Task 2

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sky trains tàu trên cao

 On the one hand, there are many benefits of having sky trains.
To start with, overheard railways occupy minimal land. They do not require
much space except for the land required for constructing the stations. Hence,
they leave enough space for other forms of ground transports and eventually
reduce traffic congestions.
Secondly, this mode of transport will take much less time than cars or ground
trains to go from place to place. Thus, they save commuting time and at the
same time reduce traffic, not to mention the fact that they prevent passengers
from road accidents.
 On the other hand, there are a few drawbacks of building sky trains which
cannot be overlooked.
One disadvantage is the high cost to construct overhead tubes. That means the
government has to pay a large amount of money for the sky train system in the
city, but the tickets should be cheap so that many people can use it. Next, safety
is another concern. Since the tubes move on narrow paths up high, it is
considered a dangerous type of commuting. Therefore, it is hard to attract many
users, especially old people and children.

learning and discovering new things

Firstly, studying something new keeps learners’ mind active. It is especially
important when people get older and become slow in thinking and making
decisions. Learning gives people a chance to activate their brain and broaden
their knowledge. In addition, learning keeps people motivated and helps them
spend their time healthily. More importantly, the new skills people learn may
help them get better jobs, promotion, and self-improvement.
Some people may argue that they have spent many years learning since they are
young, so it will be difficult for them to continue learning when they get older
due to health problems. Moreover, people of middle ages have no motivation to
learn as the young ones because they have fewer needs to try their best to get a
scholarship to study abroad, find a good job, or make money for their family.
Therefore, most of them choose to stop learning.
However, modern life is changing rapidly. If people stop learning, they will
quickly fall behind others and get isolated from the society. Lack of new skills
or knowledge may disturb people’s life because they cannot enjoy the
conveniences that modern technology brings to them. Furthermore, unlike the
past, people today can learn in various ways from books, schools, media, or
from the Internet. This makes their learning easier and more comfortable than

using public transport x

The first reason why I agree is that people who use public transports such as
buses or subways do not have to worry about finding a parking space. In fact,
many car drivers find it hard to park their cars in the city centers because many
areas are now reserved for walking, and the parking fee per hour is rapidly
increasing. On the contrary, it is easy to get on a bus or subway train and get off
where you want.
The second reason why I agree is that public transports use their own lanes to
carry passengers, so they do not get stuck in the traffic jams during rush hours.
Also, people can avoid traffic accidents on the way. In short, using public
transport is now faster and safer than driving.
Last but not least, more modern equipment has been installed in mass transports,
which brings many comforts to riders. There will be no more old and dirty
buses or trains in cities. Instead, commuters can now use new and smart public
transports which are well-equipped and controlled by computers. This makes
them less use their cars or motorbikes.
women having babies after 35 on family and the society
On the one hand, there are several effects of women having babies after 35 on
the family. First of all, delayed births badly affect the mother and the baby’s
health. Old women tend to face dangers during birth, and their babies may get
fatal diseases before being born. As a result, this costs the family a fortune to
deal with the health problems. In addition, old parents are likely to retire, while
their children are growing up, so they may not have enough money to support
their kids later in life. Their children have to start work early to make their
On the other hand, there are also many effects of women having babies after 35
on the society. One effect is that the government has to pay more money for
mothers and children’s health care. They may lack money for other important
sectors such as education or the economy. Another effect is that delayed birth
among women may cause the lack of labor when fewer and fewer young people
enter the labor market. Also, an aging population is another risk when more
women avoid having babies early. This will put more burden on the society.

Vocational school [học trường nghề]

There are many reasons why high school graduates should go to vocational
schools. First, today society lacks skilled and experienced workers in many
fields. Many companies and factories now lack professional workers who can
use modern equipment or machines. However, every year a large number of
high school students try their best to find a place in university. Actually, their
families want them to become engineers, doctors, lawyers or managers rather
than work in the factories or offices with low salaries. Many job centers need
electricians, builders, or plumbers, but very few people apply for these jobs.
Those who support university education may say that students can get more
knowledge and have good jobs in the future if they go to university, so families
should send their children straight to universities after high school. However,
not all students are qualified for higher education because of financial problems,
poor abilities or health restraints. Many of them do not want to go to college, but
their parents put a lot of pressure on them and make them change their mind.

Deforestation [phá rừng]

To start with, clearing woods and jungles results in ecological disorder. The
truth is that forests serve as habitats for plants and animals, so the loss of these
green areas will lead to disappearance of the wild life due to the lack of food
source and living environment. While some wild animals move to other places
to survive, others are unable to adapt to the changes and die out.
Deforestation also causes climate change and global warming. In fact, trees are a
rich source of oxygen, and they can absorb harmful gases in the environment.
They clean the air and keep the surroundings safe for living. Therefore, cutting
a lot of trees means destroying the environment and increasing the global heat.
Besides, cutting down trees makes storms and floods more destructive because
nothing can hold up water and soil as well as tree roots.
To tackle the problems of deforestation, suitable measures should be taken.
First, heavy fines should be applied to stop those who kill the forests. In many
developing countries, for example, the number of forests destroyed is increasing
rapidly due to city expansion, but the laws are not strict enough to limit this act.
Second, the government should build more national parks and completely ban
forest damaging. Finally, planting and protecting trees should be encouraged in
order to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.

Using cell phones at school [sử dụng điện thoại di động ở trường]

There are some reasons why children should not use cell phones at school. First,
they cannot concentrate on their lessons or listen to their teachers because they
may like to play games or chat with their friends in class. It is difficult for the
school to maintain class discipline. Second, children are small, so they do not
know what information is good for them on the Internet, and they may be
affected by dark websites on their cell phones. Also, they cannot keep their cell
phones safe. They are likely to be the target for bad people, which is very
dangerous for them.
On the other hand, some people allow their kids to use cell phones at primary
school because they think that they can connect with family or teachers if they
have any problems at school. Besides, kids can relax by playing games or
listening to music with their phones during the break time. However, I do not
think so. When students have problems at school, it is the teacher's
responsibility to contact the kids’ parents. The children do not have to do it
themselves. In short, using cell phones early has more harmful effects on
children than benefits.
Online learning [học trực tuyến]

 On the one hand, there are many benefits of online learning.

First, studying via the Internet helps students save time and money. That means
learners do not have to go to school and attend classes. Instead, they can learn at
home, in the library, or in a coffee shop. It is very convenient. Moreover, online
courses are quite cheap, so students will not worry about the fees, and poor
families can let their children continue their studies.
In addition, online learners can have a lot of freedom. They can learn the way
they want at their own pace. Some can go quickly and finish the course early,
while others can slow down their study and research things more carefully. In
short, online learning is really beneficial.
 On the other hand, online learning also has some problems.
One problem is that students have to study by themselves without help from
teachers and classmates, so they may get bored and delay their study. Besides,
if they have any questions or make mistakes, it is difficult for them to ask for
help. Another problem is that online learners may get distracted by many things.
For example, they may spend time chatting, playing games, watching movies,
surfing Facebook, or listening to music while studying. This will lead to
ineffective study and poor academic performance.

many young people want to start their own businesses

In the first place, there are so many successful examples of unique people who
were able to use their talents to be a pioneer of a new profession. Bill Gates is
the best example of a person who dropped out of university and started to run
his own business. He is a founder of Microsoft, each year not only he earns a lot
of profits but also he prepares a lot of job opportunities for a new generation of
smart job seekers. Also, if we have more entrepreneurs , there will be more
career opportunities and fewer unemployment. As a result, it leads to the
prosperity of the community.

On the other hand, It can not be ignored that each nation needs an educated
workforce in different areas. If each person wants to work independently, this
means that more students will stop continuing their higher education. We need
scientists , teachers and software designers to have a balanced society. All these
jobs require a high level of qualification and education. Furthermore, there
should be some laborers in each country. A new building will be only
constructed by not only designers and engineers but also by laborers.

Brain drain (Chảy máu chất xám)

To begin with, there are many reasons that lead to brain drain in many poor
countries. Firstly, the unemployment rate in these countries is very high, and
many people find it hard to get jobs. Every year, a large number of university
graduates place much pressure on the job market, which makes job-searching a
very difficult task. Another factor behind this problem is the low average salary.
The income does not respond to the dedication and effort that a person puts in
his or her job. Moreover, the working environment does not satisfy the needs of
experts or professionals. For these reasons, talented people prefer to leave their
country and find jobs abroad.
To tackle the problem of brain drain, suitable measures should be considered.
One solution is that the labor market needs to be expanded to create more jobs
for the working people. Furthermore, extra pay or promotions can also help to
keep the talents. In other words, employers need to offer bonuses and regularly
promote the staff with good skills and high productivity. Lastly, it is important
to set up a professional working environment which can help employees to
develop their own abilities and devote themselves to work.

Road accidents [tai nạn giao thông]

There are many causes of traffic accidents. First, some drivers do not respect the
traffic laws. For example, they drink alcohol before they drive, or use cell
phones while they are driving. Besides, some drive very fast, exceed the red
light, or take the wrong lanes. Second, the bad weather such as heavy rains,
strong winds, and storms can increase the number of accidents on roads. In bad
weather, it is difficult to control the vehicles. Moreover, the traffic facilities are
not good. That means people do not have enough public transports such as
buses, trains, trams, or subways. Therefore, a lot of people use private vehicles
in crowded streets. This will lead to many traffic accidents.

There are some solutions to the problem. One solution is that the government
should punish careless drivers who break the law. For example, the policemen
can keep the vehicles and the licenses for 6-12 months, and the drivers have to
pay 5-10 million VND per case. Another solution is that people should not go
out in bad weather, or they should drive carefully to avoid accidents. Finally,
public transports and other traffic facilities such as street signs, traffic lights, or
walking bridges should be improved to reduce the number of traffic accidents.

Working from home [làm việc từ xa]

On the one hand, there are several advantages of working from home. First of
all, it is flexible and convenient. That means office workers can choose the time
and place suitable for them to work, and they do not have to go to their
workplace every day. Second, it is easy to contact with the boss and colleagues
via cell phones, computers, or social network sites. They can call, text, chat, or
mail to each other. Another good point is that companies can reduce the cost of
rentals, travel, and energy use. They can hire smaller office rooms and workers
don't have to travel much to work, which leads to higher profits and
Last but not least, flexi-working gives people more free time at home, which is
important for a happy family. For example, working parents can share time to
look after their children, do the housework, or have meals together.
On the other hand, there may be some problems of working from home. One
problem is that workers may forget their duty due to the relaxing time at home.
They may spend time running their own business or doing their hobbies, so they
cannot meet the deadlines, forget important reports, or fail to finish their
projects. In addition, not all businesses can apply this way of working. It
depends on technology and types of work they are doing.

Tour with a guide [đi du lịch có người hướng dẫn]

First of all, traveling in a group is much easier to make all the arrangements.
Tour guides will arrange all the facilities needed, it is their responsibility to
book travel tickets, reserve the hotels to stay, provide food and many more. If
the trip is booked through travel agencies there is more chance of getting
discounts. Whereas, traveling alone does not provide any of these facilities.
Tourists have to do all things by themselves. It is quite difficult especially when
traveling to other countries, without knowing the language or any knowledge
about the place.

Furthermore, by traveling with a tour guide, visitors can know more about the
historical events, popular destinations, lifestyles, and the languages of a place.
For instance, a few months ago, I traveled with my family to Singapore on a
package tour. It was very comfortable for us to travel without any worries. The
tour guide took us to all popular places, and we enjoyed the beautiful
experience with the local people a lot. The flight was on time, the hotel was in
the center, and the food was delicious. On the way, we discovered many
interesting things about the place through the guide’s talks.

CHILDREN'S OBESITY: trẻ em béo phì

In fact, there are many important factors that lead to this situation. First, children
eat too many fatty foods, sweet foods and drinks. For example: fat, skin, viscera,
fried food, roast, fast food, tea, sweet confectionery, sugary water, fruit too
sweet… Second, children with a sedentary lifestyle such as being physically
sedentary, spending a lot of time watching TV, playing games, reading books,
etc. often have a habit of snacking, often consuming less weight while absorbing
energy in excess of their needs. long-term, easily leads to obesity.
To deal with the above reasons, we have a number of solutions. First, building a
healthy diet is a way to lose weight for obese children, add more fruits and
vegetables, limit your purchases of high-calorie foods such as sugary drinks,
chips, cookies, fried meats, and candy, limit fast foods… In addition, encourage
physical activity every day: through games and sports: skipping rope,
swimming, running or walking briskly,... Prioritizing sports that suit children's


On the one hand, robots or AI machines are going to replace ordinary employees
in the factories. Obviously,the number of workers will witness a decrease in the
future. Because employers just need to pay the same money but the productivity
is increasing higher than hiring the same number of workers. Secondly, people’s
awareness of these devices must be raised.It can be seen that these machines
could be taken out of control. If citizens do not have the necessary experiences
and skills, they would have to tackle these situations.
On the other hand, it is justifiable that AI and robots can provide humans with
numerous merits. One of the greatest benefits of these machines could be given
predictions. therefore, the specialists will be able to justify and offer the best
solutions for urgent issues like storms, typhoons, eruption volcanoes, etc. From
an education perspective, AI will help teachers to catch who is cheating them
during test time. cameras with AI programs can ANALYZE their behaviors. As
a result, teachers will notice that students are going to prevent these actions.

Art education

In fact, Art education has a lot of positive and relevant elements . First, Art
subjects including music, drawing, painting and sculpture allow children to enter
a state of relaxation. After concentration on STEM subjects, what learners need
is to unwind by usefully physical activities in order to make a balance.

Second, if students enjoy art, they will find art as an outlet for self-expression
and creativity.There are no limits with art.Students can create whatever they so
desire within the realm of their imagination.

Third, studying art could support performance in other subjects.It is true that art
adaptive reflexes skills, hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills which
may assist children in achieving better learning outcomes.
Air pollutants

In fact, there are many important factors that lead to this situation. First, global
warming is a result of gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from
vehicles. With increased temperatures worldwide, the sea levels will rise and
ice from the poles will melt quickly, leading to numerous natural disasters such
as floods, tidal waves, soil erosion, landslides, and typhoons. In addition, Air
pollution is known to cause a number of respiratory and heart diseases along
with cancer in humans. Several millions have died due to the direct or indirect
effects of air pollution every year.

To deal with the above reasons, we have a number of solutions. First and
foremost,government should introduce laws to put a limit on factories’ gas
emissions or force companies to use renewable energy in production. . In
addition, they should also innovate the public transport system to become more
convenient and greener. By this way, the government can encourage people to
use public transports instead of driving, therefore reducing pollutants in the air.
Besides, individuals should stop littering in the streets and recycle old papers,
bottles or cans to reduce the trash in the environment. They can also plant more
trees in their neighborhoods to make their places greener and cleaner.

Playing video games x

On the one hand, playing video games brings some obvious benefits. First,
Playing games helps us relax after school hours. Playing games also helps
people to exercise their minds comfortably, communicate, chat and connect with
each other through the online network environment. Thereby helping to reduce
stress and fatigue. Some games also help increase students' thinking ability and
foreign language training. Children playing gentle intellectual games will
increase their ability to recognize colors and objects and animals, and also show
creativity in thinking. That's the benefit from educational games like guessing
words, guessing musical notes…

On the other hand, it is undeniable that playing video games has some certain
disadvantages. To begin with playing games seriously affects the health of
players. Sitting for a long time in front of a computer or holding a phone reduces
visual impairment, inability to concentrate… Playing games consumes a lot of
time for a lot of people. A day of time we can spend studying, having fun with
family or playing sports activities but we don't do that instead we spend too
much time on games.

online shopping x

In fact, online shopping has a lot of positive and relevant elements. First, online
shopping helps to save times because without going out, you can buy what you
like. You can spend more time staying with your family or relax after days of
work stress.

Second, online shopping has many options and convenient. People can buy
many different things such as costume, electronics,...In fact, if you buy that, you
must go to different stores.

Third, when you buy online, the price of the product is cheaper than when you
go to in-store shopping. You can save a bit of money.

Living in the big cities x

On the one hand living in big cities brings some obvious benefits. First, living in
big cities helps people to find many jobs because the cities have many
companies and big factories which people can work. Work environment in cities
is modern and active. Secondly, people living in the big cities will have many
good options such as education, healthcare,... For instance, there are many
hospitals and good doctors near their home.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that living in big cities has some curtain
disadvantages. To begin with cost in big cities for things is expensive. It is very
difficult to own a home or the rent is very expensive. Moreover, the air in cities
is often polluted. It is filled with smoke and dirt from transportation while there
are no trees. So it affects people’s heath.

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