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High school students face numerous demands on their time, including academic responsibilities,

extracurricular activities, and social obligations. In today’s fast-paced and constantly connected world, the

ability to manage time effectively is a crucial life skill that can have a significant impact on academic and

career success, as well as overall well-being. Poor time management skills can lead to academic

underachievement, stress, and reduced well-being. On the other hand, effective time management can help

students balance their competing demands, reduce stress, and improve their academic performance and well-


Various time management skills training programs have been developed to help students manage their

time more effectively. These programs typically focus on teaching students practical skills such as goal setting,

prioritization, time blocking, and task delegation. However, there is limited research on the impact of these

programs on academic performance and well-being, particularly among Senior High School (SHS) students.

While some studies have shown that time management skills training can be effective in improving academic

performance and reducing stress among college students, it is unclear whether similar results can be achieved

among SHS students.

This, this study aims to investigate the impact of time management skills training on academic

performance and well-being of SHS students in Don Mariano Marcos National High School(DMMNHS). By

identifying the most effective time management skills training program for SHS students, this study has the

potential to provide valuable insights into how students can better manage their time to achieve academic

success and enhance their overall well-being.

B. Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this research concept is to investigate the impact of time management skills training on

academic performance and well-being of Senior High School students of Don Mariano Marcos National High


C. Objectives

 To assess the level of academic performance and well-being among high school students before and

after time management skills training.

 To evaluate the impact of time management skills training on academic performance and well-being of

high school students.

 To identify the most effective time management skills training program for high school students.

D. Research Questions

1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:




1.4.Grade, Section, and Strand;

1.5.GWA(General Weighted Average)?

2. Does time management skills training lead to significant improvements in academic performance among

high school students?

3. What are the impact of time management skills training on the well-being of the Senior High School


4 . Which time management skills training program is most effective for improving academic performance and

well-being among high school students?

E. Stakeholders/Beneficiaries

Those Who Will Involve in the Process:

 Researcher(s) – who will design and conduct the study, collect and analyse the data, and disseminate the


 Senior High School Students – who will participate in the study as the major subject.

 Senior High School Teachers and School Administrators – who will facilitate the recruitment of

participants and provide access to academic records.

 Research Adviser – who will guide to the development of this research study.

Those Who Will Benefit:

 Students – who may benefit from improved time management skills, academic performance, and well-

being as a result of participating in the study.

 High School Teachers and Administrators – who may benefit from insights into effective time

management skills training programs that they can incorporate into their curriculum or recommend to

their students.

 Parents and Families – who may benefit from the improved academic performance and well-being of

their high school students as a result of participating in the study.

 Educational Researchers and Practitioners – who may benefit from the findings of the study and use

them to inform future research and interventions aimed at improving time management skills and

academic success among high school students.

F. Short Description

This research concept aims to investigate the impact of time management skills training on academic

performance and well-being of high school students. High school students often face multiple demands on their

time, such as academic responsibilities, extracurricular activities, and social obligations. Poor time management

skills can lead to academic underachievement, stress, and reduced well-being. To address this issue, various

time management skills training programs have been developed, but the impact of these programs on academic

performance and well-being among high school students remains limited.

To address this gap, this study proposes a focused group discussion instrument to evaluate the

effectiveness of a 4-week time management skills training program among high school students. The primary

outcomes will be academic performance and well-being, which will be assessed using self-report

questionnaires, quizzes, performances, recitations, or academic records in general , which are competency-

based at baseline and at the end of the intervention period. Secondary outcomes will include stress, anxiety, and

time management skills. Qualitative data will also be collected through focus group discussions to identify the

most effective time management skills training program.

G. Methodology

This study will use a focused group discussion instrument for the intervention with the help of the

facilitators.. Participants will be the population of Senior High School students. As stated before, the primary
outcomes will be academic performance and well-being, assessed using self-report questionnaires, quizzes,

performances, recitations, or academic records in general , which are competency-based at baseline and at the

end of the intervention period. Secondary outcomes will include stress, anxiety, and time management skills.

Qualitative data will also be collected through focus group discussions to identify the most effective time

management skills training program.

H. Time Table

Date Started:

Activity Number of weeks Dates

Research design and proposal development 1

Ethics approval and participant recruitment 1

Baseline data collection 1

Time management skills training program 4


Post-intervention data collection 1

Data analysis 2

Manuscript writing and revisions 2

Submission of manuscript 1

Date Finished:

Overall, the research concept may take about 2 months to complete from the initial research design and

proposal development to the submission of the manuscript to the publication of the study. However, the

timeline may vary depending on several factors such as the availability of participants, ethical considerations,

and unforeseen circumstances.

I. Conclusion:

This study has the potential to contribute to the growing body of literature on the impact of time

management skills training on academic performance and well-being of high school students. The expected

results of this study are to find that the time management skills training group will show significant
improvement in academic performance and well-being compared to the control group. The study findings may

inform the development of interventions and programs aimed at improving time management skills among high

school students, and may have important implications for their academic performance, stress management, and

overall well-being. The study may benefit high school students, teachers, administrators, parents, and families,

as well as educational researchers and practitioners who may use the findings to inform future research and

interventions aimed at improving time management skills and academic success among high school students.

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