Informe CIA - Chinese Journal of Somatic Science - Índice

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A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 Approvelit! CARRERE ACADEMY. OF SOMATIC SCIENCE Somatic science is a major development of modern science and technology. Well-known scientist Prof. Qian Xuesen has pointed out, “A thorough study and research of somatic science will fully change mankind's ability in understanding and reforming nature, and bringing benefits to mankind.” “This may lead to a scientific revolution in the 21st century which may be even greater than quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity in the 20th century.” “It will usher in a second Renaissance and is another leap forward for human history.” Headed by Prof. Qian Xuesen, the Chinese scientists have made an all- around exposition on the concept and content. of somatic science: the guiding ‘ideologies and view-points, the field and method of study as well as the strategy of development and recent programmes. ‘Thus, we are laying a foundation and showing clearly its orientation for the establishment of this new and developing science, ‘The spring of 1990 saw the establishment of the Chinese Academy of Somatic Science, Honorary council chairman of the China Association of Somatic Science, Qian Xuesen, council chairman, Zhang Zhenhuan are the initiators and founding directors of this academy. Well-known scientists Zhao Zhongyao, Bei Shizhang, Qian Weizhang, Wang Dezhao, Wang Shoujue and others expressed their full concern and support for the establishment and development of this academy. /A-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/05 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : C4A-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 AIM ‘The aim of the academy is the establishment of basic studies and research of somatic science and its application, to lay a good foundation for the basic «P- plication of somatic science and to benefit mankind. GUIDING IDEOLOGY ‘The academy uses dialectical-materialist ideologies as a guide to study and research somatic science; ‘With systems, theory and methodology as an academic guide, using results of modern science to derive the essence of traditional culture; ‘Combining the study end research of modern medicine, tradi cine, qigong and the special functions of the human-body: ‘Combining the study and research in a multidisciplinary approach; Combining basic studies and esearch with applications, yal medi- ORGANIC PRINCIPLE AND ORGANIZATION ‘The academy utilizes the organic principle in organizing the nuclear struc ture within a small entity, providing greater elasticity and multiple strata, In the first stratum:there is an advisory committee, board of directors and en acade- ‘committee, implementing the chairman's responsibility under the provisions of leadership of the board of directors. In the second stratum are basic studies ‘and research, application studies and research, talent collecting departments, in- temational cooperaton, administrative management and other functional depart: ‘ments. The ehird stratum consists of a certain number of centres, institutes, de- partments, sections and other gress-root units directly affiliated to the academy. ‘The fourth stratum includes units and'individuals having close contacts or co- operative relations with the academy. "A small number of professionals, and a greater number of personnel with concurrent jobs, work with a capable and efficient academy as the center, and ‘with scientists as the main body. They will make full use of modern means of Communication and transportation as well as the most advanced instruments and facilities at home and abroad. They will conduct separate studies and research, ‘and implement unified loadership and unified management. Our sim is to estab- Tish a newdlype of study and research academy with high efficiency, and high standards as well as a vigorous and flexible economy. FUNDS ‘The Chinese Academy of Somatic Science is a self-funded civicscientific re- search organization. Tts funds are chiefly from funds allocated to subjects of scientific research and benefits from donations, as well as cooperation and as- sistance at home and abroad. Approved For Release 2003/09/05 /A-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 in July 1990, the first issi somatic Science was published. cover and includes -6- Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 ue of the Chinese Journal of ‘The Journal has a slick, photographs with some of its articles. color rts preface is a presentation in Chinese ‘and English of what Somatic Brtace is, and its index is aiso presented in English and Chinese. I will circulate a organizations correspond with the Academy K & Atk EE TOEN WARN URI SAW. ARI ASE PRIA AER RH IE HAGE ROTOR ASEH Bok AMARA R AME FRAT ARTEL HARAWRRERRES A RARER MAZE AXES ASMA ARE SAARI ERM EREEY THEE EM EARETEAS HERMGH AMEE RRR HELE EECA BF SAO EER A ARR EMT RAMEE, BLEREARH ES RELL Hee PLATA. ‘nese two sections of the Journal are copy of this Journal to psi fn the United States and suggest of Somatic Science corhange arrangement for professional journals presented below. research that they and negotiate an and papers. oh > Ft AEN GammtloRAA HR ER EH PRORTARE FOES ER ELERDEEE Rae ORE HERP ORE FB OD WRENS UAE ESPLPKEREAL ER EES AHREHERARS ES MRE AIST, ae A MRD A & (Soni gent) fee Atk es OVE BY Robert H, Dike fe Branden cares AEE EAH LAB K AKA Canton pack EAE ALE EM ELT ARG ERA TAT PERRET EAEN. Somatic Science ( Science Of Human Body )" Somatic science i the sence of man in cos ‘le enviconments in the language of systems scl- cence,the human body is considered to be an open complex giant system embeded In the supersiant aystem of comic worlds here “open” is referred (9 the human body environment, “glant” means the umber of the constituting members of the system runs to billions and billions »“eomplex”means the kinds of the constituting members are also numer ‘ous and the interactions among the members are of reat varlety- Somatic selence thus departs tn taste ‘viewpoint from the classical redutignist physiolo~ fy. ‘The importance of feedback of conscience on physiology, Including the multi-level actions and Interactions of human bain, is emphasized. This paints to the difference betweeen somatic science ‘av plant or animal blotogy and separates the 60- matic clence from the life sclenoe in general Approved For Release 2003/09/05 Somatology+ an old terminology ys hete re- -suciated as the fundamental dscipline of Somatia ‘Science ytnd is the syntheals of classical physilo- sy emodem peychology paychophystlogy NeUro- sclence, scientific parts of chinese traditions! medicine and Qigong (Transcendental meditation)» and other related subjects such as ESP and PK. ‘The quasi-stable characteristic states of human body system such as waking, sleeping and Qigong stateyare called the somatic Eigenstate. ‘As the philosophy of somatle science, the ait “soropie principle of Robert H. Dicke and Branden ‘Carter derived from cosmological consideration is ‘extended to include on the microscope seale,quan- tum theory of measurement or quantum eplstemol- ‘cay And to include on the macroscopie sxale, the 1A-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CiA-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8 CHINESE JOURNAL OF SOMATIC SCIENCE FIRST ISSUEGULY 1990) CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO A PERIODICAL PECIAL PAPERS, ‘Somatic Selene see Zh Runtong Zhu Yiyi C4 ) Important Frontiers Leading To Potential ‘Break-Throvghs of Current Selenee Chinese Society of Somatle Science (CSSS)C & ) Human Bady-—The Concept of Open Complex Giant System and Its Methotogy EXPERIMENT RESEARCH “The Research of the Break Throush Spacial Obstacle Funéton ~ + Chen Xin 11) n+ Song Kongzhy et. 22 ) Investigation of the “force” of “Parapsycotogieal Writing” ~~ HYPOTHESIS AND SEARCHING. “A Proof of Existence of Abnotmal States of Matter ‘CONFERENCE REPORT ‘Speech in The and Rescarch Conference of CSSS 1 Huang Jinggen, ete. ¢ 22 1 Wu Banghui C38) sve Zhang Zhenhwan (38) + Qin Yue C48.) -The“And Research Conference of CSSS_ +" (COMMENTS ON NEW BOOKS ‘A Grand Engineering Starting @ New Era of On “Founding Somatie Selence ‘TRANSLATED DIGEST ‘Studies of Human Super-Perception Function In Russia =~ INFORMATION AND TENDENCY “The Chinese Medicine Systematic Theory Committee Announces ‘A Sympontum To Be Held In The Neae Future + READING GUIDE Rong Wen ( 42 ) Li Huang 40) Zaong Xuan ¢ 21) ‘The Bditociat Department ( 48 ) Chief Editor :Zhu Runlong Associate Editor ;Zhu Yiyi Approved For Release 2003/09/05 1A-RDP96-00792R000300270008-8

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