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Kisi – Kisi Sains Grade 6

1. Monocot seed is seed that has _________ cotyledon.

2. Dicots seed is ___________________________________.
3. Label this part of seed and mention the function!

4. Germination is __________________________________.
5. Type of germination:
a. Epigeal: ____________________________________________.
` b. Hypogeal: __________________________________________.
6. Germination needs_______________,________________ and
7. Example of cash crops are _________,____________
8. Example of food crops are ________________, and______________.
9. Step of agriculture practices:
a. Ploughing :
b. Enrichment the soil :
c. Sowing :
d. Irrigation :
e. Weeding :
f. Harvest and storage :
10. Kinds of fertilizer
a. Chemical :
b. Manure
11. Photosynthesis is _______________________________________.
12. Result of Photosynthesis ________________________________
13. Example of bisexual flower ______________________________
14. Example of unisexual flower _____________________________
15. Labels the parts of flower

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