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I think that you alJ would.

have heard the name o th' t mathematician was

476 A.D. Many,af as recognize him as,t.he clirs;t~ ing is not lim,ited only upto t

His work also indudes sinusoidal functions, the \lail q~ities, number system, etc. H
findings form theilindamentals Ot mafhema ' ,. . ' itals·h avebecomepartof
the syllabus in every school in the world~inis-,is ,ever mentioned in the
modern world tar. ttle discovery of ether thi ' · ,1-.being a great
_ mathematician he was al'so an ,astrooome,r and _
, . 11
and solar eclipse, the
h1e·, eart gJ , ,I' ,,
concept of rotat1i-tlh11 ~f ~1 1
_l entions were not
acknowledged by the,- ent~re s~
•. l.11
nized later and this g
birth to the invenHg,b
I ,'1 II I •

Pythagoras of Samas was a famous Greek mathematidfln aod phi lpsopher (c. 570 - c. 495 ·

BC). He is known best for the proof of the lmpQrtant Pythagore~1q \ fleorerh, which is about right 1

angle triangles. He started a group of matt,ematiciaSl1s, <1ta1II d tf'.ius ~1fthasoreans, who

worshiped numb.ers and lived like. ri;ipr,ks. ~ hij~ ,~ · · · ·
tQ,' , ,1 ' '
• · , . '.. •. .
1 11

I 11111 u" ,:;1~1 I 111 \1 1\~ I I I II I I 11 I I ) u1 I -

He had a great impact on mathematics , theory of mus/can a1 5' rQ[iO yJHii~ t heories are still use 1

in mathematics today. He was one of the gireatest U1intets of his ti,me. 1

. I 1 II
' • I I
i ! 111\ I Ii I I ll I

".JW II II 1 II ' •
Pythagoras was born 1n Samos., a little 1slar, tJ g,r t~
• I l II 'I l ' •

r~ f~~sttlgf ?.s .1a1~1por. There 1s not

• . I I 1 II ,11 .111 111
1 1
· ~,

[, lj\l 'i,I\ J1flir i,..,. l!J.I, [\i·j .]1'r'

h r0~1ng 1
• • up w1'th
• f l'f
muc h 1n ormatIon about his I e. He wa~t sa1 iii] •
l 1
[I ~
·- 1
11 I
I u\l!J 1rn~o
llll Ji u• 1
1 1

1\ 11 1 1 1 1
1 1
11 11' I 11 1

1 1 1 1
'Iii ·1t 11 1
two or three brothers, he was well ~~ucat~ 1 •. u1, i .·, 'I, ,.ti" . ,/ 1 .1~~1 I dlgot<~mnient and their
' I I. II\ I I 11 I 11 I I I . I

schooling, so he moved to Croton and set UR Ht~ bwn qiult (hi, le ~otJ1ety) of .f ollowers under 1

his rule. His followers did n. ot have any personfil i;posses~ion~, and the~ were all vegetarians.
1 11 1 ,im1 . .1111 J' 1
~ ules II 1 111
Pythagoras taught them all, and they ha~ to (r,ble l l 1

1111 u 11
l\ ll
\'Ii 'I\
i ii .JI
ln~I eh
11 II 1[1 I II
1 1
1IJe 'i 1 1.11 1Ii.I'. l illl\1'1,11 .111\fllJ\\\·· l I ~It 11e 1 1W orl<I \(ery closely with

Some say he was the first p~r$Otl1tQ usei 'lljllll I[\

li!; 11111,11111:,11m11 11 I 1
1 1

his group,, t.h e Pythagioreans , it is sometimes 'ha1 ta el I l~ worRs 1rom those of his followers.
l1lfl1, ,ll[II\ 111,l\lffi 11\,n' I

I II , II ·1, Ill II 1 < 1

Religion was important to the Pythagoreans. Th ~y sWore thei/- oaths by "1+2+3+4" (whiCh equals
10). They also believed the soul is immortal and goss throdg1~ ~ll cy~le of rebirths until it can
u: 11 11' Ill i\L I • 11111 Ill I
1r;~:lima,111and plant life. ' I 11111
become pure. They believed that tnesle1 sou 5 1l1~
1 I ~ · ' ! I I ;
I !I llll lllin l\\\111111 . 1111:1111.n.
1111111' j (11111111 '1111' Ill 1 ·11!1 I, ' 11, 1 I

· ill ' !UlJlJllllil 1 II' 1\ 1 11'1,'I

Srinivasa Ramanujan
Ramanujm11l a.. o 1i.:. of 1h~ g;JL-nrest h1d1;nn

midhcmatid nn1-w..ilo h~ed fu~ hie th hani'ihtps

illltl 1n lh:J.t ,onJ1t1 in ht: did a l!trJ.I ft:!';earcb b~us~

nf -., hi-.;h he is l11<,\\lt ltJ tb.i· ,\'hc,I~ "-,~rl,ll 1oda)

Rmrm:rn{arfs ~ontribulim1 It o lh,:- tr.cury -or nulr'h..r;.,--:i-,

l1n1- ~c-u 1nof•, l.)od. He \~•as iud.,;e,tl a 111.athe111a11cru

phcnomt"nrd!II i'lt rhc t~ cndd h .::enhiJ_f). ·r111!-ii ileg..:nruu1 gcniu.,..; nr I nd,a rnrnk~ nmo:ng

the au 1111lt _gr, Jt~ bkt: Euh::r aud Ja~obi. RanmnuJan \\'U.:, bom un Jln;t-nlhtr ll.t

in mile ,1mr INli Ht,. n l)engi'r [nnul~ n, Er,ildc., ~lail~n , u; hich 1.. ~n,w~ Iii -~ T'wnil

N:lilu ntfl\'. Hl~ ttather \\'J.1:-.. a clerk 1n u ~l"'tt ~hrip lhc.n:i ulil.J hi!i ffl{"•LhC'f w~ a. lhn~c

..-,, it Rw1U1nuj an .. ufU:!ta:d t1,, n 1 ... u,all111I>~ 111 Dee-en,b~ l889. In ~~u ..:JOund

4003 reoph! ..Ji,:.d du,.; rn rhi !ii disc:isc but ram:1nuj&1n rreru·cred. Fna) '111! h~"roll~-1! hl!

had 1,0 do :such e. !!11:~l ,,·ork m na!hJmmuc~ that lhr \\'1~rJtl v.."11.I rrm-rmre~ ill"~ Ii.

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