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Yes, I have had several opportunities that I declined and later regretted my

decision. However, I have also had opportunities that I declined and was
grateful I did not participate. I personally believe that as a human being I have
the freedom of choice. Every choice I make has consequences, some are good
and some are bad. No matter the consequences I always learn from them.
One of my weaknesses is over committing myself. I enjoy helping people
when they are in need; however, I sometimes stretch myself too thin, and I
end up letting someone down. I decided that become more self aware of my
capabilities and managing my time better could turn this weakness into a
positive quality. This activity really made me think about how the strengths
perspective can be a positive way of thinking.
3. I have trouble saying “no.”

Helping colleagues on projects and properly managing your workload

is an artful balance. From an employer’s perspective, someone who
accepts all requests seems dedicated and eager—but can also be
someone who doesn’t know their limits and ends up needing help or
deadline extensions to finish their work.

If you’re so eager to take on new projects that you can’t bring yourself
to say “no” to, share how you’re working to better self-manage by
organizing your tasks and setting more realistic expectations with
yourself as well as those around you.

Example: “My greatest weakness is that I sometimes have trouble

saying ‘no’ to requests and end up taking on more than I can handle. In
the past, this has led me to feel stressed or burnt out. To help myself
improve in this area, I use a project management app so I can
visualize how much work I have at any given moment and know
whether or not I have the bandwidth to take on more.”

4. I get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline.

While expressing outward stress or frustration over missed deadlines

can be considered a weakness, employers value workers that place
importance on deadlines and strive to keep projects within the
planned timeline.

If you’re using this as your job interview weakness, frame your answer
to focus on how you appreciate work completed on time and ways
you’re improving your helping to improve processes to get work done
more efficiently.

Example: “My greatest weakness is that I get impatient when projects

run past the deadline. I’m a stickler for due dates and get
uncomfortable when work is not completed on time. To avoid this, I’ve
started being more proactive and paying attention to how I’m reacting
to make sure I’m being motivational and helping foster efficiency.”

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