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Ravenswood School For Girls

Social Science Department 2021

Notice of Assessment

Subject: Year 9 Geography

Nature of Task: Inquiry Task
Topic: Sustainable Biomes
Weighting: 25%
Date of Notification: Monday 22nd February via email and connect (Week 5A)
Date of Task Due: Wednesday 24th March 2021 (Week 9A)
Submission: Submit video, transcript and bibliography on Connect page by 8:00am.
Scope of Task:
Students are to create an original video that compares the characteristics of TWO biomes. Additionally,
students will be investigating how each biome is changing due to human activity. Within their news broadcast
students are required to integrate appropriate geographical tools to help support their research. Students will also
be required to submit a transcript and bibliography.
Students may choose to complete the task in pairs or individually.
(GE5-5) analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments
(GE5-7) acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant
geographical tools for inquiry
(GE5-8) communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies

Task context

You have been approached by BTN to create a short 4 minute video comparing two biomes. The purpose of
your video is to spark curiosity for students in Year 9 learning about global biomes. Your video must include
the following:

1) Compare the main characteristics that differentiate the two biomes.

 Spatial distribution (where they are located)
 Biotic and abiotic features

2) Explain ONE specific human activity that is impacting each of your chosen biomes. Use case studies/ specific
examples to demonstrate your research.

Compare Show how things are similar or different

Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationship between things evident provide why and
or how

Time allocation

• Students must complete their video within 4 minutes, any time after that will not be marked.

Geographical tools
You need to integrate relevant and appropriate geographical tools into your video.
 Map (e.g. choropleth map, land use map, thematic map)
 Graph (e.g. data table, column graph, line graph, climate graph, statistics)
 Visual Representation (e.g. images, illustration, charts, annotated diagrams, flow chart)

Format and Submission details

• The transcript and bibliography in the Harvard referencing style should be on the same document as the
• Submit to your class Connect page by 8.00am on Wednesday 24th March.

Using References
Note: The following information is taken from p. 32-33 in the Ravenswood Student diary.

Years 10 to 12 and in some cases Year 9, are required to provide full reference details for their assignments.
Failure to reference when required to do so constitutes plagiarism and is considered a serious offense.

Full bibliographic details must be given for all the sources referred to “in-text”, in the bibliography at the end of
the assignment. These should be written in alphabetic order using the authors’ surnames.

You should use the Online Referencing Generator on the Senior LRC website to help you generate your
reference list. However, this is the only generator that may be used.

You can also ask a teacher or member of the LRC staff for further assistance.

A list of websites and links will be provided to you via the Assessment Unit Connect page to help you get
started on your research. This is just a guide and the list is not definitive.

Marking Rubric

Name: _____________________________ Chosen Changing Biomes: _____________________________________________ Total Mark: / 20

Content Extensive (6-5) Thorough (5-4) Sound (4-3) Basic (3-2) Elementary (2-1)
 Provides an accurate geographical  Provides a description of the spatial  Provides some description of  Provides limited description of
comparison of the spatial distribution distribution of biomes. spatial distribution of biomes spatial distribution, and/or
 Provides a detailed geographical of biomes.  Includes sound description of the and/or abiotic and biotic
Comparison of Biomes comparison of the spatial  Provides a thorough comparison of the abiotic and biotic characteristics of the  Provides some mention of abiotic characteristics of the biomes.
distribution of biomes. abiotic and biotic characteristics of the biomes. and biotic characteristics of the
 Provides an extensive comparison biomes. biomes.
of the abiotic and biotic
characteristics of the biomes.

 Explains in extensive detail how one  Provides thorough information on how  Provides information on an activity that  Outlines one activity that is  Identifies an activity that
Explanation of how human human activity is impacting each of the one activity is impacting each of the is impacting the chosen biomes impacting the biomes impacts the chosen biomes.
activities are impacting the chosen biomes chosen biomes  Discussion has some relevant evidence.  Supporting evidence attempted.
chosen biomes  Discussion is thoroughly supported with  Discussion is supported by some
relevant evidence, examples or case relevant evidence, examples or case
studies. studies.
 Video effectively meets the purpose of  Video meets the purpose of the  Video somewhat meets the
the task task purpose of the task
Application of geographical Uses geographical terminology Limited geographical
Format and structure terminology and concepts throughout Meets most format and submission terminology
Meets all format and submission requirements Meets some format and/or
requirements High degree of originality and submission requirements
creativity Some creativity or originality
Very high degree of originality and

 Effective integration of geographical Integrates some geographical tools. Minimal use of tools
tools. Range of sources used Evidence of research
Tools and references
 A range of appropriate and credible Harvard style bibliography Sources may be referenced in a
sources used attempted. bibliography
 Harvard style bibliography correctly

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