Strategic WKST 3

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DBT for Private Practice 723651999.


Behavior. What are you doing? How do you influence
other people’s behavior? What role do you have in this
situation? What do you do? Look at the situation and
your own part in it with some distance and objectivity.

Environment. Is there something in your immediate

environment that is prompting this to occur? What does
the environment “want” or prompt others and you in it
to do?

Healing versus Hurting. Are you doing something to

try to heal yourself that is actually hurting you? Are
you avoiding? Escaping?

Antecedents. Look to what came before. What took

place or came before? What took place prior to the

Values. What is it that you’re getting out of this

situation? What is motivating you within this painful

Interval. Things that occur infrequently but

occasionally are powerful sustainers of behavior. What
powerful but infrequent events may be sustaining these
crisis situations?

Outcome. What effect do these events have on you?

What is the payoff? What do you get out of it? What
bad thing is avoided by keeping this going?

© Thomas Marra/New Harbinger Publications 2005

DBT for Private Practice 723651999.rtf

Reinforcement. Examine what it is that increases the

probability of your behavior. What keeps this cycle

© Thomas Marra/New Harbinger Publications 2005

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