Q.4 Write Short Note On Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logics Ans

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Q.2] what is Mean Bayesian Network . Q.

4 Write short note on Fuzzy sets and

Explain The Concept of semantic in Bayesian fuzzy logics
network. Ans:- Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are
fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence
Ans:- Mean in Bayesian Networks:-The term
(AI) that allow for the representation and
"mean" in the context of Bayesian networks processing of imprecise or uncertain
typically refers to calculating the expected information. They provide a framework to
value of a random variable within the deal with situations where data or knowledge
network. In Bayesian networks, you can cannot be accurately described using
propagate probabilistic information and traditional binary (true or false) logic. Here's a
more detailed explanation of fuzzy sets and
compute expected values (means) of variables fuzzy logic in AI:
based on available evidence and the network 1. *Fuzzy Sets:*
structure. - Fuzzy sets were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh
Concept of Semantics in Bayesian in 1965 as a way to model and manipulate
vague or uncertain information. Unlike
Networks:- In Bayesian networks, the classical sets, where an element is either a
concept of semantics refers to the meaning member or not, a fuzzy set allows elements
and interpretation of the nodes and edges in to have a degree of membership ranging
the network. Here are some key semantic between 0 and 1. This membership value
concepts in Bayesian networks. represents the degree of belongingness of an
element to the set.
2. *Fuzzy Logic:*
a. Node Semantics: Each node in a Bayesian
- Fuzzy logic is an extension of classical
network represents a random variable. The (Boolean) logic that incorporates fuzzy sets
semantics of a node define what the variable and their associated operations. It is
represents in the real world. particularly well-suited for handling imprecise
data and making decisions based on
b. Edge Semantics: The directed edges incomplete or uncertain information.
between nodes represent probabilistic Applications of Fuzzy Logic in AI:-Fuzzy
dependencies. The semantics of these edges logic has found applications in a wide range of
convey how the variables are related and the fields, including expert systems, decision
direction of causality. support systems, image and speech
processing, natural language processing, and
c. Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs): CPTs machine learning. It is particularly useful in
cases where there is ambiguity, uncertainty,
associated with each node specify the
or imprecision in the data.
conditional probability distribution of that
*Advantages and Limitations:*
node given its parents in the network. The
semantics of CPTs provide information on - Fuzzy logic:- is valuable for handling real-
how each variable's state depends on the world problems where strict binary logic is
states of its parent variables. inadequate. It provides a more human-like
way of reasoning by accommodating
d. Inference Semantics: Inference in uncertainty and imprecision.
Bayesian networks involves using the
semantics of the network to make fuzzy sets:-it can be computationally
probabilistic inferences. For example, given intensive and may require careful design of
observed evidence about some variables, you fuzzy sets and rules. Additionally, it may not
always be the best approach for all AI
can infer the probability distribution of
problems, and its success depends on
unobserved variables. appropriate modeling and parameter tuning.

Q.2] what is Mean Bayesian Network . Q.4 Write short note on Fuzzy sets and
Explain The Concept of semantic in Bayesian fuzzy logics
network. Ans:- Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are
fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence
Ans:- Mean in Bayesian Networks:-The term
(AI) that allow for the representation and
"mean" in the context of Bayesian networks processing of imprecise or uncertain
typically refers to calculating the expected information. They provide a framework to
value of a random variable within the deal with situations where data or knowledge
network. In Bayesian networks, you can cannot be accurately described using
propagate probabilistic information and traditional binary (true or false) logic. Here's a
more detailed explanation of fuzzy sets and
compute expected values (means) of variables fuzzy logic in AI:
based on available evidence and the network 1. *Fuzzy Sets:*
structure. - Fuzzy sets were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh
Concept of Semantics in Bayesian in 1965 as a way to model and manipulate
vague or uncertain information. Unlike
Networks:- In Bayesian networks, the classical sets, where an element is either a
concept of semantics refers to the meaning member or not, a fuzzy set allows elements
and interpretation of the nodes and edges in to have a degree of membership ranging
the network. Here are some key semantic between 0 and 1. This membership value
concepts in Bayesian networks. represents the degree of belongingness of an
element to the set.
2. *Fuzzy Logic:*
a. Node Semantics: Each node in a Bayesian
- Fuzzy logic is an extension of classical
network represents a random variable. The (Boolean) logic that incorporates fuzzy sets
semantics of a node define what the variable and their associated operations. It is
represents in the real world. particularly well-suited for handling imprecise
data and making decisions based on
b. Edge Semantics: The directed edges incomplete or uncertain information.
between nodes represent probabilistic Applications of Fuzzy Logic in AI:-Fuzzy
dependencies. The semantics of these edges logic has found applications in a wide range of
convey how the variables are related and the fields, including expert systems, decision
direction of causality. support systems, image and speech
processing, natural language processing, and
c. Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs): CPTs machine learning. It is particularly useful in
cases where there is ambiguity, uncertainty,
associated with each node specify the
or imprecision in the data.
conditional probability distribution of that
*Advantages and Limitations:*
node given its parents in the network. The
semantics of CPTs provide information on - Fuzzy logic:- is valuable for handling real-
how each variable's state depends on the world problems where strict binary logic is
states of its parent variables. inadequate. It provides a more human-like
way of reasoning by accommodating
d. Inference Semantics: Inference in uncertainty and imprecision.
Bayesian networks involves using the
semantics of the network to make fuzzy sets:-it can be computationally
probabilistic inferences. For example, given intensive and may require careful design of
observed evidence about some variables, you fuzzy sets and rules. Additionally, it may not
always be the best approach for all AI
can infer the probability distribution of
problems, and its success depends on
unobserved variables. appropriate modeling and parameter tuning.

Q.2] what is Mean Bayesian Network . Q.4 Write short note on Fuzzy sets and
Explain The Concept of semantic in Bayesian fuzzy logics
network. Ans:- Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are
fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence
Ans:- Mean in Bayesian Networks:-The term
(AI) that allow for the representation and
"mean" in the context of Bayesian networks processing of imprecise or uncertain
typically refers to calculating the expected information. They provide a framework to
value of a random variable within the deal with situations where data or knowledge
network. In Bayesian networks, you can cannot be accurately described using
propagate probabilistic information and traditional binary (true or false) logic. Here's a
more detailed explanation of fuzzy sets and
compute expected values (means) of variables fuzzy logic in AI:
based on available evidence and the network 1. *Fuzzy Sets:*
structure. - Fuzzy sets were introduced by Lotfi Zadeh
Concept of Semantics in Bayesian in 1965 as a way to model and manipulate
vague or uncertain information. Unlike
Networks:- In Bayesian networks, the classical sets, where an element is either a
concept of semantics refers to the meaning member or not, a fuzzy set allows elements
and interpretation of the nodes and edges in to have a degree of membership ranging
the network. Here are some key semantic between 0 and 1. This membership value
concepts in Bayesian networks. represents the degree of belongingness of an
element to the set.
2. *Fuzzy Logic:*
a. Node Semantics: Each node in a Bayesian
- Fuzzy logic is an extension of classical
network represents a random variable. The (Boolean) logic that incorporates fuzzy sets
semantics of a node define what the variable and their associated operations. It is
represents in the real world. particularly well-suited for handling imprecise
data and making decisions based on
b. Edge Semantics: The directed edges incomplete or uncertain information.
between nodes represent probabilistic Applications of Fuzzy Logic in AI:-Fuzzy
dependencies. The semantics of these edges logic has found applications in a wide range of
convey how the variables are related and the fields, including expert systems, decision
direction of causality. support systems, image and speech
processing, natural language processing, and
c. Conditional Probability Tables (CPTs): CPTs machine learning. It is particularly useful in
cases where there is ambiguity, uncertainty,
associated with each node specify the
or imprecision in the data.
conditional probability distribution of that
*Advantages and Limitations:*
node given its parents in the network. The
semantics of CPTs provide information on - Fuzzy logic:- is valuable for handling real-
how each variable's state depends on the world problems where strict binary logic is
states of its parent variables. inadequate. It provides a more human-like
way of reasoning by accommodating
d. Inference Semantics: Inference in uncertainty and imprecision.
Bayesian networks involves using the
semantics of the network to make fuzzy sets:-it can be computationally
probabilistic inferences. For example, given intensive and may require careful design of
observed evidence about some variables, you fuzzy sets and rules. Additionally, it may not
always be the best approach for all AI
can infer the probability distribution of
problems, and its success depends on
unobserved variables. appropriate modeling and parameter tuning.

Q.3]Write a short note on Dempster starter Q.5] Explain concept of planning and
Theory? Write components of planning system.
Ans:- a.)Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) is a Ans:-AI Planning is a field of Artificial
theory of evidence that has its roots in the Intelligence which explores the process of
work of Dempster and Shafer. While using autonomous techniques to solve
traditional probability theory is limited to planning and scheduling problems. A planning
assigning probabilities to mutually exclusive problem is one in which we have some initial
single events, DST extends this to sets of starting state, which we wish to transform
events in a finite discrete space. This into a desired goal state through the
generalization allows DST to handle evidence application of a set of actions.
associated with multiple possible events, Component :-
enabling it to represent uncertainty in a more 1.)Initial State:-a.)The initial state defines
meaningful way. DST also provides a more the starting conditions or the current state of
flexible and precise approach to handling the world or system. b.)It includes
uncertain information without relying on information about the environment, objects,
additional assumptions about events within their properties, and their relationships.
an evidential set. 2.)Goal:-a.)The goal specifies the desired
b.)Where sufficient evidence is present to state or the outcome that the planning
assign probabilities to single events, the
system aims to achieve. b.)The goal provides
Dempster-Shafer model can collapse to the
the direction and purpose for the planning
traditional probabilistic formulation.
process, guiding the selection of actions and
Additionally, one of the most significant
features of DST is its ability to handle
different levels of precision regarding 3.)Actions:-Actions represent the executable
information without requiring further steps or operations that can be taken to
assumptions. This characteristic enables the modify the state of the system.
direct representation of uncertainty in system 4.)Transition Model:-The transition model
responses, where an imprecise input can be defines the dynamics of the system,
characterized by a set or interval, and the specifying how the state changes when an
resulting output is also a set or interval. action is applied.
c.)The incorporation of Dempster Shafer 5.)Search Algorithm:-The search algorithm
theory in artificial intelligence allows for a determines the strategy for exploring the
more comprehensive treatment of space of possible plans or sequences of
uncertainty. By leveraging the unique actions.
features of this theory, AI systems can better 6.)Plan Representation:
navigate uncertain scenarios, leveraging the a.)A plan is the output of the planning system
potential of multiple evidentiary types and and represents the sequence of actions to be
effectively managing conflicts. The utilization executed.
of Dempster Shafer theory in artificial b.)Plans can be represented in various
intelligence empowers decision-making formats, such as action sequences, decision
processes in the face of uncertainty and trees, or graphs.
enhances the robustness of AI systems. 7.)Plan Execution and Monitoring:
Therefore, Dempster-Shafer theory is a
powerful tool for building AI systems that can Once a plan is generated, it needs to be
handle complex uncertain scenarios. executed in the real or simulated

During execution, the actual state of the

system is monitored and compared to the
expected states described in the plan.

Q.3]Write a short note on Dempster starter Q.5] Explain concept of planning and
Theory? Write components of planning system.
Ans:- a.)Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) is a Ans:-AI Planning is a field of Artificial
theory of evidence that has its roots in the Intelligence which explores the process of
work of Dempster and Shafer. While using autonomous techniques to solve
traditional probability theory is limited to planning and scheduling problems. A planning
assigning probabilities to mutually exclusive problem is one in which we have some initial
single events, DST extends this to sets of starting state, which we wish to transform
events in a finite discrete space. This into a desired goal state through the
generalization allows DST to handle evidence application of a set of actions.
associated with multiple possible events, Component :-
enabling it to represent uncertainty in a more 1.)Initial State:-a.)The initial state defines
meaningful way. DST also provides a more the starting conditions or the current state of
flexible and precise approach to handling the world or system. b.)It includes
uncertain information without relying on information about the environment, objects,
additional assumptions about events within their properties, and their relationships.
an evidential set. 2.)Goal:-a.)The goal specifies the desired
b.)Where sufficient evidence is present to state or the outcome that the planning
assign probabilities to single events, the
system aims to achieve. b.)The goal provides
Dempster-Shafer model can collapse to the
the direction and purpose for the planning
traditional probabilistic formulation.
process, guiding the selection of actions and
Additionally, one of the most significant
features of DST is its ability to handle
different levels of precision regarding 3.)Actions:-Actions represent the executable
information without requiring further steps or operations that can be taken to
assumptions. This characteristic enables the modify the state of the system.
direct representation of uncertainty in system 4.)Transition Model:-The transition model
responses, where an imprecise input can be defines the dynamics of the system,
characterized by a set or interval, and the specifying how the state changes when an
resulting output is also a set or interval. action is applied.
c.)The incorporation of Dempster Shafer 5.)Search Algorithm:-The search algorithm
theory in artificial intelligence allows for a determines the strategy for exploring the
more comprehensive treatment of space of possible plans or sequences of
uncertainty. By leveraging the unique actions.
features of this theory, AI systems can better 6.)Plan Representation:
navigate uncertain scenarios, leveraging the a.)A plan is the output of the planning system
potential of multiple evidentiary types and and represents the sequence of actions to be
effectively managing conflicts. The utilization executed.
of Dempster Shafer theory in artificial b.)Plans can be represented in various
intelligence empowers decision-making formats, such as action sequences, decision
processes in the face of uncertainty and trees, or graphs.
enhances the robustness of AI systems. 7.)Plan Execution and Monitoring:
Therefore, Dempster-Shafer theory is a
powerful tool for building AI systems that can Once a plan is generated, it needs to be
handle complex uncertain scenarios. executed in the real or simulated

During execution, the actual state of the

system is monitored and compared to the
expected states described in the plan.
Q.3]Write a short note on Dempster starter Q.5] Explain concept of planning and
Theory? Write components of planning system.
Ans:- a.)Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) is a Ans:-AI Planning is a field of Artificial
theory of evidence that has its roots in the Intelligence which explores the process of
work of Dempster and Shafer. While using autonomous techniques to solve
traditional probability theory is limited to planning and scheduling problems. A planning
assigning probabilities to mutually exclusive problem is one in which we have some initial
single events, DST extends this to sets of starting state, which we wish to transform
events in a finite discrete space. This into a desired goal state through the
generalization allows DST to handle evidence application of a set of actions.
associated with multiple possible events, Component :-
enabling it to represent uncertainty in a more 1.)Initial State:-a.)The initial state defines
meaningful way. DST also provides a more the starting conditions or the current state of
flexible and precise approach to handling the world or system. b.)It includes
uncertain information without relying on information about the environment, objects,
additional assumptions about events within their properties, and their relationships.
an evidential set. 2.)Goal:-a.)The goal specifies the desired
b.)Where sufficient evidence is present to state or the outcome that the planning
assign probabilities to single events, the
system aims to achieve. b.)The goal provides
Dempster-Shafer model can collapse to the
the direction and purpose for the planning
traditional probabilistic formulation.
process, guiding the selection of actions and
Additionally, one of the most significant
features of DST is its ability to handle
different levels of precision regarding 3.)Actions:-Actions represent the executable
information without requiring further steps or operations that can be taken to
assumptions. This characteristic enables the modify the state of the system.
direct representation of uncertainty in system 4.)Transition Model:-The transition model
responses, where an imprecise input can be defines the dynamics of the system,
characterized by a set or interval, and the specifying how the state changes when an
resulting output is also a set or interval. action is applied.
c.)The incorporation of Dempster Shafer 5.)Search Algorithm:-The search algorithm
theory in artificial intelligence allows for a determines the strategy for exploring the
more comprehensive treatment of space of possible plans or sequences of
uncertainty. By leveraging the unique actions.
features of this theory, AI systems can better 6.)Plan Representation:
navigate uncertain scenarios, leveraging the a.)A plan is the output of the planning system
potential of multiple evidentiary types and and represents the sequence of actions to be
effectively managing conflicts. The utilization executed.
of Dempster Shafer theory in artificial b.)Plans can be represented in various
intelligence empowers decision-making formats, such as action sequences, decision
processes in the face of uncertainty and trees, or graphs.
enhances the robustness of AI systems. 7.)Plan Execution and Monitoring:
Therefore, Dempster-Shafer theory is a
powerful tool for building AI systems that can Once a plan is generated, it needs to be
handle complex uncertain scenarios. executed in the real or simulated

During execution, the actual state of the

system is monitored and compared to the
expected states described in the plan.

Q.6] Explain Goal Stack Planning with Q.7]Explain the concept of Hierarchical
Example ? Planning with Example?
Ans:-a.)Planning is process of determining Ans:- a.)Hierarchical planning in artificial
various actions that often lead to a solution. intelligence (AI) is a planning approach that
b.)Planning is useful for non-decomposable involves organizing tasks and actions into
problems where subgoals often interact. multiple levels of abstraction or hierarchy,
c.)Goal Stack Planning (in short GSP) is the where higher-level tasks are decomposed into
one of the simplest planning algorithm that is a sequence of lower-level tasks. It provides a
designed to handle problems having way to efficiently reason and plan in complex
compound goals. And it utilizes STRIP as a domains by utilizing a hierarchy of goals and
formal language for specifying and subgoals. Hierarchical planning allows AI
manipulating the world with which it is systems to make decisions at different levels
working. d.)This approach uses a Stack for of abstraction, enabling them to tackle
plan generation. The stack can contain Sub- complex tasks and environments effectively.
goal and actions described using predicates. b.)In hierarchical planning, the high-level task
The Sub-goals can be solved one by one in is represented as the ultimate goal, and it is
any order. decomposed into subgoals or actions at lower
Algorithm: levels of the hierarchy. The hierarchy can be
*Push the Goal state in to the Stack organized as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
*Push the individual Predicates of the Goal (DAG), with the high-level goal as the root
State into the Stack node and the lowest-level tasks or actions as
*Loop till the Stack is empty leaf nodes. Planning can occur at different
*Pop an element E from the stack levels of the hierarchy, with the system
*IFE is a Predicate selecting goals and generating plans for
*IF E is True then achieving subgoals or actions. The plans
*Do Nothing generated at different levels are then
synthesized into a cohesive plan for
*Push the relevant action into the Stack
Components of Hierarchical Planning:-
*Push the individual predicates of the
High-level goals: The overall objectives or
Precondition of the action into the Stack
tasks that the AI system aims to achieve.
*Else IF E is an Action
Task decomposition: Breaking down high-
*Apply the action to the current State. level goals into lower-level tasks or subgoals.
*Add the action 'a' to the plan Planning hierarchy: The organization of
Explanation:-The Goal Stack Planning tasks or subgoals into a hierarchical structure,
Algorithms works will the stack. It starts by such as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
pushing the unsatisfied goals into the stack. (DAG).
Then it pushes the individual subgoals into Plan generation at different levels:
the stack and its pops an element out of the Reasoning and planning at different levels of
stack. When popping an element out of the the hierarchy, with plans generated for
stack the element could be either a predicate achieving subgoals or actions.
describing a situation about our world or it
could be an action that can be applied to our
Plan synthesis: Combining the plans for
world under consideration. So based on the
achieving subgoals or actions into a cohesive
kind of element we are popping out from the
plan for execution.
stack a decision has to be made. If it is a
Predicate. Then compares it with the
description of the current world, if it is
Plan execution: Carrying out the actions or
satisfied or is already present in our current subgoals in the plan in the correct order.
situation then there is nothing to do because
already its true. Plan adaptation: Revising plans at different
levels of abstraction to accommodate
3 changes in the environment or goals.
Q.6] Explain Goal Stack Planning with Q.7]Explain the concept of Hierarchical
Example ? Planning with Example?
Ans:-a.)Planning is process of determining Ans:- a.)Hierarchical planning in artificial
various actions that often lead to a solution. intelligence (AI) is a planning approach that
b.)Planning is useful for non-decomposable involves organizing tasks and actions into
problems where subgoals often interact. multiple levels of abstraction or hierarchy,
c.)Goal Stack Planning (in short GSP) is the where higher-level tasks are decomposed into
one of the simplest planning algorithm that is a sequence of lower-level tasks. It provides a
designed to handle problems having way to efficiently reason and plan in complex
compound goals. And it utilizes STRIP as a domains by utilizing a hierarchy of goals and
formal language for specifying and subgoals. Hierarchical planning allows AI
manipulating the world with which it is systems to make decisions at different levels
working. d.)This approach uses a Stack for of abstraction, enabling them to tackle
plan generation. The stack can contain Sub- complex tasks and environments effectively.
goal and actions described using predicates. b.)In hierarchical planning, the high-level task
The Sub-goals can be solved one by one in is represented as the ultimate goal, and it is
any order. decomposed into subgoals or actions at lower
Algorithm: levels of the hierarchy. The hierarchy can be
*Push the Goal state in to the Stack organized as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
*Push the individual Predicates of the Goal (DAG), with the high-level goal as the root
State into the Stack node and the lowest-level tasks or actions as
*Loop till the Stack is empty leaf nodes. Planning can occur at different
*Pop an element E from the stack levels of the hierarchy, with the system
*IFE is a Predicate selecting goals and generating plans for
*IF E is True then achieving subgoals or actions. The plans
*Do Nothing generated at different levels are then
synthesized into a cohesive plan for
*Push the relevant action into the Stack
Components of Hierarchical Planning:-
*Push the individual predicates of the
High-level goals: The overall objectives or
Precondition of the action into the Stack
tasks that the AI system aims to achieve.
*Else IF E is an Action
Task decomposition: Breaking down high-
*Apply the action to the current State. level goals into lower-level tasks or subgoals.
*Add the action 'a' to the plan Planning hierarchy: The organization of
Explanation:-The Goal Stack Planning tasks or subgoals into a hierarchical structure,
Algorithms works will the stack. It starts by such as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
pushing the unsatisfied goals into the stack. (DAG).
Then it pushes the individual subgoals into Plan generation at different levels:
the stack and its pops an element out of the Reasoning and planning at different levels of
stack. When popping an element out of the the hierarchy, with plans generated for
stack the element could be either a predicate achieving subgoals or actions.
describing a situation about our world or it
could be an action that can be applied to our
Plan synthesis: Combining the plans for
world under consideration. So based on the
achieving subgoals or actions into a cohesive
kind of element we are popping out from the
plan for execution.
stack a decision has to be made. If it is a
Predicate. Then compares it with the
description of the current world, if it is
Plan execution: Carrying out the actions or
satisfied or is already present in our current subgoals in the plan in the correct order.
situation then there is nothing to do because
already its true. Plan adaptation: Revising plans at different
levels of abstraction to accommodate
3 changes in the environment or goals.
Q.6] Explain Goal Stack Planning with Q.7]Explain the concept of Hierarchical
Example ? Planning with Example?
Ans:-a.)Planning is process of determining Ans:- a.)Hierarchical planning in artificial
various actions that often lead to a solution. intelligence (AI) is a planning approach that
b.)Planning is useful for non-decomposable involves organizing tasks and actions into
problems where subgoals often interact. multiple levels of abstraction or hierarchy,
c.)Goal Stack Planning (in short GSP) is the where higher-level tasks are decomposed into
one of the simplest planning algorithm that is a sequence of lower-level tasks. It provides a
designed to handle problems having way to efficiently reason and plan in complex
compound goals. And it utilizes STRIP as a domains by utilizing a hierarchy of goals and
formal language for specifying and subgoals. Hierarchical planning allows AI
manipulating the world with which it is systems to make decisions at different levels
working. d.)This approach uses a Stack for of abstraction, enabling them to tackle
plan generation. The stack can contain Sub- complex tasks and environments effectively.
goal and actions described using predicates. b.)In hierarchical planning, the high-level task
The Sub-goals can be solved one by one in is represented as the ultimate goal, and it is
any order. decomposed into subgoals or actions at lower
Algorithm: levels of the hierarchy. The hierarchy can be
*Push the Goal state in to the Stack organized as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
*Push the individual Predicates of the Goal (DAG), with the high-level goal as the root
State into the Stack node and the lowest-level tasks or actions as
*Loop till the Stack is empty leaf nodes. Planning can occur at different
*Pop an element E from the stack levels of the hierarchy, with the system
*IFE is a Predicate selecting goals and generating plans for
*IF E is True then achieving subgoals or actions. The plans
*Do Nothing generated at different levels are then
synthesized into a cohesive plan for
*Push the relevant action into the Stack
Components of Hierarchical Planning:-
*Push the individual predicates of the
High-level goals: The overall objectives or
Precondition of the action into the Stack
tasks that the AI system aims to achieve.
*Else IF E is an Action
Task decomposition: Breaking down high-
*Apply the action to the current State. level goals into lower-level tasks or subgoals.
*Add the action 'a' to the plan Planning hierarchy: The organization of
Explanation:-The Goal Stack Planning tasks or subgoals into a hierarchical structure,
Algorithms works will the stack. It starts by such as a tree or a directed acyclic graph
pushing the unsatisfied goals into the stack. (DAG).
Then it pushes the individual subgoals into Plan generation at different levels:
the stack and its pops an element out of the Reasoning and planning at different levels of
stack. When popping an element out of the the hierarchy, with plans generated for
stack the element could be either a predicate achieving subgoals or actions.
describing a situation about our world or it
could be an action that can be applied to our
Plan synthesis: Combining the plans for
world under consideration. So based on the
achieving subgoals or actions into a cohesive
kind of element we are popping out from the
plan for execution.
stack a decision has to be made. If it is a
Predicate. Then compares it with the
description of the current world, if it is
Plan execution: Carrying out the actions or
satisfied or is already present in our current subgoals in the plan in the correct order.
situation then there is nothing to do because
already its true. Plan adaptation: Revising plans at different
levels of abstraction to accommodate
3 changes in the environment or goals.
Q.8] Write short note on other handle any unfavorable circumstances in
planning Techniques? the environment.
6) Multiagent Planning: In multiagent
Ans:- Hierarchical Planning: In hierarchical planning some other new agents may
planning, at each level of hierarchy the involved with our single agent in the
objective functions are reduced to a small environment. This may lead to a poor
number of activities at the next lower performance because dealing with other
level. So the computational cost of finding agents is not the same as dealing with the
the correct way to arrange these activities nature. It is necessary when there are
for the current problem is small. other agents in the environment with
Hierarchical methods can result in linear which to cooperate, compete or
time. The initial plan of hierarchical coordinate.
planning describes the complete problem 7) Multibody Planning: This planning
which is a very high level description. The constructs joint plans, using an efficient
plans are refined by applying action decomposition of joint action descriptions,
decompositions. but must be augmented with some form
of co-ordination of two cooperative agents
2) Conditional Planning: It deals with the are to agree on which joint plan to
planning by some appropriate conditions. execute.
The agents plan first and then execute the
plan that was produced. The agents find
out which part of the plan to execute by
including sensing actions in the plan to
test for the appropriate conditions.

3) Exact Planning: It is also called as

conformation planning. It ensures that the
plan achieves the goal in all possible
circumstances regardless of the true initial
state and the actual actions outcome. This
planning is based on the idea that the
world can be forced into a given state
even when the agent has only partial
information about the current state.

4) Replanning: It occurs when there is any

wrong information regarding with the
planning. The agent can plan the same
plan as the conditional planner or some
new steps.

5) Continuous Planning: In this planning,

the planner at first achieves the goal and
then only can stop. A continuous planner 4
is designed to persist over a lifetime. It can
Q.8] Write short note on other handle any unfavorable circumstances in
planning Techniques? the environment.
6) Multiagent Planning: In multiagent
Ans:- Hierarchical Planning: In hierarchical planning some other new agents may
planning, at each level of hierarchy the involved with our single agent in the
objective functions are reduced to a small environment. This may lead to a poor
number of activities at the next lower performance because dealing with other
level. So the computational cost of finding agents is not the same as dealing with the
the correct way to arrange these activities nature. It is necessary when there are
for the current problem is small. other agents in the environment with
Hierarchical methods can result in linear which to cooperate, compete or
time. The initial plan of hierarchical coordinate.
planning describes the complete problem 7) Multibody Planning: This planning
which is a very high level description. The constructs joint plans, using an efficient
plans are refined by applying action decomposition of joint action descriptions,
decompositions. but must be augmented with some form
of co-ordination of two cooperative agents
2) Conditional Planning: It deals with the are to agree on which joint plan to
planning by some appropriate conditions. execute.
The agents plan first and then execute the
plan that was produced. The agents find
out which part of the plan to execute by
including sensing actions in the plan to
test for the appropriate conditions.

3) Exact Planning: It is also called as

conformation planning. It ensures that the
plan achieves the goal in all possible
circumstances regardless of the true initial
state and the actual actions outcome. This
planning is based on the idea that the
world can be forced into a given state
even when the agent has only partial
information about the current state.

4) Replanning: It occurs when there is any

wrong information regarding with the
planning. The agent can plan the same
plan as the conditional planner or some
new steps.

5) Continuous Planning: In this planning,

the planner at first achieves the goal and
then only can stop. A continuous planner
is designed to persist over a lifetime. It can 4
Q.8] Write short note on other handle any unfavorable circumstances in
planning Techniques? the environment.
6) Multiagent Planning: In multiagent
Ans:- Hierarchical Planning: In hierarchical planning some other new agents may
planning, at each level of hierarchy the involved with our single agent in the
objective functions are reduced to a small environment. This may lead to a poor
number of activities at the next lower performance because dealing with other
level. So the computational cost of finding agents is not the same as dealing with the
the correct way to arrange these activities nature. It is necessary when there are
for the current problem is small. other agents in the environment with
Hierarchical methods can result in linear which to cooperate, compete or
time. The initial plan of hierarchical coordinate.
planning describes the complete problem 7) Multibody Planning: This planning
which is a very high level description. The constructs joint plans, using an efficient
plans are refined by applying action decomposition of joint action descriptions,
decompositions. but must be augmented with some form
of co-ordination of two cooperative agents
2) Conditional Planning: It deals with the are to agree on which joint plan to
planning by some appropriate conditions. execute.
The agents plan first and then execute the
plan that was produced. The agents find
out which part of the plan to execute by
including sensing actions in the plan to
test for the appropriate conditions.

3) Exact Planning: It is also called as

conformation planning. It ensures that the
plan achieves the goal in all possible
circumstances regardless of the true initial
state and the actual actions outcome. This
planning is based on the idea that the
world can be forced into a given state
even when the agent has only partial
information about the current state.

4) Replanning: It occurs when there is any

wrong information regarding with the
planning. The agent can plan the same
plan as the conditional planner or some
new steps.

5) Continuous Planning: In this planning,

the planner at first achieves the goal and
then only can stop. A continuous planner
is designed to persist over a lifetime. It can 4

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