21st Century Lit - Harry Potter 1-4

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The Sorcerer’s
cters Potter
The protagonist of the story, who is gradually
transformed from timid weakling to powerful
hero by the end. Marked on the forehead with a
lightning-shaped scar, Harry is marked also by
the confrontation between good and bad magic
that caused that scar: the standoff between the
evil Voldemort and his parents who died to
save their son. The story eventually becomes a
tale of Harry’s vengeance for their wrongful
deaths. As he matures, he shows himself to be
caring and shrewd, a loyal friend, and an
excellent Quidditch player.
cters Dursley
Harry’s rich uncle, with whom Harry lives for ten
miserable years. Dursley symbolizes the Muggle
world at its most silly and mediocre. It is through Mr.
Dursley’s jaded Muggle eyes that we first glimpse
wizards, and his closed-mindedness toward the
colorful cloaks and literate cats that he meets
emphasizes how different the human and wizard
worlds are.
cters Dursley
Mr. Dursley’s wife. Petunia is an overly doting mother
to her spoiled son, Dudley, and a prison-keeper to
Harry. She is haughty and excessively concerned
with what the neighbors think of her family. She is
somewhat humanized for us when we discover that
she was always jealous of the magical gifts of her
sister, Lily, Harry’s witch mother. Perhaps her
malevolence toward Harry springs from an earlier
resentment of her sister.
cters Dursley
Harry’s cousin, a spoiled, fat bully. Annoying and
loud, Dudley manipulates parental love to get what
he wants—his outrageous desires for multiple
television sets foreshadow the important scenes
involving the Mirror of Erised and the wrongful desire
for eternal life that motivates Voldemort. Dudley’s
tormenting of Harry foreshadows Malfoy’s later
bullying tendencies at Hogwarts.
The head of Gryffindor House at Hogwarts and a
high-ranking woman in the wizard world. Minerva
McGonagall is fair but extremely stern and severe in
her punishments. Her devotion to the letter of the law
is impressive but a bit cold, and we constantly feel
that she could never become a warm and wise figure
like Dumbledore. Rowling named her after a
notoriously bad nineteenth-century Scottish poet
named William McGonagall who was nevertheless
highly confident of his own talents.
The kind, wise head of Hogwarts. Though he is a
famous wizard, Dumbledore is as humble and
adorable as his name suggests. While other school
officials, such as Professor McGonagall, are
obsessed with the rules, Dumbledore respects them
(as his warnings against entering the Forbidden
Forest remind us) but does not exaggerate their
importance. He appears to have an almost
superhuman level of wisdom, knowledge, and
personal understanding, and it seems that he may
have set up the whole quest for the Sorcerer’s Stone
so that Harry could prove himself.
cters Granger
Initially an annoying goody-two-shoes who studies
too much and obeys the school rules too zealously.
Hermione eventually becomes friendly with Harry
after she learns to value friendship over
perfectionism and obedience. She comes from a
purely Muggle family, and her character illustrates
the social-adjustment problems often faced by new
students at Hogwarts.
cters Weasley
A shy, modest boy who comes from an impoverished
wizard family. Ron is Harry’s first friend at Hogwarts,
and they become close. He lacks Harry’s gusto and
charisma, but his loyalty and help are useful to Harry
throughout their adventures. Ron’s mediocrity
despite his wizard background reminds us that
success at Hogwarts is based solely on talent and
hard work, not on family connections. Ron’s
willingness to be beaten up by the monstrous chess
queen shows how selfless and generous he is.
cters mort
A great wizard gone bad. When he killed Harry’s
parents, Voldemort gave Harry a lightning-shaped
scar. Voldemort has thus shaped Harry’s life so that
Harry’s ultimate destruction of him appears as a kind
of vengeance. Voldemort, whose name in French
means either “flight of death” or “theft of death,” is
associated both with high-flying magic and with
deceit throughout the story. He is determined to
escape death by finding the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Voldemort’s weak point is that he cannot understand
love, and thus cannot touch Harry’s body, which still
bears the traces of Harry’s mother’s love for her son.
cters Snape
A professor of Potions at Hogwarts. Severus Snape
dislikes Harry and appears to be an evil man for
most of the story. His name associates him not only
with unfair snap judgments of others but also with his
violent intentions to snap the bones of his enemies.
Snape’s grudge against Harry, which is nevertheless
far from a murderous ill will, helps us remember the
difference between forgivable vices and unforgivable
evil intentions.
cters Malfoy
An arrogant student and Harry’s nemesis. Malfoy,
whose name translates roughly to “dragon of bad
faith,” is a rich snob from a long line of wizards who
feels entitled to the Hogwarts experience. He makes
fun of the poorer Ron Weasley and advises Harry to
choose his friends more carefully. As the story
progresses, Malfoy becomes more and more inimical
to Harry and his friends, and there is a hint that he
may grow up to become another Voldemort.
cters rid
An oafish giant who works as a groundskeeper at
Hogwarts. Rubeus Hagrid is a well-meaning creature
with more kindness than brains. He cares deeply for
Harry, as evidenced by the tears he sheds upon
having to leave the infant Harry with the Dursleys.
His fondness for animals is endearing, even if it gets
him into trouble (as when he tries raising a dragon at
home). Hagrid symbolizes the importance of
generosity and human warmth in a world menaced
by conniving villains.
About the bo
The book is about the 11 year old Harry Potter,
who receives a letter saying that he is invited to
attend Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and
wizardry. He then learns that a powerful wizard
and his minions are after the sorcerer’s stone
that will make this evil wizard immortal and
undefeatable. Harry decides to go after the
sorcerer’s stone before the wizard reaches it,
but his loyal friends, Hermione and Ron don’t
let Harry face this danger alone.
❖ Harry discovers he's a wizard on his 11th birthday and attends
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

❖ Harry befriends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. They uncover

the mystery of the three-headed dog guarding the trapdoor.

❖ Harry learns about the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful magical object

hidden at Hogwarts.
❖ Harry facts various trials to reach the Stone, including a deadly plant,
life-sized chess game, and encountering Professor Quirrell who
seeks the Stone for Voldemort.

❖ Voldemort, weakened and attached to Quirrell, tries to take the

Stone. Harry prevents him, and Dumbledore arrives to save the day.

❖ Gryffindor wins the House Cup, and Harry returns to the Dursleys
for the summer, looking forward to his second year at Hogwarts.
And The Chamber
of Secret’s
cters Malfoy
• Draco Malfoy's father, a mean, hissing
man who mistreats Dobby, his
house-elf, and encourages meanness
and bigotry in his son. He is the head of
the school governing board, and he
uses his power to (temporarily) remove
Dumbledore from power. Lucius is
responsible for having slipped Riddle's
diary into Ginny Weasley's books at the
beginning of the story.

• Tom's past and appearance
resemble Harry's. Tom, who
grew up to become Voldemort,
is the last remaining descendent
of Salazar Slytherin. Through his
old diary he enchants Ginny
Weasley to perform his dark

Ron's younger sister. Ginny is a
shy red-haired girl with an
enormous crush on Harry. She
finds Tom Riddle's diary. The
magic diary manipulates her into
opening the Chamber of Secrets
and releasing the basilisk.

• The teacher of the class called
"Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Lockhart is the author of many
magical books, and the five-time
winner of Witch Weekly's Most
Charming Smile Award. An
incompetent, astonishingly vain man,
Lockhart offers much of the comic
relief in this story.

• The Minister of Magic, who visits
to apologetically remove Hagrid.

• The Malfoy house-elf. Dobby
tries to get Harry out of
Hogwarts to keep him away
from the danger that lurks there.
he almost kills Harry by trying to
save his life so many times.

cters Myrtle
• A ghost who haunts the girls'
toilet. Myrtle was killed by the
Chamber of Secrets basilisk fifty
years earlier.

• A giant spider raised in captivity
by Hagrid.

About the bo
The book is about the 11 year old Harry Potter,
who receives a letter saying that he is invited to
attend Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and
wizardry. He then learns that a powerful wizard
and his minions are after the sorcerer’s stone
that will make this evil wizard immortal and
undefeatable. Harry decides to go after the
sorcerer’s stone before the wizard reaches it,
but his loyal friends, Hermione and Ron don’t
let Harry face this danger alone.
❖ Dobby warns Harry; Harry is abused and the Weasleys rescue him

❖ They go shopping; Harry photoshoots with Lockhart and meets

Lucius Malfoy.

❖ Harry and Ron's access to the train is denied; they go by flying car
and gets detention.
❖ Moaning Myrtle floods the bathroom, Harry finds a diary and
uncovers Tom Riddle's past

❖ Hermione is petrified; the 2 goes to Hagrid and finds Aragog

❖ They flee from Aragog's children and uncover the truth; Harry opens
the chamber of secrets
❖ Trials and tribulations; lockhart turns out to be a fraud, ron is left
behind and harry finds Tom Riddle with an unconscious Ginny.

❖ The truth is revealed; The Basilisk is released and Harry fights it.

❖ Harry is saved by Fawkes, harry defeats the basilisk and destroys the
diary, hence, Tom Riddle vanish
❖ Dumbledore gives advice to Harry; Dobby is freed and they return
home for summer.
And The Prisoner of
About the bo
The book is about the 11 year old Harry Potter,
who receives a letter saying that he is invited to
attend Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and
wizardry. He then learns that a powerful wizard
and his minions are after the sorcerer’s stone
that will make this evil wizard immortal and
undefeatable. Harry decides to go after the
sorcerer’s stone before the wizard reaches it,
but his loyal friends, Hermione and Ron don’t
let Harry face this danger alone.
Sirius Black
• Once James Potter's best friend, now an
escaped convict from the wizard prison
Azkaban, Black is suspected to be the cause
of twelve Muggle deaths as well as the
indirect cause of the deaths of Harry's
parents. He is a threat on the frontier of this
story, one of the premier good wizards turned
bad, although in the end he is revealed to be
innocent in addition to being Harry's
godfather. Also, Black is able to transform
himself at will into Padfoot, a large black dog
that Harry mistakes for the Grim. One of the
creators of the Marauder's Map.

Peter Pettigrew, or
cters Wormtail
• The fourth in the group of friends that
included James Potter, Sirius Black, and
Remus Lupin, Pettigrew betrayed Lily and
James, turning their whereabouts over the
Voldemort, then blowing up a dozen Muggles,
framing Black and turning himself into a rat so
that he could escape. Another of the creators
of the Marauder's Map. Disguised as
Scabbers, he has lived many years as Ron's
pet rat.

❖ Harry learns about Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban and his connection
to Harry's parents.

❖ Knight Bus and Diagon Alley: Harry encounters the Knight Bus, goes to
Diagon Alley, and reunites with Ron and Hermione.
❖ On the way to Hogwarts, the Hogwarts Express randomly stops on the
tracks before reaching the school. The temperature drops significantly and
all the windows darken. A cloaked figure appears at the door of Harry’s
compartment; Harry hears the voice of someone screaming, all while
experiencing an intense cold and suffocating feeling. When he comes to, he
learns the creature was a Dementor, instructed to search the train for
Sirius Black, the escaped Azkaban prisoner who wants to kill Harry.

❖ Buckbeak's introduction in Care of Magical Creatures, Malfoy's injury, and

Hagrid's troubles with the Hippogriff.
❖ Quidditch, Firebolt, and Hermione's Concerns Harry receives a Firebolt,
Hermione reports it to Professor McGonagall, and Harry and Ron reconcile
with Hermione.

❖ Secrets Unveiled Marauder's Map and Animagi Harry receives the

Marauder's Map, learns about Moony, Prongs, Wormtail, and Padfoot, and
discovers that Pettigrew is alive.

❖ Buckbeak's trial and execution, leading to tension and sadness among the
❖ Harry has tea with Lupin, receives the Firebolt for Christmas, and hears
Professor Trelawney's prediction in Divination.

❖ Harry learns the Patronus charm from Lupin, has a successful Quidditch
match, and regains his Firebolt.

❖ Revelations in the Shrieking Shack ; Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Lupin
reveal the truth about their past, leading to a surprising turn of events.
❖ Using the Time-Turner, Harry and Hermione go back in time to free
Buckbeak while Dumbledore, Cornelius Fudge, Hagrid and Buckbeak’s
executioner are in Hagrid’s hut. Hours later, after the events of the
Shrieking Shack unfold, Harry manages to save his other self and Sirius at
the lake when being attacked by dementors. Harry and Hermione help
Sirius escape into the night on

❖ Farewell to Lupin and Dumbledore's Advice Lupin leaves Hogwarts, and

Dumbledore offers Harry fatherly advice.
❖ Sirius Black's Letter and Return to the Dursleys Harry receives a letter from
Sirius, confirming his safety, and returns to the Dursleys for the summer.
❖ After Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Lupin, Pettigrew, and Snape emerge
from the Shrieking Shack/Whomping Willow, it’s late into the evening.
Professor Lupin begins to transform into a werewolf, endangering the
group as he will no longer recognize them. Sirius decides to fight Lupin in
his Animagus form, the black dog that looks like a Grim. During this
moment, Pettigrew transforms himself back into a rat and escapes.
And The Goblet of
cters Maxime
The enormous and elegant
headmistress of Beauxbatons, and the
object of Hagrid's affection.
cters Skeeter
A nosey, middle-aged reporter who
buzzes around, absorbing gossip to
use in her reputation-ruining articles;
Rita is an unregistered animagus
Peter Pettigrew, or
cters Wormtail
Wormtail betrays Lily and James
Potter, turning their whereabouts over
the Voldemort, then blowing up a dozen
Muggles, framing Black and turning
himself into a rat so that he could
escape. He now resides with Voldemort
and ultimately sacrifices his right hand
to facilitate Voldemort's rebirth.
cters Moody
A grizzled, eccentric, skilled retired
Auror (dark-wizard catcher) who comes
to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts
at Hogwarts. He is deeply wary of
anyone who could be a Dark wizard,
and he drinks only from his hip flask.
He takes a liking to Harry and subtly
helps him with his tasks. In the end, he
is really young Barty Crouch, disguised
as Moody.
Ludo Bagman
The head of Magical Games and
Sports within the Ministry of Magic; an
ex- professional Quidditch player, and a
rosy-faced, good-natured, irresponsible
man, who once was a Death Eater, but
without fully understanding his role.
cters Crouch
The stiff and rule-abiding Head of the
Department for International Magical
Cooperation; Percy Weasley's boss.
The headmaster of Durmstrang School,
and a shifty and suspicious man; he
was once a Death Eater, and he flees
at the end of this story
Fleur Delacour
The Triwizard champion
Beauxbatons, Fleur is a beautiful,

silvery haired, part-Veela girl, who is a

bit patronizing and snobby, but in the
end grows moderately fond of Harry
and Ron.
Viktor Krum
Krum is the eighteen-year-old Bulgarian
Quidditch Seeker, a boy-wonder who
attends Durmstrang and is chosen as
their Triwizard champion. He is quiet
and sullen, but he develops quite a
crush on Hermione, and he turns out to
be a nice, competent individual.
Cedric Diggory
The handsome, brave, and fair
Hufflepuff Triwizard champion; dies at
the hands of Lord Voldemort.
Cho Chang
A pretty fifth-year Ravenclaw girl on
whom Harry develops a crush.
Once Mr. Crouch's house-elf, and now
a free elf working at Hogwarts, she is a
squeaky, hysterical, unconfident figure.
Barty Crouch
cters Jr.
• Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Junior
was a wizard and the son
of Bartemius Crouch Senior. He
became an ardent follower of
Lord Voldemort in order to
become a Death Eater and Dark
wizard in his teenage years.

❖ Harry gets constant dreams about voldemort and he writes to Sirius. Harry
and others uses a portkey to view the the Quidditch World Cup;
deatheaters arrive and the dark mark is set off.

❖ The triwizard championship is announced; dungstram with Igor Karkaroff

and beauxbatons with Olimpe Maxime makes their entrance.

❖ The Goblet of Fire declares Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory and
Harry Potter as champions, despite Harry being underage.
❖ Everyone thinks Harry cheated and conflict ensues. Despite Ron's
disappointment, he sends harry to Hagrid to know about the first task;

❖ Harry alerts Cedric. Moody helps Harry prepare. Harry uses his flying skills
to obtain the Golden egg protected by the Dragon. Harry and Ron

❖ A yule ball is announced, Ron and Harry has trouble finding dates and end
up going with the Patil twins. Ron gets jelous as Harmione is with Viktor and
Harry is sullen as Cho Cha is with Cedric
❖ Cedric returns the favor; he gives clues about the second task, an
underwater challenge. Harry uses gillyweed to breathe underwater

❖ At the 2nd task, Harry saves Ron and Delacour's little sister, for his noble
act, although he was the last, he tied for first place.

❖ Crouch talks to Harry and Moody. H finds something amiss, he was found
dead soon after. Snape tells Harry about the missing ingredients in his
storage for a polyjuice and Dumbledore shows his memories to harry
through a pensieve about Karkarrof and Crouch Jr.
❖ The third and final challenge was to touch the Triwizard Tournament cup
hidden amidst a maze.

❖ Fleur loses and Krum Viktor was seemingly bewitched. Harry and Cedric
touches the Trophy at the same time and finds it to be a Portkey.

❖ They are transported into a graveyard and Cedric was killed by Wormtail.
Harry was captured and the revival of Voldemort was set.
❖ Voldemort reveals his plans and summons the deatheaters. He duels with
Harry and their wandstreams connected (Priori Incantatem). The ghosts of
those killed by Voldemort appears and Harry was able to escape.

❖ Moody takes Harry to his office and questions him. Harry discovers that
Moody is a death eater. He is saved by Dumbledore and the other teachers
and Moody is revealed to be Barty Crouch Jr.
❖ Crouch Jr is handed over to the Dementors. Harry recovers and a
ceremony is held to acknowledge Cedric's death. Dumbledore makes plans
to prepare the wizarding world for Voldemort's return. The school year
ends and Harry returns to the Dursleys.

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