A 401 S07 Car 14 DRS001

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Greater Cairo Metro Line No.

4 -Phase 1 Project

Client Engineer Contractor

DocTitle: MARYOUTIA STATION NO.7 Technical Design – Firefighting Pump Calculation Issuer: AHPC DRS date:
WF. No.: WF-021056 / WF-021072 Doc Date: 8/26/2023 9/19/2023
Doc Rev.: C Note : "Reply Code" is at the discretion of the Reviewer to grade the comments

Reply Status by
No. Page / Section Rev Consultant Comments Reply Code Contractor Response
1 GENERAL A Drawings and calculation shall be re-submit taking into consideration Civil defense requirements, the employer and C NOTED, a compliance statement added inside drawings OPEN
Engineer's comments. and calculations updated files.
C Comment addressed. A CLOSED
2 GENERAL B AHPC is asked need more clarification for the description of clause no. 1.1.2. C The clause is providing the design concept for all project OPEN
main headers
C As per Volume (4) Particular Specifications sub-clause 4.7, the FDC is missing for example in the B Noted, Kindly find attached calculations item 1.1.2.d
description of the system, please revise and resubmit accordingly.
3 GENERAL B Please Provide the class type of Portable Fire Extinguishers. C NOTED & CONSIDERED OPEN
C Comment addressed. A CLOSED
4 GENERAL B The units of K-factor are missing. Please rectify B NOTED & CONSIDERED OPEN
C Comment addressed. A CLOSED
5 GENERAL B Please follow the list of standards mentioned in the tender documents. B Provided Code reference were previously requested by OPEN
NOCE so please advice
C The additional standpipe of hydrant system at station is missing in the calculation. Please Revise and B Kindly check Hydrant in station calculations item
Resubmit accordingly and 4.2.4
6 GENERAL B The input File data (Elite software) is missing. Reference of NOCE letter no.(NOCE_01_AHPC_023_2083_SV) C Isometrics will be included in further submissions OPEN
dated 4 April 2023 Concerning Codes & Standards and Software.
C AHPC is asked to fulfil the requirement of Volume 4 Particular specifications sub-clause 1.2.1 " C
All codes, standards and software using by the Contractor for design and execution of Mechanical
Installation shall be submitted to the Employer and the Engineer one set each in English language for

7 GENERAL B Some items related to the pump sizing are missing, such as: Separate standpipes shall be C NOTED & CONSIDERED OPEN
provided in each required exit stairway, …etc.
C Comment still not addressed. B Noted, Kindly find attached calculations and drawings
package showing separate standpipes item

8 GENERAL B The isometric diagram of sprinkler system and standpipe system are not clean/readable C NOTED & CONSIDERED OPEN

C Refer to the comments in the Calculation Report. C Noted, kindly find updated package
9 P45 B Please justify the default K-factor value of 31 in standpipe calculation. C K Factor were calculated based on FHC minimum OPEN
working pressure is 65 PSI & 250 GPM Flow rate

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9 P45 Reply Status by
No. Page / Section Rev Consultant Comments Reply Code Contractor Response
C The Contractor is requested to consider the Pressure regulating device in the calculation Report as per B After Checking the pressure in hydraulic calculations it
Volume 4 Particular specifications sub-clause 4.10. was found that all pressure reading is below NFPA

10 P30 B The concept for the hydraulic calculation of Tunnel is not clear. Please justify C NOTED & CONSIDERED OPEN

C a) The comment still not addressed. C a. Kindly refer to attached updated calculations.
b) The isometric drawing of Tunnel hydrant system is not match with the plan drawings of the station. B. Noted, kindly find attached updated isometric.
c) The contractor shall mention that the reference drawing of the selected tunnel pipe route of the most C. Noted, kindlyl find attached updated ref. inside
remote location in the calculation note. calculations item 2.1 Point 6
d) Approval of Fire hydrants system at attached tunnels of the station is subjected to the final approved d. Noted.
shop drawings.

11 P57 B Justify the selecting of 25 gpm of Jockey pump capacity while the calculation is 10 gpm. C Selected based on market availability OPEN

C The Contractor is requested to mention that in the calculation report. B Noted, check updated calculations
12 GENERAL C The Contractor shall consider in the Calculation Report the minimum standpipe diameter is 100 mm ( 4 B Noted and Considered, check attached calculations
inches) as per NFPA 14 requirements. item 11.2.c
13 GENERAL C The additional standpipe of hydrant system at station is missing in the calculation. Please rectify C Kindly check Hydrant in station calculations item
accordingly and 4.2.4

14 GENERAL C The calculation of hydrant system at station is not match the schematic drawing, since there are some C Kindly check Hydrant in station calculations item
cabinets connected to the farthest standpipe and the remaining connected to the additional standpipe. and 4.2.4 along with drawings showing that root is the
Please rectify same and matchig isometrics
15 GENERAL C Refer to Volume (4) particular specifications sub-clause no. 1.1.2 "The Contractor shall be responsible for B Noted, kindly refer to item 1.3
developing the Tender design to the Detailed Design and, if necessary, altering the configurations that the
Tender design has indicated". The Contractor requested to determine the rooms are not protected by
sprinkler system accordingly

16 GENERAL C The contractor must be resubmit this calculation within 10 workings days from receipt this document with C Noted, kindly find updated package
covering all comments to be us able this calculation to be submitting to the civil defense in accordance
with their requirements and to save time of the national project, as per NAT instructions.

Document Status
A. Approved C. Revise and Resubmit
Status Code Legend:
B. Approved with comments D. Rejected B

Revision Status Code DRS date (NOCE)

Document Status Code

C B 9/19/2023

Name Position Signature


Karim Adel Mahmoud Mechanical Engineer K.A


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Reply Status by

No. Page / Section Rev Consultant Comments Reply Code Contractor Response

Hamada Fayad Mechanical Engineer

Approved by

Madan Singh Building Facility Expert (Depot/OCC/HVS) 9/19/2023

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