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Term Examination 2 Revision Paper

(Note: The answers are in point form and not in full sentences.)

1) What are cells ?

Answer: Cells are - smallest - basic building blocks - living organisms.

2) Name THREE specialised animal cells.

3) What are the function of red blood cells ?

Answer: Red blood cells - found in - blood. - Red blood cells contain haemoglobin
- help carry and transport oxygen - our body.

4) Why are red blood cells smaller than most other cells in the body ?

Answer: Red blood cells are small - allow them to get through - tiny blood
capillaries. - can deliver oxygen - every part of the body.

5) What are the function of neurones ?

Answer: Neurones - found in our brain - spinal cords - other parts - nervous
system. - Contain axons and dendrites - transmit electrical impulses -
travel long distances very quickly from one part of the body to

6) What is the function of a root hair cell ?

Answer: A root hair cell - can be found attached - roots of the plant. - used to
absorb water - from the soil. - has long - thin extension that allows
water - to move easily - from the soil - into the root cell.

7) What is a tissue ?

Answer: A group - similar cells, - which all work together - carry out - particular
function, - called a tissue.

8) What is an organ ?

Answer: Each organ - made up of - several different kinds of tissue, - working

together. - For example, - brains, - lungs, - stomach, - heart, - others.

9) The figure below shows part of a leaf, cut open. A leaf is a plant organ and contains
several different kinds of tissue. Name all the tissues in the figure shown below.


10) What is an organ system ?

Answer: A set of organs - that all work together - carry out the same function –
called an organ system. - For example, - respiratory system, - nervous
system, - digestion system - and others.

11) Learn all the names and symbols of the elements show below.

12) Name TWO elements in the same group and TWO elements in the same period with
Sodium, Na.

Answer: Same Group: Hydrogen and Lithium

Same Period: Magnesium and Argon

13) Based on the periodic table above, how do the properties of elements change ?

Answer: The properties of elements - change from metals to non-metals - as they

move - from the left to the right of the Periodic Table.

The mass of the elements - increase as they move - from the left to the
right and - going down the Periodic Table. - For example, neon has
more mass - than fluorine - less mass than sodium.

14) Name all the elements that are in gas state from the periodic table as shown above ?

Answer: Hydrogen – helium – nitrogen – oxygen – fluorine – neon – chlorine

- and argon.

15) What is a mixture ?

Answer: A mixture - made of different atoms - put together without going

through chemical reactions. - the atoms in the mixture - still have their
original properties.

16) What is a compound ?

Answer: A compound is formed - two or more different atoms - bonded together

through chemical reactions. - a new substance - formed in the
compound, - properties - different.

For example, - carbon dioxide (CO2) - a compound where - 1 carbon

atom is bonded with 2 oxygen atoms - through chemical reaction. - CO2
is a gas, - but carbon atom is a solid. - CO2 cannot be used for human
respiration, - oxygen atom can.

17) Describe TWO ways in which sodium chloride is different from sodium.

Answer: Sodium chloride - does not have shiny surface like - sodium metal.
- Sodium chloride - edible, - but sodium metal - not edible.

18) Draw the particle diagram for methane, CH4.


19) Which THREE elements are combined in calcium nitrate ?

Answer: Calcium - nitrogen - oxygen.

20) How many calcium, carbon, and oxygen atoms are bonded together in calcium
carbonate, CaCO3 ?

Answer: One calcium atom - one carbon atom - three oxygen atoms - bonded

21) The strength of gravity is 10 N/kg on Earth.

a) Calculate the weight of an adult who has a mass of 75 kg.

Answer: Weight = Mass x Gravity

= 75 kg x 10 N/kg
= 750 N

b) Calculate the mass of a car that has a weight of 8500 N.

Answer: Mass = Weight / Gravity

= 8500 N / 10 N/kg
= 850 kg

22) What is air resistance ?

Answer: Air resistance - force acting on an object - the opposite direction - to

slow it down. - Air resistance happens - when a moving object - pushing
against - particles in the air. - The faster an object - the greater the air
resistance - on the object. - Objects with larger surface area - face more
air resistance. - For example, - kite falls slower - than a paper ball - kite
has a lager surface area - faces more air resistance.

23) What causes high tide ?

Answer: The tidal force - from the Moon’s gravity - causes high tide.
- The side of the Earth - closer to the Moon - high tide.
- duration from - current high tide to - next high tide - 12 hours.

24) What causes extremely high tide ?

Answer: The tidal force - from the Moon’s and the Sun’s gravity - causes
extremely high tide. - a larger tidal force - produced when - the Sun and
the Moon - in line with Earth.

25) List an example of PROCESS OR EVENT for each of the energy transfer as shown

Transfer of energy Process or event

Chemical energy  Thermal energy Burning

Electrical energy  Sound energy + Light energy Switching ON television

Gravitational potential energy  Kinetic energy Ball falling

26) Describe the changes in energy when you start up the car.

Answer: Chemical energy in the fuel - changes to kinetic energy (useful),

- thermal energy (wasted) - and sound energy (wasted) - in the car’s

27) Describe the changes in energy when you hit a drum.

Answer: Chemical energy in the food - changes to sound energy (useful) - and
thermal energy (wasted) - in the drum.

28) Describe the changes in energy when you switch on a television.

Answer: Electrical energy in the power supply - changes to light energy (useful),
- sound energy (useful) - and thermal energy (wasted) - in the television.

29) Describe the changes in energy when you jump down from a building in a bungee
jump activity.

Answer: Gravitational potential energy from the height of a building - changes to

kinetic energy (useful) - when falling.

30) Energy will change to useful energy and wasted energy during a process. What will
happen to the wasted energy ?

Answer: The wasted energy - all be dissipated - cannot be recovered.

31) What is nutrition ?

Answer: Feeding - eating - foods like meats, fruits, and vegetables.

32) What is growth ?

Answer: Increase in mass / size. - Development from baby stage to adult stage.
- Development from seeds to trees.

33) What is movement ?

Answer: Change - shape or position - body.

34) What is sensitivity ?

Answer: Sensitive to changes around. - five senses - hear, see, smell, feel, taste.

35) What is excretion ?

Answer: Body - getting rid of waste material. - Breathing (exhale carbon dioxide)
- sweating (getting rid of water) - digestive (getting rid of faeces).

36) What is reproduction ?

Answer: Organisms - produce young or offspring - increase own population.

37) What is respiration ?

Answer: Cells - breaking down foods - to provide energy - carry out work

38) Is a virus living or non-living thing ?

Answer: Virus - non-living thing. - Virus - not made of cell - does not have - cell
membrane or cytoplasm. - virus cannot - move - respire - sense – grow
- excrete - feed.

39) Name one similarity of a virus to a living thing.

Answer: A virus can - replicate itself - through a living cell. - Replicate - similar
to - reproduction.

40) What is the meaning of dichotomous ?

Answer: Dichotomous - branching into two.

41) Is an alloy a mixture or a compound. Explain your answer.

Answer: An alloy is - a mixture. This is because alloy - made by mixing - two or

more different types - metal atoms.

42) What metals are mixed together to make stainless steel ?

Answer: Stainless steel - alloy made - by mixing - iron - carbon - chromium

- and nickel.

43) Why is alloy harder than pure metal ?

Answer: In a pure metal - the atoms - same size - arranged in regular rows.
This arrangement makes - layer of particles - slide over one another
easily. - In an alloy - the atoms from different metals - different in size.
This causes - arrangement of atoms - become irregular.
As a result, the layers of atoms - cannot slide over each other easily -
making alloy - a lot harder - pure metal.

44) Why are duralumin used as materials to build aeroplanes instead of pure aluminium ?

Answer: The body - aeroplane - needs to be - light and tough - fly and withstand
the air current’s pressure.
Although pure aluminium is light, but - not tough. - So, an alloy –
aluminium mixed with magnesium and copper - called as duralumin –
used to build an aeroplane.
Duralumin - about five times stronger - than pure aluminium.

45) Marcus put some gold powder into a copper sulfate solution. He found out that the
gold powder did not react with the copper sulfate solution and remains in solid state.

Describe how Marcus separates the copper sulfate solution from the gold powder.

Answer: Marcus can use filter paper - separate the copper sulfate solution – from
gold powder. - The gold powder will not pass – through filter paper
- because it is a solid.

Marcus wants to make solid copper sulfate from the copper sulfate solution.
Describe how he makes solid copper sulfate.

Answer: Marcus should put the copper sulfate solution - into evaporating dish
- and heat it. - The water will evaporate - leaving solid copper sulfate
behind - in evaporating dish.

46) How can we dilute strong acid or alkali ?

Answer: Strong acid or alkali - corrosive which can - destroy tissue - and cause
skin burns. - Strong acid or alkali can be diluted - adding more water
into them.

47) Name all the types of acids that can usually be found in laboratory.

Answer: Hydrochloric acid - sulfuric acid - nitric acid.

48) Name all the types of alkalis that can usually be found in laboratory.

Answer: Sodium hydroxide - potassium hydroxide - calcium hydroxide.

49) Fill in the blanks.

Colour of Universal Range of pH

Acidity / Alkaline pH Value
Indicator value
Strongly acidic Red 1 0–2
Weakly acidic Yellow 4 3–5
Neutral Green 7 6–8
Weakly Alkaline Blue 10 9 – 11
Strongly Alkaline Purple 13 12 – 14

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50) Fill in the blanks for the hazard warning labels as shown below.

51) List all the types of surface that are best for sound reflection ?

Answer: Large - smooth - flat surfaces.

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52) How do sound waves travel ?

Answer: Sound waves travel - by making particles vibrate.

- Sound wave will travel - through anything that has particles.
- For example, mediums like - solid - liquid - gas.

53) Name all the parts of the Earth correctly.

54) What evidence did Alfred Wegener have for his idea of continental drift ?

Answer: The shapes - continents - fit together.

The types of rock - different continents - match up - fit together.
The fossils - different continents - match up - fit together.

55) Continents are drifting apart due to the movement of tectonic plates.
What causes the tectonic plates to move ?

Answer: The tectonic plates - located at the Earth’s crust layer.

The crust - on top of the flowing liquid magma - located at the Earth’s
mantle layer. - The flowing liquid magma - moves the tectonic plates.

56) What is convergent boundary ?

Answer: Convergent boundary happens - two tectonic plates collide together.

Subduction - happen where one plate may slide - underneath the other
one. - The impact of - colliding plates - cause the boundary of the plates
- fold into fold mountains. - These can happen under the ocean - or land.

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57) What is divergent boundary ?

Answer: Divergent boundary happens - when two tectonic plates - drift away
from each other. - When this happens, the boundary - that connects the
two plates - starts to break - crack - become too thin.
Lava - erupts from the mantle - hardens to form - new crust with new
rocks. - After many repeated cycles - new volcanoes - will be formed.

58) What is transform boundary ?

Answer: Transform boundary happens - when two tectonic plates - move past
one another - cause friction. - Pressure builds up - during the friction -
and eventually causes - violent movement - like an earthquake.

59) Where do natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions
happen ?

Answer: The natural disasters happened at the plate boundary.

60) Explain why solar eclipse can only ever be seen in the daytime.

Answer: A solar eclipse occurs - the Moon passes - in front of the Sun. - So, solar
eclipse - can only be seen - during the daytime - when the Sun is present.

61) What are decomposers ?

Answer: Decomposers help - decompose and - break down - dead bodies and
animal waste - into nutrients. - These nutrients - be consumed by living
organisms - to get energy - and grow.

62) Provide examples of decomposers.

Answer: Worms - fungi - insects - bacteria.

63) Describe ONE way in which decay by microorganisms is not useful.

Answer: Decaying - make the foods - go bad. - For example, an apple - gets rotten
over time - because the apple - decays.

64) What is an organic matter ?

Answer: Things that are - made by - living organisms - called as organic matters.
For example - an apple - made from apple tree.
So, an apple - organic matter.
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65) Look at the food web below. Are decomposers producers or consumers ?
Explain your answer.

Answer: Decomposers - consumers. - feed on dead organisms - organic matters.

- not producers because - do not make their own food.

66) Describe the reaction when magnesium metal is burnt.

Answer: When magnesium metal is burnt - white powder called as - magnesium

oxide is formed. - In this reaction, magnesium – oxygen - the reactants.
- The product - magnesium oxide. - Magnesium oxide - new compound –
has different properties compared - to its reactants.

67) Write down the chemical equation when a metal reacts with water.

Answer: Metal + Acid  Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen. For example:

Calcium + Water  Calcium Hydroxide + Hydrogen.

68) Write down the chemical equation when a metal reacts with acid.

Answer: Metal + Acid  Salt + Hydrogen. For example:

Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid  Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen.

69) What is neutralisation ?

Answer: A neutralisation reaction is when - an acid and an alkali react - to form

salt and water. - A neutral solution is made - when you mix acids and
alkalis - with equal concentration together. - It is because the acids and
alkalis - can cancel each other out.

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70) What happens to the pH value if an alkali is added to an acid ?

Answer: Alkaline solution has - high pH value which - from pH 9 to pH 14.

- pH value will increase - when it is added to an acidic solution.

71) What happens to the pH value if an acid is added to an alkali ?

Answer: Acidic solution has - low pH value which - from pH 0 to pH 5. - pH

value will decrease - when it is added to an alkaline solution.

72) List out some uses of neutralisation in everyday life.

Answer: Antacid is an alkali - which can be used to - cure indigestion by -

neutralising the acid - in the stomach.
- Toothpaste is an alkali - which can be used to - neutralise the acid
- on the teeth to prevent decay.
- Lime powders (alkalis) - poured into acidic lakes and acidic soils
- to neutralise the acids - for living organisms to grow healthily.

73) Ben and Jenifer are doing an investigation to check the effects of light intensity
towards photosynthesis by plants. Below are the results of their investigation:

Experiment Distance of lamp to the Number of gas bubble

No. plant (cm) produced.
1 10 35

2 20 22

3 30 12

4 40 5

5 50 1

What is the independent variable and dependent variable for the investigation shown
above ?

Answer: Independent variable - distance of lamp to the plant.

Dependent variable - number of gas bubble produced.

List THREE control (fixed) variable for the investigation shown above.

Answer: Type of lamp or light intensity - type of plant - and room temperature or

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74) How can you obtain reliable and accurate results when doing an investigation ?

Answer: I can obtain reliable and accurate results - by repeating the experiment
- and find the mean / average of the results. - If I can get the same or
similar results, - my results are reliable.

75) List down SIX ways we can use in detecting chemical reactions.

Answer: Check if a gas - is given off. - Check if reactant ‘disappears’. - Check if

there - is colour change. - Check if heat - is produced. - Check if there is
- a change in pH. - Check if a precipitate - is formed.

76) How do you test if a hydrogen gas is given off ?

Answer: Place burning splint - near hydrogen gas. - hydrogen gas burns, - will
produce squeaky pop sound.

77) How does temperature change when a metal reacts with water or acid ?

Answer: When metal reacts with - water or acid, - heat produced.

- So, temperature - will increase.

78) Name the particles that move around a circuit when current flow.

Answer: Electrons

79) Describe about the movement of electrons.

Answer: Current in a circuit - the movement of electron particles.

- These particles - negative charge. - These particles - attracted by the
positive terminal of a battery - repelled by the negative terminal of a
battery. - cause electrons to flow.

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80) Learn all the names, symbols and functions of the circuit components shown below.


81) Draw the circuit symbol showing THREE cells connected in series.


82) List out THREE mistakes that should be avoided when drawing a circuit diagram.

Answer: Make sure - no gaps in the lines - the corners and - where wires meet
components. - Make sure - wires are not drawn - through components.
- Make sure components - not drawn at the corner - circuit diagram.

83) What are electrical conductors ?

Answer: Electrical conductors are materials that - conduct electricity.

- Electrons are free to move - in an electrical conductor.
- Therefore, conductors allow current (electrons) to - flow in a circuit.

84) What are electrical insulators ?

Answer: Electrical insulators - materials that do not allow - current to flow

through. - movement of electrons - inhibited (restricted) in an insulator.
- insulators mostly used - protect people from electricity.

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85) What happens to the current if MORE cells are added to the circuit when the other
components are kept the same ?

Answer: The current increases. - because the electrons - gain more energy - from
the cell. - caused the electrons - to move faster. - As a result - the current
in the circuit increases.
- For example, at the beginning - the circuit - current is 5A.
- If a cell is added to the circuit - the current increases to 10A.

86) What happens to the current if some cells are REMOVED from the circuit when the
other components are kept the same ?

Answer: The current decreases. - because the electrons - losses energy - from
losing a cell. - caused the electrons - to move slower.
- As a result - the current in the circuit decreases.
- For example, at the beginning - the circuit - current is 8A.
- If a cell is removed from the circuit - the current decreases to 4A.

87) What happens to the current if MORE lamps are added to the circuit when the other
components are kept the same ?

Answer: The current decreases. - because more energy from the electrons - being
transferred to turn ON the lamps. - lost of energy caused - electrons to
move slower. - As a result, the current - in the circuit decreases.
- For example, at the beginning - the circuit - current is 6A.
- If a lamp - added to the circuit - the current decreases to 3A.

88) What happens to the current if some lamps are REMOVED from the circuit when the
other components are kept the same ?

Answer: The current increases. - because less energy from the electrons - being
transferred to turn ON the lamps. - increase in energy caused - electrons
to move faster. - As a result, the current - in the circuit increases.
- For example, at the beginning - the circuit - current is 2A.
- If a lamp - removed from the circuit - the current increases to 4A.

--- END OF PAPER ---

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