B. Inggris Kelas 2

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Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal : Nama :

Kelas : 2 (Dua) Waktu : No. Absen :
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, atau c!)
1. It is a … .
a. shirt
b. shorts
c. skirt
2. These are trousers.




3. The shoes are … . (biru)

a. blur
b. black
c. blue
4. I have a yellow t shirt.
A yellow t shirt artinya … .
a. kuning kaos
b. kaos kuning
c. kemeja kuning
5. That is a … . (topi putih)
a. white cap
b. cap white
c. belt white
6. Nana : Is it a skirt?
Ita :….
a. Yes, that is
b. Yes, it is
c. No, it is not
7. The … is red.
a. bed
b. belt
c. desk
8. It is my blanket.
Blanket artinya … .
a. bantal
b. guling
c. selimut
9. There are … .
a. seven tables
b. eight chairs
c. nine desks
10. Susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar:
purple – a - it - pillow - is
a. It a purple pillow is.
b. It is a pillow purple.
c. It is a purple pillow.
11. The ball is under the table.
Kata under artinya … .
a. di atas
b. di bawah
c. di samping
12. Where is the pillow?
The pillow is … the bed.
a. on
b. in
c. under
13. There is a library.
A library artinya … .
a. kantor polisi
b. pasar
c. perpustakaan
14. Lengkapilah huruf yang hilang :
h _ s __ i t __ l
a. o, p, a
b. o, p, e
c. e, p, a
15. They are in the … .
a. shop
b. zoo
c. bank
16. He works in the … .
a. gas station
b. train station
c. police station
17. The bank is … the market. (disamping)
a. beside
b. under
c. between
18. Ita : Is it a hospital?
Nana : …
a. Yes, this is
b. Yes, it is
c. No, it is not
19. That is a mouse
A mouse artinya … .
a. kucing
b. tikus
c. monyet
20. There are … . (empat harimau)
a. four tigers
b. tigers four
c. four lions
21. The monkeys are eleven brown monkeys.
Brown monkeys artinya … .
a. sepuluh coklat monyet
b. sebelas monyet coklat
c. dua belas hitam monyet
22. How many ducks are there?
There are … .

a. ducks three
b. three ducks
c. three hens
23. Susunlah menjadi kalimat yang benar:
green – there – two – snakes - are
a. There are two snakes green.
b. There are two green snakes.
c. There two are green snakes.
24. That is a horse.


25. There … six birds.
a. am
b. is
c. are


1. A 11. B 21.B
2. A 12. A 22.B
3. C 13. C 23.C
4. B 14. A 24.C
5. A 15. B 25.C
6. B 16. C
7. A 17. A
8. C 18. C
9. B 19. B
10.C 20. C

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