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CP Biology Name ________________________________________

Cell Transport Test

Part I. Multiple choice. Write the best answer to each question on the answer sheet.

______ 1) Cellular transport takes place in which of the following organisms? M.C. = 30x2 = 60 pts

a) only unicellular organisms O.E. = 8 + 9 + 3 = 20pts

b) only multicellular organisms
Total = 80 pts
c) all organisms
d) only organisms that have a excretory system

______ 2) Diffusion of DNA molecules in a beaker of water requires

a) no energy
b) additional cellular energy (ATP)
c) only kinetic energy

______ 3) Diffusion is a term for the movement of molecules from

a) an area that is in dynamic equilibrium to a different area in dynamic equilibrium

b) an area of low molecule concentration to an area of high molecule concentration
c) an area of high molecule concentration to an area of low molecule concentration

______ 4) Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) move quickly and easily across most cell
membranes without the need for transport proteins because they are

a) small molecules without a charge

b) large molecules with a charge
c) waste products
d) important nutrients

______ 5) A cell membrane allows substance B into the cell. It does not allow substance A into
the cell. Which of the following are TRUE?
a) the membrane is impermeable to both A and B
b) the membrane is permeable to both A and B
c) the membrane is permeable to A but impermeable to B
d) the membrane is selectively permeable

______ 6) Cells placed in a hypertonic solution will ____________________.

Cells placed in a hypotonic solution will ____________________.

a) swell, shrink
b) shrink, swell
c) stay the same, swell
d) shrink, stay the same

______ 7) Cell membranes are best described as a thin layer of mainly

a) lipids only
b) carbohydrates only
c) lipids and proteins
d) lipids and nucleic acids

______ 8) A cell needs large amounts of glucose for cellular respiration. Unfortunately, glucose
doesn’t easily diffuse through the cell membrane. Which of the following will the
cell need in order to obtain the glucose it needs?

a) high levels of O2 in the cell

b) low levels of CO2 in the cell
c) carbohydrate chains (markers)
d) specialized transport proteins which transport glucose into the cell

______ 9) What process is taking place in the cell shown in the diagram below?

a) simple diffusion

b) active transport

c) osmosis

d) endocytosis

______ 10) A cell produces insulin which is a protein hundreds of amino acid units long. This
large protein molecule cannot fit through a transport protein. Which of the
following modes of transport will the cell most likely use to move the molecule
out into the bloodstream so it can be transported to other cells?

a) exocytosis
b) endocytosis
c) osmosis
d) simple diffusion

______ 11) The cell needs to excrete sodium ions (Na+) outside of the cell. A high
concentration of sodium exists outside the cell. A very low concentration of sodium
exists inside the cell. Which of the following types of cell transport will likely be used to
transport the sodium out of the cell?

a) endocytosis Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

b) osmosis Na+ Na+ Na+
c) facilitated diffusion Na+
d) active transport Na+ Na+
Na+ Na+

______ 12) Which of the following types of transport DO NOT require specialized proteins in
the cell membrane to transport materials across the cell membrane?

a) homeostasis
b) simple diffusion
c) facilitated diffusion
d) osmosis

______ 13) The main difference between osmosis and simple diffusion is

a) osmosis requires cellular ATP while diffusion requires only thermal energy.
b) diffusion is movement with the concentration gradient and osmosis moves
against the gradient.
c) osmosis is the movement of water across a cell membrane; diffusion can
include water or other solutes (but, a cell membrane is not necessarily involved)

Questions #14 and 15 refer to the diagram to the right. The two solutions are separated by a
membrane represented by a dotted line (----). X and Y represent solutes, not the solvent!

______ 14) If the membrane in the picture is impermeable to substances X and Y, BUT
permeable to water, then:

a) osmosis will occur from solution 1 to Solution 1 Solution 2

solution 2.
b) osmosis will occur from solution 2 to
solution 1. X Y Y X
c) no net movement of water will occur. X
______ 15) If the membrane is impermeable
to substance Y, but is permeable X Y Y
to substance X, what is the net X Y Y
direction for movement of
substance X?

a) into solution 1
b) into solution 2

c) no net movement of substance X will occur
Part II: Matching.Use the following three choices to match the statements with the type of
solution it describes. Answers may be used more than once.

B_____ 16) A solution that would cause a plant cell to swell WORD BANK
and become turgid (fill with water)
a) hypertonic
B_____ 17) A solution that would cause red blood cells to
burst or break open. solution

C_____ 18) A solution that would be good to use if you wanted b) hypotonic
to grow skin cells for use with burn patients. solution

A_____ 19) A solution that would cause a plant cell to shrink and c) isotonic solution
lose water (plasmolyze).

More Matching. Match the following terms with the statements that describe them.

B_____ 20) Requires the use of metabolic energy in the

WORD BANK form of ATP.

B_____ 21) Can move materials against the concentration

a) passive transport gradient.
b) active transport B_____ 22) Includes phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

A_____ 23) Facilitated diffusion is one type.

More Matching. Match the following terms with the statements that describe them. Use each
answer ONLY once.

C_____ 24) A cell membrane encloses and takes in large

food particles.

A_____ 25) Moves materials down or with the concentration a) facilitated

gradient with the help of a carrier protein. diffusion
b) active
B_____ 26) Transport proteins use ATP energy to transport transport -
nutrients into the roots of plants. molecular
c) endocytosis
D_____ 27) Mucus and waste particles packaged in vesicles
are deposited outside a cell. d) exocytosis
Part III: Problem Solving. In questions #28-30, you are given the percent concentrations
of solute or solvent inside and outside a cell.

A cell with 65% water is placed into a 22% salt solution.

_____28) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate percentages for the solute and water in the cell
and in the environment, then find the corresponding multiple choice answer below.

Cell: Environment:

__35___% solute _22____% solute

__65___% water __78___% water

a) Cell: 65% solute, 35% water ; Solution: 78% solute, 22% water
b) Cell: 65% solute, 35% water ; Solution: 22% solute, 78% water
c) Cell: 35% solute , 65% water ; Solution: 22% solute , 78% water
d) Cell: 35% solute , 65% water ; Solution: 78% solute , 22% water

______ 29) The water will move

a) into the cell

b) out of the cell
c) equally in and out of the cell

______ 30) The solution outside of the cell is

a) isotonic to the cell

b) hypotonic to the cell

c) hypertonic to the cell
Part IV: Label the diagram using the word bank below:

31. Hydrophilic head 32. Hydrophobic tails 33. Outside

34. Phospholipid bilayer 35. Carrier Proteins 36. Inside

*** The words below may only be used once and NOT all the words will be used. ***

Word Bank
Hydrophilic tails Hydrophilic head
Hydrophobic tails Hydrophobic head
Carrier ions Nucleic Acid
Inside Outside
Carrier Proteins Phospholipid bilayer

Part V: Short Answer.
37) A lawn company has been called to a home with a weed problem. The stone walkway
leading to the house has a number of weeds growing between the bricks. The

homeowner wants the weeds killed without using pesticides. The lawn company

promises to solve the problem by pouring a highly concentrated solution of potassium

chloride (KCl – an ionic compound) dissolved into a low volume of water on the weeds.

a) Will the KCl solution that the lawn company used kill the weeds? Yes or No.

b) What is the TERM used to describe the KCl solution (environment) compared to the solution
inside the weed cells? Explain your answer.

c) Describe the direction of the net movement of water.

d) What will happen to the weed cells? Explain why or how this happens.

 To the best of your ability, use appropriate vocabulary terms when answering each part:

cell membrane, diffuse (diffusion), passive transport, osmosis, concentration,

concentration gradient, solute, solvent, hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic,
dynamic equilibrium, net movement (no net movement).

a) _Yes________
b) Term: Hypertonic

Explain: A greater amount of solutes exists in the environment (KCl solution poured over the
weeds) than exists in the weed cellss

c)__Water will diffuse OUT of the weed cells, due to the fact that a greater concentration of water
exists in the weed cells and a lower concentration of water exists in the KCl solution outside of the
weed cells.

d)_____Because a high concentration gradient exists (more water in cells, less water outside in the
environment), a high volume of water will leave the cells causing them to shrink (shrivel &
dehydrate) and die!

Part VI: Data Analysis – Extension Question

Three fresh chicken eggs (shells removed, but cell membrane still intact) were submerged in three
different salt solutions. The effect on the mass of each egg is shown in the table below.

Environment Solution Starting Mass of Egg (grams) Final Mass of Egg (grams)
98% water, 2% salt 83.0 86.1
97% water, 3% salt 83.0 83.0
96% water, 4% salt 83.0 78.6

_______ 38) Based on the data shown above, what is the starting concentration of water and solutes
within the egg? No change in mass (Isotonic to the egg cell)

a. 98% water, 2% solutes

b. 97% water, 3% solutes
c. 96% water, 4% solutes

_______ 39) The eggs gained/lost mass due to:

a. endocytosis
b. osmosis
c. active transport
d. pinocytosis

_______ 40) Which of the solutions was initially hypertonic to the egg?
More solutes in the environment (cause cell to shrink / lose H2O)
a. 98% water, 2% solutes
b. 97% water, 3% solutes
c. 96% water, 4% solutes
d. none of the solutions was initially hypertonic to the egg

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