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Quarter II – Week 3-4
Proper Exercise
Etiquette and Safety


PE and Health– Grade 11
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter II – W eek 3-4: Proper Exercise Etiquette and Safety
First Edition, 2020

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Lesson 6

Proper Exercise Etiquette and Safety

MELC: Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
(PEH11FH-Ia-t-12) (Week 3)

Objectives: 1. Identify and explain the different etiquettes in doing exercise activities.
2. Distinguish proper etiquette and safe ty in the use of facilities and
3. Apply appropriate etiquette in the use of fitness facilities and equipment.

Let’s Explore and Discover

When you participate in aerobic, muscle, and bone Unlocking of Difficulties
strengthening activities whether exercise or a sport, you are  Etiquette – is the
going to select and use different equipment and facilities. customary code of polite
These resources will help in your participation so you have behavior in society or
to be careful in selecting them. As a form of courtesy to among members of a
other individuals who shall also use these equipment and particular group.
facilities, you need to observe proper manners or etiquette  Decorum- behavior in
inside a gym or any other exercise venue. Depending on the keeping with what is
venue or facility, there is a specific decorum expected from good.
those who use them. The main reason is safety and
courtesy to others. Nobody wants to exercise knowing work must be done or they get hurt
since the previous user of the venue is careless.The following are examples of different
venues with its commonly expected rules and etiquette.
Playing court or field
A playing court or field may be indoors or outdoors, depending on the sport. Venues
and facilities are usually ready-to-use since these are specifically designed to certain
sports (e.g. basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton). However, some venues
need to set up some equipment first, like table tennis, taekwondo, judo, arnis, taekwondo
Depending on the venue , those who utilize and set up equipment are expected to
properly fix, return, or store the equipment after use. It is proper decorum to keep the
venue clean and as orderly as possible after use. Here are some examples:

 Wipe off wet spots caused by your drinks and sweat.

 Properly throw away used exercise or sports gadgets and equipment like empty
water bottles, athletic tapes, shuttlecock feathers, etc.
 Report danger or risk to the management for it to be fixed before someone gets hurt
like slippery surface, dangling electrical wires, broken metal parts, uneven surface,
 Do not stay longer than needed by the activity as courtesy to next users.

Dance areas or hall
These are either open or enclosed spaces sometimes with full-sized mirrors on
one or more sides. They usually cater to different types of dancers, which is why most
have wooden or metal railings called barres. Speakers and music system are usually
available for use. Like in playing courts and fields, depending on the venue, users of
dance area or halls are expected to return or swith off music players after use, turn off
lights and fans when not in use, and maintain the orderliness for the next users. Below
are other expectations when using dance areas or halls:
 Keep footwear and other belongings on the sides or designated areas (i.e.
lockers, benches, tables) to avoid being stepped on by others.
 Wipe off wet spots caused by drinks and sweat on the floor.
 If it is an open area, keep music volume low so as not to disturb other users.
 Know the venue schedule every time so that you will not rush to move out for the
next users and forget cleaning up.
Gym or weights area
These are usually indoor facilities with different types of equipment such as machine
weights, free weights, yoga balls, and other exercise apparatus (e.g. treadmill, stationary
bike, rower, stair climber), mats, etc. They are strategically positioned to allow movement
and easy access for all those who work out and exercise, therefore, it is expected that you
observe proper behavior during and after work out. Here are some of them:
 Avoid monopolizing the use of the equipment. Share with others by taking turns
using them.
 Return equipment to proper place.
 Do not abrupltly drop weights for safety.
 Wipe drinks and sweat off equipment and floor to avoid slipping.
 Lower volume of music or better wear earphones.
 Minimize grunting, refrain from yelling and using profanity as you lift weights.
 Wear appropriate clothes including footwear.
Gyms or weights venue have some reminders posted on strategic locations so that
users will always be reminded. Read them and make sure to follow them to have a safe time

Proper Etiquette and Safety Applied in the Use of Facilities and Equipment
for Exercise and Body Development

1. 1.Take care of the facilities and equipment. In consideration of the next users.
Prevent having equipments misplaced or stolen and cluttering in the training area
than can cause accidents. (example, gymnasium, basketball court, oval, volleyball
court, dance hall)
2. Use equipment that you already know how to use . Do not leave or pass on equipment
in a disorderly state or dirty.
3. Be alert and aware in the exercise area. You might bump a co-member or step into
4. In performing exercises in general, practice good form first.Know the basics.
5. Return all equipment in place after use.
6. Do not stay too long if you are done since others will want to use the venue or the
equipment too.
7. Check yourself - practice proper hygiene and care. Take a bath or a deodorant if
needed. Do not force yourself to engage in physical activity if you are feeling sick
especially these COVID19 times.
8. Do not handle exercise equipment until such time you analyze instructions on how
to operate the said equipment or conduct your exercise. You could break the
equipment or cause harm to yourself or others.

Personal Protocols/ Etiquette Before-During-After a Physical Activity.
Here are some tips to stay safe during and after an exercise:
 Wear comfortable clothing. Choose your shoes and equipment properly and check if this
is right for the activity.
 Use an appropriate gear for the activity. It will help you to be safe while doing the activity.
 Taking warm-up and cool down before and after an activity will lower the risk of strains
and sprains.
 Take appropriate breaks during the activity. A recovery activity once a week is good to rest
your muscle pain.
 To give you some stamina, eat light food. But exercising immediately after a full meal will
affect your digestion.
 Be hydrated. Replenish extra fluids before, during and after physical act ivity, especially
for prolonged exercise.
 Beware of the weather and environmental conditions. Take it easy when doing an activity
especially when it’s hot.
 Listen to your body. Stop the activity and seek medical advice as soon as possible when
you are feeling unwell.
Proper Etiquette and Safety Standards in Facilities
 Read the rules and regulations of the place. We must be knowledgeable in various rules
inside the premises. If you have any questions, you must ask the information desk
personnel or the person in-charge.
 Maintain cleanliness and orderliness. Cleanliness is one basic etiquette we must observe
at all time.
 Be mindful to others. Always consider other people’s time and space. Do not distract their

Source: t/uploads/2014/Gy m- Rules-Gym- Eti quette.png

Let’s Practice
The Gym Manager

Directions: Analyze the pictures. These pictures are from the same gym. Different people
use the gym.Can you tell if the previous user of the gym equipments practiced good safety
etiquette or not and why? Write your answer on the space provided.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________



2. ____________________________________________________________________________



3. ______________________________________________________________________________



4. ___________________________________________________________________________



5. _______________________________________________________________________________



W hy is it important to practice proper etiquette and decorum in an

exercise venue?




Let’s Do More
My Note
Directions: You are the manager of a fitness gym. What reminders will you give to the
fitness enthusiasts regarding safety and proper etiquette, assuming that partial face to
face group exercise is now allowed and COVID 19 still exist. List down ten (10) specific

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _______________________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________________________

9. _______________________________________________________________________

10. _______________________________________________________________________

What factors did you consider in coming up with your set of rules and why?


Let’s Sum It Up
Apply Safety

Directions: Since we are in a pandemic, exercise outside our home is still not possible.
Locate places in your own backyard or inside your home where you can possibly conduct
exercises. Assess the area for safety, ease of doing activity, hazards and recommendation
how to make exercise safe. Identify at least five (5) areas.



Example: Stones on pathway Remove stones to

Jogging, sit-ups, that can make you avoid tripping, cut
Home backyard push ups, squats, slip or fall , tree wayward branches
pathway Zumba, football branches blocking to avoid limb and or
drills, volleyball pathway. (other eye injury, make
drills risks) sure that you
exercise in times
where pathway is
not used etc.






Let’s Assess
Directions: Read and understand the sentences carefully. Write the correct answer on the
blank before the number.

_____1. Depending on the venue or facility, there is a specific decorum expected from those who use
them. Which of the following are the main reasons for it?
A. Performance and development C. Safety and courtesy.
B. Skills and seniority D. Stature and influence

_____2. Which of the following is defined as a complex network of rules that govern good behavior
and our social and business interactions?
A. Attitude C. Skill
B. Etiquette D. Reaction

_____3. Which of the following is a gesture of etiquette if you want to listen to music while exercising?
A. Bring a bluetooth speaker C. Play music from your cellphone
B. Play upbeat music for all D. Use headphones

_____4. What is the best protocol for liquids and sweat in all types of exercise venues?
A. Leave it as a proof of effort C. Wipe it off
B. Warn others about the spill D. The more there is, the better

_____5. Which of the following is a poor etiquette in a gym?

A. Changing clothes while other pile up and wait

B. C. Wiping your sweat off the treadmill
C. Talking on the phone away from the gym
D. D. Returning dumbbells on the rack
_____6. So that you will not rush doing your work out and hurrily exit the gym and leave things
unwiped or scattered you must be aware of what important factor?
A. Gym equipments C. Gym technique
B. Gym safety D. Gym schedule

_____7. You are the first to arrive at the gym. Upon swtiching the light on you discovered that there
are wet spots and clutter around. What should be your appropriate action?
A. Ignore it and continue exercising since its not your fault.
B. Rely on the arrival of a janitor
C. Declutter and wipe off wet spots .
D. Wait for others to arrve and notice it.

_____8. Which of the following is the best and practical way to make everyone aware of the proper
etiquette and safety measures of an exercise venue?
A. Instructor constantly reminding C. Gym rules signages/posters
B. Announcing rules upon membership D. group text message of safety rules

_____9. In exercising what should you be familiar of and practice first?

A. Name of equipment C. location of equipment
B. How others do it D. good form and procedure

_____10. Which of the following exemplifies being alert and aware in the gym as art of safety and
courtesy to others?
A. Be familiar with equipments C. Be careful not to hurt yourself or others
B. Know where to run in emergency D. Watch your belongings

Answer Key

Let’s Practice

Activity 1
1. Not safe, dumbells are not properly returned
2. Good safety etiquette, all equipments are in order.
3. Not safe, a user’s shirt is on the bench
4. Not safe, equipments are not properly rturned
5. Not safe, equiments are not properly returned

Let’s Do More
Activity 1

Correct answers may vary

Let’s Sum It Up
1. Correct answers may vary

Let’s Assess
1. 4. 7. 10.
2. 5. 8.
3. 6. 9.

Lugue, Vivian R., Ma. De Asis, Bernadeth Joy, Rey and Joyce Ann Rio, MAPEH 9
Learner’s Material first edition, Pasig City: Department of Education-Bureau of
Learning Resources, 2016.



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