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e rumie How do I use SOLO Taxonomy to help my students succeed? Leamingto Learn / LeamingStretegias / Learning Approaches This Byte has been authored by: + Sean Ogle - Edueetor Transitioning to Learning Design Field Brought toyouby: Srumie Meet Cal. Cal is an educator struggling with his students’ limited understanding of the history curriculum he teaches. Confused by their difficulty in grasping historical concepts and lack of critical thinking skills, he searches for a solution. a? oN ‘2° Discovering the SOLO taxonomy, he witnesses a remarkable transformation in his classroom. Students become aetively engaged, develop higher-order thinking skills, and take ownership of their learning journey What is SOLO Taxonomy? In the ever-evolving field of education, educators like Cal continually seek innovative approaches to enhance student learning. One such method gaining traction is the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy. ‘SOLO Taxonomy, * developed by John Biggs and Kevin Collis, is a classification system that helps teachers classify learning outcomes in levels of increasing complexity of student understanding. It provides a framework for understanding the progression of a student's learning journey. Head online to the Byte to watch the related video! Did you know? A research study found that, out of 500 secondary science teachers, only 20% had even heard of SOLO Taxonomy. This suggests that the potential of this system has been overlooked by many educators! Source: ‘Inttps:/ Levels of SOLO Taxonomy 1. Prestructural (pre-surface understanding) At this level, students have little or no understanding of a topic. hey might be confused and have a hard time grasping the basics. . - : . 2. Unistructural (surface understanding) Students start to understand one aspect of the topic. They can identify some facts or concepts, but their understanding is still limited. 3. Multistructural (surface understanding) Students begin to connect different pieces of information. They can see how different parts relate to each other and have a broader understanding. > 4. Relational (deep understanding) Students can analyze and explain the relationships between different ideas. They can think critically and understand the bigger picture. t~ 5. Extended Abstract (conceptual understanding) This is the highest level. Students can think deeply and independently about ¢ topic. They can apply what they've learned to new situations and come up with creative solutions ® quiz Cal is teacing a unit on electricity. One of Cal's students is having difficulty identifying what electricity is and the components of an electric circuit. At what level should Cal classify this student's level of understanding? gy Multistrucutural leimjonayserg uemsuy What Do SOLO Taxonomy Levels Look Like in the Classroom? Eiiicinema WHAT DOES IT MEAN? “What am I supposed to do?* "Ive never heard of this before." . , ¢ s * Students at the unistructural level might say: "| have one idea." "Ican define a term." *Lcan do a simple procedure." + Students at the multistructural level might say: "Ihave lots of ideas about this topic!” "can doscribe somo of my ideas” "| don't understand how these ideas connect.” + Students at the relational level might say: "| know how these ideas connect." *Ican apply what | have learned." cue Wale ease * Students at the extended abstract level might say: n use what | learned and apply it to something else.” “Ican make predictions based on what | learned." “lcan evaluate something based on what | learned." Source: ‘ How to Classify Learning Outcomes Using SOLO Taxonomy 1. Identify the Learning Outcomes IT'S TIMETO GET OURLEARNON Start by clearly defining the you want students to achieve, These outcomes should reflect what students should know, understand, or be able to do by the end of the learning experience. For example, if you're teaching a unit on electricity, learning outcomes may include: Students will be able to construct simpl ies and parallel circuits and describe th di Students will be able to analyze the factors that affect the brightness of a bulb in a circuit, such as the number of batteries. 2. Determine the Level of Understanding ial Assess the depth of understanding required for each learning outcome. Consider the complexity of thinking and the extent to which students must connect and apply knowledge When determining the depth of understanding to assign a learning outcome, refer to the following list of verbs below that relate to each level! NOTE: the prestructural level represents a lack of understanding of anything to do with a topic. Because of this, learning outcomes aren't typically assigned to this level of understanding according to SOLO. However, as a teacher, you can start with ‘the first stepping stone" and assign simple, lower-order outcomes such as ‘identify, memorize, and recall.” s - B . Unistructural Identify Define Perform simple procedure ( Mul Define 4r See. “ys Relational Extended Abstract 3. Match with SOLO Taxonomy Levels ] Assign each learning outcome to the appropriate level of the SOLO taxonomy. Unistructural identify Multistructural construct Relational analyze Extended/Abstract evaluate the efficiency reflect ® quiz uomsuy Sources: ‘1httos:iwww.researchgatenet/rofile/Erdogan- Fisekcioglu/publication/267744756/figure/fig VAS:295566815842306@ 1447480078804/Sudgroups-of-the-SOLO-taxonomy.png 2hnttpsyywww.structura-leaming,com/post/what-is-solo-taxonomy How Can Solo Taxonomy be Used to Support Student Learning? SVT Once you've classified the learning outcomes, you can focus on the most important part: improving student learning. A‘ter assessing students’ thinking to determine their base levels of understanding, you can use the SOLO Taxonomy in a variety of ways! Divide students into small groups to differentiate learning tasks based on their level. Once students have achieved one learning objective, they progress to learning the lesson associated with the next level of understanding. Using a"centres" approach, students can choose which activity best suits their current learning goals. By aligning lesson objectives with specific SOLO levels, educators can design learning experiences that scaffold students’ progression through the taxonomy, fostering a deeper understanding of concepts. Use the taxonomy to create rubrics and assessment criteria that reflect the desired level of understanding. Use the taxonomy to ereate a common language to discuss learning ‘outcomes and progression with your students. Based on the targeted level, employ specific learning approaches (eg. explicit teaching, group work, problem- solving, reflective discussions, and inquiry) that help students meet those specific learning objectives. 69 Source: ‘ Take Action Classifying learning outcomes with SOLO taxonomy will guide you in planning lessons, designing assessments, and selecting effective teaching methods. It ensures student progression, support, and a deeper understanding of concepts in a structured learning experience. Check out the following links to learn more about SOLO Taxonomy: Grumie ‘This logo ient an ad or afiate inks an organization that shares ia our mission and empowered the authors to hare their insights in Byte form Rumie vete Bytes for compliance with our Standards The organization ie responsible forthe completeness and rlzbilty of the content Lear more abot how Rumia warks with partners. License:

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