7 Humanities Learning Map (History) - Source Analysis 2023

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Name: ____________________

Year 7 Humanities - Source Analysis Learning Map


Criteria Beginning Developing Capable Proficient Expert

Historical sources as Refers to reliable Describes reliable Describes the Explains how and why Analyses the reliability
evidence content of the source information from reliability and the source is reliable and usefulness of the
source usefulness of the and useful as evidence source as evidence

Identifies source Identifies content of Describes content of Explains meaning of Analyses the meaning of Discusses the motive of
features source source source a source through its a source’s content and
components origin

Explore historical Identifies a historical Summarises a historical Explains a historical Determine how Analyse how
perspectives perspective perspective perspective related to events/ideas/individuals perspectives have
the source influenced perspectives changed and/or
remained the same
over time.
the past

Historical significance Identifies an important Describes an Explains why the Examines changes Assess the historical
event/person in the event/person who was event/person was between what is significance of ideas
source(s) related to the source(s) historically significant depicted in the source represented within the
and the reality source on subsequent

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