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Francine Pickup, UNDP Deputy Country Director

2nd Annual Islamic Finance Conference: The Role of Islamic Finance in

Eradicating Poverty and Income Inequality

Jogyakarta, Indonesia Wednesday 23 August 2017

• Universal call to action
• Building on MDGs, the region is experiencing much progress but
there are challenges ahead to meet the SDGs
• The interconnectedness of the 2030 agenda highlights the complexity
of the challenges such as climate change and gender equality
• Partnerships at the core
Estimated investment gap in key SDG sectors, 2015-30
US$ Billions

Domestic public
Domestic private
International private

International public

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

UNDP, using constant 2015 USD prices

DI calculations
based on multiple sources
• Source of finance: Assets expected to exceed $3 trillion by 2020;
• Growth potential: Islamic finance industry has expanded rapidly over
past decade, growing at 10-12% annually;
• Underlying philosophy: Embodies socially responsible development
Networks and partnerships: Religion as a force of change in the world
and engaging w religious organisations is crucial for peace,
development and promoting tolerance.

Islamic finance has tremendous potential to contribute to SDGs but

largely untapped and overlooked.
• Potential in countries with large Muslim populations & high poverty
• Typically zakat is given informally, individually from person to person
• Approx. ¼ contributions channeled thru formal certified orgs
• Focus on act of giving, not development impact or rights of recipients
• Shift needed from charity to programme with professional mgmt
• Giving to higher level causes, not individuals, for greater impact
• Longer term, sustainable impact needs capacity devt thru formal orgs.
Faith (hifdh-ul-iman) : SDG goals 1,2,3,6,
and 10 focuses on reducing vulnerability
which in turn is believed to help strengthen
their faith.

Life (hifdh-ul-nafs) : Zakat aligns with Goals

2,3,6,8, and 11 in ensuring healthy lives and
promoting well-being for sustainable

Progeny (hifdh-ul-nasl) : Zakat that helps

people escape the poverty trap, promoting
peace, and protecting the environment such
as goals 3,5,7,11,12,13,14,15, and 16 is
consistent with human progeny.

Intellect (hifdh-ul-aqal) : Zakat’s alignment

with SDG 1,2, and 9 facilitates access to
healthy nourishment, quality education, and
make children more productive in the

Wealth (hifdh-ul-maal) : Zakat has inbuilt

wealth transfer (SDG 10) which can help
generate economic activity (SDG 8) and a
social safety net (SDG 1 and 3).
Indonesia’s National Zakat Body, BAZNAS,
extends first contribution to support SDGs

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