Worksheet 5 - Coaching Plan

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Worksheet 5: Coaching Development Plan

Part A: Personal Development

Areas of Strength Plan to strengthen

1 Facilitating learning ask for coaching in order to be express my taught to clients

2 Coaching presence Attend coaching and mentoring program

3 Designing Action Listening to the client situation and plan a better action to help
Areas of Development Plan to develop
1 Powerful questioning Make a plan or notes of questions

2 Managing progress and accountability Knowing the situation and propose choices

3 Establishing trust with client Know the client better by taking lunch or coffee together; establish rapport
Part B: Coaching Plan

Name of employee When? How would you prepare?

1 Ms. J Take notes of her issues, plan how to act on it and discuss it over
The next working day coffee.

2 Sir D. January 2024 Present him the situation, provide choices and creative solution. Ask
for his inputs also.

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