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Tyrone Panzer Chan Pao
By Appointment
MT: 1800-1900
W: 1300-1900
H: 1330-1415
F: 1230-1415
S: 1230-1330
S: 1430-1530
Investing Career
Stock Bought @ Sold @ Return Holding Period

SECB 117.94 227.00 92.47% 4 years

PNX 3.82 7.55 97.64% 3 years

VLL 4.43 7.23 63.21% 2 years

TUGS 1.20 1.75 45.83% 6 months

MEG 3.70 4.27 15.41% 1 year

ATI 10.543 17.34 64.47% 3 ¾ years

CPM 0.55 1.20 118.18% 5 ½ months

Investing Career
Stock Bought @ Sold @ Return Holding Period

EMP 6.1682 9.4150 52.64% 3 years

BPI 89.6637 92.6632 3.35% 1 ½ years

FMETF 85.2508 107.6283 26.25% 8 months

UBP 58.2213 94.9395 63.07% 6 ½ years

Investing Career
Winning rate of my investments is 100%

Winning rate of my stock investments is 90%

As of the end of June 30, 2020
Trading Career
Stock Bought @ Sold @ Return Holding Period
Dec 31, 2020
NFLX 537.70 514.54 (4.31%) Jan 4, 2021
Dec 31, 2020
MRVL 47.81 52.47 9.73% Jan 19, 2021
Jan 8, 2021
PTON 155.57 144.27 (7.26%) Jan 19, 2021
Feb 5,2021
VUZI 13.01 15.54 19.49% Feb 12, 2021
Apr 19,2021
KLIC 55.73 52.12 (6.48%) Apr 19,2021
April 23,2021
LAZY 22.96 22.89 (0.30%) April 30,2021
Trading Career
Winning rate of my trades is 33.33%
Online forex trading
May 9, 2019 May 10, 2019
Online forex trading
May 13, 2019 May 17, 2019
Success in almost all activities requires a
combo of luck (randomness) & skill

There’s a simple and elegant test of whether there is skill in an

activity: ask whether you can lose on purpose. If you can’t lose
on purpose, or if it’s really hard, luck likely dominates that
activity. If it’s easy to lose on purpose, skill is more important.
--Michael Mauboussin--
Success in almost all activities requires a
combo of luck (randomness) & skill

There’s a simple and elegant test of whether there is skill in an

activity: ask whether you can lose on purpose. If you can’t lose
on purpose, or if it’s really hard, luck likely dominates that
activity. If it’s easy to lose on purpose, skill is more important.
--Michael Mauboussin--
The same thing in the fields of investing &
You could have flipped a coin in choosing which
stock to invest in & earn very high returns

Can you produce the same result over & over


If the answer is NO, then luck plays a major

factor in your success
If the answer is Yes, then skill plays a major
factor in your success
If your investing success is due to luck, then
you better be careful next time as luck is not a
very dependable source of success

Skill is a more dependable source of success

Focus on the process rather than on the

Why’d I come here & teach?
I’m concerned about this
My mission & purpose
The Philippine economy could be growing and
even passing China’s growth the past few

But with zero to low savings rate ,we cannot

progress as a nation

We’d be in deep trouble as nation

My mission & purpose
At the end of the course, I hope you can help
improve on that stat
My mission & purpose
Wrong way of saving:

Income – Expenses = Savings

Right way of saving:

Income – Savings = Expenses

Mondays: In-person
1430-1600 @ M 315

Thursdays: Online
1430-1600 over zoom (CANVAS page)
House rules
In-person classes
Online classes
House rules
In-person classes
Of course, with me masking up during our in-
person classes, expect my speech to be garbled

Please bear with me

House rules
Online classes
To save bandwidth, please ensure that your cam
and mic (unless you need to say something)are
off during the session

Depending on the quality of my connection (5

recently), I might have to turn off my cam

If I’m disconnected in the middle of our class,

please hang on for 10 min
Brealey,R.,Myers,S.,& Allen,F.(2020). Principles of
Corporate Finance. (13th, International student
edition).McGraw-Hill Education.
Manage your expectations
I’m not going to give out plus points or
incentives for attending or participating in
webinars/online conferences/ online workshops,
etc that I will be endorsing during the term

My endorsement of those events is just my way

of saying “You’re going to learn a lot from this
event and thus I encourage you to attend it”
Manage your expectations
But attendance or participation in those events
is not mandatory. We have our free will after all.

The incentive itself are the things that you’re

going to learn from attending those events
Manage your expectations
But there’s an exception

If you’re going to attend a Mafia event

I’m going to give out an Option, which

can be exercised during the Grade Consultation
Grading System
97-100 4.0
93-96.99 3.5
89-92.99 3.0
85-88.99 2.5
80-84.99 2.0
75-79.99 1.5
70-74.99 1.0
Below 70 0.0
Class participation/discussion/behavior 10%
Exercises/ Problem sets/ Assignments 15%
Group project 15%
Presentation of group project 10%
Exam/s 30%
Final exam (Departmental) 20%
Final Grade 100%
Group Project

This is all about doing common stock valuation

& risk-return analysis of any two (2) of PSE-
listed companies operating within the same

Groupings will be done between February &

Group Project

Guide questions, format, and other details will

be discussed at a later date.
Minute to Win It

To get 4.0, yours truly is gonna have to ask you

3 (three) FMDFINA questions.

You need to get all questions right to move up

to the next grade bracket.
Minute to Win It

If you attended a Mafia event, then you earned

an Option

If you have an option & you decide to play this,

then you only need to get 1 question right
Blended Learning
If Im not yet in our room (in-person & online)
within 20 minutes, then its safe to assume that I
wouldn’t be able to make it to class on that day

If I know I wouldn’t be able to make it to

class then I will post an announcement on our

I will also provide you the electronic & online

materials (asynchronous)
Blended Learning
But you have to maximize the use & consumption
of these materials

All materials (recording of the synchronous

online session and asynchronous)will be provided
to you

Recordings will be uploaded to our CANVAS

page by 1300 of the following day
Blended Learning
Most of our asynchronous learning will be based
on the following:

1. Exercises/ Problem sets/ Assignments

2. Group project
Getting to Know You
Getting to know you
Please email me the following with the Subject:
FMDFINA_K31_Last, First Name

1. Last Name, First Name

2. ID number
3. Program/ Home college
4. Is this your minor?
5. Is this going to be your 1st & last finance course?
Getting to know you
6. Grade in ACCOB2
7. Expectations from FMDFINA
8. Expectations from me
9. Rating of your internet connection (10: Best ; 1:Very
Please send these info by January 10th

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