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This is Joe Biden’s presidential campaign advertisement.

video shows his vision and belief in American-made electric cars.
1. Nothing puzzles me.
2. Some questions I have:
- What is the story behind Corvette cars? Why Corvette car is
mentioned but not another American-made car?
- How much money did his campaign spend on this ad?
- What do American people think of this ad? Did this ad make
a lots of impact?
- Can I make the same ad?
- Did Joe Biden believe in what he said? Or it was just to
convince people to vote for him
3. This advertisement is excellent and well done. I like the way
Joe Biden spent most of the video talking about the Corvette car
to support his latter conclusion about electric cars by a simple
comparison. Joe Biden first showed an iconic Corvette car which
was widely known as "America's Sports Car." The car is considered
nothing but luxury and it is one of the most popular sports cars in
history. You can feel the pride of the one making it and the
advances it brings. Joe Biden brought a lot of stories behind this
car to build people's understanding and the iconic impression of
Corvette. By simply comparing the Corvette to an electric car, he
doesn’t have to say all the fancy things about a car that is not
familiar to people but lets people imagine a future of Corvette-like
electric cars. Overall, I think this could be done better by inviting
the head of a big car company to the video. He/she could just
take a seat next to Joe Biden and have some dialog about the
future of the electric car industry. I think this is more persuasive.

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