How To Reset Applications Manager Login Password For Admin Account

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Reset Applications Manager login password for

admin account (For v15680 and below) ?
Note: If you are using Applications Manager version 15690 and above, refer to this link .

Solution: Open the <AppManagerHome>\conf\AMServer.Properties file with any text editor and check for the
key am.dbserver.type= < >. If value is 'mssql' then follow the step for Microsoft SQL database, if it is 'pgsql' then
follow steps for PostgreSql database otherwise, follow the steps for MySQL database. Make sure you have started
Applications Manager before running these commands.

After executing these queries, the username and password will be reset to admin/admin.

For Microsoft SQL Database:

Connect to the corresponding MSSQL database used by that Applications Manager instance and execute the
below query:

1. update AM_UserPasswordTable set PASSWORD = hashbytes('MD5','admin') where

USERNAME = 'admin'

You can refer the Microsoft SQL database details in the AppManagerHome\working\conf\database_params.conf

For PostgreSQL Database:

For resetting the admin user password, open a command prompt and go to AppManagerHome/working/pgsql/bin/
directory. Then execute the following commands:

For Windows:

1. set PGPASSWORD=appmanager
2. psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable
SET PASSWORD='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' WHERE USERNAME='admin'"

For Linux:

1. export PGPASSWORD=appmanager
2. ./psql -p <pgsqlport> -U postgres -h localhost -d amdb -c "UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable
SET PASSWORD='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' WHERE USERNAME='admin'"


In the above command replace the <pgsqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager
instance's PostgreSQL by cross checking the am.db.port key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.

For MySQL Database:

For resetting the admin user password, open command prompt and go to
<AppManagerHome>/working/mysql/bin/ directory. Then execute the following command:

For Windows:

1. mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost -D AMDB -e "UPDATE

AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' WHERE

For Linux:

1. ./mysql -P <mysqlport> -u root -pappmanager -h localhost --socket=./../mysql.sock -D AMDB -e

"UPDATE AM_UserPasswordTable SET PASSWORD='21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3'

In the above command replace the <mysqlport> with the actual port number of your Applications Manager
instance by cross checking the am.db.port key entry in the <AppManagerHome>/conf/ file.

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