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Step 2.

Airport expressions for counter check-in

When the flight date comes, it is time to move to the airport. Foremost, remember
one basic rule – arriving three hours before the flight is better to have time to
solve all the issues. The first thing waiting for you there is a counter check-in.
It is an integral part of any airport, and it has its terms and phrases you need to
remember. Let’s take a look at the classic check-in conversation:

Can I see your ticket and ID card, please? The check-in officer will ask you
this question first. They need to collect this information to confirm your identity
and see your flight details. You can say “Sure,” “Here you go,” or any other
affirming phrase.
Is anybody else traveling with you today? When confirming your flight, you’ve
already heard this question, but the check-in officer probably doesn’t know about
it. So, once again, you need to provide the information about your company.

The check-in officers must also ask you a list of questions before your flight.
Usually, they are connected to security, so it is important to provide honest
answers. Here are the most common questions you can hear:

Did someone you don’t know ask you to take something on the plane with you?
This question is meant to prevent unacceptable things from getting on board. For
example, a person can ask you to take a bag with you, which can contain drugs,
weapons, or other dangerous stuff.
Did you leave your baggage unattended at all in the airport? Another security
question similar to the previous one. It is essential to avoid situations where you
leave your luggage unwatched, since someone can use it to take dangerous things on
the plane.
Are you carrying any weapons? It is a standard question a security officer asks
you at the check-in counter. And we know how much you want to respond with a joke
to it, but it is better to abstain from it.
Do you have anything to declare? You must pay taxes for many things to bring
them to the country. That is why you can often hear this question from the check-in
officer – to prevent the illegal import of a particular category of products.

Those are the main questions you can hear from the check-in officer. As you can
see, they are primarily about security and your flight details. In addition, they
can ask you about your luggage and your preferable seat (if you have an open
ticket) and provide you with the gate number and boarding time. That is why it is
essential to remember all these airport terms to avoid misunderstandings.

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