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Mark the letior A. B, € oF D om your answer sheet to Indieate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in promuncatio (Question 1: A, arrived B, travelled C, managed D, checked Question 2: A, classmate B, located C, skateboard D, posteard Mark the letter A, B,C oF D on your answer ther three inthe postion of primary stress in each ofthe following questions, ach of the following questions. otto indicate the word that differs from the (Question 3: A, delicious B, excursion C, atively D, construction (Question 4: A, cover B, sickness C, contol D. district Mark the liter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet fo indicate the underlined part that convection in each ofthe following questions. ‘Question S: Minh shy far the more success student in my’ elas A.by far B, more successful C, in D class (Question 6: Kangaroos, tht canbe sen every wherein Ausra, ave long ills AvthatB, beseen C, ia Austaia D, long tls Mark the leter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to cach of the following questions. (Question 7 While moter _< dinner, the phone rang A was cooking B, has cooked €; had cooked D, cooked (Question 8: My fer usually helps me English A. with lear B,leam C, to be learned D, learning Question 9: _her poomess, she Feels happy. A. Because B, Altuough C. tn spit of D, If (Question 10: Before you asked the eter Ahad been writen B, bas been written C, was written D, had writen (Question 11: They are _young __ drive the ca. Amor ony’ but als B, 80 that C, enough to, teoto (Question 12: Reading helps you lear vocabulary easily as you will mew words without even realizing it whem you ead A. face up B, look up (Question 15: Lan has heen nurse all her life: She has spent her life caring for _ sic Ava/theB,a/ a, the! the D, a! a pick up D. give up (Question 4: There was aloud noise which woke everyone up _ midnigh, Ain Bat C. foe D, trough (Question 15: I you get_sshon speaking ake two deep breaths before you say something, tilling B,anaoyed C, nervous D, pleased (Question 16; This earis than mine ‘A. the most expensive B, as expensive C, less expensive D, noi so expensive Mark the letter A, By C oF D om your answer shect to indicate the mast suitable response t0 complete each ofthe following exchanges. (Question 17: Davie “Would you mind sharing with me your expesione of leaming English?” ~ Rose A. Yes, would B, That's my pleasure C, I don't think so D, No, L don’t (Question 18: Edwin: “Thave got an appointment with my doctor today." - Lucy: A, Who do ou want? B, What's the matter with you? C, What time did you do? D, How does he feel? Mark the leter A, B,€ or D on your answer sheet ti {o the underlined word(s) in exch ofthe following questior (Question 19: She urmedl up at the last moment. A.arived B,agrood C, went out, rfiused (Question 20: Acupuncture originated in China and has heen used as a traditional medicine for te the words) CLOSEST in meaning thousands of yeas A began B, created C, developed D, inwoduved Mark the letter A, B, C or Dom your answer sheet to indicate the words) OPPOSITE in ‘caning to the underlined words) in exch ofthe following questions. (Question 21: To be honest, I goto the museums ones in a blue moon, A. once in a while B, from tie to time C, seldom D, very often (Question 22: Is Math compulsory subject in Vietnamese hig school? A dtficult B, nseessary C, quired D, optional Read the following passage and mark the leller A,B, correct word or phrase that best fts each ofthe numbered blanks. ‘Weather influences the lives of everyone. The climate of uny country depends on is positon on Ear, > or Dom your anvver sheet to indicate the its distance from the sea and how high its fn countries which have sea all (23) __them, lke Britain and New Zealand, winters ate mild and eines are cool. There is not a huge change frou one season to (24) _. Countries near the Equator have hot weather all year with some heavy rain, except in deserts where it rains very litle, Above the desert there are no clouds inthe sky so the heat ofthe sun can easily warm the ground during the day, (25) _ it gts very eold at night. Strong winds and rain ean (26) _a tot of damage to buildings and inspite of modern methods of weather forecasting they ean (27) __ suprise ws Ove One Oe (Question 26: A, happen B, (Question 27: A, probably B, also C, still D, too Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, Cor D on your answer sheet to indie correct answer to exch ofthe questions. Education is another area of socal life in which information technology is changing the way we communicate. Tday's college sient may aot simpy sit in &Leeure or a ibeary to lesen about their field, Through their computers and the wouders of vstual reality they can participate in lifelike simulated experienss. Consider de following seenssio of the fatue of education made possible through developments in information technology. For children over the age of 10, daily atendance at jon 23: A, near B, beside C, trough D, around ion 24 A, anothorB, later C, other, next jon 25: A. oF B, but C, and D, 30 use C, make D, have schools is not compulsory. Some of the older cildren attend school only once or tice weckly to get tutorial support or imsructon Eu a teacher. For the most pact, pupils are encouraged to work online fiom home. Students must complete minimum number of study hours pee year; however, they may ‘make up these hours by studying ot home ates that uit ther Zamilysoisdul, They ean log on early or late in the day and even join live classes in oer countries. In order to ensure that cach student is leamiag adequately, computer software will anton ally monitor the umber of hours a week each student studies online as well as tha students" leaming materials and assessment activities. Reposts will be available for parens and teachers. The software can then idemiy the best leaming ativities and condition foreach individual student and generat similar activitis. It can also idly areas of ‘weak achievement and preduce special programs adjusted to the students" needs (Question 28: What is the aia ea ofthe passage? A, Students ean know about dir weak aspects to focus. B, The effect of information technology on «education, 6, Sments don’t have to go to school anymore. D, Computer software will make sure students lam athome (Question 29: How many times are chikren who are ler thaa 10 required to goto school weckly’? A, No ime B, Four C, Once or wive D, Three ‘Question 30: Who/What counts the number of hours per week that students spe! lesring? A, Virtual reality B, Parents C, Teacher D, Compt {Question 31: What CAN'T software do A, Monitor the time the students learn. B, Design materials forthe stdeats , Wdeatify weakness of the studeats. D, Find out the best activites for the students. ‘Question 32: What is NOT MENTIONED as a benefit of information technology tothe students? 'A, Shdents can learn a mes that suit their schedule B, Students’ leaming time won't he monitored. , Students’ weak achievement can be identified. D, ‘Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in ‘meaning to the orignal senteneo in each ofthe following questions. ‘Question 33: He last had hs eyes tested ten months ago. A, He had not tested his eyes forten months. B, He didn't have any test on his eyes for ten months. Head tested is eyes for ton months. D, He hasnt had is eyes tested for ten months. oftware lents can stay at home to learn ‘Question 34 can't wait to meet my bestfriend again afer so many yeas A, Tam looking forward oT meet my best trend again after so mauy years. B, Tam looking forward 1o meeting my best frend again ater 9 many years. Lam looking forward to my mestng my bestfriend agnin after so many years D, Lam looking forward to meet my best fiend again fle so many years. ‘Question 35: They arived atthe cinema. There were ao moce good seats fr them the, ‘A. When they arrived at the cinema, ll dhe good seats ad already been tke, 'B, When they arrived atthe cinema ll the good seats have already been taken, (©, When they arrived atthe cinema, all the good seats had alteady taken. , Whan thy anived atthe cinema, all the good seats wore sleady boon taken {Question 36: “When di you stort practicing yoga?” asked To, A, Tom w ed to know when had T started practicing yoga. B, Tom wanted to know when Hvis starting practicing yoga Tom wanted to know when did T stax practicing yoga. D, Tom wanted to kuow when I had starved practicing yoga, ‘Question 37:18 you doa't ry to wore hard, you will ail the exam, A, Unless you try to work bard, you sou’t fil in the exam. B, Unless you try to work bard, you wll fai inthe exam, , Unless do you fail io work hard, you will bard inthe exam, D, Unless you don't ry to work ard, ‘you il fail inthe exam, {Question 38: The old ma is working i this fhotoy. I borrowed his ilk yesterday A, The old man is working inthis factory whieh I borrowed his bike yesterday, 'B. The old man whom is working in this factory 1 bonowed his bike yesterday. (C,The old man whose bike [bored yesterday is working in his factory. 1D, The old man whom I borrowed his bike yesterday is working in this factory Mark the letter A,B, C of D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer sentence that is ‘made from the words given ‘Question 39: she/ tel’ me/quie because! baby! sleep. A, She tells me to be quiet because the baby was sleeping 'B, Sho tld me be qui hocause the baby was sloping. The tld! me to be quiet heemis the baby is slsping. 1, She told me fo be quiet because the baby was sleeping ‘Question 40:10 grandparents lve far away’ we! usualy visit her, A, If our grandparents dda’ live far away, will teally visit them B, If our grandparents lived far way, we would wally visit them. (C Hrour grandparents did't ive Far away, we would usually visit them 1D, If our grandpareats dda’ lived far away, we would usually vst them

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