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Republic of the Philippines

Asian Development Foundation College

Tacloban, City

Level of Difficulties Encountered by Grade 9-Chromium students of Palo National High School
on the Face to Face Implementation after Two Years of Modular Learning Modality

PART I: Profile of the Students

Name: __________________________________ Age: _______
Socio Economic Status: Gender: _______
Upper Class
Middle Class
Lower Class

Instruction: Read the statements carefully. These statements are used to measure the level of
difficulties that you as a student encountered on the implementation of face-to-face classes after two
years of modular learning. Use the legend as your guide and please check the box provided
corresponding to your answers.
Legend: 4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

School Conditions 4 3 2 1
1. I cannot cope up with the discussions
2. I have difficulty adjusting to my new environment
3. I have difficulty adjusting to my classmates
4. I have difficulty approaching my teachers
5. I cannot manage my time to do my tasks
6. I have a lot of unfinished school works
7. I get low scores with my quizzes
8. I get tired easily
9. I have a hard time speaking/reciting
10. I have a hard time solving math problems
11. I have a very poor self esteem
12. I get bored easily
13. I have poor vocabulary
14. The subject that’s really giving me a hard time (Specify)
15. I would still prefer face-to-face classes than modular learning
Home Conditions 4 3 2 1
1. I cannot get enough moral support from my parents
2. I cannot get enough financial support from my parents
3. I don’t have a conducive space to do my home works
4. I have a lot of household chores to do after school
5. I have a lot of lacking materials needed for school works
6. I have a lot of trouble managing my school task and home chores
7. I get a lot of criticisms from my family members
8. I have a hard time getting up early for school
9. I have a hard time traveling from home to school
10. I would still prefer modular learning than face to face classes
Other Difficulties please specify: ___________________

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