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Russia Presentation

Hi good Morning Everyone today Me and my partner Amairani we are going to present about
the beautiful country of russia and some of his increadible things that have.

But first we are going to explain about the country in general

Russia is the largest country in the world, covering approximately one-ninth of the total land area.
Its vast territory stretches from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia, giving it unique geographic
diversity. Russia is home to important cities such as Moscow, which is its capital, and Saint
Petersburg. To the east, the landscape changes to mountains, taigas and vast arctic regions.
The Russian climate varies considerably due to its immense geographical extent. Southern regions,
such as the Caucasus, experience a subtropical climate with warm summers, while the north, in
Siberia, has a subarctic or even arctic climate, with extremely cold winters. The seasons are very
distinct throughout the country, with long, cold winters followed by relatively warm summers in the
most populated areas.
Ok now Im going to talk about the tourism in Russia
Tourism in Russia has had significant growth in recent years. The country offers a wide range of
tourist attractions, from historic cities to stunning natural landscapes.
here are some places to visit
1. Explore Moscow :The Russian capital is a popular tourist destination. You can visit the Kremlin,
Red Square, and the State Historical Museum among other places of interest.
2. Visit Saint Petersburg: Known as the “Venice of the North”, Saint Petersburg is famous for its
beautiful palaces, canals and museums. Such as the Winter Palace, the Hermitage Museum and
Peterhof Palace.
3. Tour the Golden Ring: This tourist route includes several historical cities around Moscow, such
as Sergiev Posad, Suzdal, Vladimir and Rostov Velikiy.

Some of the tipical food of russia are the PELMENI

Pelmeni are small dumplings made with minced meat (usually beef or lamb), which are boiled and
then mostly served with sour cream (they can also come with soup or be served with butter, mustard
or vinegar).
Another russian food is the RUSSIAN BORSCH
While today it is possible to find countless varieties of borsch, the most traditional version is based
on stewed beef or pork to which beets, cabbage, carrots and potatoes are added. Just before eating
this hearty and filling soup, cream or sour cream is often mixed in. In Russia, borsch is sometimes
served with a slice of cake or bread, while in Ukraine borsch is commonly eaten with rye bread and
And last one we have the KHOLODETS
It is a popular dish served with salads or as an appetizer. Certain cuts of meat contain a lot of
gelatin, and these parts are boiled overnight and the resulting liquid is mixed with meat and
vegetables and solidified in the cold. Kholdets taste best with carrots, garlic and boiled egg as an
appetizer before your meal.
And what did you think of these dishes, did any of you like them?

Now We are going to talk about the mos 2 important monuments of Russia
The Ostankino Tower, located in the north of the city, was inaugurated in 1967 to offer television
and telephone services to more than 15 million people. At the top it has a viewpoint located 340
meters high.
The construction was designed by the well-known Soviet engineer Nikolay Vasilyevich Nikitin,
who made the tower based on the shape of a lily placed upside down to achieve a simple and
attractive design that became a reality using reinforced concrete and steel cables.
Just below the observation platform is “Seventh Heaven,” a rotating circular restaurant where you
can appreciate the gently changing views while enjoying the menu.
It is not the most recommended option
The location of the Ostankino Tower in the northern part of Moscow, somewhat far from the center,
means that it is not the most comfortable option nor the one that offers the best views.

In case you are still interested in making the visit, it is important to keep in mind that it is
mandatory to bring your passport and book in advance. Children under 7 years old cannot access.
And for last we have the BASIL’S CATHEDRAL
Saint Basil's Cathedral is a proud survivor that, rising majestically in the midst of the squared and
monochrome constructions that characterized the communist period, has remained standing,
recovering after several fires, escaping Napoleon's invasion and fleeing the cruel demolition plan of
Stalin who destroyed some temples such as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
In addition to attracting attention as a peculiar cake of colors crowned by beautiful and colorful
domes of different designs, Saint Basil's Cathedral is the best-known building in Moscow.
If you enter the interior of the cathedral you will find a small temple made up of a labyrinth made
up of nine profusely decorated chapels among which is a central tower that rises like a bell tower.
It was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most
precious treasures of Moscow, a wonderful construction that throughout its 500 years has seen the
history of the city pass before its eyes.
It is common to confuse St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow with part of the Kremlin, since it is located
right next door, but both buildings have nothing to do with each other. In addition to the Kremlin, in
the vicinity of Red Square you can also see other attractions of tourist interest such as the Lenin
Mausoleum and the National History Museum.
Now Im going to talk about some animals of russia

This is the giant eagle

The giant eagle, scientifically known as Haliaeetus pelagicus, is a majestic species of bird that
inhabits the vast lands of northwest Asia, particularly in the easternmost region of Russia. This
imposing creature, with a wingspan that can extend to an impressive 2.5 meters, holds the title of
one of the largest birds on the planet.
The distinctive appearance of the giant eagle is characterized by its plumage of dark hues,
complemented by a head and neck of pure white. Its strong, yellow beak is an essential tool for its
survival. This formidable predator primarily feeds on fish, using its sharp talons and keen vision to
capture its prey. However, it is also capable of hunting seabirds and, at times, scavenging.
Unfortunately, over the years, the population of giant eagles has dwindled due to hunting and the
ongoing degradation of their natural habitat.

And tis is the artic fox

The arctic fox, scientifically known as Vulpes lagopus, is a species adapted to live in the arctic
regions of the northern hemisphere, such as the Arctic and parts of Greenland, Canada, Russia and
Alaska. This brave survivor of extreme cold is characterized by its thick, dense fur, which provides
excellent protection against low temperatures. Its fur changes color depending on the season, being
white in winter and brown or grayish in summer, which provides camouflage in its environment.

The Arctic fox feeds on a variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion.
Additionally, it has the ability to dig through the snow to find rodents underneath. This unique
adaptation allows it to survive in an environment where resources are scarce and conditions are
I hope you like our presentacion and me and my partner Santiago thanks your attention.
And for last this is the Snow Leopard
The snow leopard is a species of feline that lives in the mountainous regions of Central Asia,
including parts of Russia, Mongolia, China, India, among others. It stands out for its beautiful gray
and moted coat, which provides excellent camouflage in its mountainous habitat. This is a solitary
and elusive animal that prefers to live in steep and rocky terrain, where it can hunt its main prey,
such as the Siberian ibex and the argali, which are species of mountain sheep.
Unfortunately, this species is in danger of extinction due to hunting and loss of its natural habitat.
Its conservation is crucial to preserve biodiversity in these mountainous regions and ensure their
survival in the future.

I hope you like our presentacion and me and my partner Santiago thanks your attention.
Uvidimsya (Goodbye)

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