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Welcome to the Lake Dallas Public Library French Lessons

We welcome all newcomers. Feel free to join our classes at any time. Whether this is
your first time learning French, or you want a refresher of the language, this is the place for you.

My name is Megan Foote, and I am your French teacher. I have a BA in French and have
visited France on two separate occasions, the first time as a student for two semesters and the
second time as an English teacher. I am also certified to teach ESL and while French is not
English, the training for teaching a foreign language still applies. I love France and the French
language, and I look forward to sharing it with you.

The classes use Duolingo, a free language learning app, alongside weekly online
meetings. You will be encouraged to practice French daily using Duolingo’s lessons and every
week I will also guide you in pronunciation, grammar, and share my knowledge of French
culture. I will also be available to answer questions.

How to join

If you have not already joined the class, here is how. First, you will need to join the
Duolingo classroom. You can do so either by following this link: or by going into your Duolingo profile, selecting ‘share
progress’ and using this code to join the classroom : JJWMJV. If you do not have a Duolingo
account, the link should prompt you to create one. If you prefer to not create your own account,
I can create one for you.

Once you have a Duolingo account, you will need to be able to join a Google hangout.
The link for our French class is here: French Google Hangouts. If you do not have a Google
account, you will need to create one to join the class. This account is free, and you do not need
to share any personal information to join.

Every Monday at 10:30 AM, I will open a video conversation. To join, you will need to
click on the link that appears. If you are having difficulty, type in the conversation box in French
Google Hangouts, and I will try to help you. Once you have joined, if you prefer no one can see
you, you can click on the icon that looks like a camera. It will turn off your camera. Clicking on
the microphone will also make it so no one can hear you. I may encourage you to answer
questions during the class; no one, however, is required to speak or answer questions. I also
encourage everyone to ask questions. If you do not feel comfortable asking questions during
class, you can send me your questions at or by writing a message in the
French Google Hangouts conversation and I will try to answer in a timely manner.

Finally, I like to share notes from each lesson. I share them with Google Drive. You can
access this shared drive by going here: French Class Google Drive. If you are new to the class,
you will also be able to find past lesson notes here that you can review. Sometimes I will also
share other items, like links to useful free learning resources.

Bienvenue en classe!

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