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Unit 6 – Lab 14 Creating PLC Programs – Add On Instructions

Name: Date:
Course: ARO-247 Unit: 6

Ladder Programming

Learning Objectives96

 Creating Ladder Diagrams – Creating Add On Instructions (AOI’s)

General Information for this Lab.

 In this lab we will continue exploration of Add On Instructions.

Reference Information.

 All the reference material presented to this point can be accessed to assist you when creating PLC
programs for the remainder of the class.

 Instruction Help Screens.

 Rockwell Automation Publication 1756-pm010_-en-p.pdf – Logix 5000 Controllers Add On


 ControlLogix program Unit4_Lab3.

I/O Required:

 Physical Inputs (user)

o Fault Time in milliseconds (DINT)

o Conveyor Motor Stop PB N.O.

o Conveyor Motor Run Forward PB N.O.

o Conveyor Motor Run Reverse PB N.O.

o Fault PB

o Conveyor Motor Forward Auxiliary Contact (Selector Switch)

o Conveyor Motor Reverse Auxiliary Contact (Selector Switch)

o Conveyor Motor Overload Auxiliary Contact (Selector Switch)

Unit 6 – Lab 14 Creating PLC Programs – Add On Instructions

 Physical Outputs

o Conveyor Motor Forward Motor Starter Coil (Pilot Light)

o Conveyor Motor Reverse Motor Starter Coil (Pilot Light)

o Conveyor Motor Run Forward Fault Indicator Light

o Conveyor Motor Run Reverse Fault Indicator Light

o Conveyor Motor Overload Fault Indicator Light

In this lab we are going to continue our exploration of Add On Instructions. You will use what you learned in
Unit 6 Lab 13 to create an AOI on your own. Feel free to use the materials from that lab to guide you through
the process.

Typical automation systems will use many motors for different applications. Some motors are controlled by
VFD’s, some are single-speed, some need to run in only one direction and some are required to be bi-
directional. For this application we will concentrate on the single-speed, bi-directional application.

Start Studio 5000 and open the file Unit4_Lab3.acd and immediately SaveAs Unit6_Lab14. Remember in
order to create/modify an Add On Instruction we need to be offline. We cannot create or modify an AOI while
online. In the Controller Organizer navigate and expand the Assets folder. Here you will find the Add-On
Instruction folder. Right-Mouse Click on the folder and select New Add-On Instruction.

General Tab/Name: Give your instruction a name. It is common practice to precede the name with AOI. Let
us use the name AOI_BiDirMS. In the Description field add a brief explanation of the instructions purpose.

General Tab/Description: In the Description field add a brief explanation of the instructions purpose.

General Tab/Class: There are two classes available Standard and Safety. Choose Standard for our AOI.

General Tab/Type: We will be writing this AOI code in Ladder therefore leave/change the type to Ladder

General Tab/Revision: Revision Level can be whatever you desire. Common practice is to start at Major
Rev. 1 and Minor 0. Depending on whether or not changes are made at a later date increment the Minor
and/or Major revisions to suit.

General Tab/Revision: A revision note is a handy reference as to the changes that have been made.

General Tab/Vendor: This can be your companies name or, if you’d prefer, your name.

Unit 6 – Lab 14 Creating PLC Programs – Add On Instructions

Unit 6 – Lab 14 Creating PLC Programs – Add On Instructions

Now select the Parameters Tab and enter your AOI’s parameters (tags that will be accessible externally to
the AOI i.e., users ladder diagram. Fields required for our AOI are Name, Usage, Data Type, Default
(EnableIn should have a default of 1, all others 0), Style (Decimal for us), Check Boxes (Req and Vis),
Description, External Access (all of our added parameters will be Read/Write). And lastly leave the Constant
check box “unchecked”.

Local Tags Tab: Enter any variables required by your AOI that will NOT be externally accessible.

Scan Modes Tab: Leave all the options at default and unchecked in the Scan Modes Tab. These are for
routine that are required to occur before and after your main AOI logic is scanned.

Signature Tab: This tab is for creating a signature and if required sealing the instruction so that users will
not be able to make changes to your code. Be very careful here as this could lead to issues down the road.
It is proper to seal your AOI if it contains propriety algorithms. For our application leave this unsigned and

Change History Tab: Creation Date and Editing Date/User will be captured and displayed on this tab.

Help Tab: This tab is provided for you to enter any information the user of your AOI will find helpful. You can
add anything you desire in the Extended Description Text field. Notice the other information that has been
added for you based upon your other entries in the definition dialog box.

Once all the information has been added press the Apply button and then the OK button to close the dialog
box and save your changes.

Now you are ready to add your custom code for the AOI. Navigate and expand the Assets folder and
Double-Mouse Click the Logic section under your newly created AOI. This opens the Ladder Diagram editor
and you are now free to write the code required to control the bi-directional motor.

Once you have finished writing your AOI code you will need to test your instruction in the Main
Program/Main Routine of the Main Task. Add your AOI to the Ladder, populate the required fields with I/O
connections and test.

Once you have completed and tested your AOI demonstrate for your instructor. Be sure to save your work.

Congratulations you are on the road to code re-use a very important feature of the Logix platform of

Unit 6 – Lab 14 Creating PLC Programs – Add On Instructions

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