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SAE3701 OCT 2022


1. Missionaries believed that women should not be involved in ...

a) Politics
b) Violence
c) Education
d) Science

2. What was the impact of Black consciousness philosophy on students in

a) It prompted the students to begin to question the national political status
quo and, later, to challenge the school’s authorities.
b) There was increased access to suburban areas by black middle class.
c) By squeezing large numbers of older pupils into the under-resourced
school system, the state generated an environment for rebellion to grow.
d) Some students were trained to be carpenters, blacksmiths, Mansons
joiners and wagon builders

3. Inclusive education is based on the … that ensures all children are welcome in
a) Strategy
b) Policy
c) Strength
d) Principle

4. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline in the number of state
a) Increased in political and economic awareness
b) Improved economic mobility of the black middle class
c) Increased access to suburban areas by the black middle class
d) Increased demand for better-quality schools and education

5. Which of the following describes a bifurcated education system?

a) Is not the equal in terms of resources and has schools for “haves” and
b) Is like a tree and is when there are two curriculum perspectives.
c) Is like a tree and has schools for “haves” and “have-nots”.
d) It is when there are two curriculum perspectives and is not equal in terms
of resources.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

6. The fusing of the syllabus and politics by teachers at Bantu high(Bodibeng)

came to an end in the 1950s. What was the reason for this?
a) Teachers got tired of teaching two syllabus at the same time.
b) Teachers wanted to first educate parents politically to help their children.
c) The nationalist party government tightened the rope on African political
resistance during this period.
d) Trade unions put stop to it.

7. Which of the following is not Nationalist party’s response to the urban crisis?
a) The national party permitted major expansion in the urban housing and
b) It followed a pragmatic policy in relation to urban employers’ utilisation of
black labour.
c) It deviated it’s formal commitment to migrate labour and the relegation
blacks and unskilled work in the urban areas.
d) Eighty percent of black taxation was allocated to the schools.

8. Why was the concepts of “full-serviced and inclusive education” schools

a) To allow ordinary schools and special schools to share resources
b) To show how ordinary schools can transform themselves to become
inclusive centres of care and support
c) To reduce the budget required for special schools
d) To eliminate the myth that children with special needs belong to special
schools only

9. The Curro schools are all …

a) Jewish schools.
b) Christian schools.
c) Protestant schools.
d) Non-believer schools.

10. Why is it beneficial for professionals like teachers to use reflective thinking?
a) It can help a teacher to reflect on a method that does not work so he or
she can change it.
b) It can help teachers to notice children with problems
c) Teachers can get better qualified.
d) Reflection can uplift teachers to a higher status.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

11. Low levels of education prepared black people for … roles in society.
a) Important
b) Partnership
c) Valuable
d) Subordinate

12. In the South African, the Crawford schools and Curro schools are …
a) All private for-profit organisations.
b) Offering lower salaries than in state schools
c) Semi-public schools.
d) Offering poor quality education.

13. The government said that schools were breaking ……….. laws by admitting black
A. Mortality
B. Cultural
C. Religious
D. Apartheid

14. Which one of the following is not the meaning of an Ethics of civility?
A. It is building and maintaining the conditions for participation in public affairs
B. It entails engaging in a shared public life.
C. It requires us to think in the presence of others and to acknowledge that there is
standpoint other than one’s own in public realm.
D. It entails The ethical responsibility to care for others because we have the capacity to
comprehend “being”.

15. After the fall of apartheid education, approximately one in every …………. People in
south Africa are in school.
A. 10 (ten)
B. 3 (Three)
C. 7 (Seven)
D. 5 (five)
SAE3701 OCT 2022

16. industrial education was not systematic because it lacked…….

A. Equipment
B. Volunteers
C. Classrooms
D. Teachers

17. Most mission’s schools did not emphasise ……… education

A. Traditional
B. Secondary and higher
C. Teaching
D. Basic

18. Why was the National party of the 50s not able to provide finance for black
A. The NP was trying to destroy political resistance
B. Government was trying to provide for migrant labourers.
C. Government use the money to move black people from rural areas to urban areas.
D. Employers you were and willing to pay through Taxes for social services for their

19. What aspect of life did pre-colonial education embrace?

A. Basic literacy
B. Carpentry
C. Mathematical skills
D. Character building
SAE3701 OCT 2022

20. How did the Catholic Church handle the negative after mass are refusing to hand
over schools to the apartheid government?
A. The church fought until they won.
B. The church use donations from rich countries to fund education.
C. The church became a partner with the governmental by implementing bantu
D. The church started their own trust fund to cater for catholic education

21. Which one of the following describes a bifurcated education system?

A. Is not equal in terms of resources and has schools for haves and have nots.
B. It is like a tree and is when there are two curriculum perspectives.
C. It is like a tree and has schools for haves and have nots.
D. It is when there are two curriculum perspectives and it is not equal in terms of

22. Mission education head little. ………… for the local African culture.
A. Sympathy
B. Respect
C. Patience
D. Recognition

23. Which one of the following is not the challenge impose by the ethics of intellectual
rigour on teachers and learners?
A. Ethics of intellectual rigour are better applied in well-resourced schools.
B. Teachers often faced the challenge of effectively engaging and catering for students
of all abilities.
C. In any given year level there can be a 5 to 6-year difference between the most
advanced and the least advanced.
D. This requires to just able the intellectual rigour of all students using range of
SAE3701 OCT 2022

24. Who are the supporters of human capital theory?

A. Economists
B. Educationalists
C. Consumers
D. Investors

25. Missionaries oven for motor practices that fitted in with practices of the
A. Merchants
B. Government
C. Africans
D. Christians

26. How did the National party (NP) respond to the urban crisis?
A. The National party increase taxes
B. Black people were not allowed to benefit from social services.
C. They permitted major expansion in urban housing and education
D. The National party ignored the urban crisis

27. How did Jansen (in Balfour 2016) conclude in relation to the situation of the
teachers in South Africa?
A. Teachers are repressed and show high levels of commitment.
B. Teachers are not being held accountable for what is happening in schools and are
frequently absent.
C. Teachers are frequently absent and show high levels of commitment.
D. Teachers are replacing are not being held accountable for what is happening in
SAE3701 OCT 2022

28. how does Hyslop consider as a contributing factor to the outbreak of the student
revolt in 1976?
A. The use common experience of poor quality mass cooling system created a common
sense of identity and grievance.
B. South African economy was less robust than in either the preceding or the
subsequent decades.
C. Government crash the ANC AND PAC and trade unions in the early 60s.
D. It deviated from its formal commitment to migrant labour and the regulation of blacks
to unskilled work in the urban areas.

29. Industrial and manual training trained people to have the ……. to work
A. Skills
B. Experience
C. Confidence
D. right attitude

30. Regarding primary and secondary education which one of the following is not the
alternative given to mission schools by the other party government.
A. To remain open as private and unaided schools.
B. To keep control of schools with subsidy which was reduced to 55% of Teacher
C. To rent or sell school Buildings to Bantu community organisations.
D. To hand over primary and secondary schools to the government.

31. Apartheid government initially said that open schools with fewer …… students
would get higher subsidies
A. White
B. Coloured
C. Black
D. Indian
SAE3701 OCT 2022

32. ……... don’t one change at all especially if it’s sudden.

A. Students
B. Teachers
C. Old people
D. Conservatives

33. How many missionary education viewed regarding promoting sexism and
a. Missionaries believed that woman should not be directly involved in economic
production or politics
b. Black people were taught values of piety which prepared them to accept
subordinate roles in society
c. The colonial government had not given the aid it promised.
d. Black children were subject to stereotyping.

34. Who prepared the joint matriculation board (JMB) examination during the 1960s?
a. Bantu education
b. The university of south Africa
c. Different provinces
d. Principals

35. One of the most famous Anglican secondary schools, St Peter, Rosettenville, was
situated in…
a. Mixed area
b. “white area”
c. Slums
d. Township

36. Which one of the following is NOT the meaning of an ethics of civility?
a. It is building and maintaining the conditions of participation in public affairs
b. It entails engaging in shared public life
c. It requires us to think in the presence of others and to acknowledge that there are
standpoints other than one’s own in a public realm.
d. It entails the ethical responsibility to care for others because we have the
capacity to comprehend “being”
SAE3701 OCT 2022

37. Which one of the following is NOT the challenge imposed by the ethics of
intellectual rigour on teachers and learners?
a. Ethics of intellectual rigour are better applied in well-resourced schools.
b. Teachers often face the challenge of effectively engaging and catering for
students of all abilities.
c. In any given year level, there can be a five-to-six year difference between the
most advanced and the least advanced.
d. This requires teachers to build the intellectual rigour of all students using a
range of strategies.

38. What was the impact of Black consciousness philosophy on students in Bodibeng?
a. It prompted the students to begin to question the national political status quo and,
later, to challenge the school’s authorities.
b. There was increased access to suburban areas by the black middle class.
c. By squeezing larger numbers of older pupils into the under-resourced school
system, the stage generated an environment for rebellion to grow.
d. Some students were trained to be carpenters, blacksmiths, masons, joiner sand
wagon builders.

39. What do teachers in no-fee schools tend to focus on?

a. Pedagogical knowledge
b. Pastoral care-work
c. Job prestige
d. Salaries

40. Why was Mangosuthu Buthelezi seen by many black consciousness movement
members as a sell-out?
a. Because he accepted homeland independence
b. Because of his pro-Bantustan position
c. Because he was working closely with the apartheid government
d. Because he was working for the Special Brach (SB) unit.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

41. Which one of the following is NOT the nationalist party’s responsibility to the urban
a. The national party permitted major expansion in urban housing and education.
b. It followed a pragmatic policy in relation to urban employer’s utilization of black
c. It deviated from its formal commitment to migrant labour and the relegation of
blacks to unskilled work in the urban areas

42. Under the condition that matriculants offered a bursary to study at universities at
Bodibeng High?
a. The condition was that they would pay back the money.
b. They would study mathematics and science
c. They would not be paid for the first six months
d. The condition was that they would return to teach a Bodibeng

43. What did the then minister of edutaion, Dr Naledi Pandor, ascribe deficiencies in the
education system to in 2006?
a. Incapacity of the educations sytem to utilize allocations
b. Under-spending of the department of education
c. Lack of qualified teachers.
d. Slow pace of transformation

44. Which one of the following is NOT an aspect of racism and subordination of mission
a. Humility
b. Latin and Greek
c. Patience
d. Piety

45. What was the reason given by the nationalist party for advocating for four years of
schooling for black children?
a. The government did not have enough money for more than four years.
b. It was claimed that the new system would cut costs and double the enrolment of
c. There new no jobs for highly educated black people.
d. There were no adequately trained teachers to teach higher classes.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

46. What was taught in mission schools in the 19th century?

a. Rules for interacting with others
b. Informal education
c. Manual work and practical training
d. Knowledge and social values

47. Industrial education was not systematic because it lacked….

a. Equipment
b. Volunteers
c. Classrooms
d. Teachers

48. The government said the schools were breaking…laws by admitting black children.
a. Morality
b. Cultural
c. Religious
d. Apartheid

49. Conflict thinkers believe that… differences are the most important differences in
a. Age
b. Intellectual
c. Racial
d. Biological

50. Why were teachers at Bodibeng High reluctant to talk about politics in the 1970s?
a. They did not want students to get arrested
b. Students were not interested in politics
c. Parents did not want their children to be politicized
d. Bodibeng High was bursting with informer, both teachers and students
SAE3701 OCT 2022

51. Which one of the following was NOT the main focus of oral history in precolonial
a. Geography
b. Politics
c. Philosophy
d. Work discipline

52. Which one of the following statements is NOT a criticism of OBE?

A. The language of OBE was alien and new to most teachers in the system.
B. The roll-out of OBE through country-wide workshops was problematic.
C. Trainers did not account for the various levels of language awareness of English
as a lingua franca in their training.
D. It was replaced by the National Curriculum and Policy Statement (CAPS)

53. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why the churches criticised the
ANC boycotts?

A. The ANC wanted to take over as government.

B. The churches disapproved of the ANC’s boycott tactics.
C. The ANC took decisions in the heat of the moment which it could not really
D. The ANC did not consult with many blacks outside the urban areas.

54.The American Board mission tried to find loopholes by which it could retain control of

A. Marrianhill College.
B. Rosettenville Secondary School.
C. Lovedale College.
D. Adams College.

55. What measures does the Department of Basic Education use to measure success?

A. Annual national assessments.

D. Global competitiveness report.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

56.Which of the following is NOT the type of graduates who were produced by mission

A. People with basic literacy.

B. Workers, artisans and tradespeople.
C. An elite with higher levels of education.
D. Professional doctors and lawyers.

57. What was the reason given by the Nationalist Party for four years of schooling for
black children?

A. The government did not have enough money for more than four years.
B. It was claimed that the new system would cut costs and double the enrolment of
C. There were no jobs for highly educated black people.
D. There were no adequately trained teachers to teach higher classes.

58. Why should a professional teacher entertain doubt?

A. Doubt can bring reassurances from fellow colleagues.

B. Teachers can avoid unforeseen obstacles by entertaining doubt.
C. Doubt means morally accepted behaviour towards fellow human beings.
D. Doubt can mean you do not take things for granted as a teacher.

59.Which of the following does NOT belong to the informal learning in the pre-colonial

A. People learnt work skills and life skills from experience.

B. Pupils read from a chalkboard under the trees.
C. Oral histories were an important means of transmitting social skills and morality.
D. Skills were transmitted by older members of the community, from the family.

60.Which one of the following was NOT the Nationalist Party’s response to the urban

A. Trained people as labourers.

B. Permitted major expansion in urban housing and education.
C. Tried to destroy the ANC, PAC and unions.
D. Deviated from its formal commitment to migrant labour.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

61.Why was Mangosuthu Buthelezi seen by many Black Consciousness movement

members as a sell-out?

A. Because he accepted homeland independence.

B. Because of his pro-Bantustan position.
C. Because he was working closely with the apartheid government.
D. Because he was working for the Special Branch (SB) unit.

62.What did missionaries aim to achieve through education?

A. To convert people to Christianity.

B. To establish free and equal education for boys and girls.
C. To do away with segregation.
D. To close Bantu education schools.

63.Which one of the following is NOT the point for which OBE was criticised?

A. The language of OBE was alien and new to most teachers.

B. OBE was an improvement to the apartheid curriculum.
C. The roll-out of OBE through country-wide workshops was problematic.
D. Trainers were contracted by the government without counting for the various
levels of awareness of English as a lingua franca.

64.What did the then minister of Education, Dr Naledi Pandor, ascribe deficiencies in
the education system to in 2006?

A. Incapacity of the education system to utilise allocations.

B. Under-spending of the department of education.
C. Lack of qualified teachers.
D. Slow pace of transformation.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

65.Which of the following is NOT a social activity in which song and dance played a role
in pre-colonial communities?

A. It was through music and dance that social norms, traditions and beliefs of a
community were depicted.
B. Music and dance also played a role in marriages, funerals, initiation ceremonies,
religious practices and rituals.
C. People have sung and danced to express joy or sadness to reinforce cultural
beliefs and values.
D. Music played a role when boys were being trained as carpenters and

66.Regarding the “open schools”, why did the churches’ attempts to challenge apartheid

A. There was a large gap between the policy of the churches and that of schools.
B. The schools refused to follow the churches’ lead.
C. Some churches made concerned statements about segregation in church
D. The “open schools” were too small to accommodate both black and white pupils.

67.Why were teachers at Bodibeng High reluctant to talk about politics in the 1970s?

A. They did not want students to get arrested.

B. Students were not interested in politics.
C. Parents did not want their children to be politicised.
D. Bodibeng High was bursting with informers, both teachers and students.

68.The government said the schools were breaking … laws by admitting black children.

A. Morality.
B. Cultural.
C. Religious.
D. Apartheid.

69.Mission education was part of their … aims.

A. Evangelising.
B. Upgrading.
C. Special training.
D. Inclusion.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

70.What are Hoffman’s views regarding teachers in no-fee schools?

A. They face the greatest institutional burdens and are unprofessional.

B. They are unprofessional and are the “haves”.
C. They face the greatest institutional burdens and are generally black women.
D. They face the greatest institutional burdens and are the “haves”.

71.It was only after … of chiefdoms that people began to value mi….

A. Takeover.
B. Change.
C. Conquest.
D. Acceptance.

72.Church schools are mostly …

A. Low-fee paying private schools.

B. High-fee paying schools.
C. No-fee paying schools.
D. Subsidy paying schools.

73.What do teachers in no-fee schools tend to focus on?

A. Pedagogical knowledge.
B. Pastoral care-work.
C. Job prestige.
D. Salaries.

74.Which of the following is NOT the view held by mission educators on…

A. There should be no discrimination on the education of both blacks and white

B. Black education must prepare black students for local society.
C. Black people must be taught discipline.
D. Blacks should not have too much education.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

75. The Eiselen Commission argued that rivalry among churches led to a … provision of

A. Disorganised.
B. Controlled.
C. Unsystematic.
D. Respectful.

76.Why did many black people come to the mission schools?

A. For baptism and religious purposes.

B. For religious purposes, work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their
C. For baptism, work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their communities.
D. For work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their communities and food parcels.

77.Which one of the following is NOT the meaning of an ethics of civility?

A. It is building and maintaining the conditions for participation in public affairs.

B. It entails engaging in a shared public life.
C. It requires us to think in the presence of others and to acknowledge that there are
standpoints other than one’s own in a public realm.
D. It entails the ethical responsibility to care for others because we have the
capacity to comprehend “being”.

78.The apartheid government initially said that open schools fewer … students would
get higher subsidies.

A. White.
B. Coloured.
C. Black.
D. Indian.

79.What was the reason put forward by Soweto residents regarding the decreasing
number of township schools?

A. Drug abuse in schools.

B. Poor quality of education.
C. Shortage of teachers.
D. Corporal punishment.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

80.Which of the following was NOT the main focus of oral history in pre-colonial

A. Geography.
B. Politics.
C. Philosophy.
D. Work discipline.

81.Which one of the following is the principle on which outcomes-based education was

A. Passive learner participation.

B. Critical thinking.
C. Teacher-centred environment.
D. Rote learning situation.

82.. How did the principal at Bodibeng High overcome the problem of the shortage of

A. The school recruited volunteers.

B. The school applied for special permits for teachers from outside the area to work
at Bodibeng High.
C. The principal and the school’s committee employed some of former Bodibeng
High students.
D. The school was not able to overcome the problem at all.

83.How did the Ntionalist Party (NP) respond to the urban crisis?

A. The NP increased taxes.

B. Black people were not allowed to benefit from social services.
C. They permitted major expansion in urban housing and education.
D. The NP ignored the urban crisis.

84.Most mission schools did not emphasise … education.

A. Traditional.
B. Secondary and higher.
C. Teaching.
D. Basic.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

85.Which one of the following is NOT the reason why the schools’ boycott organised by
the ANC in 19... failed?

A. It did not mobilise mass support.

B. The campaign was disorganised.
C. There was pressure from the state.
D. The churches did not support the ANC’s campaign.

86.Inclusive education is based on the … that ensures all children are welcome in

A. Strategy.
B. Policy.
C. Strength.
D. Principle.

87.Cock (1980) argues that the education offered to women was …

A. Good.
B. Ambiguous.
C. Industrial.
D. Tribal.

88. What was the original intention for designing OBE?

A. To develop mass education
B. To develop mass participation
C. To develop self- directed learning
D. To develop a semi-skilled labour force

89. Which of the following is embraced by the ethics of care?

A. What is to be human and engagement with others.
B. A university shared human nature and individualism.
C. What it is to be human and individualism.
D. What it is to be human and a universally shared human nature
SAE3701 OCT 2022

90.Which type of schools are termed “exposed sites”?

A. Schools that serve poorer communities have learners who often struggle to achieve
academically and have a lack of resources.
B. Schools that serve poorer communities and have a lack of resources.
C. Schools that have a lack of resources but are well funded.
D. Schools that have learners who often struggle to achieve academically and have a
lack of resources but Are well funded

91.What was the major criticism for curriculum 2005?

A. It was a western curriculum it was incommensurate with teachers existing knowledge
and it required resources that were non-existent in most schools.
B. It was incommensurate with teachers existing knowledge is required resources that
were non-existent in most schools and it promised segregation of learners.
C. It was incommensurate with teachers existing knowledge and it required resources
that were non-existent in most schools.
D. It’s required resources that were non-existent in most schools and he promoted
Segregation of learners

92. What were the findings of the National education evaluation and development unit
(NEEDU) regarding the loss of learning time in schools?
A. Long school holidays the abuse of leave by teachers and daily school disruptions
B. Long school holidays the late coming of learners and the abuse of leave by teachers
C. The late coming of learners the abuse of Leave by teaches in the daily school
D. Long school holidays the late coming of Learners and daily School disruptions.
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93. How did the extreme right wing view the promotion of the use of Afrikaans in
A. A symbol of national self-assertion and a taste of government commitment to
Afrikaner identity.
B. A symbol of national self-assertion and the alignment with the Anglophone business.
C. A test of government commitment to Afrikaner identity and an Alignment with the
Anglophone business.
D. In alignment with the Anglo phone business and undermining the need of the labour

94. Why did Bantu Education bring urban African youth into a few years of basic
A to create a suitable work force, social control and to reduce political militancy.
B for social control, to fight crime and to reduce political militancy.
C to create a suitable work force, to fight crime and to reduce political militancy.
D to create a suitable work force, social control and to fight crime.

95. Why did many black people go to the mission schools?

A for baptism and religious purposes.
B for religious purposes, work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their communities.
C for baptism, work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their communities.
D for work or to seek refuge from difficulties in their communities and food parcels.

96. Why did merchants and manufacturers use moral or Christian arguments?
A. To justify promoting their business and employing black people.
B. To justify promoting their business.
C. To justify taking over Africa and other parts of the world and to distribute their
D. To justify taking over Africa and other parts of the world.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

97.After viewing education as a way of achieving their aims, what did missionaries do?
A They established free and equal education for boys and girls and they also
established formal schools and curricula.
B They converted people to Christianity and established formal schools and curricula.
C They established free and equal education for boys and girls and criticised
D They criticised segregation and established free and equal education for boys and

98. What was the result (contribution) of the arrival of missionaries in South Africa?
A. They broke down the African culture, imposed Western culture, imposed work
patterns and closed Bantu education schools.
B. They imposed Western culture, imposed work patterns and closed Bantu education
C. They broke down African culture, imposed Western culture and imposed work
D. They imposed work patterns and the closing of Bantu education schools

99. What did education in pre-colonial communities involve?

A. Oral history, skills to adapt to the environment, the industrial sector and
B. The industrial sector and morality
C. Oral history, skills to adapt to the environment and morality
D. Skills to adapt to the environment, the industrial sector and morality

100. What did indigenous education prepare people for?

A Their responsibilities as adults at home, their role in the village and tribe, as well
as leadership in the community.
B Their responsibilities as adults at home, and their role in the village and tribe.
C Their role in the village and tribe, employment in the formal sector and
leadership in the community.
D Employment in the formal sector and leadership in the community.
SAE3701 OCT 2022

Special credit to the Collaboration team who helped make this document:
Pheladi Micky Hazzy

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