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Do not devote more than 20% of their

hours worked in a workweek to
Book III – Conditions of Employment
activities which are not directly and
closely related to the performance of
the work described above
PERIODS The reason for exemption is because they
perform work related to management policies.
Chapter I- HOURS OF WORK Hence, it is not feasible to provide them a fixed
Art. 82. Coverage. The provisions of this Title hourly rate of pay or maximum hours of work
shall apply to employees in all establishments 4. FIELD PERSONNEL
and undertakings whether for profit or not, but
not to government employees, managerial shall refer to non-agricultural employees who
employees, field personnel, members of the regularly perform their duties away from the
family of the employer who are dependent on principal place of business or branch office of
him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the employer and whose actual hours of work in
the personal service of another, and workers the field cannot be determined with reasonable
who are paid by results as determined by the certainty.
Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations.
The philosophy behind the exemption is that
1. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES this kind of employees work away from the
employer’s place of business and therefore not
Refers to those employed by the National subject to the personal supervision of the
government or nay of its political subdivisions, employer.
and to those employed by GOCC with special
charters or organized under Corporation Law 5. FAMILY MEMBERS

They are exempted from the working conditions Refers to husband and wife, parents and
prescribed under the LC because they are children, other ascendants and descendants,
covered by different set of laws, particularly the brothers and sisters, whether full or half blood.
CSL and the Administrative Code and by their
Cousins, parents in law or children in law are
respective charters, in case of GOCCs.
not considered family members because they
2. MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES do not belong to the same family

refer to those whose primary duty consists of To be exempted, the family members must be
the management of the establishment in which dependent upon his employer for support.
they are employed or of a department or
The reason for the exemptions because the
subdivision thereof, and to other officers or
employer already takes care of the sustenance,
members of the managerial staff.
dwelling, medical or education
The reason for the exemption is that such
employee are not usually engaged for every
hour but their compensation is determined by Refers to any person who renders service in and
their special training, experience or knowledge. about the employer’s home on an activity which
are usually necessary or desirable for the
It is not feasible to provide hourly rate of pay or
maintenance and enjoyment of the employer
maximum hours of labor
and ministers exclusively to the personal
3. MANAGERIAL STAFF comfort and enjoyment of the employer’s
refer to those
Examples are general househelper, gardeners,
a. Primarily perform work directly related laundry person
to management policies
The reason for the exemptions is nature of work
b. Customarily and regularly exercise plus the fact they are not employed in a
discretion and independent judgment business undertaking
c. Regularly and directly assist a 7. PERSON IN THE PERSONAL SERVICE OF
managerial employee, or execute under ANOTHER
general supervision, specialized or
technical work or special assignment Are those who minister to the personal comfort,
convenience or safety of the employer as well
as the members of the employment household
Examples are personal bodyguard, private nurse prescribed workplace; (b) all time during which
and family drivers an employee is suffered or permitted to work.

The reason for the exemption is the nature of Rest periods of short duration during working
their work and their peculiar relationship with hours shall be counted as hours worked.
their employer necessitates them from certain
legal restrictions applicable to employers
engaged in a business undertaking Our labor relations system follows the principle
of “a fair day’s wage for a fair day’s labor”. This
means that the time during which the
Are those who are compensated on the basis of employees did not render service is not
their output regardless of the time limit spent in compensable
doing their work.
However, the mere fact that an employee does
A piece rate worker is an example not perform any productive work, does not
necessarily mean that his idle time cannot be
The philosophy is compensation of this kind of
considered as hours worked.
worker is dependent upon the work done
regardless of the time spent in doing the work. There are certain guiding principles for
determining whether the time spent by an
Art. 83. Normal hours of work. The normal
employee is to be considered as hours worked
hours of work of any employee shall not
exceed eight (8) hours a day. WAITING TIME:

Health personnel in cities and municipalities May or may not be considered as hours of
with a population of at least one million worked depending on whether the employee
(1,000,000) or in hospitals and clinics with a bed was engaged to wait or merely waiting to be
capacity of at least one hundred (100) shall hold engaged
regular office hours for eight (8) hours a day, for
If engaged to wait, it is considered as hours of
five (5) days a week, exclusive of time for meals,
worked because his time is already controlled
except where the exigencies of the service
by the employer, hence the employee could no
require that such personnel work for six (6) days
longer effectively use the time for waiting for
or forty-eight (48) hours, in which case, they
his own purposes
shall be entitled to an additional compensation
of at least thirty percent (30%) of their regular Ex. Company driver while waiting for his boss
wage for work on the sixth day.
For purposes of this Article, “health personnel”
shall include resident physicians, nurses, Is not considered as hours worked because his
nutritionists, dietitians, pharmacists, social time is not yet controlled by the employer
workers, laboratory technicians, paramedical considering that there has been no engagement
technicians, psychologists, midwives, attendants yet
and all other hospital or clinic personnel. ON CALL TIME
Basic rules: May or may not be considered as hours worked
1. The normal 8 hours work a day applies depending on the following situations:
not only to ordinary employees but also a. If the employee is required to remain
to public utility bus drivers and on call in the employer’s premises or so
conductors and seamen close thereto that he cannot use the
2. The 8 hours work need not be time effectively and gainfully for his
continuous. It may be staggered as long own purpose, hence the employee is
as the 8 hours work falls within the 24 considered to be working while on call
hours period b. If the employee is not required to leave
3. Work in excess of 8 hours within 24 word at his own or with company
hours period is overtime service which officials where he may be reached, he is
entitles the covered employee to not considered working while on call.
Art. 84. Hours worked. Hours worked shall TRAINING PROGRAM
include (a) all time during which an employee
is required to be on duty or to be at a
May or may not be considered as hours of 3. Where the work is necessary because of
worked depending on the following actual or impending emergencies
4. Where the work is necessary because of
1. If imposed as a requirement of the employer, urgent work to be performed on
then it is considered as hours worked. machineries

2. If the attendance is not compulsory and the 5. Where the work is necessary to prevent
employee voluntarily attended which was serious loss of perishable goods
conducted outside of the regular working hours,
Art. 86. Night shift differential. Every employee
then it is not considered as hours worked.
shall be paid a night shift differential of not
ASSEMBLY TIME less than ten percent (10%) of his regular wage
for each hour of work performed between ten
Some employers call upon their employees to
o’clock in the evening (10PM) and six o’clock in
assemble at a designated area before the start
the morning (6AM).
of their scheduled working hours:
A night shift differential (NSD) is attached by law
1. If the workers are subject to the
to every work done between 10:00 p.m. and
absolute control of the employer during
6:00 a.m. whether or not this period is part of
the period, the assembly time is
the worker’s regular shift
considered as hours worked
If the work done between 10PM and 6AM is
2. If not subject to control, it is not
overtime work for the employee, then the night
considered as hours worked.
shift differential should be based on the
3. If the worked performed was necessary overtime rate
or it benefited the employer or the
employee could not abandon his work
at the end of his normal working hours 1.Minimum salary is P300; Your NSD = 30; Total
because he had no replacement, all Salary = P330
time spent for such work shall be
2. P300 + 75 = P375 + P37.50 = P412.50
considered as hours worked, if the work
was done with the knowledge of his (25%OT) (NSD 10%)
employer or immediate supervisor
Art. 87. Overtime work. Work may be
Art. 85. Meal periods. Subject to such performed beyond eight (8) hours a day
regulations as the Secretary of Labor may provided that the employee is paid for the
prescribe, it shall be the duty of every overtime work, an additional compensation
employer to give his employees not less than equivalent to his regular wage plus at least
sixty (60) minutes time-off for their regular twenty-five percent (25%) thereof.
Work performed beyond eight hours on a
MEAL PERIOD holiday or rest day shall be paid an additional
compensation equivalent to the rate of the first
Employees are generally entitled to at least one
eight hours on a holiday or rest day plus at least
hour time-off for regular meals. Such meal
thirty percent (30%) thereof.
period is not considered as part of working time
However, if the employees are not completely
relieved of their duties during the one-hour Refers to the service rendered beyond 8 hours
period, the meal period will be considered as in a day. The term “day” refers to the 24 hours
part of the working time period reckoned from time the employee
started working. Work rendered in excess of 8
Although Art.85 of the LC prescribes a 60-
hours within this 24 hour period is overtime
minute meal break, an employer can set a
shorter meal period of at least 20 minutes (part
of working time): RATES OF OVERTIME PAY
1. Where the work does not involve 1. Ordinary day – 25% of the regular wage
strenuous physical exertion
2. Holiday or Rest day – 30% of the
2. Where the establishment regularly Holiday or Rest day rate
operates not less than 16 hours a day.
Not all employees are entitled to overtime pay. d. When necessary
The following employees are not entitled to OT
e. To prevent loss or damage to
perishable goods
1. Employees of the government and
f. To avail of favorable weather
GOCCs with special charters
2. Managerial employees
g. To complete the work started
3. Officers and members of a managerial before the 8 hour
(Refer to Art.89)
4. Field personnel
Art. 88. Undertime not offset by overtime.
5. Employees engaged on task or Undertime work on any particular day shall not
contractual basis be offset by overtime work on any other day.
Permission given to the employee to go on
6. Employees paid purely commission
leave on some other day of the week shall not
exempt the employer from paying the
7. Domestic helpers additional compensation required in this
8. Person in the personal service of
9. Members of the family of the employer
The obligation to pay overtime compensation is
10. Workers paid by results mandatory. An employer cannot evade
OVERTIME OF PUBLIC UTILITY BUS DRIVERS payment of OT pay by offsetting it with
AND CONDUCTORS undertime incurred in another day.

May render OT work but to 4 hours a day only. As a rule, the right to overtime pay cannot be
Thus the maximum hours of work including OT waived. Any stipulation that the laborer shall
is 12 hours a day work beyond the regular 8 hours without
additional compensation is contrary to law,
OVERTIME OF SEAMEN hence, null and void
May render OT work but up to 6 hours a day But when the alleged waiver of overtime pay is
only. Thus, the maximum hours of work in consideration of benefits and privileges which
including OT is 14 hours a day. may even exceed the overtime pay, the waiver
Generally, covered employees cannot be An example of valid waiver of OT pay is the
compelled to render OT work because that CWW.
would violate of the constitutional injunction
against involuntary servitude. According to DOLE, the normal number of
workdays per week shall be 6 or a total of 48
Art III of the Bill of Rights under Sec.18(2) hours based on the normal work days or 40
“No involuntary servitude in any form hours a week
shall exist except as punishment for a crime Instead of working 6 days a week, the
whereof the party shall have been duly employees will regularly be working for only say
convicted” 5 days, but each workday exceeds 8 hours
EXCEPTIONS: because of the workhours taken from the 6 day.

1. In case of For the hours exceeding 8 in a workday, the

employees waive their OT pay because, in
a. War or when any other national return, they will no longer incur transport and
emergency or local emergency other expenses on a 6 day.
b. Actual or impending disaster or Also they save time that they can devote to
calamity their family and other endeavors.
c. Urgent work to be performed Art. 89. Emergency overtime work. Any
on machines or installations. employee may be required by the employer to
perform overtime work in any of the following than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours after
cases: every six (6) consecutive normal work days.

a. When the country is at war or when any b. The employer shall determine and schedule
other national or local emergency has been the weekly rest day of his employees subject
declared by the National Assembly or the Chief to collective bargaining agreement and to such
Executive; rules and regulations as the Secretary of Labor
and Employment may provide. However, the
b. When it is necessary to prevent loss of life or
employer shall respect the preference of
property or in case of imminent danger to
employees as to their weekly rest day when
public safety due to an actual or impending
such preference is based on religious grounds.
emergency in the locality caused by serious
accidents, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake, NEVERTHELESS, if the preference of the
epidemic, or other disaster or calamity; employee will inevitably result in serious
prejudice or obstruction to the operations of
c. When there is urgent work to be performed
the undertaking, the employer may schedule
on machines, installations, or equipment, in
the preferred rest day for at least 2 days in a
order to avoid serious loss or damage to the
employer or some other cause of similar
nature; If the employee chooses a particular day to be
his rest day on religious grounds, he shall inform
d. When the work is necessary to prevent loss
the employer in writing at least 7 days before
or damage to perishable goods; and
the desired effectivity of the preference rest
e. Where the completion or continuation of day
the work started before the eighth hour is
Art. 92. When employer may require work on a
necessary to prevent serious obstruction or
rest day. The employer may require his
prejudice to the business or operations of the
employees to work on any day:
a. In case of actual or impending emergencies
Any employee required to render overtime
caused by serious accident, fire, flood,
work under this Article shall be paid the
typhoon, earthquake, epidemic or other
additional compensation required in this
disaster or calamity to prevent loss of life and
property, or imminent danger to public safety;
Overtime as a rule can be rendered only
b. In cases of urgent work to be performed on
the machinery, equipment, or installation, to
This article enumerates the exceptions, that is avoid serious loss which the employer would
overtime work becomes OBLIGATORY otherwise suffer;

Art. 90. Computation of additional c. In the event of abnormal pressure of work

compensation. For purposes of computing due to special circumstances, where the
overtime and other additional remuneration as employer cannot ordinarily be expected to
required by this Chapter, the “regular wage” of resort to other measures;
an employee shall include the cash wage only,
d. To prevent loss or damage to perishable
without deduction on account of facilities
provided by the employer.
e. Where the nature of the work requires
continuous operations and the stoppage of
work may result in irreparable injury or loss to
the employer; and
Means that in computing the regular wage, the
f. Under other circumstances analogous or
value of facilities, such as board and lodging,
similar to the foregoing as determined by the
customarily furnished by the employer should
Secretary of Labor and Employment.
not be included.
Art. 93. Compensation for rest day, Sunday or
holiday work.
Art. 91. Right to weekly rest day.
a. Where an employee is made or permitted to
a. It shall be the duty of every employer, work on his scheduled rest day, he shall be
whether operating for profit or not, to provide paid an additional compensation of at least
each of his employees a rest period of not less thirty percent (30%) of his regular wage. An
employee shall be entitled to such additional
compensation for work performed on Sunday 6. Araw ng Kagitingan - Monday nearest
only when it is his established rest day. April 9

b. When the nature of the work of the 7. Labor Day -May 1

employee is such that he has no regular
8. Independence Day - June 12
workdays and no regular rest days can be
scheduled, he shall be paid an additional 9. National Heroes Day - Last Sunday of
compensation of at least thirty percent (30%) August
of his regular wage for work performed on
Sundays and holidays. 10. Bonifacito Day - November 30

c. Work performed on any special holiday shall 11. Christmas Day -December 25
be paid an additional compensation of at least 12. Rizal Day - December 30
thirty percent (30%) of the regular wage of the
employee. Where such holiday work falls on RATES OF PREMIUM PAY
the employee’s scheduled rest day, he shall be 1. For working on a rest day – 30% of the
entitled to an additional compensation of at regular wage
least fifty per cent (50%) of his regular wage.
2. For working on a special holiday – 30%
d. Where the collective bargaining agreement of the regular wage
or other applicable employment contract
stipulates the payment of a higher premium 3. For working on a rest day that falls on a
pay than that prescribed under this Article, the special holiday – 50% of the regular
employer shall pay such higher rate. wage


An employee’s rest day can be any day of the In the event that they are required to work,
week. Work on Sunday, if it is not the employers are to pay 200% of their regular rate.
employee’s rest day, does not give any extra On Special Non-working Holidays, the workforce
pay, unless the law on holiday pay is applicable will not receive any pay unless there is a
favorable company policy. If the employee
However, where the nature of the work of an reported for work, he or she will be paid an
employee is such that he has no regular work additional 30% of their regular rate.
days and no regular rest days can be scheduled,
premium pay shall be paid for the Sunday work For work done during the special non-working
holiday, an employee shall be paid an additional
SPECIAL HOLIDAYS 30% of the daily rate on the first eight hours of
Are those fixed by RA No. 9849 work [(basic wage x 130%) + COLA].

1. August 21 - Ninoy Aquino Day What is the difference between a regular

holiday and a special non-working holiday?
2. November 1 – All Saints Day
The difference between a regular holiday and a
3. December 31 – Last day of the year special non-working holiday is just the rate of
4. And those which may be declared from pay you receive if you work on that day.
time to time by the national or local If your employer asks you to work on a regular
government holiday, you will be paid 200 percent of your
NATIONAL REGULAR HOLIDAYS (EO 203) daily rate and cost of living allowance. For
example, if your daily rate and cost of living
Unless otherwise modified by law, order or allowance is P2,000, you will be paid P4,000 if
proclamation, the following are the national you work on a regular holiday.
regular holidays:
On the other hand, if your employer asks you to
1. New Years Day - January 1 work on a special non-working holiday, you will
be paid 130 percent of your daily rate and cost
2. Maundy Thursday - movable date
of living allowance. For example, if your daily
3. Good Friday - movable date rate and cost of living allowance is P2,000, you
will be paid P2,600 if you work on a special non-
4. Eidul Fitr - movable date
working holiday.
5. Eidul Adha - movable date
Private school teacher including faculty 2. Managerial employees
members of colleges and universities are not
3. Officers and members of a managerial
entitled to holiday pay for regular holidays
during semestral vacation.
4. Field personnel
However, they are entitled to holiday pay for
regular holidays during the Christmas vacation 5. Employees engaged on task or
contractual basis
HOLIDAY PAY 6. Employees paid purely commission
Because they are not among those excluded in
Art.82 of the LC. 7. Domestic helpers
The divisor used in computing the daily rate of a 8. Person in the personal service of
monthly paid employee assumes an important another
role in determining whether or not holiday pay
is already included in the salary of monthly paid 9. Members of the family of the employer
employees; 10. Workers paid by results
If the divisor is at least 261 days, the holiday pay 11. Employees of retail and service
is deemed incorporated in the salary of monthly establishment regularly employing less
paid employees than 10 people
Therefore, the use of 314 or 365 days as divisor, FACULTY MEMBERS PAID ON PER LECTURE
the holiday pay is deemed incorporated in the HOUR NOT ENTITLED TO HOLIDAY PAY
salary of monthly paid employ
Because they are obliged to work and consent
However, if 251 days is used as divisor, the to be paid only for work actually done.
holiday pay is not yet included in their monthly
salary because the 251 days is the result of The regular holidays are known to both school
subtracting all Saturdays, Sundays and 10 and faculty members as “no class days”, hence,
Regular holidays from 365 the latter do not expect payment for said
unworked days.

Art. 94. Right to holiday pay. The fact that an employee is monthly salaried
does not by itself exclude him from entitlement
a. Every worker shall be paid his regular daily of holiday pay, subject to Art.82
wage during regular holidays, except in retail
and service establishments regularly DOUBLE HOLIDAY; HOLIDAY-SUNDAY
employing less than ten (10) workers; On double regular holiday (e.g. April 9, 1998:
b. The employer may require an employee to Araw ng Kagitingan and Maundy Thursday) An
work on any holiday but such employee shall employee who is entitled to holiday pay should
be paid a compensation equivalent to twice his receive at least 200% of his basic wage even if
regular rate; and he did not work on that day,

c. As used in this Article, “holiday” includes: provided, he was present or on leave with pay
New Year’s Day, Maundy Thursday, Good on the preceding Wednesday
Friday, the ninth of April, the first of May, the If he worked, he is entitled to 300% of his basic
twelfth of June, the fourth of July, the thirtieth pay
of November, the twenty-fifth and thirtieth of
December and the day designated by law for A legal holiday falling on a Sunday creates no
holding a general election. legal obligation on the employer to pay extra,
aside from the usual holiday pay to its monthly
Not all employees are entitled to Holiday pay. THE FOLLOWING RATE SHALL APPLY FOR
The following employees are not entitled to REGULAR HOLIDAY
Holiday pay:
1. If it is an employee’s regular workday
1. Employees of the government and
GOCCs with special charters a. If unworked -100%
b. If worked -1st 8 hours 200% VACATION LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE

in excess of 8 hours plus 30% of hourly No law requires the grant of VL and SL to
rate on said day private sector employees.

1. If it is an employee’s rest day Grant of VL/SL depends on the voluntary

employer policy or CBA
a. If unworked -100%
What legally required are (these are statutory
b. If worked – 1st 8 hours –plus
or mandatory)
30% of 200%
In excess of 8 hours – plus 30% of
hourly rate on said day b. PATERNITY LEAVE


Republic Act No. 11210, or the “105-Day
Such as Special Non-Working Day, Special Public Expanded Maternity Leave Law,” which extends
Holiday, Special National Holiday (in addition to paid maternity leave from 60 days to 105 days.
the 2 nationwide special days: Nov.1 All Saints
On the 1 May 2019, President Rodrigo Duterte
Day and December 31 Last Day of the year)
signed the Implementing Rules and Regulations
a. If unworked –no pay, unless there is a (IRR) for the Philippines’ new Expanding
favorable company policy practice or CBA Maternity Leave Law (Republic Act 11210),
granting payment on special days even if which was approved by the Senate of the
unworked. Philippines back in March 2017.

b. If worked -1st 8 hours – plus 30% of the daily Specifically affecting working mothers, the law
rate of 100% in excess of 8 hours - plus 30% of essentially increases mandatory leave
hourly rate on said day allowances for new mothers, with additional
benefits for single parents.
c. Falling on the employee’s rest day and if
worked 1st 8 hours – plus 50% on the daily rate What is the Expanding Maternity Leave Law?
of 100% in excess of 8 hours – plus 30% of the
Spearheaded by the Department of Labour and
hourly rate on said day
Employment (DOLE), the new law expands the
THE FOLLOWING RATE SHALL APPLY FOR existing maternity leave benefits offered to all
SPECIAL WORKING HOLIDAYS working mothers in the Philippines. In more
detail, those benefits essentially involve:
An employee is entitled only to his basic rate
Extending the current period of paid maternity
No premium pay is required since worked
leave to 105 days (from 60 days) for normal
performed on said days is considered work on
childbirth or caesarean delivery
ordinary working days
An option to extend maternity leave a further
Art. 95. Right to service incentive leave.
30 days without pay - so long as written notice
a. Every employee who has rendered at least is given at least 45 days before the original
one year of service shall be entitled to a yearly leave is set to end.
service incentive leave of five days with pay.
Crucially, the law applies to all instances of
b. This provision shall not apply to those who pregnancy and all categories of working
are already enjoying the benefit herein mothers in the Philippines.
provided, those enjoying vacation leave with
This means the leave benefit is available to
pay of at least five days and those employed in
female workers regardless of their civil status,
establishments regularly employing less than
employment status, or method of delivery:
ten employees or in establishments exempted
from granting this benefit by the Secretary of under previous rules, women were granted only
Labor and Employment after considering the 60 days leave for normal delivery and 78 days
viability or financial condition of such leave for a caesarean delivery, and the law was
establishment. actually capped at the first 4 pregnancies.

c. The grant of benefit in excess of that The IRR also includes provisions to extend the
provided herein shall not be made a subject of new maternity benefits to women in the
arbitration or any court or administrative informal economy sector, to national athletes,
and to women who are voluntary contributors The Department of Labour and Employment
to the Philippines Social Security System. (DOLE) will issue guidelines. Companies whose
maternity benefits meet or exceed the statutory
Additional Benefits
minimum will be exempt from the law, subject
The IRR includes additional provisions for single to annual ratification by the DOLE.
mothers who will, under the new system,
4. Leave must be taken as a single,
receive 120 days of paid maternity leave. In
uninterrupted period at the time of the child’s
cases of miscarriage, or emergency
birth. The leave can’t be deferred, but it can be
terminations, women will receive 60 days of
taken as a combination of pre- and post-natal
maternity leave at full pay.
leave — post-natal leave can’t be less than 60
The law also includes benefits for fathers: up to days.
7 days of the 105 days allocated to women for
5. Employees can extend their leave by an
maternity leave may be transferred to fathers,
additional 30 days without pay, subject to
effectively raising the length of paid paternity
notifying their employer 45 days before the end
leave to a potential 15 days.
of the leave. Mothers who are single parents
The IRR was signed into law on 1 May but will can request an additional 15 days’ leave with
apply to all working mothers who gave birth on full pay.
or after 11 March 2019.
6. Women can transfer up to seven days of their
Act 1120 signed by the president on 20 Feb maternity leave to the child’s father, subject to
2019. fulfilling notification requirements for both
Highlights of the Law:
7. Women whose employment is terminated
Features of the 105-Day Expanded Maternity will be entitled to paid maternity leave provided
Leave Law include the following: the birth, miscarriage or emergency termination
1. All working mothers — including those occurs within 15 days of the end of their
employed in the informal sector — can take up employment.
to 105 days of paid maternity leave (up from 60 Employers that dismiss pregnant employees
days for normal childbirth or 78 days for a without just cause will be liable for payment of
cesarean delivery) for each pregnancy, provided the employee’s salary and any maternity-
they’ve made at least three monthly related benefits for the full period of maternity
contributions to the Social Security System (SSS) leave that the woman would have received or
in the 12 months preceding the semester of the for 60 days in the case of a miscarriage or
birth and have notified their employer. emergency pregnancy termination.
Previously, women were entitled to leave for up 8. Women on maternity leave will be protected
to four pregnancies. The maternity from discrimination, including demotion and
arrangements for workers who aren’t covered layoff. In certain circumstances, employers may
by the SSS will be governed by the Philippine transfer women returning from maternity leave
Health Insurance Corporation. to a comparable position or reassign them to
2. Paid maternity leave is available to all another part of the business.
working mothers, regardless of their civil status 9. Penalties for violations of the law could be as
and the legitimacy of their child. high as
Women who suffer a miscarriage or have an PHP 200,000 (and not less than PHP 20,000) and
emergency termination can take up to 60 days include imprisonment from six to 12 years.
of maternity leave with full pay.
Republic Act 8187: Paternity Leave Act of 1996
3. Private-sector employers must make full
payment to employees within 30 days after AN ACT GRANTING PATERNITY LEAVE OF SEVEN
receiving a leave application. The SSS will (7) DAYS WITH FULL PAY TO ALL MARRIED
reimburse the employers. With some EMPLOYEES IN THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC
exceptions, employers will be responsible for SECTORS FOR THE FIRST FOUR (4) DELIVERIES
the payment of the salary differential between OF THE LEGITIMATE SPOUSE WITH WHOM HE IS
the cash benefit received from the SSS and the COHABITING AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
employee’s actual weekly or regular wage for
Art. 96. Service charges. All service charges
the duration of the leave.
collected by hotels, restaurants and similar
establishments shall be distributed at the rate
of eighty-five percent (85%) for all covered conjunction with such farming operations, but
employees and fifteen percent (15%) for does not include the manufacturing or
management. The share of the employees shall processing of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco,
be equally distributed among them. In case the pineapples or other farm products.
service charge is abolished, the share of the
e. “Employ” includes to suffer or permit to
covered employees shall be considered
integrated in their wages.
f. “Wage” paid to any employee shall mean the
remuneration or earnings, however
SC collected by the service establishment like designated, capable of being expressed in
hotels, restaurants, night club, massage clinics, terms of money, whether fixed or ascertained
bars, casinos, etc., are to be distributed in the on a time, task, piece, or commission basis, or
following manner: other method of calculating the same, which is
payable by an employer to an employee under
1. 85 % - for equal distribution to covered
a written or unwritten contract of employment
employees every 2 weeks.
for work done or to be done, or for services
2. 15% to be retained by the management rendered or to be rendered and includes the
to answer for losses and breakages and fair and reasonable value, as determined by
for distribution to managerial the Secretary of Labor and Employment, of
employees, at the discretion of board, lodging, or other facilities customarily
management in the latter cases furnished by the employer to the employee.
“Fair and reasonable value” shall not include
EFFECT OF ABOLITION OF SERVICE CHARGES any profit to the employer, or to any person
If the SC is abolished, the share of the covered affiliated with the employer.
employee shall be integrated in their wages Art. 98. Application of Title. This Title shall not
The basis of the amount to be integrated shall apply to farm tenancy or leasehold, domestic
be the average monthly share of each employee service and persons working in their respective
for the past 12 months immediately preceding homes in needle work or in any cottage
the abolition or withdrawal of such charges. industry duly registered in accordance with
Art. 99. Regional minimum wages. The
Art. 97. Definitions. As used in this Title: minimum wage rates for agricultural and non-
a. “Person” means an individual, partnership, agricultural employees and workers in each
association, corporation, business trust, legal and every region of the country shall be those
representatives, or any organized group of prescribed by the Regional Tripartite Wages
persons. and Productivity Boards. RTWPB (As amended
by Section 3, Republic Act No. 6727, June 9,
b. “Employer” includes any person acting 1989).
directly or indirectly in the interest of an
employer in relation to an employee and shall Art. 100. Prohibition against elimination or
include the government and all its branches, diminution of benefits. Nothing in this Book
subdivisions and instrumentalities, all shall be construed to eliminate or in any way
government-owned or controlled corporations diminish supplements, or other employee
and institutions, as well as non-profit private benefits being enjoyed at the time of
institutions, or organizations. promulgation of this Code.

c. “Employee” includes any individual Art. 101. Payment by results.

employed by an employer. a. The Secretary of Labor and Employment
d. “Agriculture” includes farming in all its shall regulate the payment of wages by results,
branches and, among other things, includes including pakyao, piecework, and other non-
cultivation and tillage of soil, dairying, the time work, in order to ensure the payment of
production, cultivation, growing and fair and reasonable wage rates, preferably
harvesting of any agricultural and horticultural through time and motion studies or in
commodities, the raising of livestock or consultation with representatives of workers’
poultry, and any practices performed by a and employers’ organizations.
farmer on a farm as an incident to or in Chapter III- PAYMENT OF WAGES
Art. 102. Forms of payment. No employer shall b. Where the worker has died, in which case,
pay the wages of an employee by means of the employer may pay the wages of the
promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens, deceased worker to the heirs of the latter
tickets, chits, or any object other than legal without the necessity of intestate proceedings.
tender, even when expressly requested by the The claimants, if they are all of age, shall
employee. execute an affidavit attesting to their
relationship to the deceased and the fact that
Payment of wages by check or money order
they are his heirs, to the exclusion of all other
shall be allowed when such manner of
persons. If any of the heirs is a minor, the
payment is customary on the date of effectivity
affidavit shall be executed on his behalf by his
of this Code, or is necessary because of special
natural guardian or next-of-kin. The affidavit
circumstances as specified in appropriate
shall be presented to the employer who shall
regulations to be issued by the Secretary of
make payment through the Secretary of Labor
Labor and Employment or as stipulated in a
and Employment or his representative. The
collective bargaining agreement.
representative of the Secretary of Labor and
Art. 103. Time of payment. Wages shall be paid Employment shall act as referee in dividing the
at least once every two (2) weeks or twice a amount paid among the heirs. The payment of
month at intervals not exceeding sixteen (16) wages under this Article shall absolve the
days. If on account of force majeure or employer of any further liability with respect
circumstances beyond the employer’s control, to the amount paid.
payment of wages on or within the time herein
Art. 106. Contractor or subcontractor.
provided cannot be made, the employer shall
Whenever an employer enters into a contract
pay the wages immediately after such force
with another person for the performance of
majeure or circumstances have ceased. No
the former’s work, the employees of the
employer shall make payment with less
contractor and of the latter’s subcontractor, if
frequency than once a month.
any, shall be paid in accordance with the
The payment of wages of employees engaged provisions of this Code.
to perform a task which cannot be completed
In the event that the contractor or
in two (2) weeks shall be subject to the
subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his
following conditions, in the absence of a
employees in accordance with this Code, the
collective bargaining agreement or arbitration
employer shall be jointly and severally liable
with his contractor or subcontractor to such
1. That payments are made at intervals employees to the extent of the work
not exceeding sixteen (16) days, in performed under the contract, in the same
proportion to the amount of work manner and extent that he is liable to
completed; employees directly employed by him.
2. That final settlement is made upon
The Secretary of Labor and Employment may,
completion of the work.
by appropriate regulations, restrict or prohibit
Art. 104. Place of payment. Payment of wages the contracting-out of labor to protect the
shall be made at or near the place of rights of workers established under this Code.
undertaking, except as otherwise provided by In so prohibiting or restricting, he may make
such regulations as the Secretary of Labor and appropriate distinctions between labor-only
Employment may prescribe under conditions contracting and job contracting as well as
to ensure greater protection of wages. differentiations within these types of
contracting and determine who among the
Art. 105. Direct payment of wages. Wages shall parties involved shall be considered the
be paid directly to the workers to whom they employer for purposes of this Code, to prevent
are due, except: any
a. In cases of force majeure rendering such There is “labor-only” contracting where the
payment impossible or under other special person supplying workers to an employer does
circumstances to be determined by the not have substantial capital or investment in
Secretary of Labor and Employment in the form of tools, equipment, machineries,
appropriate regulations, in which case, the work premises, among others, and the workers
worker may be paid through another person recruited and placed by such person are
under written authority given by the worker performing activities which are directly related
for the purpose; or to the principal business of such employer.
In such cases, the person or intermediary shall
be considered merely as an agent of the
employer who shall be responsible to the
workers in the same manner and extent as if
the latter were directly employed by him.

Art. 107. Indirect employer. The provisions of

the immediately preceding article shall
likewise apply to any person, partnership,
association or corporation which, not being an
employer, contracts with an independent
contractor for the performance of any work,
task, job or project.

Art. 108. Posting of bond. An employer or

indirect employer may require the contractor
or subcontractor to furnish a bond equal to the
cost of labor under contract, on condition that
the bond will answer for the wages due the
employees should the contractor or
subcontractor, as the case may be, fail to pay
the same.

Art. 109. Solidary liability. The provisions of

existing laws to the contrary notwithstanding,
every employer or indirect employer shall be
held responsible with his contractor or
subcontractor for any violation of any
provision of this Code. For purposes of
determining the extent of their civil liability
under this Chapter, they shall be considered as
direct employers.

Art. 110. Worker preference in case of

bankruptcy. In the event of bankruptcy or
liquidation of an employer’s business, his
workers shall enjoy first preference as regards
their wages and other monetary claims, any
provisions of law to the contrary
notwithstanding. Such unpaid wages and
monetary claims shall be paid in full before
claims of the government and other creditors
may be paid. (As amended by Section 1,
Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989)

Art. 111. Attorney’s fees.

a. In cases of unlawful withholding of wages,

the culpable party may be assessed attorney’s
fees equivalent to ten percent of the amount
of wages recovered.

b. It shall be unlawful for any person to

demand or accept, in any judicial or
administrative proceedings for the recovery of
wages, attorney’s fees which exceed ten
percent of the amount of wages recovered.

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