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College of Engineering and Architecture

Civil Engineering Department

(ES 321-18)

Business Plan Outline

(Environmental Remediation Services)

Reyes, Benjie L.
Espenida, Imee
Ico, Josh Ryle
Lacson, John Michael
Landicho, Dylan
Moreno, Rizzalie
Ortiz, Joanna Marie

September 27, 2023



College of Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering Department

Business Idea
Create a company service that specializes in designing, installing, and maintaining intelligent
rainwater harvesting systems equipped with cutting-edge technology and data-driven management
solutions. These systems will be tailored to the specific needs and goals of each client, helping them
reduce water costs, lower environmental impact, and achieve sustainability objectives.
Rainwater harvesting systems can be customized to suit different needs, whether for
residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. The choice of products and services will depend on
factors like the size of the system, intended use of the harvested water, budget, and local regulations.
These containers store collected rainwater for later use.
Target Market
Residential Market:
 Homeowners, looking to reduce their water bills and improve sustainability.
 Homebuilders and developers seeking to incorporate eco-friendly features into new construction
Technology Trend
Smart Water Management Apps: Mobile apps and cloud-based platforms can be developed to
give users remote access and control over their water harvesting systems. Users can monitor their
water storage, receive alerts, and adjust settings through these applications.
Marketing Strategy
Market Research:
 Understand your target audience: Identify the demographics and characteristics of your potential
customers, such as homeowners, businesses, or agricultural enterprises.
 Analyze the competition: Evaluate existing water harvesting systems in your area or niche.
Understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
 Clearly define what sets your water harvesting system apart from the competition. It could be
superior technology, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or environmental benefits.

Brand Development:
 Create a strong brand identity that reflects the company's values and the benefits of your water
harvesting system.
 Develop a compelling brand message that communicates the advantages of your system concisely
and persuasively.
Online Presence:
 Build a professional website that showcases your water harvesting system's features, benefits, and
success stories.
 Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure your website ranks well in search engine
results for relevant keywords.
College of Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering Department
Content Marketing:
 Develop informative and engaging content such as blog posts, articles, and videos about water
conservation, the importance of water harvesting, and how your system works.
 Share this content on your website, social media platforms, and relevant industry forums to
establish your expertise.
Social Media Marketing:
 Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with your audience.
 Share visually appealing images and infographics that highlight the benefits of your water
harvesting system.
 Engage with your followers by responding to comments and questions promptly.
 Consider online advertising through Google Ads or social media platforms to reach a larger
 Use targeted advertising to focus on regions or demographics where water conservation is a
significant concern.
Customer Support and Service:
 Provide excellent customer support to build trust and maintain customer satisfaction.
 Offer maintenance services to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your water harvesting
Monitoring and Feedback:
 Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as
needed based on customer feedback and market trends.

Company Organization
College of Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering Department
Projected Financial Matters
Here are the projected financial considerations for a rainwater harvesting system:
Initial Setup Costs: Estimate the expenses associated with purchasing and installing the
rainwater harvesting system, including tanks, filtration equipment, gutters, downspouts, and pipes.
Maintenance and Repairs: Project ongoing maintenance costs, such as tank cleaning, filter
replacement, and any potential repairs or upgrades.
Water Savings: Forecast the volume of rainwater you expect to collect annually and calculate
the cost savings compared to purchasing water from a municipal source.
Return on Investment (ROI): Calculate the time it will take to recover your initial investment
through water savings, factoring in the system's expected lifespan.
Operational Expenses: Include operational costs like electricity for pumps, water treatment
costs (if necessary), and any other expenses related to water distribution.
Government Incentives: Research and consider any available government incentives, tax
credits, or rebates that could offset your project's overall cost or provide financial support.
Reduction in Water Bills: Estimate the reduction in water bills for residential or commercial
applications based on local water rates and consumption patterns.
Emergency Water Supply: Assess the potential cost savings and benefits of having an
emergency water supply during droughts or water shortages, particularly for businesses and
Property Value: Analyze whether installing a rainwater harvesting system can enhance the
resale value of your property or business.
Long-Term Sustainability: Evaluate the long-term financial sustainability of the system,
considering expected changes in water prices, maintenance needs, and potential system upgrades.
Environmental Advantages: Consider potential cost savings associated with environmental
benefits, such as lower stormwater runoff fees or reduced landscaping maintenance.
Financing Options: Explore different financing options, like loans or grants, to support the
implementation of the rainwater harvesting system and how they impact your project's financial

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