Weekly Deliverable Draft

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Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Objective: Improve the newsletter creation process, promote audience engagement, and
foster collaboration with team members and clients to deliver high-quality, relevant content
and achieve enhanced overall outcomes.

Purpose: The goal is to establish a streamlined newsletter creation process incorporating

effective collaboration and communication with team members and clients. We aim to
deliver high-quality newsletters that resonate with the audience and drive desired
outcomes by improving deliverability results, increasing the subscriber base and enhancing
audience engagement through personalised and relevant content.

Objective and Key Results (OKRs):

1. Key Result: Streamline the newsletter creation process and improve deliverability

 Designated Team: Creative Team

 Action: Identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the current newsletter creation
 Measure: Reduce the time to create and finalise a newsletter by implementing
process improvements and optimising workflows.

2. Key Result: Foster collaboration with team members and clients

 Designated Team: Creative Team, Content Team, Digital Marketing Team, Siyuan &
 Action:
o Update the internal Basecamp team: Ensure the internal Basecamp team is
kept updated on the status of the client’s project. This includes sharing key
details, project milestones and any changes in project status.
o Mirror progress in the client’s Basecamp: Create a process that reflects the
project’s progress in the client’s Basecamp. This will enable the client to stay
informed about the ongoing work, milestones achieved and any updates from
the team.
 Measure:
o Increase collaborative interactions: Encourage frequent interactions between
the team and clients. This can be accomplished through meetings, discussions
and feedback. The purpose is to improve communication and collaboration
among all project participants.
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o Update Basecamp Project Management: Ensure the Basecamp project
management tool is consistently updated with the latest progress. This
includes updating tasks, deadlines and milestones and documenting essential
decisions or changes made during the project.

3. Key Result: Increase the subscriber base

 Designated Team: Digital Marketing Team

 Action: Develop targeted marketing campaigns to attract new subscribers and
increase newsletter sign-ups.
 Measure: Increase the total number of subscribers significantly.

4. Key Result: Improve audience engagement

 Designated Team: Content Team and Digital Marketing Team

 Action: Conduct audience research and gather feedback to understand their
preferences and interests.
 Measure: Increase the average time spent reading the newsletter by providing
engaging and valuable content.

5. Key Result: Deliver high-quality and relevant content

 Designated Team: Content Team

 Action: Establish a content review and approval process involving other teams, and
management to ensure accuracy, quality and alignment with the objective.
 Measure: Evaluate the effectiveness of content delivery by tracking the conversion
rate of desired actions prompted by the newsletter content (e.g., click on links,
downloads, sign-ups).

6. Key Result: Improve overall results

 Designated Team: Digital Marketing Team

 Action: Analyse newsletter performance metrics and identify areas of improvement
 Measure: Increase the overall conversion rate from the newsletter by optimising
content and implementing effective call-to-action strategies.

Scope: Establish a collaborative feedback and iteration approach that fosters effective
communication and collaboration with teams and clients to enhance newsletter content
relevance continuously and audience engagement.


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 All team members involved in project creation and management are accountable for
adhering to this SOP.

Roles & Responsibility

Creative Team Content Team Digital Marketing

Roles: Graphic design, Content Strategy Digital marketing
Visual design, Development, Writing, management,
template Editing, proofreading Marketing analysis
development, UX &
UI review &

Responsibilities: Create eye-catching Develop an editorial Set up and manage

graphics, strategy aligned with newsletter lists, set
illustrations and the objective and up subject lines,
layouts that are purpose of the preview text,
engaging and newsletter and the schedule, and email
effective for the relevant campaigns. domain.
audience to read and Create catchy headings, Utilise data
click and collaborate editing and analytics to track
with the Content proofreading. and measure
team to align visual newsletter
elements with the performance
content. metrics and
collaborate with the
Content and
Creative team to
align marketing
goals and strategies.

Procedure/Steps: This procedure will enhance operational efficiency and communication in

preparing and delivering the newsletter. It entails collaboration across the Content, Creative,
and Digital Marketing teams to streamline the newsletter creation and delivery process.

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Step1: Concept & Template
□ Creative team:
□ Develop a newsletter template that aligns with the company’s identity and
meets the content requirement.
□ Content team:
□ Brainstorm and define the goals, objectives and target audience for the
newsletter, and set a standard newsletter editorial style and sections.
□ Digital Marketing team:
□ Determine the optimal frequency for sending out the newsletter based on
audience engagement and business objectives.

Step 2: Verify the Email Sender’s Name and Email Address

□ Digital Marketing team
□ Ensure that the sender's name and email address used for the newsletter align
with the brand and are recognisable to recipients.

Step 3: Message Development/Choose Relevant Content

□ Content team & Digital Marketing team:
□ Create compelling and relevant newsletter content based on the goals and
target audience.
□ Include a clear and compelling CTA (call to action) within the newsletter
content, directing readers to take a specific desired action.
□ Creative team:
□ Incorporate the content into the newsletter template, ensuring proper
formatting and layout.

Step 4: Newsletter Design/Assets placement in the template

□ Creative team:
□ Place the content, images and other assets into the newsletter, template,
ensuring visual appeal and easy readability.
Step 5: Newsletter Subject Line and Audience set up
□ Digital Marketing team:
□ Create enticing subject lines that encourage recipients to open the newsletter.
□ Segment the subscriber list based on specific features to ensure targeted
delivery to the desired audience.
Step 6: Newsletter Internal test and Quality Check
□ Content team:
□ Review the newsletter content for accuracy, clarity and grammar.
□ Creative team:
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□ Check the newsletter template for visual consistency, graphic arrangement
and branding.
□ Digital Marketing team:
□ Conduct a test send to internal team members to confirm proper functionality
across different emails.
□ Siyuan and Mark:
□ Perform a quality check of the newsletter content, design and functionality
before proceeding to client testing and approval.

Step 7: Newsletter Client test and Approval

□ Digital team:
□ Coordinate with the client to ensure audience segmentation and subject line
□ Content team:
□ Collaborate with clients to review the content and ensure it aligns with their
objectives and guidelines.
□ Creative team:
□ Gather client input and make necessary changes to the newsletter design and

Step 8: Schedule Newsletter

□ Digital Marketing team:
□ Determine the optimal date and time for sending the newsletter
□ Set up automated scheduling or manual distribution process for sending the

Step 9: Deliverability Result

□ Digital Marketing team:
□ Monitor and analyse key email deliverability metrics such as click-through
rates, bounce rates and spam complaints.
□ Identify areas of improvement based on the deliverability, CTR and conversion
□ Adjust to enhance deliverability, the CTR and the conversion rate for future
newsletters, and inform the most engaged contacts.

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Checklist by Team:
Content Team Creative Team Digital Marketing Team

□ Brainstorm and define □ Create a newsletter □ Determine the optimal

goals, objectives and template consistent with frequency for sending
target audience. the brand’s visual out the newsletter.

□ Generate engaging and □ Validate the newsletter □ Incorporate content into

relevant content. template for visual and the newsletter template
branding consistency. with proper formatting.

□ Review content □ Gather client input and □ Create compelling

accuracy, clarity and make necessary changes subject lines
grammar. to the newsletter design
and layout.
□ Segment the subscriber
list based on relevant

□ Monitoring and
cleansing audience
segmentation and data

□ Monitor deliverability
metrics and make
necessary adjustments.

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Newsletter Flowchart:
For a better visual representation of the newsletter flowchart, please click on the following


Project Timeline:

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Newsletter Settings:

1. Logo:
 Alt Text: [Description of the logo for accessibility]
 Link to Website: [URL of the website]

[2.] Buttons and Images:

 Alt Text: [Description of the image/button for accessibility]
 Link to Topic: [URL or internal link to the relevant topic]

[3.] Personalisation Token:

 Default Value for First Name: [Default value if recipient’s first name is unavailable]
 Global Value for First Name: [Default greeting to use for all recipients, e.g., Sir/Ma’am]

[4.] From Name and Email address:

 Senders Name: [Name of the person or department sending the newsletter]
 Email address: [Email address from which the newsletter will be sent]

[5.] Subject Line and Preview Text Optimisation

 Subject Line: [The optimised subject line for the newsletter]
 Preview Text: [Short preview text that entices readers to open the email]

[6.] Web Version:

 Connect the Domain: Please connect the domain to the HubSpot email sending (Web
version) primary domain. You can do this by clicking on this (Link). We highly
suggest your IT to create a subdomain (for example, mail.yourdomain.co.uk).
 Web Version Link: Once the domain setup is complete, we can create a web version of
the newsletter accessible through this (Link). The web version is added value for
readers who use email apps to access their email addresses.

[7.] Redirection Page when Unpublished:

 Specify the page or URL where readers will be redirected if they try to access an
unpublished newsletter

[8.] Email Footer and Preference Management:

 Ensure that the email footer contains all necessary legal information and options for
recipients to manage their preferences or unsubscribe

[9.] Social Links:

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 Check that all social media links are working correctly and directed to the
appropriate profiles

[10.] Newsletter List:

 Verify the accuracy and completeness of the newsletter recipient list

It is essential to thoroughly test all the links before sending the newsletter to ensure readers
a smooth and error-free experience.


1. SOP (Standard Operating Procedure): Detailed instructions outlining the process, duties
and responsibilities associated with a particular operation or workflow.
2. OKRs (Objectives and Key Results): A framework for setting and tracking goals in which
objectives specify the desired outcomes and key results provide measurable indicators of
progress toward objectives.
3. Newsletter: A periodic publication distributed via email or electronic means, delivering
updates, information or promotional content.
4. Deliverability: The ability of an email to reach the recipient’s mailbox without being
detected as spam or blocked by email filters.
5. Audience Segmentation: The process of categorising a subscriber list based on specific
criteria like interests or purchasing history to adapt content and target specific groups
with personalised messaging.
6. CTA (call-to-action): Prominent components or phrases in the newsletter that encourage
readers to take a specific action, such as clicking a link, purchasing, or signing up for an
7. Quality Check: a thorough evaluation and review procedure to verify that the newsletter
meets the desired accuracy, completeness, branding consistency and overall quality.
8. Branding: refers to developing a distinct and recognisable identity for a company,
product or service.
9. Metrics: Quantifiable metrics used to track the newsletter’s performance and
effectiveness, such as click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversions.
10. Open rates: refers to the percentage of email users who open a specific email campaign

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11. Click-through calculates the percentage of email recipients that click on a link or call-to-
12. Bounce rate: refers to the percentage of emails that were not delivered effectively to
recipients' mailboxes.
13. Conversion measures the desired activities or goals an email campaign achieves.
14. Accuracy: refers to a context's correctness, precision, and exactness.
15. Accuracy refers to a context's correctness, precision, and exactness refers to the
correctness, precision, and exactness of a context.
16. Optimal Frequency: refers to the ideal or most effective frequency at which a specific
message or content should be given to a target audience.

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