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Lecturer: Najla Farhani, M.Hum.

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A. Analysis and Discussion

At the dialogue in the first day until the sixth day, the researcher investigated a child boy
who was 4 years old. The researcher gave some questions to him and he answered
spontaneously. The thing makes this research unique because when the researcher asks
related to the what he eats before with the question "pakai apa" so after that the boy doesn't
mention what he eats, but something includes when he eats or another object by saying " bo”.

After analyzed with psycholinguistics perspective related to the language comprehension,

where in theory that children who are still undergoing the golden age period, they still have to
acquire language, especially in the family because this process is still called first language
acquisition, where children learn language accidentally or unconsciously it happens naturally.
In this case, the child has responded well, meaning that overall this child does not experience
speech disorders or speech delays and is like a normal child in general. However, during the
process of identifying questions. "what's you eat" (in the context of food) he actually
answered something other than that, from here the researchers got several possibilities and
divided them into several categories:

1. Language Comprehension

Maybe when he was asked "pakai apa?" it was very ambiguous for him and the child
thought that everything could be related to anything, including what accompanied him
when eating. The child may assume that we are asking him what he is eating with (apart
from the food context) here a misunderstanding occurs. But basically children that age
often speak spontaneously without thinking about the context. The researcher thinks that
there is an error in word knowledge, where he interprets the question with a double
meaning, and forgets the previous context. Indeed, the question sounds ambiguous, but if
we pay attention to the questions asked from the start then we know that the researchers
are still discussing the same context, namely what he ate, not what accompanied him
while eating.

2. Language Acquisition

Then discuss the boy's language acquisition. At a very young age of 4 years, it is very
possible for him to carry out structural simplification, namely reduplication, especially in
pronouncing “boneka” as “bo”. He only mentions the conconant vowel (CV) and only the
first two letters (initials). So it is possible that in this case, the child simplified the
structure in his pronunciation.

3. Language Production

In language production, the boy has gone through 3 important stages in the language
production process, namely: conceptualization which coincides with formulation, but in
these two processes he already has a different perception from the researcher regarding
the concept of the question, so that in the articulation process ( produce the language) he
says another object out of context, namely "bo".

In this case, perhaps the boy is still in the stage of processing the sentence "bo" which
he retrieved from when he was small until he was 3 months old, so what is working here is
the temporal lobe which is the process from short term memory to long term memory if he
continues to retrieve it. then it will go into long term memory.

The 1st Day Dialog


A : Hai Fathan, udah makan belum?

B : Udah (mengangguk)

A : Pakai apa?

B : Bo (mengangkat boneka minionnya)

The 2nd Day Dialog

A : Itu siapa?

B : Men

A : Ohh

The 3srd Day Dialog

A : Fathan lagi ngapain?

B : Ini eksapatol

A : Wahh k
The 4th Day Dialog

The 5th Day Dialog

The 6th Day Dialog

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