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For each statement choose a number which describes how true or untrue it is for you in your experience of yourself.

For example
number 1 means 'never true-. while the number '9" means `always true In your responses. Once you have understood the stateme
reply, intuitively rather than rationally, writing your score next to the statement number.

no question
1 Children should do what they are told without asking reasons
2 I express my concern for others with gentleness
3 I keep past experience clearly in mind when making current decisions
4 I rebel against injustice
5 I express my feelings easily and spontaneously
6 I take decisions on the basis of principles
7 I have a healing influence
8 I am analytical and I like organising and reorganising data in some order.
9 I am openly or silently defiant, I express my disagreements.
10 I often hear or tell funny jokes
11 I get upset with those who don't follow my instructions
12 I am affectionate in giving attention to others
13 I take time to collect information for taking decision
14 I dislike taking orders
15 The way I survive is being independent
16 I criticise/ comment other's behaviour
17 I have a talent for comforting those in distress
18 I make intellectual co-relations easily as I am analytical
19 I challenge those who are dominating
20 I have a good share of the pleasures of life
21 I think I am right in an argument with others
22 Others feel that I support them
23 I take decisions smoothly
24 I wait till I am told to do things
25 I often go to parties, picnics or movies
26 Others do not come up to my expectations
27 I help others to enjoy-themselves
28 I feel a sense of integration or maturity in my being
29 I postpone taking decisions even when I am clear about them
30 I make sure my own needs are met first
31 People should take life more seriously
32 I give warm caring regards
33 In a crisis I have several options
34 I try hard to meet the expectations of others
35 I enjoy spending time on imaginative fantasies
36 I prefer to be the one in control in a group
37 I nurture children warmly
38 I am aware of my own body sensations
39 I please others rather than myself
40 I bounce with fun and laughter
41 I know best what is good for others
42 People turn to me for help in their time of need
43 I can repeat back to people what they have said to me
44 I feel inadequate
45 I spent time in rest and relaxations
46 I should have achieved more than what I have
47 I offer help even when it is not asked for
48 I like analysing wholes into parts
49 I get hurt easily
50 I can mingle freely with people
51 double check the work done by others to remove mistakes
52 I check whether others are satisfied with me
53 I experiment with alternative ways of achieving goals
54 I seek opinion of others before I act
55 I don't worry about the future
r you in your experience of yourself. For example the
esponses. Once you have understood the statement
next to the statement number.

Type your number here (1 to 9)

1 2 3 4

Your Score 0 0 0 0


Critical Parent Nuturing Parent Adult Free Child



Adapted Child

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