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Project Name: Strength of an Electromagnet

Introduction Instructions: How many seconds will the program show each

Welcome to factors that affect the Between each question cat will meow for 0.85
strength of an electromagnet seconds before changing to next instruction
2. 1. Slide the voltage slider and
observe the change in magnetic
field strength
3. 2. Click 1,2,3 to change the
number of coils and observe the
change in magnetic field strength
4. 3. Click right and left to move the
nail and observe the change in
magnetic field strength
5. Good Luck! Click me to repeat Repeat instructions when Physics cat is clicked
End of the Level or No conclusion Simulation is open ended and the user will decide when
Program to end the program
Programming Blocks Properties Description/ Values
Selected Backdrop Pale blue Something not to distracting
Sprites used Physics Cat
Field lines
Connecting wire
Sprite’s Costume changes Coil When 1 pressed - change to 8 coil costume
When 2 pressed - change to 6 coil costume
When 3 pressed - change to 4 coil costume

Connecting wire When 1 pressed - change to wire large costume

When 2 pressed - change to wire medium costume
When 3 pressed - change to wire small costume

Field lines When 1 pressed - change to wire field large costume

When 2 pressed - change to wire field standard costume
When 3 pressed - change to field small costume
When right arrow clicked(nail moves in) - change to
Extra large costume

Motion: Physics Cat (Start) X = -87 Y = -5

Sprite’s X and Y (Finish) X = -208 Y =112
Coordinates (When clicked again) X = -208 Y =112

Battery (Fixed position) X = 80 Y = -113

Field lines (Fixed position) X = 66 Y = 59

Ammeter (Fixed position) X = -142 Y = -72

Coil (Fixed position) X = 76 Y = 21

Nail (Start) X = -114 Y = 64

(Click right arrow) X = 61 Y = 59
(Click left arrow) X = -114 Y = 64

Connecting wire (Fixed position) X = 36 Y = 28

Looks: SetSizeTo_%
Sounds: For Physics cat sprite Cat Meow(0.85s)

Events: WhenClicked
Controls: if ...then…
Repeat until….
Operators: Addition operator (a+(bxc))=__%
Sprite Size changes Multiplication operator
according to manipulation
of variables.
Variables: Current
Magnetic Field Strength


1. Connection to Community (Purpose):

Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that an electric current can produce a magnetic field and that
a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current.

2. Objective of the game (characters, challenges, points):

This activity will address the above performance expectation in our electricity and magnetism unit. Students will
investigate how electric current produces magnetic fields by completing an inquiry investigation into the factors that
affect the strength of an electromagnets magnetic field. Students would then make a scratch program such as this to
explain their results before moving onto an engineering task where students have to make an electric speaker that
can produce the loudest sound.

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