Living - in - The - IT - Era - Questionnaire Ms Ganancial 07

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Name: _______________________________ Curr.&Yr.

Level__________ Score______


Direction: Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (Strictly no erasure.)

1. The technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of electronic computers,
communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve
information from anywhere, anytime.
A. Information Technology C. Media
B. Social Media D. Information and Communication Technology

2. This refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research. The tools to transmit it
are the telephone, television and radio. It is knowledge and helps us to fulfill our daily tasks.

A. Communication B. Technology C. Media D. Information

3. It is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby information is exchanged between individuals

using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. It is important in order to gain knowledge.
A. Communication B. Information C. Media D. Technology
4. It is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes products that fulfill
human needs. It is vital in communication
A. Information B. Communication C. Technology D. Media
5. Is a system of moral standards or values used as a guideline for computer users. It is needed to stop the
current technology products from being exploited.
A. Computer Ethics B. Intellectual Property C. Privacy D. Cyberlaw
6. It refers to any product of human intellect that is unique and has value in the market place. This covers
ideas, inventions, unique name, computer program codes and many more.
A. Computer Ethics B. Intellectual Property C. Privacy D. Cyberlaw
7. It the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to
create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.
A. Information Technology C. Media
B. Social Media D. Information and Communication Technology
8. In IT refers to data and information privacy. In general, data include texts, numbers, sounds, images and
video. This is described as the rights of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of
information about them.
A. Intellectual Property B. Privacy C. Cyberlaw D. Computer Ethics
9. It refers to any laws relating to protecting the Internet and other online communication technologies.
A. Intellectual Property B. Privacy C. Cyberlaw D. Computer Ethics
10. Is a system software designed to help to analyze, configure, optimize or maintain a computer. Example:
anti-spam program, firewall, anti-spyware and antivirus.
A. Utility Software C. Social Media
B. Operating System D. AntiVirus Software
11. It means protecting our computer systems and the information they contain against unwanted access,
damage, destruction or modification.
A. Cyber Security B. Computer Security C. Cyberlaw D. IT Security
12. Which of the following are not an example of computer crimes or cyber crimes?
A. Fraud C. Copyright Infringement
B. Blue Screen of Death (BSD) D. Attacks
13. Refers to a guideline to computer users based on moral standards.
A. Law B. Moral C. Ethics D. Standard
14. Refers to a rule to control computer users which is judged by judicial standards.
A. Moral B. Ethics C. Standard D. Law
15. Laws that are needed to establish and safeguard the intellectual property which refers to works created by
inventors, authors and artists.

A. Copyright Infringement C. Intellectual property laws

B. Cyberlaws D. Data Privacy Act
16. Is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to
link billions of devices worldwide.
A. World Wide Web C. Internet
B. Technology D. Social Media

17. An information system on the Internet that allows documents by hypertext links, enabling
the user to search for information by moving from one document to another.
A. World Wide Web C. Web Page
B. Internet D. Social Media

18. Is a non-profit service designed to help people who have visual and reading impartments.
A. Convergence C. Assistive Media
B. Social Media D. Mobile Technologies

19. These are sites that allow users to post their own news.
A. Microblogging C. Social News
B. Media Sharing D. Blogs and Forums

20. Allows user to categorize and classify information using freely chosen keywords e.g. tagging
by FB, Twitter, use tags that start with the sign #, referred to as hashtag.
A. Rich User Experience C. Folksonomy
B. Mass Participation D. Long Tail

21. Is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web. It is a document that is
suitable for the World Wide Web.
A. Internet C. Web page
B. Web Browser D. World Wide Web

22. A mobile OS use in apple devices such as iPhone and iPad.

A. Android OS C. Blackberry OS
B. iOS D. Windows Phone OS

23. Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various website and resources.
A. Blogs and Forums C. Social News
B. Microblogging D. Bookmarking Sites

24. An open source OS developed by Google. Being open source means mobile phone
companies use this OS for free.
A. Android OS C. iOS
B. Blackberry OS D. Windows Phone OS

25. One of the principles of digital development having a core tenet: "Develop new digital codes
or technologies that are freely viewed, copied, modified, shared, and distributed in open or
public platforms".
A. Design For Scale
B. Build for Sustainability
C. Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation
D. Reuse and Improve

26. According to Brian Arthur, technological evolution happens because of the phenomenon he
calls as __________.
A. Combination Evolution C. Combinatorial Evolution
B. Combine Evolution D. None of the choices
27. It is a period in human history that started when computers were introduced in the 1970s. It
is evident in the rapid shift from mechanical industrialization to technological innovation.
A. Middle Age C. Iron Age
B. Bronze Age D. Digital Age

28. The first daily newspaper was published in _______________, Germany.

A. Leipzig C. Berlin
B. Cologne D. Dresden

29. These are 2 more examples of factors that affect the evolution of technology:
A. Nice Construction and Niche Destruction
B. Niche Construction and Niche Differentiation
C. Niche Deconstruction and Nice Differentiation
D. None of the choices

30. It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Business Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006.
Rapidly gained popularity as of 2017 has 100 million daily active users.
A. Twitter C. Instant Messaging
B. Facebook D. Blog

31. One of the principles of Digital Development which involves careful consideration about
which data are collected and how they are stored and shared.
A. Be Collaborative C. Be Data Driven
B. Address Privacy and Security D. Design For Scale

32. These are stories of the 15th and 16th Century western pioneers.
A. Native Literature C. Voyage Literature
B. Captain's Log D. Pioneer's Stories

33. Best known as the designer of the phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while
at the same time endeavoring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power.
A. Samuel Morse C. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Noah Glass D. Guglielmo Marconi

34. One of the principles of Digital Development which can only be attained through
conversation, observation, and co-creation with the people, client, or target market who will be
using the eventual digital product or tools.
A. Design For Scale C. Design with the User
B. Reuse and Improve D. Build for Sustainability

35. Philippines is dub as the ____________ because of huge growth of ICT-related jobs, one of
which is BPO, Business Process Outsourcing, or call centers.
A. Business Process Outsourcing C. ICT Hub of Asia
B. Communication D. Technology

36. World Wide Web invented by?

A. Tim Dunkan C. Timothy Bradly
B. Larry Bean D. Tim-Berners Lee

37. Static Web pages is known as flat page or ____________________ in the sense that the
page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user.
A. Stationary Page C. Diary Page
B. News Page D. Web Page
38. Which was the first electronics digital programmable computing device?
A. Analytical Engine C. Colossus
B. Difference Engine D. ENIAC

39. EDVAC stands for

A. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
B. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
C. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Calculator
D. Electronic Data Variable Automatic Computer

40. Which electronic components are used in Second Generation Computers?

A. Transistors
B. Integrated Circuits
C. Vacuum Tubes
D. Microprocessor

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