes, and lack of fringe benefits can
be listed under ________ cause for industrial disputes

a) Economic cause b) Psychological cause

c) Organizational cause d) Physical cause

Answer: a
29. _________ is an example of organizational causes for industrial disputes

a) Non-recognition of unions b) Unfair practices

c) Violation of collection agreement d) All the above

Answer: d
30. Which of the following is not a part of the scope of industrial relations

a) Labor relations b) Employer –employee relations

c) Group Relation d) None of these

Answer: c
31. Which Act of Parliament defines a `trade union’ and governs much of the law on
industrial relations?
a) The Trade Union Act 1955. b) The Trade Union and Labour
Relations Act 2005.
c) The Trade Union and Labour d) The Trade Union and Labour
Relations (Consolidation) Act Relations (Consolidation) Act 1991
Answer: c
32. Under which of the following situations may a union refuse to admit a person or
expel a member?
a) Because they do not feel that they are b)
a Because of their current state of
suitable member. health.

c) Because of misconduct. d) Because of their financial means.

Answer: c
Who is responsible for the maintenance of the `lists’ of independent trade unions?
a) The Health and Safety b) The Central Arbitration Committee.

c) The Certification Officer. d) ACAS.

Answer: c
34. Which of the following best explains the term `union ballots’?
a) A ballot is the system by which b) A ballot is the method by which a
union members vote. union expels members

c) A ballot is the method by which a d) A ballot is the system by which union

union recruits new members. members put forward information for

Answer: c
35. Trade unions are the principal schools in which the workers learn the lesson of
_______ and ______.

a) Spirit of combination and class - b) Social evils and exploitation

c) Self - reliance and solidarity d) None of the above

Answer: c
36. In which year did the trade union movement start in India?
a) 1975 b) 1939
c) 1918 d) 1935
Answer: c
37. Which of the following can a union do once it is `recognised’?
a) Apply to engage in the `closed b) Apply for union status.

c) Apply to be referred to as a d) Engage in collective bargaining with

`workplace union’. an employer.
Answer: b
38. When will the actions of a union attract statutory immunity?
a) When they are in contemplation or furtherance
b) When the government allows this to
of a trade dispute.
be the case.

c) When they are in contemplation of d) When they are discussed with the
mass union Certification
recruitment. Officer.

Answer: a
39. In which year did the labour movement start in India?
a) 1875 b) 1918
c) 1945 d) 1939
Answer: a
40. The trade union movement were at a disadvantage in an age when the __________
held the field.
a) Rege committee b) First world war
c) Doctrine of Laissez faire d) None of the above
Answer: c
41. In how many periods can you divide the growth and development of trade union
movement in India?
a) 5 b) 6
c) 3 d) 8
Answer: b
42. Which 2 Indian Humanitarians who themselves were factory workers drew the
government’s attention towards unhappy working condition of labourers in 1875 and
a) Sorabjee Shapurji Bengali & N.M. b) S.N. Banerjee & Punekar
c) Lokamanya Tilak & Mill owners d) None of the above
Answer: a
43. Who formed Bombay Millhands Association and in which year?
a) Sorabjee shapurjee Bengali in 1980 b) N.M Lokhandey in 1890
c) Social Service League in 1910 d) None of the above
Answer: b
44. Which act in Industrial Relations defines the term trade union?
a) Industrial Trade Resolution, 1962 b) Industrial Policy, 1991
c) The trade union and labour d) The industrial Employment Act, 1946
relations (consolidation) Act, 1992
Answer: c
45. Which section of the act deals with the registration of the trade unions?
a) Section 8 b) Section 7
c) Section 9 d) Section 10
Answer: a
46. Which of the following acts do not apply to the registered trade unions?
a) The Co-operative Societies Act, b) The Societies Registration Act, 1860
c) The Companies Act, 1956 d) All of the above
Answer: d
47. How many member's consent is required to change the name of the registered trade
a) 1/4th of the total members b) 3/4th of the total members
c) Half of the total members d) 2/3rd of the total member
Answer: d
48. How many percentage of votes should be recorded when amalgamating 2 or more
registered trade unions?
a) 60% b) 50%
c) 75% d) 20%
Answer: a
49. How many members should sign the notice of dissolution?
a) 5 members and the secretary of the b) 10 members and the secretary of the
trade union trade union

c) 20 members and the secretary of d) 7 members and the secretary of the

the trade union trade union
Answer: d
50. Strike should be called only if atleast _______ percent of workers are in support of
a) 10 b) 15
c) 20 d) 25
Answer: b
51. A registered trade union is a _________ entity separate from its members
a) Illegal b) Legal
c) Subsided d) Registered
Answer: b
52. Fall in union membership may be due to_______
a) Decline in political client of labour B) Education and training

c) New workforce D) Family and vocational guidance

Answer: a
53. Trade unions are classified into ________
a) Primary union b) Regional federations
c) Central labour organization d) All the above
Answer: d
54. The central labour organization operate at ____________
a) plant level b) local level
c) national level d) regional level
Answer: c
55. INTUC can be expanded as__________
a) Indian National Trade Union b) Indian Trade Union Congress

c) Internal Trade Union Congress d) none of these

Answer: d
56. Which of the following union is mostly registered under the societies registration act?
a) trade union b) Employer’s union
c) White-collar worker’s union d) Blue collar worker’s union
Answer: c
57. A trade union Is recognized as representative union if there are ___________ of the
workers of that industry in that area
a) 25% b) 50%
c) 75% d) 80%

Answer: a
58. Trade union perform two types of functions namely ______________

a) Military and ministrate b) Single and multi

c) Primal and dual d) None of these
Answer: a
59. The minimum number of members required for applying registration for trade union
is ______________

a) 7 or more b) 10 or more
c) 3 or more d) 15 or more
Answer: a
60. ________ is the simplest form of trade union

a) Industrial union b) Craft union

c) General union d) Ethnic union
Answer: b
61. Which of the following statements is not true about an industrial dispute?
a) The dispute may relate to b) The dispute may relate to non-
employment. employment.
c) The dispute may be between d) The dispute may be between employer
worker and worker. and government.
Answer: d
62. Which of the following is not a cause of industrial dispute?
a) demand for pay and benefits hike b) demand for hygienic and safer
working conditions
c) demand for better labour welfare d) None of the above
Answer: d
63. When employees resort to unauthorized strike in violation of the labour contract or
agreements, it is called
a) pen-down b) tools-down
c) sit-in strike d) wild-cat strike

Answer: d
64. Which of the following is a specific form of protest organized with the intention to
prevent or dissuade the non-striking employees from attending to their work during
the strike period?
a) hunger strike b) work-to-rule strike
c) Picketing d) sick-out strike
Answer: c
65. The strike organized to express solidarity with the striking employees in the same
organization, industry or region is called
a) hunger strike b) sympathy strike
c) tool-down strike d) None of the above
Answer: b
66. Which of the following dispute settlers cannot make a binding decision?
a) Arbitrator b) Adjudicator
c) Conciliator d) industrial tribunal member
Answer: c
67. In which year did the Industrial Disputes Act came into operation?

a) 1963 b) 1949
c) 1953 d) 1947
Answer: d
68. To which settlement machinery can the central government refer the disputes under
rule 81 - A?
a) Conciliation b) Arbitration
c) Adjudicator d) Supreme Court
Answer: c
69. Before the industrial disputes act was implemented in the year 1947, which act took
care of the industrial disputes?
a) Trade Disputes Act, 1929 b) Royal Commission on Labour, 1934

c) Labour Management Relations Act, d) None of the above

Answer: a
70. Power has been given to _______________ to require Works Committee to be
constituted in every industrial establishment employing 100 workmen or more.
a) Appropriate Government b) State Government
c) High Court d) Board of Conciliation
Answer: a
71. The Industrial disputes act was first amended in the year ______
a) 1929 b) 1946
c) 1947 d) 1949

Answer: d
72. Choose the correct objective of the Industrial Disputes Act.
a) To prevent illegal strikes b) To promote measures for securing and
preserving good relations between the
employers and the employees
c) To provide relief to workmen in d) All of the above
matters of lay - offs, retrenchment,
wrongful dismissals
Answer: d
73. The industrial peace is secured through voluntary _______ and compulsory

a) Compromise and Arbitration b) Adjudication and Arbitration

c) Work Committee and Industrial d) Negotiation and Adjudication
Answer: d
74. The bill passing rule 81A has made two new institutions for the prevention and
settlement of industrial disputes, i.e. Work Committees and _______
a) Industrial Tribunal b) Commission on Labour
c) Arbitration d) Adjudication
Answer: a
75. Which of the following is not an `industrial tort’?
a) Intimidation. b) Inducement.
c) Gross misconduct d) Conspiracy.

Answer: c
76. The employer's refusal to provide opportunities for work is classified as
a) grievance procedure b) lockout

c) Injunction d) strike procedure

Answer: b
77. The combined refusal to use or buy the product of employers by the members of
union or all the employees is classified as
a) Boycott b) impasse boycott

c) Strike d) picketing

Answer: a
78. The types of third party negotiation known as arbitration includes
a) non binding arbitration b) interest arbitration

c) non binding arbitration d) all of above

Answer: d
79. The situation in which employees carry signs to depicts their concerns near the
employer's business place is classified as
a) Strike b) picketing

c) Boycott d) impasse boycott

Answer: b
80. The kind of union security in which organizations can hire current union members is
classified as
a) closed shop b) union shop

c) agency shop d) preferential shop

Answer: a
81. __________ relate to the application or interpretation of an existing agreement or
contract of employment
a) Disputes of rights b) Disputes of employment
c) Disputes of wages d) All the above
Answer: a
82. ____________ relate to claims by employees or proposals by management about the
terms and conditions of employment.
a) Disputes of rights b) Disputes of employment
c) Disputes of wages d) All the above

Answer: b

83. What is included in the term ‘industry’?

a) Hospitals or dispensaries b) Educational, scientific,
research institutions
c) Khadhi or village industries d) Any activity related to the promotion
sales or

Answer: d
84. The ingredients of industrial disputes is/are ________________

a) There should be a real and b) The dispute or difference should be

substantial dispute between the employer and his
c) The dispute or difference must be d) All the above
connected with employment
Answer: d
85. The failure or refusal or inability of the employer to give employment to a workman
is called __________
a) strike b) lay off
c) retrenchment d) none of the above
Answer: b
86. The temporary closure of a place of employment is called ____
a) strike b) lock out
c) retrenchment d) none of the above
Answer: a
87. Section 8(d) of the National Labor Relations Act prohibits strikes or lockout during
a) Negotiation. b) Notice period.
c) Layoffs. d) Conduct of an election.

Answer: b
88. Public utility service includes ________
a) Railway service b) Industry which supplies power, light
or water to the public
c) Postal, telegraph or telephone d) All the above
Answer: d
89. The termination by the employer of a service of a workman for any reason is called
a) Retrenchment b) Strike
c) Lay off d) None of these
Answer: a
90. Which of the following is/are included under wages?
a) Any bonus b) Any contribution paid
c) Any gratuity payable d) Any commission payable on the
promotion of sales
Answer: d
91. “One party gains at the expense of another” normally refers to which type of
collective bargaining?
a) Distributive bargaining B) Integrative bargaining
c) Centralized bargaining D) None of the above
Answer: a
92. What is meant by the term `collective bargaining’?
a) A process by which a union recruits b) A process by which a union negotiates
new members. with an employer on behalf of its
members on matters concerning the
terms and conditions of employment.
c) A process by which a union d) A process by which a union meets
negotiates with suppliers for the with another union to discuss
provision of e.g. office furniture. recruitment.
Answer: b
93. The kind of bargaining issues that are related to certain jobs and are not mandatory
are classified as
a) Illegal issue B) Permissive issues

c) Non permissive issues D) Provisional issues

Answer: b
94. The bargaining issues that are identified by laws and court decisions are classified as
a) provision security issues b) illegal issues

c) permissive issues d) mandatory issues

Answer: d
95. Collective bargaining is defined under the:
a) National Labor Relations Act. b) Occupational Safety and Health Act.

c) Civil Rights Act. d) Fair Labor Standards Act.

Answer: a
96. Employer’s refusal to bargain with the employees’ representative is declared as a(n):
a) Economic strike. b) Executive proceeding.
c) Unfair labor practice. d) Arbitration proceeding.
Answer: c
97. The parties engaged in a collective bargaining process involve a(n):
a) Employee and the employer. B) Employee representative and the
c) Employer and the labor inspector. D) Labor inspector and an employee.
Answer: b
98. Those matters that are neither mandatory nor illegal; the parties may, but are not
required to, bargain over such subjects is known as a bargaining subject of a:
a) Permissive nature. b) Mandatory nature.
c) Persuasive nature. d) Miscellaneous nature.
Answer: a
99. Collective bargaining is an example of __________
a) Unilateral b) Bipartite
c) Tripartite d) None of these
Answer: b
100. The process in which conditions of employment are determined by agreement
between representatives of the union, on one hand, and those of the employer, on the
other is called ____________
a) Collective bargaining b) Industrial relations
c) Workers participation in d) All the above
Answer: a
101. The negotiation of an issue on which both parties may gain, or atleast neither one
losses is called________
a) Distributive bargaining b) Integrative bargaining
c) Attitudinal bargaining d) Intra organizational bargaining
Answer: b
102. The process of Collective bargaining helps in shaping attitudes as trust or distrust,
friendliness or hostility between the parties is _____
a) Distributive bargaining b) Integrative bargaining
c) Attitudinal bargaining d) Intra organizational bargaining
Answer: c
103. Trying to achieve consensus within the labour and the management organizations is
called ___________
a) Distributive bargaining b) Integrative bargaining
c) Attitudinal bargaining d) Intra organizational bargaining
Answer: d
104. Collective bargaining creates two types of rules namely, ______ and ________
a) Procedural and substantive b) Military and ministrate
c) Single and multi d) Primal and dual
Answer: a
105. Collective bargaining can be conducted at _________
a) Plant level b) Industry level
c) National level d) All the above
Answer: d
106. Which of the following is/are the qualities which members of a negotiating team must
a) Right attitude b) Skill to analyze problems
c) Intimate knowledge of operations d) All the above
Answer: d
107. Which of the following is/are the type(s) of Collective bargaining?
a) Haggling bargaining b) Boulwarism
c) Continuous bargaining d) All the above
Answer: d
108. In which type of bargaining, Issues are settled one by one in some order such as
‘easiest’ first or ‘from the beginning to the end’ of the draft demands?
a) Haggling bargaining b) Boulwarism
c) Continuous bargaining d) All the above
Answer: a
109. A tactic that makes the union the hero and company the villain in the eyes of many
villains is followed in __________
a) Haggling bargaining b) Boulwarism
c) Continuous bargaining d) All the above
Answer: b
110. The approach which calls for the parties to explore particularly difficult bargaining
problems in joint meetings over a long period of time is ____________
a) Haggling bargaining b) Boulwarism
c) Continuous bargaining d) All the above
Answer: c
111. Collective bargaining started in India during the year ________
a) 1950s and 1960s b) 1930s and 1940s
c) 1970s and 1980s d) 1920s and 1930s
Answer: a
112. An example of plant level agreement is _________
a) Bata shoe company agreement b) Ahmedabad Mill owner’s association
1955 and Ahmedabad textile labour
c) Bonus agreement for plantation d) All the above
Answer: a
113. An example of industry level agreement is _________
a) Bata shoe company agreement b) Ahmedabad Mill owner’s association
1955 and Ahmedabad textile labour
c) Bonus agreement for plantation d) All the above
Answer: b
114. An example of national level agreement is _________
a) Bata shoe company agreement b) Ahmedabad Mill owner’s association
1955 and Ahmedabad textile labour
c) Bonus agreement for plantation d) All the above
Answer: c
115. The kind of an agreement deals with specific issues like Payroll( basic pay),
Policy(leave policy), Benefits (bonus payment) is called __________
a) Procedural Agreement b) Substantive agreements
c) Bargaining agreement d) Dispute agreement
Answer: b
116. __________ deals with the relationship between employees & employers to resolve
individual & group issues. It follows the company's rules.
a) Procedural Agreement b) Substantive agreements
c) Bargaining agreement d) Dispute agreement
Answer: a
117. The right to collectively bargain is recognized through ___________________.
a) national human rights conventions b) divisional human rights conventions
c) international human rights d) Local human rights conventions
Answer: c
118. What is/are the condition(s) essential for successful collective bargaining?
a) A fovourable political climate b) Freedom of association
c) Stability of workers organizations d) All the above
Answer: a
119. _____________ also lowers labor protective regulations at domestic level because
firms choose to operate in a legal environment where labor is offered least protection.
a) Globalization b) Liberalization
c) Privatization d) All the above
Answer: a
120. Which of the following gives the correct sequence of steps followed in collective
a) Preparatory – discussion – proposal b) Preparatory – bargaining -proposal –
– bargaining - settlement discussion – settlement
c) discussion – proposal – Preparatory d) bargaining - Preparatory – discussion
– bargaining - settlement – proposal –settlement
Answer: a

121. The following is/are included in ILO’s standards with regard to industrial relations

a) Right of association b) Right to organize and collective


c) Tripartite consultants d) All the above

Answer: d

122. According to Indian Labour Commission (ILC) major recommendations, Union once
recognized should be valid for a period of __________ years to be co-terminus with
the period of settlement.
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Five
Answer: c
123. In case of retrenchment, worker is entitled to ______ months notice or notice pay in
lieu of notice

a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Four
Answer: b
124. The International Labor Organization is agency of _________

a) IBRD b) Un Security Council

c) International Fund for Agricultural d) United Nations

Answer: d
125. The headquarters of International Labor Organization is located in

a) Geneva b) Rome

c) France d) Tokyo

Answer: a
126. The agency of United Nations which deals with international labor standards and
providing social protection and working opportunities is
a) International Corporation of Law b) International Law Organization

c) International Workforce Recruiters d) International Labor Organization

Answer: d
127. The International Labor Organization received Nobel Peace Prize in

a) 1969 b) 1965
c) 1959 d) 1949

Answer: a
128. The International Labor Organization was formulated in

a) 1925 b) 1939
c) 1919 d) 1929

Answer: c
129. ILO stands for
a) Indian labour organisation b) International labour organization
c) Institutional labour organisation d) Individual labour organization
Answer: b
130. The principal organs of ILO is/are
a) International labour office b) The governing body
c) The international labour conference d) All the above
Answer: d
131. The international labour code comprises of _____ conventions and _____
a) 174, 184 b) 194, 124
c) 154, 164 d) 174, 194
Answer: a
132. ILO has a ___________ governing structure.
a) Unitary b) Bipartite
c) Tripartite d) None of the above
Answer: c
133. In 1969, the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize for
a) improving peace among classes b) pursuing decent work
c) providing technical assistance to d) All the above
other developing nations
Answer: d
134. The tripartite governing structure – representing governments, employers, and
workers usually with a ratio of __________
a) 2:1:1 b) 2:2:2
c) 1:2:1 d) 1:2:3
Answer: a
135. As of 2015, the ILO has ______ state members.
a) 186 b) 180
c) 185 d) 184
Answer: a
136. Which of the following is not the principle of Industrial relations policy

a) The code of conduct b) Labor welfare activities

c) The code of discipline d) All of the above

Answer: c
137. ___________ are the bodies comprising representatives from employers and

a) Management committees b) Joint councils and committees

c) Discipline committees d) None of the above

Answer: b

138. Which of the following method had not been given a statutory form in India

a) Conciliation b) Mediation
c) Voluntary arbitration d) Adjudication
Answer: b
139. _________ are the rules and regulations which govern the conditions of employment
of workers
a) Standing orders b) Policies
c) Advice d) None of these
Answer: a
140. Employer’s association came into existence as a result of the formation of _________
after the first world war

a) Hind Mazdoor Sangh b) Indian labor Congress

c) International labor Organization d) None of these
Answer: c
141. The main aim of International Labor Organization(ILO) is to

a) Promote rights at work b) Strengthen dialogue on work related


c) Enhance social protection d) All of the above

Answer: d
142. FICCI is an example of ___________
a) Employees association b) Employer’s association
c) General body d) All the above
Answer: b
143. Which of the following is not a part of industrial relations?

a) Government and employers b) Trade unions, union federations or

c) Foreign companies d) Labor courts and Tribunals

Answer: c
144. By which of the following are the main implications summarized by ILO in regard to
workers participation in management

a) Workers are also creative and have b) Workers’ are capable enough to give
innovative ideas rational and logical justifications
provided they are well aware and well

c) Both A&B d) Neither A and B

Answer: c
145. Which of the following is not a principle of industrial relations policy

a) The code of conduct b) The code of discipline

c) Labour welfare d) None of these
Answer: d
146. ___________ with the rules , laws and agreement through executive and judicial
machinery influences and shapes industrial relation

a) Society b) Industry

c) Government d) None of these

Answer: c
147. Which of the following is not one of the objectives that led to the establishment of
employer associations?
a) Provide protection from the threats b) Provide a united front when dealing
of trade unions. with trade unions.
c) Provide a united front when d) Provide agreement on the regulation
dealing with The State. of trade and competition
Answer: c
148. Two main types of employer associations have been formed. One of these is the
single industry association. The other is:
a) Umbrella organisations that cover b) The public industry association.
employers without union members
at their workplace.
c) Umbrella organisations that cover d) The multiple industry association.
employers in the private sector.
Answer: c
149. Employer Associations make public statements about:
a) All national matters. b) Industrial and political matters.
c) Industrial matters only. d) Political matters only.
Answer: b
150. Which of the following is not a service provided by an employer association?
a) Training and development b) To provide specialised legal and
programs. industrial relations services.
c) Represent member companies at d) Political advice.
industrial tribunals.
Answer: d


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