J Langford. Pelvic Fractures Part 1, Evaluation, Calssification and Resucitation. 2013

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Joshua R. Langford, MD Pelvicfracturesrangeinseverityfromlow-energy,generallybenign
Andrew R. Burgess, MD lateralcompressioninjuriestolife-threatening,unstablefracture
Frank A. Liporace, MD
George J. Haidukewych, MD

ractures of the pelvis can be a sig-
nificant cause of patient morbidity Evaluation
and mortality. The spectrum of pelvic
The orthopaedic consultant who is
injuries ranges from low-energy pubic
called on to assess a patient with a
ramus fractures to high-energy unsta-
pelvic fracture should begin with a
ble patterns that can result in massive history, including the mechanism of
hemorrhage and death. Timely, effec- injury. Most pelvic fractures result
tive intervention can be lifesaving and from low-energy falls, but high-
may minimize long-term sequelae. Cre- energy mechanisms such as highway
ation and execution of institutional motor vehicle collisions should alert
protocols has proved to be helpful in the physician to the possibility of sig-
delivering consistent care to patients nificant visceral injury, concomitant
with these injuries.1 multisystem trauma, and hemor-
An unstable pelvis can cause or con- rhage. Such patients should be man-
tribute to hemodynamic instability be- aged by a multidisciplinary trauma
Center,Orlando,FL. cause of vascular, visceral, or skeletal team according to the Advanced
injury. Chronic pelvic instability can Trauma Life Support protocol.2
JAmAcadOrthopSurg 2013;21:
lead to debilitating pain and deformity. The pelvic evaluation should be
Orthopaedic surgeons managing pelvic part of a comprehensive musculo-
fractures should have a clear under- skeletal examination during the sec-
standing of the anatomy of the pelvis ondary survey. Position and symme-
and be skilled in assessing and aug- try of the lower extremities are
menting pelvic stability. noted, with attention paid to any

448 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Figure 1 have advantages in comparing studies
in the literature. We generally prefer
the Young-Burgess classification
(Figure 2), derived from the early
work of Tile and Pennal.3 This system
uses typical fracture patterns and
displacements to infer the forces
involved in creating the fracture and to
predict which structures (particularly
ligamentous) are damaged and have
lost structural stability. This system
has four categories: lateral
compression (LC), anteroposterior
compression (APC), vertical shear
(VS), and combined mechanisms. LC
and APC injuries have progressively
numbered stages I through III, which
represent increasing displacement and
A and B, Clinical photographs of perineal wounds after anteroposterior increasing injury.
compression injury. The LC injury frequently results
from side impact during a motor
shortening and rotation of the leg. A Suspicious or abnormal findings that vehicle collision or a fall onto the side.
circumferential examination of the skin suggest a pelvic fracture should be An LC type I fracture often involves a
is performed to seek open wounds, followed up with inlet and outlet buckle fracture of the sacral ala
contusion, or degloving (ie, Morel- radiographs and CT. The radiographic (Figure 3) in addition to pubic ramus
Lavallee lesion) and specifically to classification of the fracture will help fractures. Almost always the superior
include the perineum (Figure 1). guide risk assessment and initial ramus fracture demonstrates a
Urethral, scrotal, vaginal, rectal, and treatment. horizontal orientation on the
prostatic examinations are required, and radiograph, which is particularly well
any bleeding is noted. A seen on the inlet view. LC type II
injuries occur with further internal
detailed neurologic examination, in- Classification
rotation of the hemipelvis and have a
cluding sensation, motor function,
more nearly complete posterior
and reflexes, should be performed. All Various classification systems have been disruption. There is frequently a
aspects of the examination should be proposed to describe pelvic injuries. The fracture of the ilium, leaving a
concurrently recorded, including Orthopaedic Trauma Association posterior “crescent” of bone, which
pertinent normal findings. In most cases, (OTA)/AO classification is based on remains attached by ligaments to the
injuries to the urethra, genitalia, or degrees of rotational or translational sacrum and L5 transverse process. LC
rectum will trigger consultation with displacement of the pelvic ring and has type III injuries, often called a rollover
other specialists. implications regarding the resultant or windswept pelvis, result from
An initial AP pelvic radiograph is a instability. The OTA/AO classification is continued internal rotation of the
routine part of the evaluation of high- often used in research publications and injured iliac wing until the
energy blunt-trauma victims. may contralateral iliac wing begins

Dr. Langford or an immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to Stryker and has stock or stock options held in the Institute
for Better Bone Health, LLC. Dr. Burgess or an immediate family member is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid
presentations on behalf of, and has stock or stock options held in, Stryker. Dr. Liporace or an immediate family member has received
royalties from Biomet; is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of Biomet, Synthes, Stryker, and
Medtronic; serves as a paid consultant to Biomet, Medtronic, Synthes, and Stryker; and serves as an unpaid consultant to AO. Dr.
Haidukewych or an immediate family member has received royalties from DePuy and Biomet; serves as a paid consultant to Smith &
Nephew, Synthes, and DePuy; has stock or stock options held in Orthopediatrics and the Institute for Better Bone Health; has received
nonincome support (such as equipment or services), commercially derived honoraria, or other non–research-related funding (such as
paid travel) from Synthes; and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons.

448 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Pelvic Fractures: Part 1. Evaluation, Classification, and Resuscitation


A,Anteroposteriorcompression(APC)typeI. B, APCtypeII.
C, APCtypeIII.D, Lateralcompression(LC)typeI.
E, LCtypeII. F, LCtypeIII.G, Verticalshear.Thearrowineach

Figure3 Figure4 ries progress to APC type II. An APC

type II injury is characterized by
complete disruption of the pelvic
floor ligaments (ie, sacrotuberous,
sacrospinous) and anterior SI liga-
ments; however, the posterior SI liga-
ments remain intact. The SI joints
are widened anteriorly, but the pos-
terior aspects remain aligned.
APC type III injuries involve com-
AxialCTscandemonstratingthe plete disruption of the posterior
lateralcompressionsacralinjury bony ligamentous system, with either
pattern.Notetheanteriorsacral AxialCTscanofanteroposterior
compressiontypeII(rightsacroiliac a dissociated SI joint or a displaced,
joint)andtypeIII(leftsacroiliac nonimpacted posterior fracture (Fig-
ure 4). The entire hemipelvis is un-
to rotate externally, usually damag- stable. Avulsion of the iliolumbar lig-
ing the contralateral anterior (and aments from the lumbar transverse
because recent literature has demon-
occasionally, all) sacroiliac (SI) liga- processes may be seen.
ments. strated that dynamic stress radio- VS injuries present with vertical
The APC type I injury is demon- graphs provide a more complete displacement
pic- and usually involve
strated by widening of the symphysisture of global pelvic stability. At complete disruption of the ligamen-
pubis without significant SI joint least 40% of such injuries have some tous attachment between the sacrum
of of recoil from the point ofand
widening. Typically the diastasisdegree in- the ilium posteriorly, although
the pubic symphysis is <2.5 cm. jury the vertical disruption may also oc-
It to the acquisition of the static
should be noted that the use of aradiograph.
sin- cur through either the sacrum or the
gle measurement alone to determine With greater external rotationilium.
of They often result from a fall
pelvic stability has been questioned from a height and are characterized
one or both halves of the pelvis, inju-
449 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
by complete instability of the iliac wing resulting from the fracture from the compression applied (Figure 7, A
and cranial displacement of the ilium hemorrhage resulting from injury to and B). If a binder is not available,
relative to the sacrum. Combined other structures, particularly intra- simple sheets can be used to wrap the
mechanism injuries are somewhat abdominal causes such as a ruptured pelvis. It is important to understand
difficult to classify but commonly share spleen. In such cases, the findings on CT that these are temporizing measures to
features of many of the categories examination and the use of focused be utilized until more definitive
already mentioned. abdominal sonography for trauma or fixation can be applied. The prolonged
The Young-Burgess classification has diagnostic peritoneal lavage may be use of binders and sheets can lead to
substantial intraobserver agreement and useful. If such studies suggest multiple necrosis of underlying soft tissues and
moderate interobserver agreement, sources of bleeding, then careful is not recommended.10 The amount of
which exceeds that of coordination of care between specialists, time that the skin can tolerate the
previous classification systems.6,7 We based on predetermined protocols, is pressure of a sheet or binder without
find the Young-Burgess classification essential to optimize patient care. problematic breakdown has not been
useful to assist in predicting Priorities for coordinated care should be determined; however, in general, the
resuscitative requirements and established by the trauma team in sooner it is possible to perform some
reconstructive decision making because conference before patients need it. The form of external or internal fixation
of the understanding of the injured protocol typically used at our institution and remove external skin pressure, the
structures and the amount of energy that for closed pelvic injury is summarized in better.
the pelvis has absorbed. For example, Figure 5. The sheet or binder is applied at the
the APC injuries may be associated with If no other source of bleeding is level of the greater trochanters, never
bladder or urethral disruption, and the identified, the pelvic fracture should be around the abdomen or waist, and
higher grades are associated with addressed expeditiously. Management is should be flat against the skin to
extensive blood loss resulting from initially provided by wrapping the pelvis maximize surface area. Sheets should
disruption of vascular structures along with a compressive sheet or by use of a be secured with clamps to avoid undue
with the pelvic floor ligaments. The pelvic binder. Modalities that “close” the pressure from knots.11 Angiographic
horizontal fracture of the ramus pelvic ring are sensible for injuries that groin access, completion of a generous
associated with LC injuries creates a open or externally rotate the ring. The laparotomy distally, and similar
spike that may injure medial structures AP pelvic radiograph will identify anterior access issues can be addressed
(ie, bladder, vagina, iliac arteries) when injuries that may benefit from this by cutting access portals in the binder
pushing though the pelvis. LC type I approach; generally LC injuries will not, or sheet or by compressing the pelvis
injuries rarely require surgical whereas APC and VS injuries will. indirectly by means of a secondary
intervention; however, LC type II and III Compression of an LC injury is binder placed distally to the initial one
injuries are typically surgical candidates. potentially damaging, although different on the thighs, combined with taping
Although all pelvic fractures can cause imaging modalities demonstrate the the knees and ankles together. This
bleeding, instability, and visceral or difference in the pelvic position after “multiple binder” method is preferred
neurovascular injury, awareness of applying a binder for a lateral at our institution and may alleviate
fracture pattern and degree of compression injury (Figure 6). some concerns about soft-tissue
displacement is helpful in risk Occasionally, an LC injury in an elderly problems from prolonged single-
assessment. patient may have hemorrhage associated binder application (Figure 7, C). This
with vascular or visceral disruption; method may also allow for a once-
these patients will not benefit from daily check of the skin overlying the
Initial Management and wrapping or binding but may be greater trochanters by an experienced
candidates for angiography. surgeon while maintaining general
Closing the pelvic ring with a wrap or reduction. If notable vertical
Provisional stabilization of the pelvic binder has some effect on pelvic volume displacement exists (>1 cm) or notable
fracture can assist in control of but probably has a larger effect on flexion deformity is appreciated on
hemorrhage and be an important part of stabilization of clots from bony surfaces screening radiographs, then skeletal
patient resuscitation. In a patient with and vascular structures.8,9 Several traction can be a useful adjunct for
pelvic fracture and shock, it may be commercial binders are available that initial stabilization. Traction can
difficult to separate the hemorrhage facilitate placement and adjustment of reduce displacement, add stability,
improve hemo-

448 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Pelvic Fractures: Part 1. Evaluation, Classification, and Resuscitation



dynamics, and overcome deforming

forces. Prior to application of distal
femoral traction, it is important to
confirm that the femur does not have
a fracture or lesion and that its over-
lying soft tissue is intact.
When a patient requires emergent
surgery for open wounds or intra-
abdominal bleeding, pelvic stabiliza-
tion may be accomplished by exter-
nal fixation. External fixation, either
with formal half pins or by some
form of temporary pelvic C-clamp,
can be useful in providing pelvic sta-
bility (Figure 8). Safe application of
A, PresentationAPpelvicradiographofalateralcompressiontypeIIpelvic
these devices requires knowledge of
pelvic and neurovascular anatomy.
deformity. With the ready availability of pelvic
binders, the use of emergent external

449 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joshua R. Langford, MD, et al


compressiontypeIIinjurybefore( A) andafter (B)
binderapplication. C, Preoperativeclinicalphotograph

fixation in the emergency depart- and need for emergent stabilization teriography targets the 10% to 15%
ment has decreased in many institu- in forward areas. of patients who have bleeding from
tions. We do not recommend the use When other sources of bleeding have an arterial source.
of so-called C-clamps applied in the been ruled out, patients with persistent The selection of technique may de-
trauma bay with blind pin place- hemodynamic instability after control pend on the availability and ease of
ment, which can potentially injure of the pelvic volume with binder or ex- skilled arteriographers or on the pa-
intrapelvic neurovascular structures. ternal fixation should be treated with tient’s location. A patient who is al-
Most trauma centers typically em- angiography and selective emboliza- ready in the operating room because
ploy some form of pelvic binder and tion, or with pelvic packing, or both. of visceral bleeding may not be ap-
then later convert the patient to a These two methods address bleeding propriate for angiography until an
more definitive form of pelvic fixa- from different sources and should not intra-abdominal procedure is com-
tion. Some military, blast-induced always be thought of as competitive plete. Pelvic packing may be consid-
pelvic fractures have necessitated the but rather as complementary methods ered as a measure to improve hemo-
return of the technique of iliac crest of hemorrhage control. 12 Pelvic pack- stasis. If the patient remains
pin placement because of blast in- ing helps control bleeding from ve- persistently unstable after the tho-
volvement with the anterior groin nous and bony sources, whereas ar- racic and abdominal procedures and

August 2013, Vol 21, No 8 450

Figure 8 Figure 9

Illustrations demonstrating the retroperitoneal packing technique. A, An 8-cm

midline vertical incision is made. The bladder is retracted to one side, and
Postoperative photograph of pelvic three unfolded lap sponges are packed into the true pelvis (below the pelvic
external fixation in place using two brim) with a forceps. The first is placed posteriorly, adjacent to the sacroiliac
supra-acetabular pins. joint. The second is placed anterior to the first sponge at a point
corresponding to the middle of the pelvic brim. The third sponge is placed in
the retropubic space just deep and lateral to the bladder. The bladder is then
pelvic packing, then he or she may be retracted to the other side, and the process is repeated. B, Illustration
transferred to angiography or undergo an demonstrating the general location of the six lap sponges following pelvic
intraoperative angiogram for further packing. (Adapted with permission from Smith WR, Moore EE, Osborn P, et
evaluation and treatment of persistent al: Retroperitoneal packing as a resuscitation technique for hemodynamically
unstable patients with pelvic fractures: Report of two representative cases
and a description of technique. J Trauma 2005;59:1510-1514.)
The concept of pelvic packing has
been popular in several centers in the
United States and Europe.13,14 This (Figure 11) to prevent gluteal paedic surgeons, is the fact that it is an
procedure requires familiarity with the ischemia.15,16 Minimization of gluteal invasive procedure in a patient who can
Pfannenstiel approach and knowledge of ischemia is especially important if a be quite unstable and coagulopathic. The
anatomy of the true pelvis to allow later surgical approach is planned for packs typically need to be removed in
accurate pack placement. that area. Recurrent pelvic bleeding has several days and require an additional
Retroperitoneal packing can avoid been reported after angiography and procedure for removal/exchange.
violating the intraperitoneal space and embolization in 8% to 23% of Packing may also theoretically increase
avoid unnecessary angiography (Figure patients.17-19 This fact emphasizes the the risk of abdominal compartment
9). A recent study reported no mortality importance of continued intensive care syndrome.
in hemodynamically unstable patients unit surveillance of these patients, even Allergies to the contrast dye, the need
and only 16.7% need for subsequent after a good initial response to for the special expertise of an
angiographic embolization when this resuscitation. A repeat angiographic interventional radiologist, and ischemic
strategy was instituted.13 complications from angiography may
embolization or even consideration of
Angiography remains popular in the pelvic packing should be done if the occur.15,16 Angiography also takes time
United States as a method to provide and resources and, in a patient who is
patient has evidence of ongoing
continued management of hemorrhage in quite unstable, may detract attention
the patient who is persistently or from injuries that require more emergent
Both pelvic packing and angiography
recurrently unstable after initial fluid treatment.
benefit from some form of stability
and blood product resuscitation and having been imparted to the pelvic ring,
management of pelvic volume. Evidence either with binder or ex-
of contrast extravasation on trauma CT
(Figure 10) can be considered an
ternal fixation, and both have risks Open Pelvic Fracture and
disadvantages. A disadvantage
indication for angiography. If possible,
selective embolization is generally

448 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Pelvic Fractures: Part 1. Evaluation, Classification, and Resuscitation

of pelvic from controlling pelvic
other than thevolume
These injuries
Figure10have more soft-tissue
may be with
wounds, disruption
and and can lead to significant
and technique by mostcan
hemorrhage ortho- instability. Any potential tamponade
be significant. His-
torically, open pelvic fractures have
very high mortality rates because of
hemorrhage and infection. 20 These
patients almost always have other
very serious sources of bleeding. 21 In
the emergency department, the or-
thopaedic management includes
packing, without exploration, of
large open wounds exhibiting active
bleeding and the application of non-
invasive pelvic stabilization (ie, Axial( A) andcoronal (B) CTscansdemonstratingcontrastextravasation
binder, sheet). After provisional pel-
vic stability has been achieved with
an external fixator in the operating Figure11
room, these wounds may be more
formally explored and débrided. Co-
lostomy for fecal diversion, particu-
larly of open wounds involving the
perineum, has substantially lowered
mortality rates over recent years and
should be considered. Colostomy is
essential when there is exposed, ne-
crotic, or perforated bowel. 22 ,23
The protocol typically used at our
institution for an open pelvic injury
is summarized in Figure 12. Ortho-
paedic management of open pelvic
injuries typically involves irrigation
Arteriogramsdemonstratingangiographicblushbefore( A) andafter (B) coil
and débridement of any open embolization.
wounds, packing, and concomitant
pelvic external fixation. Although
placement of an external fixator will
biotics are indicated as part of the energy, life-threatening, unstable
provide some stability, it will not
initial management because visceral fracture patterns. High-energy mech-
achieve complete tamponade. Direct
and urogenital injuries, as well as anisms of injury indicate the possibil-
packing of the open wound or
late infectious complications, are ity of significant visceral injury, mul-
wounds and selective angiography
common. When concerns regarding tisystem trauma, and hemorrhage.
with selective embolization should
contamination exist, wounds should The Young-Burgess classification of
be considered. Vaginal, rectal, and
be packed open until repeat evalua- LC, APC, VS, and combined mecha-
genital wounds obviously should be
tion has deemed them stable without nisms assists in predicting resuscita-
managed expeditiously in concert
further declaration of necrosis. On tive requirements and reconstructive
with the appropriate subspecialties.
wound closure, we recommend the decision making. Initial reduction of
Collaboration with the associated
use of deep drains.
subspecialties helps with the place- pelvic blood loss is provided by bind-
ment of diverting colostomies and of ers, sheets, or another form of exter-
suprapubic tubes placed as far as Summary nal fixation, which reduces pelvic
possible from planned surgical inci- volume, stabilizes clot formation,
sions used to definitively treat the Pelvic fractures range from low- and reduces ongoing tissue damage.
pelvic ring injury to decrease poten- energy, generally benign pubic ramus Persistently unstable patients may
tial infections. Broad-spectrum anti- lateral compression injuries to high- benefit from angiography with selec-

449 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Joshua R. Langford, MD, et al



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