Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Ionic Liquid Pretreatment On The Bleachability and Properties of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

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Journal of Korea TAPPI

Vol. 51. No. 2, 2019, 16-25p

ISSN (Print): 0253-3200
Printed in Korea http://dx.doi.org/10.7584/JKTAPPI.2019.

Effect of Ultrasonic-assisted Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the

Bleachability and Properties of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

Jianmin Peng, Letian Qi‡, Guihua Yang†, Ming He, Yu Xue, Jiuachuan Chen
Received November 4, 2018; Received in revised form March 26, 2019; Accepted March 27, 2019

In this work, the application of ionic liquid (IL) and ultrasonic (Ul) treatment on the
bleachability and properties of eucalyptus kraft pulp were investigated. The results
showed that ILs protected fibers from depolymerization by improving the pulp viscosity.
The combination of Ul and IL treatment notably reduced the kappa number and improved
tensile index, burst index, tear strength index and folding endurance of pulp. Ul and IL
treatment reduced the fines content, decrease the water retention value (WRV) and cause
the formation of crosslinks between fibers, especially in Ul+[TEA][HSO4] treatment. The
XRD and FT-IR analysis illustrated the combination of Ul and IL treatment disturbed the
amorphous region of pulp fiber by increasing of crystallinity and no chemical change ap-
peared in the treatment process. The Ul assisted IL treatment technology will have a
promising application due to its high efficiency and environmental protection character.

Keywords: Ionic liquid, ultrasonic, treatment, bleaching, eucalyptus kraft pulp

1. Introduction ber3) and stable nature of lignin chains4) require

high dosage of ClO2 during the bleaching process,
Elemental chlorine free (ECF) bleaching technol- which unavoidably causing equipment corrosion
ogy apply ClO2 to instead of Cl2 gas in the process. and reducing the physical properties of paper.5-7)
It avoids the formation of organochlorine com- Therefore, it would be helpful to develop a treat-
pounds and reduces the amount of effluent dis- ment technology loosening the lignocellulose fiber
charged, thereby widely adopted in industry. structure, facilitating the bleaching chemicals to
However, the rigid structure of lignocellulosic fi- access lignin compounds, and minimizing the im-

• State Key Laboratory of Biobased Material and Green Papermaking, Qilu University of Technology, Shandong Academy of
Sciences, Jinan, 250353. P. R. China
† Corresponding Author: E-mail: ygh@qlu.edu.cn
‡ Co-corresponding Author: E-mail: lqi01@qlu.edu.cn

16 펄프·종이기술 51(2) 2019

Jianmin Peng·Letian Qi·Guihua Yang·Ming He·Yu Xue·Jiuachuan Chen

pact on the fibers strength. So far, various ap- Ultrasonic (Ul) treatment was considered as a
proaches were investigated for fiber pretreatment suitable approach to loosen fiber structure.13) It has
such as enzyme, ionic liquid and ultrasonic treat- been reported being an efficient technique for
ment. hemicellulose extraction,19,20) fiber morphology
Ionic liquids (IL) are molten salts under mild con- modifcation21) and fibers properties enhancement.
ditions. These novel solvents have various merits, The WRV,22) drainability23,24) and accessibility22) of
such as good solubility, non-volatile, chemical fiber have been improved after Ul treatment.
stable, recyclable and tunable.9) It has shown par- Thereby, when applied along with IL treatment, Ul
ticular ability to disturb the H-bond network of could enhance the IL treatment effect.13) It was re-
the plant fiber. Imidazolium-based ILs were firstly ported that a combination of Ul and IL treatment
reported to dissolve cellulose through their strong improves surface areas of fiber and enhanced the
H-bond effect, among them [BMIM][Cl] presented physical strength of handsheets.25) However, the
good solubility. This dissolution endures a de- effect of Ul assisted IL treatment on bleachability
crease in crystallization, and transformation from of kraft pulp (KP) have not been investigated yet.
Cellulose I into Cellulose II.11) In this work, IL and Ul pretreatment was applied
Several studies have been done to investigate the under mild treatment conditions before the bleach-
effect of ILs with lignocellulosic fibers, and the re- ing of eucalyptus KP. Their effect on bleaching
sults showing that ILs can enhancing the swell- performance was investigated by analyzing the fi-
ing,12) increasing surface area and improving phys- ber qualities and physical strength of handsheets.
ical strength of paper. On the other hand, ILs
were also applied in the separation of lignocellu-
losic components. Imidazolium based ILs have been 2. Materials and Methods
used on the production of high purity dissolved
pulp.14,15) Moreover, [BMIM][Cl] was used to remove 2.1 Materials
low molecular weight lignin compounds, from pulp Eucalyptus globules wood was obtained from Asia
in order to improves the bleaching performance.16) Symbol (Shandong) Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd.
These literature studies indicated that ILs can be (China). It was air-dried and then cut into pieces
designed to lose the rigid plant fiber structure, in size of 3-4 cm. The kraft cooking of eucalyptus
modify cellulose structures and remove lignin used following process conditions: available alkali
compounds. Therefore, it could assist bleaching 21%, sulfidity 25%, maximum cooking temperature
process and improve the physical properties of pa- 170℃, and cooking time 90 min at 170℃. And
per. However, current studies majorly focused on cooking liquor was filtrated and then kraft pulp
imidazolium-based ILs and limited to their com- sealed into polyethylene bag.
mercial availability, which inhibited further appli- Chemicals used in this work including grade and
cations. Recently it has been reported that [TEA] source was listed as following:
[HSO4] IL has shown great power to dissolve lignin 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate
even at high water loading up to 20 wt%. In ad- ([BMIM][HSO4]) (analytically reagent (AR), 95%)
dition, this type of IL can be produced at low was purchased from Shanghai Rhawn Chemical
cost, which is ideal for plant fiber treatment. Co., Ltd. Triethylamine (AR, 99%) was purchased
With these merits, [TEA][HSO4] might be suitable from Tianjin Fuyu Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Anhy-
for the application in bleaching process. drous magnesium sulfate (AR, 99%) and sodium

J. of Korea TAPPI Vol.51 No.2 Mar.-Apr. 2019 17

Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the Bleachability and Properties of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

hydroxide (AR, 96%) were purchased from Tianjin 75℃, 120 min.
Da Mao Chemical Co. Chlorine dioxide (AR, 1 vol%)
was purchased from Shandong Dahua Special En- 2.4 Characterization of pulps
vironmental Engineering Co., Ltd. Hydrogen per- Viscosity was determined according to the ISO
oxide (AR, 30%) and sulfuric acid (AR, 98%) were 10650:1999 method, and degree of polymerization
purchased from Lai Yang Chemical Co., Ltd. So- (DP) of pulp was calculated based on the pulp vis-
dium sulfide (AR, 98%) was purchased from Tianjin cosity. The average degree of polymerization was
Dingshengxin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. calculated from the intrinsic viscosity (η) using the
Triethylammonium hydrogen sulfate ([TEA] same manner in literature,26) which was shown in
[HSO4]) was synthesized as described by Brandt et Eq. 1.
al., where 5M H2SO4 aqueous solution were added
stepwise into triethylamine in round-bottom flask DP0.905=0.75[η] [1]
under ice bath. The IL generated was dehydrated
under rotary evaporation followed by Schlenk line Pulp yield were calculated as the mass ratio of
at 70℃ for 24 h. sample before and after bleaching. Kappa number
was determined according to the ISO 302:2004
2.2 Ionic liquid and ultrasonic treatment method. The mass ratio of samples before and af-
25 g oven dried KP was homogeneously mixed ter treatment were calculated as pulp yield. The
with or without the presence of 2.5 g IL, then wa- water retention value (WRV) of fibers was deter-
ter was added until to become pulp consistency of mined according to the ISO 23714:2013 method.
10%. After that, the mixture was reacted in water Fiber quality including weight mean length, weight
bath, with or without 250 W ultrasonic treatment mean width, and fines content was determined ac-
(KQ-250DV, Kun Shan Ultrasonic Instruments cording to the ISO 16065:2007 method using a fiber
Co., Ltd.) for 60 min. quality analyzer (FQA-LDA02, OpTest Equipment
Inc., Canada).
2.3 Bleaching
(O)AD0EOPD1 bleaching sequence was used, where 2.5 Characterization of the handsheets
treated KP was delignified with oxygen treatment Handsheets were prepared according to Chen et
(O):0.5 MPa oxygen, 3% Na2O, and 100 for 60 min. al.13) Treated pulp was dispersed with water and
The treated pulp was rinsed with water and ad- formed 80 g/m2 handsheets, then kept at the stan-
justed to 10% pulp consistency in polyethylene bag. dard conditions of 23℃ and 50% humidity prior to
Followed by AD0EOPD1 bleaching, with the opti- testing. The tensile index, burst index, tear index,
mized condition as following: (1) hot acid bleaching folding endurance and brightness of handsheets
(A): pH 3.5-4.5, 85℃, 120 min; (2) chlorine dioxide were measured according to the ISO methods
bleaching (D0): ClO2 7 kg/t pulp, pH 2-3, 70℃, 15754:2010, 2758:2014, 1974:2012, 5625:1997 and
30 min; (3) alkali extraction with oxygen and hy- 2470:1999, respectively.
drogen peroxide (EOP): H2O2 12 kg/t pulp, MgSO4 Changes in morphology of the fibers were ana-
6 kg/t, sodium hydroxide aqueous solution (5 wt%) lyzed by using a Regulus 8,220 FE-SEM (Hitachi
was used for adjustment pH to 11-12, 90℃, High-Technologies Corporation, Japan) operated
60 min, oxygen pressure 400 kPa; (4) chlorine di- at 5 kV accelerating voltage, 2,000 times magnifi-
oxide bleaching (D1): ClO2 8 kg/t pulp, pH 3.5-4.5, cation.

18 펄프·종이기술 51(2) 2019

Jianmin Peng·Letian Qi·Guihua Yang·Ming He·Yu Xue·Jiuachuan Chen

The Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectra Ultrasonic treatment also increased the pulp vis-
of the handsheets were recorded using a spectro- cosity and DP, however reduced the yield. This
photometer (IR Irdison-21, Shimadzu, Japan), with could attribute to the mechanical breakage of Ul,
-1 -1
resolution ratio of 4 cm , scanning speed 32 s resulting in a loss of low-DP fibers during bleach-
and scanning range of 4,000-500 cm-1. ing process. This mechanical effect also contrib-
The crystallinity of the pulp fiber was measured uted to fibrillation, which induced the improvement
by X-ray diffraction (XRD D8-DVANCE Bruker, in WRV and helped with lignin removal. While,
Germany). The measurements were conducted un- after Ul assisted IL treatment, the DP increased,
der the conditions of X-Ray 40 kW and 35 mA with and yield of pulp remain unchanged. This phe-
the angle from 5 to 60°. The crystallinity was de- nomenon, again, indicated the protection effect of
termined according to Segal et al. IL during the bleaching process. The Ul treatment
promoted the lignin removal effect of IL, as the
kappa number reduced notably. Interestingly, the
3. Results and Discussion WRV of pulp reduced after Ul+IL treatment in
comparison with that in control and Ul test, refer-
3.1 Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the pulp ring to a lower degradation of fiber as shown in
properties viscosity data. This also pointed out an unexpected
The oxidation of bleaching process destroyed the inhibition in fiber swelling and modification on
fiber structures and resulting in undesirable depo- microfiber structures. These results firstly identi-
lymerization. The degree of polymerization (DP) fied a fiber protection effect of Ul assisted IL
was determined basing on viscosity of pulp in this treatment during the bleaching, indicting it might
work, where the viscosity and DP of unbleached be an ideal combination for bleaching process. It
pulp was 619 mL/g and 884, respectively, and was seems that lower WRV value of the Ul+IL treated
dropped to 481 mL/g and 669 after bleaching. As pulp is due to the lower degradation of fiber i.e.
can be seen in Table 1, both IL treatments slightly difference of viscosity of pulp.
increased the DP of pulp, illustrating a protection
of fibers during the process. In addition, both type 3.2 Effect of IL and Ul treatment on fiber
IL treatment reduced the kappa number, indicating structures
desirable lignin removal. Meanwhile, the yield of Although ILs were widely reported to dissolve
pulp and water retention value (WRV) remain un- lignocellulose, both type ILs tested in this work
changed. presented no visible effect on the fiber qualities in

Table 1. Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the pulp properties

Treatment Pulp viscosity Degree of Yield WRV
Kappa number
method (mL/g) polymerization (%) (g/g)
Control 481±1 669 96±0.30 2.25±0.08 1.99±0.06
[BMIM][HSO4] 507±2 709 96±0.25 0.92±0.08 2.00±0.04
[TEA][HSO4] 486±1 677 97±0.46 0.92±0.08 1.99±0.03
Ul 485±1 675 94±0.13 2.16±0.08 2.14±0.02
UI+[BMIM][HSO4] 514±4 720 97±0.24 0.76±0.08 1.96±0.02
UI+[TEA][HSO4] 493±3 688 96±0.22 0.76±0.08 1.87±0.01

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Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the Bleachability and Properties of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

Table 2. Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the fiber qualities

Weight mean length Weight mean width Fines content
Kink index Curl index
(mm) (μm) (%)
Control 0.586±0.002 14.0±0.1 20.25±0.10 55.4±0.35 15.7±0.15
[BMIM][HSO4] 0.583±0.001 14.0±0.2 20.46±0.17 55.6±0.20 14.8±0.10
[TEA][HSO4] 0.590±0.005 14.4±0.1 18.92±0.31 54.1±0.32 15.0±0.10
Ul 0.587±0.001 14.0±0.1 20.99±0.54 54.6±0.45 14.8±0.15
UI+[BMIM][HSO4] 0.596±0.004 13.9±0.2 16.79±0.95 55.3±0.50 15.5±0.25
UI+[TEA][HSO4] 0.596±0.002 14.6±0.2 15.04±0.76 53.2±0.46 16.0±0.35

Table 2, except [TEA][HSO4] slightly increased the 3.3 Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the
fiber width, and reduced the fines content and kink physical properties of handsheets
index, which could contribute to the enhancement It was reported that IL could break the hydrogen
of paper strength. bond between cellulose and lignin, resulting in an
Ul treatment also presented minor effect on the improvement in brightness.16,17) Table 3 showed
fiber qualities, with slight increase in the fines that IL treatment slightly improved the brightness
content value and reduction in curl index, which of paper, but notably enhanced their physical
indicated an improvement in fibrillation. According strengths. The tensile index, burst index, tear in-
to Table 2, for the Ul assisted IL treatments, no no- dex and folding endurance of fibers were all im-
table change was found in fiber length, width and proved. The reason might be that aqueous IL solu-
curl index, but the kink index of fibers decreased tion partially dissolved and softened the surface of
by 4%, which can improve the strength properties plant fiber cell wall.21) The modification of fibers
for paper.28) However, the combination of IL and Ul via the swelling and fibrillation enhanced the in-
treatment notably reduced the fines content of teractions and crosslinks between fibers, therefore
pulp, especially in Ul assisted [TEA][HSO4] treat- improved the physical strengths.29,30) The folding
ment process, where fines content decreased by endurance increased from 115 to 273 in [BMIM]
28%. This phenomenon could possibly be caused by [HSO4] treatment, and to 333 in [TEA][HSO4]
the mechanical effect of ultrasonic treatment via treatment, which was about 3 times of the control
modifying the surface of fiber, which improved the samples. Similarly, [TEA][HSO4] treated samples
accessibility of IL. As a result, micro-fiber compo- presented a stronger tensile, burst and tear index.
nents were modified, and fines content reduced. It was reported that [TEA][HSO4] aqueous solution

Table 3. Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the properties of handsheets

Tensile index Burst index Tear index Folding endurance Brightness
(N·m·g-1) (kPa·m2·g-1) (mN·m2·g-1) (times) (%)
Control 4.35±0.01 4.055±0.022 6.746±0.22 115±7 75.2±0.2
[BMIM][HSO4] 4.60±0.03 4.433±0.021 7.274±0.05 273±13 75.8±0.1
[TEA][HSO4] 4.72±0.03 4.454±0.01 7.461±0.14 333±18 75.8±0.1
Ul 4.64±0.06 3.964±0.01 7.537±0.11 186±11 75.3±0.2
Ul+[BMIM][HSO4] 4.68±0.04 4.335±0.019 7.955±0.23 305±15 76.0±0.1
Ul+[TEA][HSO4] 5.09±0.07 4.196±0.013 8.058±0.04 369±14 76.0±0.1

20 펄프·종이기술 51(2) 2019

Jianmin Peng·Letian Qi·Guihua Yang·Ming He·Yu Xue·Jiuachuan Chen

promoted lignin removal,17) which contributed to a b

the fibrillation and swelling. In addition, the
removal of lignin also improved the flexibility of
pulp fiber, which can contribute to the important
of paper strength.
Ul treatment also improved the tensile, tear and
c d
folding strength properties of paper, but presented
lower reduction in burst strength. It provided the
similar effect in beating process, assisting the loose
of plant fiber.29) The modification on the surface of
fiber improved the accessibility, thereby enhanced
the physical strengths and brightness. Ul treat- e f
ment mechanically broke the fiber and reduced the
length of fiber, leading to a reduction in burst in-
dex. The combination of IL and Ul treatment nota-
bly improved the physical strength of paper. This
phenomenon was also reported by Chen et al.13)
Fig. 1. SEM images of the treated and untreat-
where Ul improved the accessibility of IL. The ed pulp. Note: (a) control, (b) [BMIM]
swelling of fiber improved, and crosslinks en- [HSO 4 ], (c) [TEA][HSO 4 ]; (d) Ul,
hanced, both of which improved the strength of (e) Ul+[BMIM][HSO4] and (f) Ul+[TEA]
paper via Ul and IL pretreatment.
of Ul treatment. A sign of mechanical breakage
3.4 Morphology of the handsheets was observed in Fig. 1-d. Applying Ul combined
The morphology of fibers was shown in Fig. 1, with IL treatment caused a notable modification on
where IL treatment changed the morphology of the fiber surface. And the fibrillation notably im-
fiber. Minor cracks were observed on the fiber wall proved, and more adhesive microfibers formed.
surface after the [BMIM][HSO4] treatment (Fig. The morphology of handsheets backed up with
1-b), Meanwhile [TEA][HSO4] provided more better previous analysis, where ILs treatment changed
separation influence, and a significant modification the fiber surface, provided more cross-links. Es-
on fiber could be viewed in Fig. 1-c. Formation of pecially in Fig. 1-f, with Ul assisted [TEA][HSO4]
adhesive microfibers on the pulp fiber surface were treatment, a lot of cross-links formed. In the Ul
observed. This refers to the fact that the fines assisted IL approach, Ul treatment provided me-
content value dropped after IL and Ul treatment, chanical breakages, improved the accessibility of
while the yield of pulp and water retention value IL to fibers, thereby improved the IL treatment
remain unchanged. In addition, the viscosity of performance. Thus, Ul assisted IL treatment nota-
pulp have slightly increased via Ul+IL treatment. bly improved physical properties of paper.
All these could possibly due to the formation of
microfibers, which has more surface area and in- 3.5 Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR)
duces cross-links between fibers and resulting in analysis
an enhancement of paper strength. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy
Fibers became more fibrillated with the assistance of the treated pulp were shown in Fig. 2, where the

J. of Korea TAPPI Vol.51 No.2 Mar.-Apr. 2019 21

Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Ionic Liquid Pretreatment on the Bleachability and Properties of Eucalyptus Kraft Pulp

treated pulp showed a similar spectrum, indicating ous Ul+IL treatment decreased to 17.62%
no significant change in functional group of the (Ul+[TEA][HSO4]) and 17.59% (Ul+[BMIM][HSO4]),
pulp occurred during the treatment. The peak po- whereas the other functional groups in pulp were
sition and assignment bonds were listed as follows: nearly unchanged. Breaking down the hydrogen
the broad absorption band at 3,400 cm-1 was asso- bonds in lignin structure by Ul and IL treatments
ciated with H-bond OH groups on cellulose and reduced the intermolecular forces.16) This may con-
lignin;16) the peak detected at 2,940 cm-1 indicated tribute to a better crosslink between fibers, im-
a symmetric C-H stretching vibration; the band at proving the physical properties of handsheets. This
2,850 cm was attributed to the symmetric C-H is another evidence of this treatment has an effect
stretching vibration; the band at 1,670-1,720 cm-1 on lignocellulosic fibers, which supports the previ-
was attributed to the -COO stretching vibration; ous SEM results.
the band at 1,506-1,596 cm-1 was attributed to the
vibration of aromatic ring; the peak around 1,160 cm-1 3.6 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
was attributed to the C-O-C bending vibrations in As shown in Fig. 3, XRD results showed no new
cellulose, while the peak near 1,060 cm-1 was diffraction peak in addition to the enhancement of
C-O-C stretching vibration. intensity. The crystallinity of cellulose I was calcu-
Compared to untreated pulp, the FT-IR spectra lated in this work. According to Table 4, the crys-
of treated pulp in Fig. 2 observed no new peak, tallinity of control samples is 43.7%. Both [BMIM]
which indicates no chemical change in the IL and [HSO4] and [TEA][HSO4] treatment improved the
Ul treatment process. It should be mention that, crystallinity of pulp. [TEA][HSO4] performed
-1 16)
the intensity of H-bond peaks (3,400 cm ) slightly better, improved to 46.7%. Ul treatment
strengthened after Ul and IL treatments. The hy- improved the crystallinity of fiber by 2.5-3.0%.
-1 -1
drogen bonds (3,000 cm to 3,600 cm ) in polymer Among all the treatments, [TEA][HSO4]+Ul treat-
was evaluated use the same manner as in litera- ment showed the highest crystallinity of 48.0%.
ture, and the area of hydrogen bonds after aque- Higher crystallinity degree indicates the IL and Ul

Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra analysis of the treated Fig. 3. XRD analysis of the treated and un-
and untreated sheet. Note: (a) control, treated sheet. Note: (a) control (b) UI,
(b) Ul, (c) [BMIM][HSO 4 ], (d) Ul+ (c) [BMIM][HSO 4 ], (d) Ul+[BMIM]
[BMIM][HSO4], (e) [TEA][HSO4] and (f) [HSO 4 ], (e) [TEA][HSO4] and (f)
Ul+[TEA][HSO4]. Ul+[TEA][HSO4].

22 펄프·종이기술 51(2) 2019

Jianmin Peng·Letian Qi·Guihua Yang·Ming He·Yu Xue·Jiuachuan Chen

Table 4. Effect of IL and Ul treatment on the effect properties and chemical structure of pulp fi-
fiber crystallinity bers. Thereby, the Ul assisted IL treatment tech-
Crystallinity (%) nology has a promising application in pulping and
Control 43.7 papermaking industry for its high efficiency and
[BMIM][HSO4] 45.3 environmental protection character.
[TEA][HSO4] 46.7
Ul 46.3
Ul+[BMIM][HSO4] 47.7
Ul+[TEA][HSO4] 48.0

The authors are grateful for the financial support

treatment promoted the dissolution of amorphous from the National Key Research and Development
region of fiber.21) [TEA][HSO4] could form strong Program of China (Grant no. 2017YFB0307900),
hydroxyl bond with fiber, thereby disturbed the the financial support from the National Natural
H-bond network in amorphous region. In addition, Science Foundation of China (Grant no. 31770628),
Ul mechanically loosened the fiber structure, im- the Taishan Scholars Program, Foundation (No.
proved the accessibility of ILs to the fibers. ZR201711) of Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper
Thereby, the combination of Ul and IL treating Science and Technology of Ministry of Education/
technique contributed to the dissolving of amor- Shandong Province of China,and a Project of
phous region, increased the crystallinity, resulting Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and
in the improvement in physical strength of paper. Technology Program (Grant no. J18KA111).

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