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st nd rd
Sections 1 2 3
1 A
3rd D

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME:____________________________________
Time allowed: 1h.30 min.
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and choose the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

Climbing Mount Everest

Every explorer in the world dreams of climbing Mount Everest in the Himalayas. This mountain is
8,850 meters and is the highest place in the world. It’s also very dangerous and the weather changes all
the time: it is often windy and cold.
In the early 20th century, lots of expeditions tried to climb Everest but they couldn’t, and many
people died there. Finally, in 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzig Norgay became the first people to get to
the summit of Mount Everest.
Edmund Hillary was born in New Zealand. He wasn’t a very sporty young person, but he liked
climbing and he had a dream. “One day I’m going to climb Everest,” he told a friend. He was serious, but
people thought he was crazy! In those days, everybody believed it was impossible to climb higher than
8,000: there isn’t a lot of oxygen up there!
When he was 33 years old, Hillary decided to climb Everest. At 6.30 a.m on May 29 th, Hillary and
Norgay left their camp and started climbing at 8,503 meters. They carried heavy oxygen bottles. They
were lucky because there were good weather conditions. Five hours later, at 11.30 a.m, they were on top
of the mountain! They spent fifteen minutes on the summit. The news of their climb was in all newspapers
and the two men became world heroes.

Adapted from English Plus 1 – Student’s Book – OUP

1) It’s not easy to climb Mount Everest. T/F AACI use

2) Edmund Hillary was a professional climber. T/F
3) Hillary wanted to climb Everest but nobody believed him. T/F 1st

4) On May 29th, it was raining heavily. T/F

5) Hillary and Norgay became famous. T/F

SECTION B: Language in Use 3rd

I. Choose the correct answer. R

e.g.: You _______ jump on the bed. Get off it right now!
a. don’t b. can’t c. didn’t

1. How ________ coffee is there in the jar? 6. Merli is ___________ of my school teachers.
a. many b. much c. any a. cooler than b. the coolest c. more cool than

2. My brothers are giving a concert tonight. ______ band 7. _________ an umbrella when it’s rainy. AACI use
a. I never use b. I use never c. Never I use only
is amazing!
a. They b. Their c. They’re
8. Sally doesn’t like playing instruments, _____ she 1st

3. Have __________ a frog? loves listening to music.

a. ever you eat b. you ever ate c. you ever eaten a. so b. then c. but
Adapted from KET 1 Practice Test- CUP 2nd

4. In my school we ___________ wear a uniform. 9. Granny lives ________ our house.

a. should b. can c. have to a. between b. in front c. opposite 3rd

5. I watch TV series ______ weekends. 10. ________ on the lights, it’s too dark in here!
a. to b. in c. at a. Give b. Take c. Turn R
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Hi Ken,
I hope you are well. I (0) am having (have) a great week. What about you? At the moment, my
cousins from Uruguay (1) _____________ (stay) at home for some days and I am really excited. We AACI use
(2) _____________ (go out) every day after school to see the sights.
Guess where I went last weekend! I went to a music festival with my parents. My sister Jill (3)
_____________(live) far away so she (4) ______________(not – go). The weather
(5)______________ (be) great and there were so many people there. Everyone had a wonderful time.
Lots of bands (6)______________ (play) at the festival. My favourite was Coldplay. There
(7)______________ (be) also entertainers, like jugglers and fire eaters. I (8) ______________ (not - R

like) the food though. There wasn’t anything good to eat, just hot dogs and burgers.
I also finished watching your favourite TV series, Stranger Things! We can (9)_____________
(talk) about it tomorrow. I (10) _____________ (call) you on Skype, what do you think?
See you soon,

III. Ask questions to complete the following dialogue. The answers are underlined.

Danny: What’s up, John? ____________________________________________? AACI use


John: I’m going to the park.


Danny: Nice! ___________________________________________?

John: We are recording a short film about bullying.
Danny: That’s interesting. And _______________________________________________?

John: No, I didn’t write the dialogues. My sister is going to write the full script. R

Danny: Hey, _______________________________________________?

John: Of course you can help us with the script! I’d love it!

SECTION C: Writing

Choose ONE of the following topics and write about 50 words on it.
1. Read this part of an email from a new friend. Then write an email to your friend and answer his / her questions.
“Hi! I’m Glenda and I’m from Canada. I adore doing sports. My favourite sport is parkour. It’s fabulous! What
about you? What’s your favourite sport? Where do you do it? How often do you do it? Why do you
like it?”

2. Read the beginning of a story. Then continue the story answering the questions.
Last Friday I had a strange dream. (What was the weather like? / Where were you? / What did you find
there? / Which problem did you have?)

AACI use



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