Teaching Guide Health Education

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Learning Area: TLE Grade Level: 7

Catch-up Date: January 19, 2024
Health Education
Quarterly Duration: 50 mins
Sexual and Reproductive Health
Sub-theme: Key responsibilities in different Time: 1:10 – 2:00 PM
relationships, romantic, long-term
relationships, marriage and
Integration: Understanding of the use of hand tools and equipment for Computer System
Session Title: "Building Strong Foundations: Relationships and Technical Skills"
Session General Objective:
Objectives: To understand the significance of key responsibilities in different
relationships and recognize the parallels between relationship maintenance
and computer systems servicing.

At the end of the session, learners will be able to:

a) Identify and articulate key responsibilities in various relationships,
including romantic, long-term relationships, marriage and parenting;
b) Connect the concepts of responsibilities in relationships with the
metaphorical use of hand tools and equipment for computer systems
servicing, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of both
in building maintaining strong foundations; and
c) Reflect on the discussed responsibilities and technical skills, applying
these concepts to personal scenarios through journal writing fostering
a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between
interpersonal skills and technical knowledge.
Materials: Scenario Cards
Markers/Colored Pens
Writing Journals
Projector or Display Screen
Index Cards or Sticky Notes
Components Duration Activities

 Begin with a brief discussion on the meaning of

 Conduct a quick icebreaker where students share
Introduction 5 mins
their thoughts on what responsibilities might be
involved in different relationships.
 Relate responsibilities to daily life situations.

Activity 20 mins Objective: To integrate the theme with the

understanding of hand tools and equipment for
computer systems servicing.

Activity: "Building a Strong Foundation"

 Divide the class into small groups.
 Provide each group with a scenario related to
relationships or family life.
 Ask them to identify key responsibilities in the given

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 Integrate the use of hand tools metaphorically by

relating each responsibility to a specific tool,
highlighting the importance of each tool in
maintaining a strong relationship foundation.
Objective: To allow students to think critically about the
connections between relationships and technical skills.

Activity: Group Discussion

 Ask each group to share their identified
responsibilities and the corresponding "tools" they
Reflection 10 mins
associated with them.
 Encourage students to reflect on how these
responsibilities and tools can be applied in real-life
 Discuss the parallels between maintaining
relationships and maintaining computer systems.
Objective: To provide students with an opportunity for
personal reflection and application.

Activity: Journal Entry

 Ask students to write a journal entry reflecting on a
Journal Writing 10 mins
personal relationship and how they can apply the
concept of responsibilities discussed in class.
 Encourage them to draw parallels between
maintaining healthy relationships and the importance
of regular maintenance in computer systems.
Objective: To summarize key points and reinforce the
integration of relationship responsibilities with technical

Activity: Recap and Closing Thoughts

 Summarize the main points discussed during the
Wrap Up 5 mins
 Connect the importance of responsibilities in
relationships to the idea of regular maintenance in
computer systems.
 Assign any homework or additional readings for the
next class.

Prepared By:

Juan A. Dela Cruz

Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:

Juana A. Dela Cruz Juancho A. Dela Cruz

Master Teacher II School Head

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